Ronovi Tavisaen

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 23:49, 29 August 2008 by Ronovi (talk | contribs)

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"I endure only the worst to achieve only the best."
―Ronovi Tavisaen

Ronovi Tavisaen is an Obelisk Guardian residing in House Gladius in Clan Tarentum and the current Sergeant of Gladius's training battle team, Arcano Signum. She is an Epicanthix who hails from Yridia IX from a tightly knit family of mechanics. While Ronovi may appear to be a blunt, brutal, and slightly irrational character, she is very much devoted to her clan and her house and exhibits impressive strength due to her heritage and her skill.

Character History


"To settle is perhaps my final destination in life. What our children may do...well, that's for our blood to decide. "
―Zane Tavisaen
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Zane Tavisaen as a young spacer.

Ronovi's father, Zane Tavisaen, was a prominent spacer in the Outer Rims and had a strong affiliation with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. However, he had made no effort to join the Brotherhood himself, as he believed he had no chance as a Dark Jedi despite his warrior blood. After many years of working, he returned to his home planet, Panatha, where he met and fell in love with his future wife. The two married in Tree City before traveling to Yridia IX, where they temporarily resided in its metropolis, Eden City.

When his wife became pregnant, Zane decided that the best thing to do was move outside of the city despite the planet's barren landscape. They moved into a small house on the outskirts of Eden City in 7 ABY, where Ronovi's mother gave birth to the couple's first child, a son. Three years later, she gave birth to Ronovi.

The Warrior Within

"Is that all you've got? Pathetic! "
―Ronovi Tavisaen, to her brother

Ronovi was raised on strong family values and taught to cherish being with her parents and her siblings as much as possible. Unlike the other Epicanthix, who were notorious for conquering other planets in the Outer Rims, Zane wished for a quieter life. He seemed happy enough to raise his children to work on ships like he did, as he was now a mechanic busily repairing the ships of citizens from Eden City.

The Noghri were responsible for the aggressive martial arts style that Ronovi used.

While her brother began to follow in the footsteps of his father and her younger sister immersed herself in books and philosophical studies, Ronovi did not try to restrain the desire for conquest and challenge boiling in her blood. She believed that if she was an Epicanthix, she was a warrior, and therefore she must act like a warrior. When her brother was not working with their father, she would challenge him to a fistfight or a duel with sticks that she had whittled in her spare time. Most of the time, she would win.

When Zane finally noticed his daughter's desire to be a fighter, he taught himself to embrace this fact and aided her in learning various fighting techniques and arts, as he himself had done training as a warrior when he was a young boy. While becoming well practiced in martial arts and sparring with her bare hands, Ronovi also favored using a short staff or a dagger. She preferred close combat because, as she claimed, it got her heart pounding and her adrenaline rushing, and because of this, she felt alive. Ronovi's mother disapproved of her father's support in her interests, saying that she would go out looking for trouble, but Ronovi wasn't looking back. She was certainly the black sheep of the family.

By the time Ronovi was thirteen, Zane made the decision to move back to Eden City so that his business as a mechanic would become more successful. While her brother and sister needed time to adapt to the big city, Ronovi was quick to acquaint herself with various others wishing to work as pilots or brawlers. It was in Eden City that she learned about the Dark Jedi, first from her father, then from various colleagues. As her family expressed anti-sentiment toward the New Republic, Ronovi believed that the path of darkness held the true source of power.

Life in the City

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A portrait of Ronovi at age sixteen.

Ronovi's notoriety as a strong fighter would soon spread in the certain borough of the city where she lived, and soon she went to search for work. At the age of sixteen, she landed a job in a small tavern, which, despite not even having half the popularity as the Flailed Wookiee, was known for its strong drinks and its customers' rambunctious behavior. Though she was first hired as a waitress because of the fact that she was a girl, Ronovi began to impose her strength on various obnoxious and troublemaking patrons. After separating two large, squabbling Bothans with a swift move of her arm, Ronovi demonstrated her inherited capability as a warrior. The owner of the tavern, impressed, swiftly selected her to be one of the bouncers.

Customers first walking into the tavern were often confused at the sight of a young, female Epicanthix standing by the door, dressed in a bouncer's uniform with her arms folded. However, the fact that she was an Epicanthix, which were rarely found in Eden City, added to her intimidating persona, as she shared the species' impressive height, dark hair, and piercing eyes. Whenever a frequenter of the place screeched for a fight along with another drink, Ronovi would simply walk over, casually seize the perpetrator by the crook of his arm, and calmly hoist him up and out of the tavern. This, of course, would occasionally stun the entire bar into momentary silence before returning to their beverages.

