Military Possessions Record

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

The Brotherhood is made up of a large assortment of fleets, one from each Clan and the Dark Council. Each Clan of the Brotherhood has a wide range of fictional possessions including ships and other forces that have been awarded for different things such as winning a Great Jedi War, a Clan Feud, or other DB-wide event. Following the Eighth Great Jedi War all the Clans faced a "Fleet Reset" and had the option to either repair or salvage their current holdings. Any ships destroyed or decommissioned since that time are listed in the Past Military Possessions Record.

These “Possessions Records” provide easily assessable and modifiable documents to keep an up-to-date listing of all approved Possessions. Changes to the Records are currently done by Duga Taldrya Arkarso. Approval for all such Possessions come from the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master.

Dark Council

Dark Council Order of Battle

Fleets Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Brotherhood-class Super Dreadnaught (B/DREAD) Nightfall (Flagship)
  • Cotelin-class Star Destroyer (CSD) Cotelin
  • Nebula-class Star Destroyer (NSD) Dark Star
  • Nebula-class Star Destroyer (NSD) Gauntlet
  • Republic-class Star Destroyer (RSD) Forsaken
  • Republic-class Star Destroyer (RSD) Ominous
  • Republic-class Star Destroyer (RSD) Rending Hand
  • Firefox-class Carrier (FFC) Firefox

Heavy Cruisers

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers


Fleets Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Shadow Academy

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Victory II-class Star Destroyer (VSDII) Paladin (SA Flagship)

Heavy Cruisers

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers

  • Agave-class Picket (AGV) Vespera
  • Agave-class Picket (AGV) Azura
  • Modified Corellian Corvette (M/CRV) Pyralis


  • YV-330 Light Freighter (YV-330) Vali
  • YV-330 Light Freighter (YV-330) Vidar

Fleet Support


  • 12x E-Wing
  • 24x T-65XJ X-wing
  • 12x Defender Star Fighter
  • 24x TIE Avenger
  • 12x TIE Hunter

Bombers & Gunships

  • 12x BTL-S8 K-Wing

Transports & Shuttles

  • 14x Lambda-class Shuttle

Clan Arcona

Arcona Order of Battle

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

Heavy Cruisers

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers


  • Baudo-class Star Yacht (YCHT)
  • Starwind Pleasure Yacht (YCHT)
  • Starwind Pleasure Yacht (YCHT)

Fleet Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Ground Forces

  • 80x Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
  • 1x A6 Juggernaut
  • 50x AT-TE
  • 5x AT-AT
  • 2x AT-AA
  • 6x AT-ST
  • 2x HAET-221 Drop Ship
  • 2x ULAV
  • 85x OOM Series Combat Droid
  • 3x OOM Command Officer Series Combat Droid
  • 320x 74-Z Speeder Bike
  • 36x SPHA walker

Clan Naga Sadow

Naga Sadow Order of Battle

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Republic-class Star Destroyer (RSD) Final Way
  • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (ISDII) Harbinger (Clan Flagship)
  • Victory II-class Star Destroyer (VSDII) Orian Legacy
  • Victory-class Star Destroyer (VSD) Covenant

Heavy Cruisers

  • Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (VIN) Immolator
  • Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (VIN) Scourge

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers


Fleet Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Ground Forces

  • 2x A6 Juggernaut
  • 13x AT-AT
  • 31x AT-ST
  • 15x AT-PT
  • 10x TIE Crawler
  • 5x AT-TE
  • 10x OOM Series Combat Droid
  • 6x Landing Barge

Clan Plagueis

Plagueis Order of Battle

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Nebula-class Star Destroyer (NSD) Ascendancy (Clan Flagship)
  • Firefox-class Carrier (FFC) Perdition
  • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (ISDII) The Baron
  • Victory II-class Star Destroyer (VSDII) Ballista
  • Victory II-class Star Destroyer (VSDII) Instigator

