- "Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
- ―Oblivion Code
Marick di Tenebrous Arconae is the Proconsul of Clan Arcona. He is the acting Commissioner of the Arcona Contract Bureau, former Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, and former Captain of Oblivion Brigade. One of Arcona's top assassins, he is often referred to as Arcona's "Black Flash" for his uncanny speed.
Having never known his father, and having little true camaraderie growing up, Marick values Arcona as his one and only true family above anything else in his life. He is overly loyal to Arcona and it’s members, and would gladly give his own life or do anything in defense of them. Unlike most of his brothers, he has abstained from joining any of the known families, instead tying his loyalty exclusively to the Arconae and the Shadow Clan.
Marick carries a heavy burden on his shoulders as Proconsul of the First Clan, and as such he rarely takes time to enjoy himself. His sense of humor tends to be very dry and rarely sees the light of day. He does take pleasure in seeing his members excel or succeed, and when overcoming challenges set before him. Small things make him smile, and beneath his stoic mask there is no one who cares more about his family than Marick.
Marick’s upbringing as a servant and whipping boy made him incredibly humble despite his competitive nature and drive to succeed. He takes his position and responsibilities very seriously. Always on guard he is polite and courteous when engaging in conversation with his members. He is adept at hiding his emotions, and very rarely flashes any signs of anger while exhibiting a zen-like aura of level-headedness. He dislikes honorifics from any Arconan, other than the occasional “sir”. He expects mundanes, soldiers, or employee’s to uphold his title of “My Lord”.
The Hapan hardly carries a silver tongue, and leads by example and with a soldiers mindset. He is known for his ability to see a situation from all angles, and lets his actions speak for themselves. He doesn't like to waste words and measures everything he says before speaking it.
Marick is agnostic in his view of the Force, disagreeing with most of the Jedi and Sith teachings. He incorporates bits and pieces of both philosophies into his own beliefs, seeing the Force as a powerful aide to help him better achieve his goals. His morals tend to walk a very grey line that are challenged on a case-to-case basis. While wearing a cold and indifferent mask, he has a soft spot for animals and children that look to have been mistreated. He neither enjoys or detests killing, and just accepts the lives he takes as part of lifes natural progression. A True Shadesworn to his core.
He rarely drinks as he feels it takes him off guard. He has been known among proper company to indulge on very rare occasions.
The Hapan still harbors an internal disgust towards women in roles of power, but puts these notions aside for the women of his Clan for having proven themselves. Most notably he recognizes Inarya, Fet'ai'narun, Nath Voth, K'tana, Atyiru, Bronn Vesh, and of course, Socorra Erinos.
Marick is very attached to his Cythraul, Kira, and will become a very different type of Assassin if anything were to happen to her.
Appearance / Apparel
File:Marickrobes.jpgMarick's Combat Robes
Handsome even by Hapan standards, Marick's perfectly symmetrical features are framed by evenly parted strands of shoulder length, jet-black hair. While his boyish looks project youth, his cerulean eyes hold wisdom beyond his years; a tribute to being forced into leadership roles at a young age. He carries himself with a sense of purpose and duty, always focused on the task at hand. He rarely smiles and exudes an aura of chilling calmness at all times, something he picked up from studying closely under Timeros Entar Arconae. Unlike his master, however, Marick's zen-like aura is a result of his unique perception and confidence in his own abilities. Every action he takes and every work he speaks is calculated and weighed.
A naturally gifted athlete, Marick's lightning-quick reflexes have earned him a reputation over the years. Even the most simple of tasks are executed smoothly and effortlessly. His muscles are lean and sleek as a Vornskr and shift under his skin with an animal grace. While proportionately trim, he lacks any noticeable bulk or body-fat, and without his robes or the armored mantle of his formal Invicta robes look's rather nondescript. Well spoken, the only trace of his Hapan upbringing is a slight accent that serves to give his voice a polite edge.
The Proconsul of Clan Arcona wears a black hooded cloak over a set of custom tailored white, sleeveless robes that come down just below his knees. The clasp of his cloak bares the Arcona emblem. Underneath his cloak and robe, he wears the prototype Spectre Armor he developed for Oblivion Brigade during his time as Battleteam Leader. The lightweight armor is matte-black and the gauntlet on his right wrist is rigged with the Oblivion Hidden Blade. His belt buckle bears the Oblivion skull logo and is lined with custom made throwing knives. He keeps his saber concealed within his robes as well.