While her mother still expressed concern over her daughter's aggressive career choice, Ronovi could hardly blame her. Several times on her way home, the young bouncer would be confronted in a vacant street by those she had kicked out, attacking her with slurred speech and sloppy punches. Often these challengers would claim to be practitioners of Bacch'nal, but the Epicanthix was not impressed. Though at times the fight would prove to be more contesting than others, Ronovi would normally leave each angry drunk babbling incoherently from a well-aimed strike or throw before she sauntered away, whistling as she turned the corner.

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Ronovi, when fighting drunkards, never left without some sort of battle scar.

When not working, Ronovi continued to train in close combat fighting with her father. With the bruises and gashes increasing in number, she began to receive disapproval from her siblings as well as her mother. She was lectured constantly by her brother, who believed she should try to be like him and become a spacer, and criticized sharply by her sister, who found Ronovi's job to be tasteless and barbaric. In order to escape the verbal attacks and warnings, Ronovi began to spend more and more time outside or in a separate room, practicing by herself or with her father as much as possible.

As she grew more and more desperate to learn more fighting techniques and martial arts, Ronovi was saddened one day when her father claimed that he had taught her everything he knew. Zane told her that he had only learned so much under his training as a young boy, but he also reminded his daughter that opportunities would come for her to test and subsequently improve her skills. Despite his encouragement, Ronovi was unhappy as her training went to a complete standstill and she was forced to possess strength that she firmly believed was mediocre.

Noticed in the Night

"The Dark Brotherhood has made a note of your talent. And I believe you should take it and run."
― Zane Tavisaen, to Ronovi

By the time she was about to turn eighteen, Ronovi continued to pass her days working in the tavern and practicing what she knew of martial arts privately. With her father refocusing on ships since he no longer had to train her, the young woman attempted to increase her power by constant exercise and, of course, her impromptu alley fights with tossed out drunks. However, Ronovi was beginning to notice something different in her technique, almost as if she were becoming more powerful the more aggressively she fought. She found herself capable of jumping a little higher, hitting a little faster, and dodging blows with much more accuracy than ever before. She even felt weightless at times while she combatted, feeling as though she were driven by an energy that bore itself into the air around her and guided her.

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A mysterious member of the Brotherhood took note of Ronovi's potential and ultimately brought her to Clan Tarentum.

It was one winter night in Eden City that the opportunity to become stronger came, whether or not it had been arranged by fate. While Ronovi spent her break at the corner table, helping herself to a free drink, she grew angry at the sight of a rude, temperamental drunk who had decided to banter with a younger, unoffending man. With more customers getting involved in the conflict, a bar fight was inevitable as the tavern's slightly stable atmosphere was broken by a flurry of fists, thrown empty bottles, and overturned tables. As Ronovi went to stop the brute who had started the whole thing, she was shocked to see the man draw a long dagger from his sleeve. He meant to cause bloodshed, and Ronovi was not about to let that happen.

In the next moment, the Epicanthix had leapt into the fray with the agility of a warrior. Forcing her way through the mob of customers, she grabbed the attacker's arm that held the dagger, wrenched it back, and delivered a punch so precisely and so abruptly that it sent the offender flying all the way across the room. He may have gone farther had it not been for his collision with the adjacent wall. As a lingering silence set in and everyone turned to look at the now unconscious aggressor, Ronovi swiftly turned on her heel and walked out of the tavern, but not before noticing a hooded man staring at her from the corner.

The next afternoon, Ronovi was called to her father's room to talk. While she first thought she was in trouble, the news she received was far different and much more impressive. Zane informed her that a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood had spoken to him after witnessing Ronovi's feats in the tavern the night before. Apparently the member of the Brotherhood insisted that she was extremely Force-sensitive and a perfect candidate for the Obelisk Order. As Ronovi's dream was not only to fight, but also to fight for something, she quickly agreed.

Ronovi quit her bouncer job and packed her belongings, much against the majority of her family's will. A few days later, Zane handed his daughter over to the member of the Dark Brotherhood, reminding his upset wife that this was what their child had always wanted. Without saying a word or revealing his name, the Brotherhood member brought Ronovi to a small ship on one of Yridia IX's landing bays; she was then transported to the House of Gladius, located in the Sword's Sheath on the Itaana belt, shortly after her initiation into Clan Tarentum.

DJB History

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Ronovi as a new member of Gladius.

