Featured article/History (2021)
This is a list of all featured articles showcased on DJBWiki's Main Page in the year 2021. For a list of articles scheduled to appear on the Main Page in the coming weeks, see Queue. For previous years view:
- Featured article/History (2020)
- Featured article/History (2019)
- Featured article/History (2018)
- Featured article/History (2017)
- Featured article/History (2016)
- Featured article/History (2015)
- Featured article/History (2014)
- Featured article/History (2013)
- Featured article/History (2012)
- Featured article/History (2011)
- Featured article/History (2010)
- Featured article/History (2009)
- Featured article/History (2008)
- Featured article/History (2007)
- Featured article/History (2006)
January 2021 - none
No Featured Article Was Selected for January 2021
February 2021 - Fourteenth Great Jedi War

After months of discussion, The Severian Principate has requested the Brotherhood take on a number of their criminal population, including captured Collective agents from the events in the Lyra system. During the prisoner transfer, the Collective created a riot on the Principate’s prison planet of Tenixir. Brotherhood forces were sent to restore order and prevent the Collective from escaping. Additional information was relayed to the Brotherhood from prisoners within the complex itself, not wishing to be killed in the conflict.
The Collective succeeded in freeing some of their scientists from the facility, but just barely. Their remaining forces were either killed in recaptured as the Brotherhood quickly shut down the prison riot. Due to the Brotherhood’s swift actions, the relationship between the Principate and the Brotherhood improved even more. As an act of good faith for their assistance, many of the prisoners were released by the Brotherhood. This group banded together under the lead of Rasha Hawee, becoming The Tenixir Revenants. This group has a strong hatred of the Principate, and due to the severity of the Brotherhood’s action on Tenixir is very distrustful.
While the Collective was focused on freeing their people, the Brotherhood launched their own rescue mission, recovering the captured Deputy Grand Master, Evant Taelyan, alongside three of the clan representatives that were lost in the Lyra system. Heavily tortured and in need of medical attention, they returned home to the Arx system.
March 2021 - The Severian Principate

The Severian Principate is a rare Imperial Warlord state which not only endured but thrived following the Empire’s collapse. Originally a network of mining worlds and orbital facilities in the Kastolar Sector, it existed to fuel the Empire’s war machine. This changed with the governorship of Lucian Niatinus, a commander disillusioned with the Emperor’s self-destructive policies. Devoted to improving the lives of his citizens and secretly allying with the smugglers and pirates from the nearby Hutt Space, he sought to create an ordered state free of the tyranny which inspired the Rebellion.
Niatinus was one of the first Warlords to declare independence following Palpatine’s death. Culling the ranks of those hidebound by COMPNOR dogma, he took the first steps to abolish slavery within his territories and gave former serfs a voice in his new government. Through the promise of protection and trade deals, the Principate was able to quickly encompass nearby systems and expand its commerce to Hutt Space and the Core.
April 2021 - Antenora

Antenora is thought to have been the second planet to have formed in the Cocytus System, not long after Judecca assembled out of the debris orbiting Imperius. Antenora is the closest planet to the white star. Evidence suggests that life appeared early on Antenora, possibly in the form of hyperthermophiles which evolved as the planet's crust cooled, and then gave way to higher forms of life after the oceans formed. Between 40,000 and 30,000 standard years BBY, a sapient species of humanoids is thought to have begun proliferating upon the planet. Very little is known about their biology and society, but two relics on Antenora have been speculated to be the remnants of this species: the un-deciphered inscriptions in the Rune Hall of the Ebon Cloak base of operations, the Sedes Doctrinae, and the unexplored sacred cavern of the current city of Aknah. Because their inscriptions are all that they left behind, these extinct people are called by historians "Homoglyphs".
May 2021 - Trepus Mine

Trepus Mine, also known as Trepus Mine Base, is the primary operations facility for Clan Odan-Urr on Solyiat. Originally owned and constructed by the Solyiat Mining Consortium to extract metal deposits beneath Trepus' central mountain range, the mine itself stretches for several kilometers beneath the mountain in a complex series of primary tunnels, natural caves, and man-made openings. This was then gifted to JTF Hoth following the arrival of the Jedi, and repurposed into a primary HQ for the House. The positioning of the base on the continent allows them to monitor and cover the surrounding local airspace for possible threats along with maintaining a constant watch of events in local orbit of the planet. Along with the close location of the Transfer Station, thus controlling the primary means of arriving and departing Trepus via airborne means, this allowed House Hoth to keep multiple rapid response units on standby. These could counteract any threats while providing cover for the scattered townships across the continent against hostile groups.
When required, Trepus Mine retained the space to guard and protect several thousand civillians. The Mine could serve as a means of defending and guarding the continent's sparse populace from massed invasions and orbital bombardments. With the mine limited to only a few heavily defended entrances, guarded by both the mountain itself and military-grade shields along with heavy cannonade, it served as a symbol of Odan-Urr's might. Even following the dissolution of House Hoth, the base remained active as an outpost for House Sunrider and an essential linchpin in their defenses.
June 2021 - The Fang