When leading a battle or for ceremonial purposes he will don his Invicta armor. When doing so, he will wear his saber visibly on his belt.
He is known to always be wearing the Oblivion Hidden Blade, a concealable, spring-operated dagger built into a gauntlet of his own design as well as two sets of custom made throwing knives.
Training / Fighting Style
Marick with mentor Timeros
Marick first studied combat tactics under the eye of Arcturus Xyler until his trials to become a Guardian. When Arcturus left the brotherhood, Marick was left without a true master to guide him on his trials to become a Dark Jedi Knight. It was during this time he began to spar with Sashar Arconae, which heavily influenced his decisions to use a shoto as his first hilt of choice. After being named leader of Oblivion Brigade, Marick found himself paired up with the renowned Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae. While the two shaped Oblivion Brigade into a feared and respected unit, Timeros acted as both a guide and mentor to the young Hapan. Timeros helped Marick with his control over the Force, as well as his footwork and swordsmanship. He still spared with Sashar up until the Great War honing his Soresu technique, and always viewed the Elder as the closest thing he ever had to a father.
As a duelist, Marick relies on his speed and agility in combat and never tries to overpower an opponent. After studying with two of the best duelist in the Brotherhood, Sashar and Timeros, Marick has become adept at breaking down an opponent from every angle and takes pride in his ability to find and exploit weakness. He is able to keep calm and collected even in the most stressful situations and is highly attentive and quick to improvise. His tactics develop better in real-time than they do in planning a formal strategy.
Despite being a follower of the Obelisk Order, Marick is well balanced in his use and application of the Force. He is not afraid of unleashing it as a weapon, but uses it more to augment his natural athleticism and endurance. He focuses heavily on his martial skills and through his advanced training has become a master of Form IV: Atraru. Unlike most Ataru practitioners, though, Marick balances the styles aggressive nature with his continued study of Soresu. He often alternates which hand he favors in combat while taking full advantage of his ambidexterity and to help keep opponent's on guard.
Force Wraith
Marick's Force Wraith, Watson
- Name: Watson
- Shape: HawkBat
- Size: ~3feet (~1 meter)
Through careful practice Marick can shape a singular shadow creature that takes after a winged HawkBat he calls, "Watson". Marick does not use his Force Wraith in the same way that most of his brethren do in combat. Instead, he uses Watson as a scout, a prying eye to help him track, follow, or monitor a target. Watson also serves as a great diversion, and Marick has no reservations using it as such. His strange sense of honor prevents him from using Watson in a conventional duel, though.
If needed, Marick can create an additional two Hawkbats to assist Watson.
Marick's Cythraul, Kira
Marick is the proud master of Kira, a wirey, white female Cythraul still growing into her body. They are joined by their link through the Force, and are rarely seen apart from each other around the Citadel where Marick spends most of his time. He has a noticeable soft spot for the wolf-like creature, but none are fool enough to attempt to harm or target the young Cythral. They are both protective of one another, and anyone seeking to threaten or take Kira away from Marick would suffer the full extent of the usually calm and collected Proconsul's wrath.
Character History
Growing up in the matriarchal society that governs the Hapan was tough for the typical male child. Marick rarely speaks about his life before the Brotherhood, though, especially his childhood.
What he has revealed to those he cared to tell is that he grew up as the son of a well known Hapes Consortium member, Angelica Del'Abbot. He lived in a beautiful estate in the Hapes inner-cluster in a household riddled with conniving, manipulative women always scheming against one another. It was through this that Marick learned much about deception, trickery, and the value of subterfuge, and how information could be power. He would not fully come to put these early lessons to use until later in his career when he took up the mantle as Captain of Arcona’s Internal Security - Oblivion Brigade.
Aside from the conventional education, Marick was taught proper etiquette as well as basic combat training. Alas, the boy was little more than a servant and whipping boy who worked mostly in the kitchens or in other domestic or mindless labor roles. Attractive even at a young age, he was often taken advantage of by women older than him, and lost his virginity just after he had come of age. While most would fail to see a flaw in Marick’s treatment, it was rarely a pleasant experience and was done more out of duty than passion. He was abused in ways both physical and mental that forced him to strengthen his inner resolves, numbing himself emotionally. It wasn’t until his late teens that he finally found someone he truly loved, a woman named Amber who ultimately changed him for the better, and showed him that there was more than simple duty.