New Blood in the Brotherhood

"Well, this is all rather overwhelming."
―Ronovi Tavisaen

Upon arriving to her House, Ronovi was warmly welcomed by her Quaestor, Telona Murrage. She was inspired by Telona's incredible devotion to the welfare of Gladius as well as her interest in supervising the new member's exercises and activities. It was through this interaction that Ronovi also met Telona's apprentice, a strange young man by the name of Dralin Hakh'khar who soon became one of her allies and friends. As she began to communicate with other House members, Ronovi was advised to enroll in courses offered at the Shadow Academy, which served as a stepping stool for her when adapting to the ways of the Brotherhood.

Ronovi was at first disoriented after her transfer to Gladius. Being in a completely different environment, though exciting, also frightened her, as this was the first time that she had been so far away from home. However, she quickly began her academic studies once she was requested to so she could be distracted and therefore avoid the dreadful feeling of loneliness. This, of course, also began her complete dedication to becoming a Dark Jedi.

While partaking in Krath studies such as history and lore, Ronovi also began learning tactics as an Obelisk, including marksmanship and combat skills. Later on, despite her initial resistance to the idea, she took an interest in flying and piloting. Of course, simply studying wasn't going to be enough to satisfy Ronovi's hunger for battle and adventure; her first mission, however, was far bigger in scope than she imagined, and certainly more rewarding.

The Meeting on Karideph

Ronovi had been initiated into Clan Tarentum at a time of conflict within the Yridia system. With the recent war against the Yuuzhan Vong over, thousands of refugees were scattered on every civilized planet, forcing the clan to take action in order to sustain stability and peace. The worst of their troubles, however, lay with Deutta the Hutt, a crime lord who held dealings with the remaining Yuuzhan Vong. Deutta had been aiding Eliad in stealing lommite from Yridia IX and attempting to overthrow the Tarentum government and take over the Yridia system. Therefore, the Tarenti who witnessed this knew that to bring peace, they would have to take down Deutta and warn the rest of the clan of the threat that the Vong presented to Tarentum. That,

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Ronovi on Karideph.

Along with several other lower-ranked clan members, Ronovi was first instructed to return to her home planet and monitor refugees. However, a few hours after her arrival, she received a transmission requesting her to leave Yridia IX and be part of a fifteen-member strike team led by the clan's Consul, Anshar Kahn Tarentae. Also on the team were clan members Dralin, Dranik Tarentae, Szordryn Telnos, and Raiju Kang. Their objective was to raid the planet Karideph and eliminate Deutta the Hutt so that further chaos could be stifled.

Uthyest, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior.

While the strike at first went according to plan, a surprise visitor arrived in Deutta's throne room while the team was about to finish the job. The Yuuzhan Vong had come with a prisoner, a prominent member of Tarentum and House Tridens by the name of Doni Tzu Tarentae. As the Yuuzhan Vong hurled unsupported theories of Deutta's betrayal by his sending Doni Tzu as a bio weapon, Ronovi suddenly felt a strong connection between her and the weakened Elder. Then, when one Vong by the name of Uthyest mercilessly struck Doni Tzu another physical blow out of spite, the Novice furiously, if not audaciously, attacked the offender. Obviously, she was severely injured in the process as Anshar delivered the killing blow to Deutta and the team was forced to retreat in the heat of the battle.

Doni Tzu and Ronovi were both sent to Castle Tarentum on Yridia II, where they were placed in bacta tanks so their wounds could heal. A few weeks after Ronovi returned to the Sword's Sheath, Doni Tzu arrived to speak with her. After various intervals of Force communication between the two while in the medical facility, he had become interested in taking the Gladian as an apprentice. Eager to have a master with intense knowledge of the Force and the Dark Side, Ronovi consented without any hesitation.

The Master and the Mayhem

"I can only teach you. It is up to you to reach your full potential."
―Doni Tzu Tarentae, to Ronovi Tavisaen

Being Doni Tzu's apprentice was almost an intense ritual as Ronovi trained; under his teachings, she was expected not only to be physically powerful but also quick in instinct and sharp in wit. Instead of merely fighting, Ronovi also learned to meditate, practiced the basics of the Force, and gained new understanding of the Dark Side that she could reiterate to her master after every meeting and every lesson. There was never a break or a moment of rest for her, and in truth, she was very happy with her situation.

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A Yevethan very similar in appearance to Doni Tzu Tarentae.

