Competition Organizers (Automated)
Crescents are awarded for placing in non-Vendetta competitions. Cast from hollinium in the shape of the dark star eclipsing the former Brotherhood homeworld of Antei. Each crescent is studded with jewels varying from quarts to diamond, dependent upon its value. Imbued with dark energy, these jewels are believed to be taken from the stores of Sith Lord Okemi. The most active members of the Brotherhood possess quite a collection of crescents.
Crescents are automatically processed by the database when a competition is judged and closed. The following outlines the appropriate crescent tier based on the target unit:
Tier |
Target Unit |
Upgrades at |
Tier 1 Crescents
DC-run DJB-Wide Competitions
No Upgrade
Tier 2 Crescents
Non-DC DJB-Wide Competitions
10 Participants
Tier 3 Crescents
Clan Competitions
10 Participants
Tier 4 Crescents
House Competitions
10 Participants
Tier 5 Crescents
Battle Team Competitions
5 Participants
Additionally, crescent tiers scale as follows:
- Upgrade one tier at a scaling threshold of participation (crescents may only upgrade once per competition)
- Parent competitions with three or more sub-competitions run one tier higher than their sub-competitions
First Level
These elite crescents are reserved for Brotherhood-wide competitions hosted by members of the Dark Council or those special events, such as the Independence Games, which garner large numbers of participants.
Placing |
Description |
ID Display
1st Place |
Crescent with Diamond Star |
2nd Place |
Crescent with Ruby Star |
3rd Place |
Crescent with Amethyst Star |
Second Level
The standard level for Brotherhood-wide competitions as well as multi-event parent competitions hosted at the unit-level.
Placing |
Description |
ID Display
1st Place |
Crescent with Ruby Star |
2nd Place |
Crescent with Amethyst Star |
3rd Place |
Crescent with Sapphire Star |
Third Level
The standard level for Clan-level competitions.
Placing |
Description |
ID Display
1st Place |
Crescent with Amethyst Star |
2nd Place |
Crescent with Sapphire Star |
3rd Place |
Crescent with Emerald Star |
Fourth Level
The standard level for House-level competitions.
Placing |
Description |
ID Display
1st Place |
Crescent with Sapphire Star |
2nd Place |
Crescent with Emerald Star |
3rd Place |
Crescent with Topaz Star |
Fifth Level
The standard level for Battleteam competitions.
Placing |
Description |
ID Display
1st Place |
Crescent with Emerald Star |
2nd Place |
Crescent with Topaz Star |
3rd Place |
Crescent with Quartz Star |