Cluster of Earth

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 19:11, 14 September 2016 by Celahir (talk | contribs) (added CE image)
Cluster of Earth
Awarded by:

Competition, Gaming


Complete List

[ Source ]

The Cluster of Earth is one of the most frequently awarded medals in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood being given in varying quantities for all approved PvE gaming activity, and an impressive quantity of these bespeaks a member’s absolute domination in MMO and cooperative gaming. The design is a simple setting of durasteel featuring concentric rings with a symbolic rock inset.

Cluster Values

The club website provides a list of all available Gaming Platforms, Game Modes, and Modifiers. Using this listing the current values for all Cluster awards can be found by members. You can find this information on the Gaming Platform Overview Page

Dark Brotherhood Awards
Competition Medals CrescentsNovaeVendetta SealsCluster of FireCluster of EarthCluster of IceCluster of GraphitePendant of Blood
Merit Medals Dark CrossAnteian CrossSteel CrossGrand Cross
Sacramental Awards Sapphire BladeAmethyst KukriRuby ScepterEmerald DaggerDiamond SwordSilver SashGolden LightsaberDantes Spear
Other Medals Scroll of FoundationScroll of IndoctrinationScroll of the MasterDark Side ScrollLegion of the ScholarSeal of Loyalty