Doni Tzu was ruthless in battle, but he was even more ruthless when confronting his peers. He was notorious for speaking his mind and arguing against the ideas of even the most prestigious members of the Dark Council, which gave him a reputation for angering those among him. But in reality, Ronovi was more interested in becoming diplomatic than rebellious under his training. While she maintained the skill to compromise and negotiate, Doni Tzu did not refrain from teaching her to be firm in her own opinions and ideas, even if perhaps her perception of the Brotherhood would never be as extreme as his.

Shortly after she began her apprenticeship, Ronovi was initiated into Arcano Signum, Gladius's only existing battle team at the time, and volunteered for several missions that required small groups. She was keen on travel as she explored various planets in search of anything that held particular interest for the House. Most of the time, she and her team were successful in their findings and would return to Gladius unscathed. For a short time, it seemed as if things had finally calmed down a bit.

Of course, tranquility could not last. While Ronovi was searching for Dark Side dragons with a small search group led by Telona, the House was attacked by Droch, a parasite that would take hold of the host and manipulate his or her actions. Upon the group's return, Ronovi and several others were ordered to free those controlled by the parasite as Telona took it upon herself to hold off various Equites. While the Gladians eventually defeated the Droch, their noble Quaestor was presumed dead after the chaos had subsided. A shift in the House Summit immediately took place, with Krath Archpriest Apollo taking over Telona's now open position and selecting Dralin to be Aedile.

Over the next few days, due to a combination of exhaustion and stress from Telona's potential demise and the conflict that had caused it, Ronovi succumbed to sickness and lethargy as her body refused to function. Despite her master's contrasting demands, she took to bed and was rendered too weak to move for almost an entire month.

Rising Again

"I was above the flesh. Now I am in my chrysalis."

By the time she reached the Journeyman class, Ronovi was in a sorry state. Her sudden illness had left her incapable of partaking in several missions, and even as she recovered, she would succumb to frailty and weariness. With her strength gradually returning, the Epicanthix slowed down in her studies and found herself meditating most of the time in hopes of maintaining an inner balance. While it sometimes worked, Ronovi found herself to be clumsy and disoriented when battling or exploring. It seemed as if something drastic had to happen to bring Ronovi back to proper bearings and better composure in order to progress as a Dark Jedi, but for now, she was a simple Protector who didn't seem to go anywhere for a few months.

All of that changed, however, when Ronovi received a message from her fellow House members that Doni Tzu had unexpectedly departed from Castle Tridens and was heading toward the Sword's Sheath. It was not often that the two met together for an improvised conference or rendezvous, so it confused Ronovi to see her master arrive on Gladius's landing bay looking serious and upset. As Ronovi approached him, she could imagine nothing but the worst.

Doni Tzu informed his apprentice that he was leaving not only House Tridens, but also Clan Tarentum, and he most likely would not be returning. He reminded Ronovi that since he had been tortured by the Yuuzhan Vong, he had been disengaged in his activities and assignments and felt as if he no longer had a place in the clan. Doni Tzu would be embarking on an exodus in order to undergo many changes within the body and the mind; what he would become, he said, was another story altogether.

Though Ronovi did not grow furious at his departure, she was certainly broken and disappointed. She was also calmed by the fact that although she would be separated from her master physically, her apprenticeship could still continue by means of Force interaction. However, it was the departure of her master from Clan Tarentum that drove Ronovi out of her mental and physical ennui. While Doni Tzu's mind and body were going through an intense metamorphosis, Ronovi would have to mature in order to become a more independent Dark Jedi. If she wished to become a powerful warrior, just as she always dreamed of, she could not stop here.

With her master's help, Ronovi was encouraged to return to her academic studies and take on new objectives with a better attitude and state of mind. She was also aided by several allies, including Apollo and Dralin, so she could become a fully dedicated member once again.

Finding a Pedestal

"We know this goes without saying, Tavisaen, but try not to screw up."
―Dralin Hakh'khar, to Ronovi Tavisaen
Ronovi Tavisaen became the first Obelisk Sergeant to lead Arcano Signum, following a legacy of Krath Tetrarchs.

In time, Ronovi occasionally found herself in a leadership position while on missions. This especially was noticed during an entire Clan strike on Prakith, which was done in hopes of finding new technology that could aid Tarentum. Her work and participation so impressed her House Summit that they decided to appoint her the new battle team leader of Arcano Signum after Dralin had stepped down from the position of Tetrarch. With her new position, she worked to make the team a suitable organization for newer House members so they could train and receive instructions from their superiors. In this way, the concept of the Praxeum, as started by Windos and continued by Kazarelth Talismarr, was reintroduced.