The Fang is a castle currently serving as a home of a Jensaarai splinter-faction. Situated on the larger mountain slopes of Trepus, Solyiat, it lies far further inland than most existing townships. The name itself is a colloquial abbreviation of its original Sephi-given designation, the direct translation of which is One Fang of the World Consuming Serpent Which Will Herald The Universe's Oblivion. The shortened Basic translation has become more commonly accepted even among Trepus' residents. With stonework which was laid down in the earlier days of the Galactic Republic, the castle predates the first colonies of the Vatali Empire. Its exact origins or even the names of its builders have been lost to history, with only a small handful of theories offering any answers as to who this might have been. Due to its heavily dilapidated state, groups of Varritul nesting in its ruins, and remote location far inland, the castle was largely ignored by the coastal towns. As of early 38 ABY, efforts have been made to restore the Fang to its former glory. This will likely take years if not decades to fully accomplish.
July 2021 - none
No Featured Article Was Selected for July 2021
August 2021 - Rite of Supremacy: Escalation

At the invitation of the Py’zah the Hutt, ruler of Tipool City, and Garganta Galleria Casino and Hotel Resort, many of the criminal world ventured to Dandoran for a week full of massive events such as illegal deathmatches, pod-racing, and a very rare items auction. Up for auction was a box load of the crystals that the Collective, the Principate, and the Revenants all had been collecting over the past years.
With the division in the ranks of both the Principate and the Revenants, four distinct groups emerged. As factions of the Principate, there were the brutal Restorers and peace-seeking Harmonists. For the Revenants, there was the vengeance-seeking Retributionists and the opportunistic Expansionists. These four groups arrived in an attempt to take these crystals from the Hutts. It was then the conflict began.
The Grand Master, Darth Nehalem, was unconcerned with these events and decided to take the Headmistress out in a scouting mission to find a place of power. He ordered the members of the Brotherhood to ignore their clan ties and go independently to support whatever group they wished. And in the darkness of her cave, The Seer made her last preparations before leaving to join the fun on Dandoran.
September 2021 - Nikora Rhan

- "'You can develop all the fancy stunts, tricks, and tactics you like. They won't mean a damn thing unless you have someone around to make sure that your ships fly and your guns can shoot."
- ―Rhan
Nikora Rhan is a Nautolan female serving Clan Odan-Urr. Raised by a pair of smugglers operating on the Outer Rim for much of her childhood, she was eventually recruited into the Jensaarai Order as her blossoming powers became increasingly difficult to control. This affinity with machinery led to her becoming a de facto weaponsmith within their organisation, serving to keep the Ring Defenders in operation and maintaining equipment. This emphasis on engineering and maintenance meant that she was one of several who voiced in favour of the Reclaimer experiment to seek out lost battlegrounds and recover salvage for the Jensaarai to use. This activity led to her frequently butting heads with those among the Jensaarai who believed that secrecy and isolation were needed in order to survive.
Rhan became increasingly disillusioned with the Order's leadership as they pushed for ever-greater seclusion from the galaxy. This finally led to her breaking with the group entirely following a discovery that the elder Jensaarai were hoping to avoid possible annihilation by the likes of the First Order by erasing past records. After being tasked with arresting Ka Tarvitz during his reappearance on Susevfi, Rhan instead opted to follow him into exile and sided with Clan Odan-Urr. This would later see the two of them establishing The Fang as a base of operations, and working to preserve their teachings.
October 2021 - Daleem

Daleem is a small terrestrial planet in the Nilgaard sector of the Outer Rim territories under the rule of the Vatali Empire.
Daleem was originally founded under the all-encompassing monarchy of Sephi civilization circa 657 BBY, concurrently with the founding of the system’s capital. Initially, it was settled by noble Lords that sought to exploit its natural resources, discovering vast caverns that allowed access to rare minerals buried deep beneath the bedrock. Over time, their subjects were brought to this new world to work the lives of merchants and laborers.
Naturally, the Lords’ subjects formed themselves into guilds, focusing their efforts on mining the caverns below the surface and the trade of foodstuffs and other necessities to the earliest settlements on neighboring worlds. The earliest guilds were formed with administrative needs in mind, maintaining the health of their workers and organizing labour throughout Daleem. The guilds have since grown as the Lords were no longer needed, beginning with the formation of the independent Shipwright's Guild that paved the route for others to seek political resources.
November 2021 - none
No article was chosen to be featured for November 2021.
December 2021 - Idris Adenn
- "It is a big and beautiful galaxy. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don’t want to be most of us."
- ―Idris Adenn

Idris Tyvaros Adenn, also known as The Red Viper and The Protector of Ullr, is a cocky, headstrong, and dangerous Mandalorian Bounty Hunter and Mercenary. He was born on Mandalore to Vaeden and Miradela, the heads of Clan Adenn. He was their fourth son, but only the second to live into adolescence. He was trained to honor the traditional ways of his Mandalorian ancestors and takes great pride in his heritage and warrior ways.
Idris lives aboard his personal ship, a VCX-100 light freighter called The Viper Fang, with his daughter and a crew he considers his family. Full of swagger and a love for the pleasures of the galaxy, Idris has traveled from one end to the other fighting and partying to a notorious level. In 37 ABY, Idris became one of the founding members of Clan Vizsla within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.