Battle for Krayiss II
Planet Side Engagements
File:Arconangeneric.jpgAn Arconan ready for battle.
Cethgus and Wuntila Arconae battled fiercely against the One Sith ground Forces, tearing through enemies like ragdolls. While Valtiere took control of the sky from his Stealth X, Marick Arconae helped coordinate the rest of the Arconan forces and managed to easily keep pace with the Taldryan army in their efforts against the One Sith.
Under orders from the Proconsul, Sanguinius led Galeres onto the surface of Krayiss II. The newly frocked Exarch was determined to repay the faith shown in him by the Arconae in giving him the main task of engaging the One Sith while Qel-Droman efforts were focused on flanking attacks. Dark Forge and Spectre Cell were instrumental in Galeres’ success against their dishonorable opponents, the two Battleteams the fulcrum of the Militant House’s might.
Despite their success on the field of battle in driving back the enemy, Galeres was unable to finish off the last remnants of the One Sith. The fast moving forces of Arcona’s great rival, Taldryan, beat Galeres to the punch. The besmirch on the House’s honor has not been forgotten by its members, who swore oaths that the next planet under the dominion of the One Sith would fall to the Shadow Clan.
Arconan Forces overwhelmed.
Naval Engagements
With their hearts set on glory, Clan Arcona led the assault against the One Sith fleet surrounding Krayiss II. Squadrons under the command of Taldryan and Odan-Urr flew alongside the mass of Arcona’s fleet. The Arconan forces were led by the Eye of the Abyss II, the NSD Invicta, Shadow, and the BAC Darkest Night, along with their accompanying squadrons of XJ-Wings and supporting vessels.
Wasting little time, Andrelious gave orders for the fleets to engage with every intention of destroying the One Sith’s capital ship. He hoped to break the effectiveness of the fleet and allow the Brotherhood to move ground forces onto Krayiss II and claim the planet. The engagement along the front lines was centered on Arconan forces, with Odan-Urr and Taldryan providing supporting fire as necessary, and using their smaller fleets to fill gaps in the Arconan line.
The One Sith forces managed to hold the combined Brotherhood strength at bay, focusing their efforts on engaging in fighter shoot-outs and withdrawing to stay out of the range of Arcona’s capital ships. With the impending victory within sight, Andrelious sent orders for both Galeres and Qel-Droma to press the assault. His commands forced the withdrawal of the One Sith forces, who attempted to break off using the orbit of Krayiss II to accelerate their withdrawal into a safe position to enter hyperspace.
As the last of the One Sith’s fleet fell to the advancing Arcona forces, Taldryan’s secondary fleet arrived through Hyperspace, blocking the expected escape route for the One Sith capital vessel. The Relentless Bakura-Class and the two Lancer-Class frigates Fury and Vengeance opened fire on the damaged One Sith flagship, eliminating the remaining forces and taking victory from the jaws of the Arcona fleet.
Planet Objectives
Ancient Stones
Target: Tor Siva
Tor Siva, a One Sith assassin with exceptional knowledge of the Force, was labeled as a High Value Target by the Dark Council. Her specialty was Stolen Form, a Force Power in which she mimicked her opponent’s lightsaber form. Combined with her prowess with her Tehk’la blade, Tor Siva was worthy of her High Value Target label.
The Arconans fought bravely against rival Taldrya. But by the time Troutrooper, Wuntila, and the others had reached the target, Shadow Taldrya and Grand Master Jac Cotelin had already done the deed.
The Hunt