Heavy Cruisers

  • None

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers


  • VT-49 Decimator (VT-49)
  • VT-49 Decimator (VT-49)
  • Baudo-class Star Yacht (YCHT) Nebula Strider
  • Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht (YCHT) Calm Sea
  • Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht (YCHT) Respite

Fleet Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Ground Forces

  • 3x AT-AT
  • 6x AT-ST
  • 2x ULAV
  • 1x XR-85 Tank Droids
  • 1x SD-9 Series Infantry Droid
  • 1x SD-10 Series Infantry Droid
  • 165x OOM Series Combat Droid
  • 3x OOM Command Officer Series Combat Droid

Clan Scholae Palatinae

Scholae Palatinae Order of Battle

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Nebula-class Star Destroyer (NSD) Excidium II (Clan Flagship)
  • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (ISDII) Indomitable
  • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (ISDII) Warspite

Heavy Cruisers

  • Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (MJHC) Adenn
  • Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (MJHC) Basilisk
  • Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (MJHC) Fury

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers

  • Escort Carrier (ESC)
  • Escort Carrier (ESC)
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP) Ecthelion
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP) Ferocious
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP) Impale
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP) Relentless


Fleet Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Ground Forces

  • 1x AAT-1 Armored Assault Tank
  • 1x Heavy Attack Tank T3-B
  • 1x SPHA-T Heavy Artillery Turbolaser
  • 1x PX-4 Mobile Command Base
  • 2x Hoverscout
  • 3x A6 Juggernaut
  • 5x TIE Crawler
  • 1x AT-TE
  • 12x AT-AT
  • 21x AT-ST
  • 1x AT-AA
  • 6x Landing barge

Clan Taldryan

Taldryan Order of Battle

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Cotelin-class Star Destroyer (CSD) Justice (Clan Flagship)
  • Bakura-class Destroyer (BSD) Relentless

Heavy Cruisers

  • Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (MJHC) Compulsor
  • Bothan Assault Cruiser (BAC) Dark Prophet II
  • Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (VIN) Honor
  • Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (VIN) Valor

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers

  • Modified Immobilizer 418 Interdictor Cruiser (M/INT) Orthanc
  • Belarus-class Medium Cruiser (B/CR) Valiant
  • Lancer-class Frigate (L/FRG) Fury
  • Lancer-class Frigate (L/FRG) Vengeance
  • Star Galleon-class Frigate (STARG) Fearless
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP) Flamewind
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP) Stormwind


Fleet Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Ground Forces

  • 40x Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
  • 3x Imperial MPDSL
  • 2x SPHA-T Heavy Artillery Turbolaser
  • 1x HAVr A9 Floating Fortress
  • 6x Hoverscout
  • 10x HAET-221 Drop Ship
  • 1x LAVr QH-7 Chariot
  • 2x ULAV
  • 3x STAP Single Trooper Aerial Platform
  • 2x AT-AA
  • 15x AT-AT
  • 30x AT-ST
  • 12x AT-AP
  • 6x AT-RT
  • 6x AT-PT
  • 5x TIE Crawler
  • 3x Imperial 1-H-Class Repulsortank
  • 2x Imperial 1-M-Class Repulsortank
  • 6x Theta-class AT-AT Barge
  • 2x MTT Multi Troop Transport
  • 4x Droideka Series Battle Droid
  • 2x SD-10 Series Infantry Droid
  • 300x OOM Series Combat Droid
  • 8x OOM Command Officer Series Combat Droid

Clan Tarentum

Tarentum Order of Battle

Fleet Capital Ships

Star Destroyers / Battleships

  • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (ISDII) Magnus Kaerner (Clan Flagship)

Heavy Cruisers

  • Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (MJHC) Corsair
  • Bothan Assault Cruiser (BAC) Doomsday

Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers

  • Belarus-class Medium Cruiser (B/CR) Cocytus
  • Belarus-class Medium Cruiser (B/CR) Phlegethon
  • Belarus-class Medium Cruiser (B/CR) Requiem


  • Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht (YCHT)

Fleet Support


Bombers & Gunships

Transports & Shuttles

Ground Forces

  • 1x LAVr QH-7 Chariot
  • 4x ULAV
  • 2x AT-AA
  • 1x AT-AT Waveskimmer
  • 10x AT-AT
  • 24 x AT-ST
  • 4x Imperial 1-H-Class Repulsortank
  • 11x Imperial 1-M-Class Repulsortank
  • 1x XR-85 Tank Droids
  • 6x Theta-class AT-AT Barge
  • 60x OOM Series Combat Droid

Ship Totals

Dark Council

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 8 Fighters 684
Heavy Cruisers 4 Bombers / Gunships 288
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 33 Transports & Shuttles 44
Transports 8 Fleet Total 1069

Shadow Academy

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 1 Fighters 84
Heavy Cruisers 1 Bombers / Gunships 12
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 3 Transports & Shuttles 14
Transports 2 Fleet Total 117

Clan Arcona

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 2 Fighters 184
Heavy Cruisers 4 Bombers / Gunships 48
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 5 Transports & Shuttles 1
Transports 3 Fleet Total 243

Clan Naga Sadow

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 4 Fighters 360
Heavy Cruisers 2 Bombers / Gunships 48
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 10 Transports & Shuttles 11
Transports 3 Fleet Total 438

Clan Plagueis

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 5 Fighters 242
Heavy Cruisers 0 Bombers / Gunships 60
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 2 Transports & Shuttles 14
Transports 5 Fleet Total 328

Clan Scholae Palatinae

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 3 Fighters 276
Heavy Cruisers 3 Bombers / Gunships 84
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 6 Transports & Shuttles 12
Transports 1 Fleet Total 385

Clan Taldryan

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 2 Fighters 252
Heavy Cruisers 4 Bombers / Gunships 96
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 7 Transports & Shuttles 14
Transports 3 Fleet Total 378

Clan Tarentum

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 1 Fighters 132
Heavy Cruisers 2 Bombers / Gunships 60
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 3 Transports & Shuttles 15
Transports 1 Fleet Total 214

Dark Brotherhood Totals

Capital Ships Numbers Support Numbers
Star Destroyers / Battleships 26 Fighters 2246
Heavy Cruisers 20 Bombers / Gunships 660
Frigates / Pickets / Medium Cruisers 69 Transports & Shuttles 125
Transports 26 Dark Brotherhood Total 3172

Recent Changes

Ships Gained following the Ninth Great Jedi War

Clan Arcona

  • Nebula-class Star Destroyer (NSD) Invicta
  • Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (MJHC) Lictor
  • Starwind Pleasure Yacht (YCHT)
  • Starwind Pleasure Yacht (YCHT)
  • 24x TIE Avenger
  • 12x Scimitar Assault Bomber

Clan Taldryan

  • Bakura-class Destroyer (BSD) Relentless
  • Belarus-class Medium Cruiser (B/CR) Valiant
  • 12x TIE Avenger
  • 24x Xg-1 Alpha Star Wing

Clan Scholae Palatinae

  • Escort Carrier (ESC)
  • Escort Carrier (ESC)
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP)
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP)
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP)
  • Corellian Gunship (GSP)
  • 120x TIE Interceptor
  • 60x TIE Bomber

Clan Plagueis

  • Nebula-class Star Destroyer (NSD) Ascendancy

Clan Naga Sadow

  • 12x XJ3 X-Wing
  • 3x Bantha-class Assault Shuttle

Clan Tarentum

  • 12x E-Wing

Shadow Academy

  • Victory II-class Star Destroyer (VSDII) Paladin
  • Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (VIN) Atrum Vorago
  • Modified Corellian Corvette (M/CRV) Pyralis
  • 12x TIE Avenger
  • 12x TIE Hunter