The Badge of the Clan Tarentum I Corps.

While being a battle team leader pleased her, Ronovi's desire to partake in larger, grander battles was growing stronger, and she began studying military strategy and combat as part of her academics. At the same time, Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae, Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum, was re-formatting the structure of the Clan Tarentum Military. As he needed new officers for the Tarentum Army, he requested that Ronovi, along with several other clan members, try out for open positions. Oberst was impressed with Ronovi's strategic knowledge and appointed her Lieutenant Colonel of the Clan Tarentum I Corps, which gave her command over the Second Brigade of the Second Division.

With new responsibilities being placed upon her, Ronovi embraced the fact that she would have to work diligently and diplomatically as a commander and a leader. In turn, she also furthered her communication with her higher-ups, being in close contact with Apollo and her new Aedile, Scion Altera, when concerning the welfare and progression of Gladius. Both of them constantly reminded their newest battle team leader that if she continued her hard work and devotion to her House and Clan, she would certainly be up for an even greater leadership position.

Ronovi believed that she had to prove herself further to live up to her House Summit's expectations. It was only a matter of time, however, before she would truly be put to the test in the face of conflict and struggle.


"It is never the way of the Dark Jedi to do what is easy."
―Ronovi Tavisaen

Physical Appearance

Ronovi holds the typical Epicanthix appearance, being tall, muscular, and dark-haired. She is an impressive two meters in height, which is actually the average height among Epicanthix, and enjoys it due to the fact that she appears intimidating. She is not a person of fashion, mainly wearing her Obelisk robes or worn out, patched civilian clothing when she's out and about. There is nothing particularly distinct about her appearance, save for a few scattered scars that she has received in combat and in her past career as a bouncer.


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A diagram of an SSK-7, Ronovi's preferred blaster.

Ronovi is a frequent wielder of heavy blaster pistols, normally carrying two within her robes during strikes or battles. While she prefers using blasters in the style of an SSK-7, she will sometimes resort to using hold-out blasters as back-up. Although she is not a sniper, Ronovi has occasionally been equipped with a blaster rifle, and at least once she has specifically used a disruptor rifle in combat.

Ronovi's current lightsaber.

Like most people her rank and above, Ronovi possesses and wields a lightsaber. Also, she is quick to use the martial arts form Stava during hand to hand combat, preferring its aggressive tactics over the assassin-like movements of Close Quarters Battle.

The Force

As she is more physically skilled than mentally, Ronovi can be considered a minimalist of the Force. This is partially due to her Force powers being much more feeble than those of other clan members, and she does not feel confident using them. However, her one redeeming quality is her sharp use of Force senses, as she is able to easily detect and observe various occurrences within a large square area. While occasionally she is overwhelmed by the information that she subsequently receives, she is able to channel such readings into proper use more and more easily as she progresses in rank.


Ronovi is one of Tarentum's Death Dealers, dealing with the combative powers of life and death. She has only recently begun her practice in these dark arts.


Generally, Ronovi is an aggressive, impatient character. When fighting, she resorts to hand to hand combat multiple times when she feels the urge boiling in her blood. While practicing these arts proves her strength, Ronovi has a true brawler's personality and therefore can occasionally become reckless yet ruthless in battle. This can result in potential harm to herself or her comrades if she is not careful. However, Ronovi's ability to cooperate grants her respect from other members.

Although she is a fighter at heart, Ronovi prefers that conflict stay on the battlefield rather than within the clan. While she is not soft-spoken, she knows when to become the mediator or back down from an argument. She is someone who believes in unity at all costs, no matter what the disagreements are.

DJB Facts


N/A Apprentice to Doni Tzu Tarentae
28 ABY - Present
Dralin Hakh'khar Obelisk Sergeant of Arcano Signum
29 ABY - Present
N/A Lieutenant Colonel of the Clan Tarentum I Corps
29 ABY - Present

Outstanding Achievements

  • Ronovi was the lowest-ranked member of the fifteen-member strike team that raided Karideph, participating at the rank of Novice.
  • Ronovi worked alongside her House Summit to remake Arcano Signum into a training team in order to teach and empower their newer House members.
  • Ronovi received two merit medals, an Anteian Cross and a Steel Cross, in a time span of three weeks for her work and dedication to Clan Tarentum.


  • Despite the fact that she is not incredibly academic, Ronovi is very well read in biology, and her information on Droch aided Gladius against the parasites.