Aeotheran Memorial

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Aeotheran Memorial
General information

34 ABY


Aeotheran, Clavis est Memoriae


Bentre Stahoes, Darkblade, contractors

Physical specifications

New Order era

[ Source ]

""...even the unseen sacrifices are worthy of song and tale. This is the very least that we can do for the families of those who fell in service to our conquest. Especially for the sake of the husbands and wives whose spouse may never come home, for those who went Missing in Action, or whose bodies were unable to be recovered will these Obelisks stand. They stand in memorial to those who furthered the pursuit of conquest, the very ideal of Clan Naga Sadow."
―dedication speech for the Memorial

The Aeotheran Memorial was constructed in 34 ABY following the events of Ashes Fall. The structure stood as a reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals in defense of the people and the ideals of the Clan, as opposed to the Ragnos Memorial which commemorated the sacrifices of just Ragnosians. An island, dubbed Clavis est Memoriae, was chosen as the location of the memorial by then-Aedile Stahoes and approved by Darkblade. The final construction was completed some months later, following the events of the Feud with Clan Scholae Palatinae. The final structure memorialized both the fallen of the Warhost and the Clan proper, including names such as Tarryyhn, Atra Ventus and Wrooshuu.


initial design by Firith'rar


Designs began shortly after the death of Tarryhn during Ashes Fall after it was realized Sadowans as a whole had no place to formally memorialize their fallen. The Wookie Aedile was the first to have his name added to the memorial plaque posted upon one of several obelisks arranged around the central structure, with plans made to search records for fallen Dark Jedi stretching back to the Clan's inception. The initial design was etched out on paper by then-Knight Firith'rar by the approval of his former Master. After some consideration, Stahoes decided to enlarge the central obelisk, to turn the surrounding posts into Obelisks, connecting all the Obelisks in a web-like pattern to the central Obelisk. With the adjustments made and with a final blueprint in hand, construction was commenced by the House Summit.


Central Obelisk

The Central Obelisk holds the names of Dark Jedi and members such as Mercenaries and Loyalists who had stood head and shoulders above the rank-and-file soldiers of the Sadowan Warhost. Each name is attached via a plaque, with their name and title at death being carved into the metal using a ceremonial lighsaber. The plaques are all carved in Aurebesh, with the exception of Sons or Daughter of Sadow. While none have had cause to yet be memorialized there, should a death occur, the Sadow will have their name carved in ancient Sith. This is meant to symbolize the far-reaching impact these individuals have had upon the Clan.

The "Ventus Stone"

The Ventus stone is an obsidian-black stone that has been positioned in an indentation at the top of the central obelisk. Carved into its surface, written in old Sith are the words "Remember our fallen; honor their sacrifices" and the Sadowan motto " Conquest is our destiny; we shall not fail." The object was placed particularly as a reminder that in the end, even those who lead may be called to make the greatest sacrifice for the glory of Sadow.

Surrounding Obelisks

The rest of the Obelisks are in place to memorialize the members of the Warhost who have served the Clan. Like those carved into the Central Obelisks, the names of individual soldiers names and ranks are carved into the surrounding Obelisks. Unlike the Sadowans proper their names are carved only in Aurebesh.

Clan Naga Sadow
Units Clan Naga Sadow • Houses Marka Ragnos & Shar Dakhan • Battleteams Night Hawks & Disciples of Dakhan
Leadership Consul DarkHawk Sadow • Proconsul TBA
Marka Ragnos • Quaestor Locke Sonjie • Aedile Sanguinius • Battleteam Leader Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Shar Dakhan • Quaestor Quentin Shadows • Aedile TBA • Battleteam Leader Malik Sadow
Possessions DominionOrian AssemblyOrder of the Black GuardWarhost of Naga Sadow
Misc OverviewDisciples of SadowSons & Daughters of SadowInner CircleMaster-Student Program
Conquest is our destiny, we shall not fail.