Marick never complained, though, and found his only solace in a retired bodyguard named Dexter Windser. Marick never knew who his father was, and did not have many friends, so Dexter was the closest thing he ever had to a positive male role model. The former bodyguard was one of the few males in the estate that was respected for taking a blaster-bolt for Marick's mother. He would train Marick in ways that his provided tutor failed to, advanced combat tactics, literature, slicing, and data interpretation. Though no one would admit it, Marick was a natural athlete and highly dexterous both in and out of combat. During one of their spars, Dexter discovered Marick's connection with the Force.
Dexter did his best to keep Marick and his secret safe, but by the time Marick had come of age, his powers were discovered in an incident that revealed his abilities to his mothers court. This sparked a plan within his mother and a few other Consortium members who still held scorn for the Jedi Order. They would send Marick off to train as a Dark Jedi in the Brotherhood to return home as their very own tool against the Jedi.
Before leaving, Marick asked Amber, his girlfriend and the only true person he trusted, to marry him. She agreed and they were engaged, and he promised he would come back for her.
The Brotherhood: A New Home
At 18 years old, Marick was excited to get a chance to see the world outside of his home world and away from his mother. He had to learn quickly about the rest of the universe that he had only read about or seen in holovid's before.
Upon his arrival to the shadow academy, Marick reveled in the ability to use his "gifts" openly and to be respected for his talents. One of the higher-ups in Clan Arcona, Sashar Arconae took notice of him, and had him placed into House Qel-Droma, and into Prophecy Phyle to study under the Archpriest-Tetrarch, Arcturus Xyler. Arcturus took off to pursue his own goals, leaving Marick to fend for himself. The young Hapan was then made second in command of Prophecy Phyle while his companion Kant Lavar took over leadership. Prophecy Phyle soon became known as Oblivion Brigade, and although he no longer had a master Marick was selected to succeed Kant as Battleteam Leader of Oblivion Brigade.
Marick took the reins of Oblivion and remodeled it to better suit his new teams specialties while continuing on his own path for personal growth. By the time of it's closing, Oblivion had become a feared name in the brotherhood, and was said to even rival Soulfire Strike Team.
With the re-clanning of Clan Arcona, Marick was selected by the upper summit to lead House Qel-Droma as Queastor. Amongst his new responsibilities, Marick was tasked with solidifying the history of his House, while also re-locating it to the shadow port Port Ol'val.
During this time, he formed a strong bond with his new Aedile, Dralin Fortea, who helped him claim the Shadow Port in Arcona’s name and turn it into the stronghold for House Qel-Droma.
Leading up the Tenth Greath Jedi War, an internal source leaked valuable data to rival House Taldrya about one of Arcona’s mining stations. After an attack on the station was thwarted by Marick, the Quaestor engaged in a vicious duel with Benevolent Taldrya Whiner as he attempted to free his captured brethren. Ben utilized the Taldrya-specific trick to slip past the Hapan’s guard, stabbing him in the back and leaving him gravely wounded.
To pour salt in the wound, Marick soon found out that Dralin had been the cause of the leak, and that his former Aedile had fled to join the ranks of Taldrya.
It was the first time that Marick had ever been betrayed or taken off guard. He silently swore that it would never happen again.
10th Great Jedi War
Arcona Clan Summit preparing for Great Jedi War X
Marick had done well as a Battleteam Leader in charge of a small unit, but never before had he been asked to lead an entire House. His appointment to Quaestor came no sooner than the Shadow Clan was called to War, sending the newly minted Quaestor to lead his members to New Tython to fight the Jedi uprising.
While en route to New Tython, Marick sought the council of former Tarentum Consul Ronovi Tavisaean for guidance. Through their spar, and throughout their travel she did her best to share her experiences with the young leader. Marick also listened intently to his newly appointed Aedile, Invictus. The Chiss was a seasoned veteran who Marick formed a quick bond with, though after the previous actions of Dralin he was always skeptic. Any notion of disloyalty would disappear entirely by the end of the war.
Once landing, Marick and Invictus drafted Qel-Droma’s landing strategy to take out the western front of the Jedi’s defense while Galeres struck from the east.
Using spheres of darkness to shroud their decent, Marick utilized Qel-Droma’s Elders to disguise their LAAT/i. The plan worked well enough, but the Dark Jedi had not anticipated the arrival of Mandalorians to aid the Jedi. One of the Qel-Droman shuttles was shot down, and even though the others landed successfully, Marick temporarily lost his nerve and needed Invictus to shake him back into the battle. Invictus divided their team into three, a recovery unit to go after the fallen shuttle, one team to charge the Forward Operating Base, and another to sneak around and infiltrate from the flank. The former members of Oblivion Brigade - Timeros, Legorii, Strategos, Etah, and Marick set off on their covert mission.
Timeros and Strategos provided a diversion that allowed Marick, Legorii and Etah to sneak into the enemies base, systematically taking it out from the inside. Marick eventually found his way to the main control room and dueled with the enemies leader, defeating her while suffering a shoulder wound.
With the base won, Marick led his House to join forces with the rest of Arcona.
The Arconan force was sweeping of the Jedi’s capital city when reinforcements arrived from the Mandalorian enemies. The Arconan’s realised that they were overrun and were forced to retreat, but the situation was growing dire and the Summit convened on a transport and set into motion a plan to extract the Arconan forces. The cost would be high, and forever change Marick’s life.
Sashar Erinos, who had been as close to a father as Marick ever had in the Brotherhood or in life, and Zandro Erinos, whom Marick also looked up to, put their own lives on the line to set in place a beacon that would call down an Orbital Bombardment. Every member of the Summit knew that it was a suicide mission, but they also knew that only the two Erinos were capable of pulling it off. With a heavy heart, Marick watched Sashar and Zandro sacrifice everything for the sake of their clan.
That day changed a lot for Marick. He learned what it truly meant to be a leader, and just how Arcona was more than any one member, and that if the time came, he too would be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Proconsul Marick Del'Abbot with new Consul Wuntila Entar Arconae, discussing plans for Arcona post-Great Jedi War 10- (35 ABY)
Ascension to Proconsul
Despite their victory in the 10th Great War, Arcona had lost not just two of its greatest members, but a loved Consul and the incumbent leader of Soulfire Striketeam. It was voted unanimously by the Arconae and the Dark Council that Wuntila Entar Arconae would take over as Lord Consul of the Shadow Clan. This left an opening for Proconsul, which again was decided upon unanimously by the Clan.
Marick would have offered protest, but after everything that happened in the War, he had changed from the humble Battleteam Leader turned Quaestor. He understood that not just his House had come to respect and admire him, but that of his entire clan.
For the first time in his career, Marick confidently accepted the position of Proconsul, and set forth in helping guide Arcona into its most prosperous age, and preparing it for the challenges it would no doubt face in the future.
Within in his first few months serving as Proconsul, Marick had the honor of being voted into the fabled Arconae. It had long been a dream of the Hapan to one day sit among the Arconan greats, and it still is one of the happiest days in Marick’s life. He has adjusted to his roll as both Arconae and Proconsul. He takes his duties very seriously, but feels more comfortable for the first time since leading Oblivion.
5th Championship Ladder
Marick entered the 5th Championship Ladder in hopes of making it to the finals to prove that he deserved to be among the elite of the brotherhood. He was excited to learn that his mentor, Timeros, was in the same bracket and was determined to meet him in battle. His plans were thwarted as he lost in the second round to his own apprentice, Socorra Erinos. During the match, his emotions were put the test, and through the trial he realized that he had strong feelings for the woman he had come to both respect and love more than just a colleague and apprentice.
Shit Get's Real
A bunch of stuff happens. Marick goes through a lot of ups and downs. Arcona still wins.
Shit got real.
(To Be Updated)
- Marick had a shitty childhood in a matriarchal society, has a closeted Male chauvinism that leaves only a select few female Dark Jedi in his favor.
- Worked his way up from Battleteam Leader, to Quaestor, and then to Proconsul.
- Master Assassin, quick to adapt and improvise.
- Has an Alter Ego / Deep Cover Alias
- Force Wraith: HawkBat, "Watson"
- Has a white Cythraul named "Kira"
Out Of Character Trivia
- Known as "Wally" on IRC/OOC
- Lives in New York City, and is not, in fact, European