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Coastal Jungle

Native species:


Official language:

Galactic Basic


120,000 Seherob Harakoans, 150 non-Harakoans


Foodstuffs, Art


Weapons, Pottery, other Manufactured Goods


House Satele Shan

[ Source ]

Seher is a Harakoan city and trading hub, situated on the eastern coast of the continent Owyhyee, where the dense jungles begin to break into the Honunom Desert. It is the first true metropolis among Harakoans, having expanded substantially in size in the aftermath of the Dark Jedi incursion onto New Tython. Specializing in metallurgy and manufacturing, Seher exports huge quantities of bronze spear-points, metal jewelry, and pottery to distant Harakoan tribes, many of whom have become increasingly indebted to the fledgling polity.



The Seherob tribe of Harakoans actually began its existence several millennia before the arrival of the Jedi as a confederation of several tribes surrounding the Bay of Seher, which united in order to defend themselves from increasingly violent raids by both the Harakoans of the Honunom desert, and those of the jungles north of Seher. Over time, these tribes began to develop a uniform culture and their quasi-nomadic villages became more permanent fixtures along the coastline, as the increased laborpool allowed the Seherob to build with local limestone, rather than the wood and grass typical of jungle-dwelling Harakoans.

Last Centuries

It was not until more recent centuries that the Harakoans of Seher Bay united religiously, shifting their varied forms of mono- and polytheism to an all-encompassing pantheism, which gave the Seherob Harakoans a not inconsequential boon in their further absorption of local tribes, as well as in their ability to trade and interact with Harakoans from farflung reaches of New Tython. This shift began a long-standing and, at times, exponential growth cycle in the region.

By the arrival of the Jedi on New Tython, the local Harakoans had not only unified into a single cultural and religious entity, but they had also subdued most raids from the Honunom Desert and the northern jungles, forcing those former enemies into trade agreements which highly favored the Seherob Harakoans, setting the stage for the practice of trade-binding which would become commonplace in Seher after the local advent of metallurgy.

After arrival of Jedi

Seher had little contact with the Jedi until well after the Dark Council invaded the planet in 35 ABY. Though the city was not untouched, it managed to repel a small incursion of Sith, and captured several of the expedition's Force-wielding leaders. It was from these prisoners that Seher managed to secure its place as the foremost powerhouse among Harakoans, as they extracted the secrets of metallurgy in exchange for their (partial) freedom, to live among the Seherob as their servants. This technological revolution, rivaled only by Iwu Koraha Mahue of Milil'ea, gave the locals the final push into a status of full metropolis, allowing them dominate the region militarily, as well as economically.


Along the coast of the Bay of Seher, the city-state is king. However, its fully sovereign territory is small. Instead, it dominates many regions, including the entire eastern coast of the Honunom and northeastern coast of Owyhyee (as well as countless islands) economically. Its influence, however, can be felt as far away as Menat Ombo and the polity of Zawag Takohu, as an influx of bronze weaponry and armor becomes more commonplace among Harakoans.

Bay of Seher

The cultural center of an economic empire, the Bay of Seher is a bustling series of ports, dotted by countless fishing villages, and dominated by the metropolis of Seher. The bay itself is a deep, but relatively calm body of water, the northern end of which is most suitable to the docking of ships (and is, for that reason, where Seher houses its navy).


The city itself is surrounded by a plethora of geographical formations. To the west, the city rests up against the eastern tip of the snow-capped Eastern Mountains, from which the city extracts its mineral wealth of copper, tin, and gold. To the south, lies the imposing Honunom desert, and the north is dominated by ever-thickening jungles, housing small, ancient tribes of Harakoans.





Witch Doctors




Foreign Relations

Neighbouring Tribes


House Odan-Urr






Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness