Members of the Harakoan species first migrated to the swamps and wetlands of Northwestern Owyhyee over two millennia before the arrival of the Jedi. Though extremely little is known about the civilizations present at the time, Jedi archaeologists have uncovered ancient pottery shards and discovered the remnants of raised fields, suggesting the Harakoans of antiquity were not all that different from the modern peoples who populate the region. Due to the lack of diversity in culture (since the Harakoans of the region all descend from the same forest tribe of Owyhyee) there is little evidence to support large-scale wars and conflict until much later in the region's history.
Last Centuries
Due to the diversification of the locals over the last several hundred years, war has become endemic among the swamps and bogs of the area. Most tribes remain isolated hunter gatherers, but larger communities had sprung up following an increase in the amount of agricultural activity, particularly the farming of immense catfish and legumes. The largest settlement of the region, known as Zawag Tākohu, developed during this time and waged a number of major wars for conquest against rival cities whose territory neighbored that of the Zawi.
Struggles for power were common amongst the growing cities and it was not unheard of for entire settlements to be wiped out and slowly swallowed by the swamp, posing great problems for the Jedi and Tythonian archaeologists seeking to study the area. In fact, of the major cities which grew during this period only Zawag Tākohu remains.
After arrival of Jedi
Due to the warlike nature of the Zawi people they were assigned a Jedi Representative who had both lived and worked with the tribe for years, before the arrival of the Dark Jedi. Ji arrived shortly before the invasion of the Dark Jedi during the Tenth Great Jedi War (though he returned to Menat Ombo to wage the conflict beside Mike Halcyon). His arrival coincided with the death of chief il-Zaw the Ambitious, and the succession of his son il-Zaw the Black, a much less aggressive ruler and favorite of the local populace. The Gand's arrival was seen by the locals as a token of good fortune, thus cementing his role as a respected member of the tribe. Following the war against the Dark Jedi Ji returned to Zawag Tākohu to lead the tribe's warriors and coordinate with both il-Zaw the Black and Warchief Whenua (as well as Quejo Drakai Xyler) in liberating the planet from Arconan occupation and ending colonial oppression of the Harakoan species.
The territory of Iwu Zawag is fairly large, as the tribe itself boasts a high population by Harakoan standards. Several small, outlying communities are dominated by the central city of Zawag Tākohu whose population is well over 5,000. Small war parties can typically be found roaming throughout the ~12,000 square kilometers of swamp and marshland the tribe controls, ensuring that all the local villages stay in line and pay tribute to Zawi in the form of food and workmen.
Zawag Tākohu
Zawag Tākohu, the capital city of the fledgling Zawi empire is situated at the center of their vast, swampy territory. Though a portion of it is built upon dry land, the majority of the city has been constructed on raised pillars (made by lashing together dozens of otherwise bendable tree trunks). Wooden walkways connect houses with the main thoroughfares which are earthworks constructed primarily of dirt and pottery shards. Plazas are often a mix of raised earthwork and supported, wooden platforms. At the city center is a series of comparably large houses wherein the witch doctors, il-Zaw the Black, and the tribe's Jedi Representative dwell.
The city itself is surrounded by vast ponds, cordoned off from the general swamp with underwater fences. It is in these ponds where the locals grow their primary food source, the tautauā, an extremely large type of catfish which thrives in the murky depths of the swamps. Such pools can often be up to 40 feet deep and reeling in a tautauā after it has grown large enough can take many Harakoans utilizing both fishing rods and nets, as well as rudimentary, primitive diving gear. Beside these ponds crop farmers grow several varieties of legumes in fertile fields of earth, raised above the swamp and fertilized by the feces of the immense tautauā.
The territory controlled by Iwu Zawag is primarily swamp and wetlands with very little solid ground. Several major rivers which the natives use as highways run through it and out toward the northern oceans. What land there is typically covered by thick forest and shrubbery. The rivers and marshlands are often extremely deep and shallows are rare. An estimated average depth could be anywhere from 10 to 20 meters, with many parts exceeding 30 meters in depth.
The climate of this northern region is uncommonly warm despite being in the planet's northern hemisphere, due in large part to the great deal of geological activity taking place beneath the surface. Geysers and hot springs dotting the swamplands are fairly common and the rare methane burp is not unheard of. As a result temperatures during the winter rarely get below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and during the Summer they may top 110 degrees, with extremely high humidity levels.
Precipitation in the form of vast storms is the standard. Sunshine is a rarity as hurricanes commonly blow in (along with warm air) from the western ocean.
The flora and fauna of the wetlands inhabited by Iwu Zawag are particularly hostile, even by New Tython's standard. There are several dozen varieties of carnivorous planets, some of which are large enough to devour small lizards and birds and, though none can physically consume a Harakoan (or most sentient creatures), they are all extremely toxic. Other plants include wispy, tall trees with a rubber-like wood, likely evolved to withstand the often violent winds of the hurricanes. Vines and creepers are also common and can grow at such a rate that the locals must actively chop them back to keep their villages from being overrun.
Most landbased animals are small to medium sized herbivores, including several species of Cervidae and Equine species. The most predominant prey animal in the area (other than fish), however, is a water-based hoglike mammal. Fish species include monstrous catfish up to two meters long, and an assortment of smaller icthyoids. Carnivorous fish are plentiful and, though most only consume other fish, there are several species notorious for maiming and even killing Harakoans. The largest predators in the area are exclusively water-based super-predators (both icthyoid and reptilian) topping 10 meters in length.
il-Zaw the Black
Authority among the Zawi people is heavily centralized in the priests and witch doctors of the tribe. The only power-sharing which goes on is between the Harakoan tribal leaders and their Gand Jedi Representative. There is little room for political maneuvering or change in the highly structured and rigid society.
il-Zaw the Black ascended from the ranks of the Witch Doctors with the death of his father il-Zaw the Ambitious. Upon assuming the mantle of chief, all leaders of the Zawi take on the name il-Zaw. A moniker such as "the Black" or "the Ambitious" is usually assigned quickly by the general population as a means of distinguishing between current and past leaders.
Unlike his father, il-Zaw the Black seems content to rule over the territory presently controlled by the Zawi tribe, though he does so with an iron fist. His judgment is typically regarded as fair and level-headed by his people, though the punishments he issues for crimes can be brutal. His moniker actually comes from his jet black skin and hair (an extreme oddity among the jungle tribes, who are usually light-skinned with blonde hair).
Witch Doctors
The chieftain's advisory council is made up of various priests and witch doctors from both the regional capital of Zawag Tākohu and several outlying villages. Though they all are regarded by il-Zaw the Black as equals (amongst themselves, as none except the Jedi Representative can be equal to the chieftain) political squabbles are common and can result in exile and death for less savvy or sharp individuals. Ultimately the council handles the day-to-day affairs and are specialized in different areas of civilian society including spirituality, construction, agriculture and politics.
The military of Iwu Zawag numbers approximately 750 warriors and scouts. Most grew up hunting and fishing in the jungles and, as a result are aptly suited to warfare in dense, tropical environments. They typically carry blowguns and bows and are adept users of local poisons. Martial weapons such as spears and clubs are common, but the most veteran and skilled of warriors carry macuahuitl carved from wood and inlaid with rare obsidian from the mountains to the East. Though they lack cavalry the Zawi warriors are quick on their feet and are well practiced in utilizing trees and vines to cross rivers and streams quickly and efficiently. Canoes and small rafts are also common methods of silent infiltration used by the Zawi, particularly to outflank and surprise an enemy.
The warriors, though answerable to il-Zaw the Black are directly led by their Jedi Representative Ji and, therefore, are under control of both the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force and, more specifically, High Warchief Whenua.
Legal dictates come down exclusively from the chieftain (though occasionally input from the witch doctors is considered) and it is, therefore, not uncommon for the legal system of the society to change entirely with the ascension of a new ruler. Legislation is encoded on a rudimentary type of "paper" made from the bark of the local flora and is preserved in oils before being wrapped in animal skins. Such legal documents are taken out only rarely due to the humid and occasionally acidic nature of the environment which promotes quick decomposition.
The judicial system in Zawag Tākohu is fairly standard among tribes of the region. If disputes among individuals or families cannot be settled they are brought before the witch doctors who act as both a judge and a rudimentary jury. However, if the witch doctors' decision is disputed by either of the parties involved the case is taken before il-Zaw the Black, who either decides if the previously rendered decision stands, or if he will hear from both parties and re-rule on the issue at hand. His word is final and no further recourse is available.
For the Zawi people there is no separation between the material world and the spiritual. Anything from a rock to a geographical feature can be spiritualized and revered by the tribe (such objects are typically denoted by the witch doctors or il-Zaw the Black). Hundreds of spirits and gods are worshiped, many of whom embody forces of nature, especially the wind and rain due the prevalence of hurricanes in the area. Shrinking heads of defeated foes is not an uncommon way to sacrifice to their gods, and is seen by both the Zawi and the Jedi as a compromise for the ending of the practice of actual sentient-sacrifice. The shrunken heads are typically hung from ceremonial blowguns or belts which remain in the home and are only brought out for religious ceremonies (though many of the upper crust in Iwu Zawag wear their trophies throughout the year).
Foreign Relations
Ji, Jedi Representative
Neighbouring Tribes
Though the Zawi are no longer actively seeking to control new territory as they did under il-Zaw the Ambitious, they are still unfriendly with most neighboring tribes due to past aggression and they are typically viewed with both fear and suspicion. Minimal trade does take place and typically involves food stuffs and obsidian imported from the east. Those tribes which do fall within the jurisdiction of Iwu Zawag's territory are controlled absolutely, though after hundreds of years their ways are very similar to those of the Zawi and outright confrontations or hostilities are rare. Regular tribute is demanded.
By extension of participating in the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force Iwu Zawag is allied with several tribes, including Iwu Kazharam.
Iwu Zawag has had few run ins with the Tythonians and even fewer negative ones, due in part to both the undesirable and inhospitable location of their territory and the organized nature of the society (which many Tythonians can relate to). The Zawi do contribute a host of warriors to the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force and are generally in favor of finding ways to live alongside the Tythonian colonists, particularly the Mon Calamari whose water-faring ways they envy.
Ultimately however, the Zawi are vehemently opposed to the inclusion of modern technology in their society, though they are content to fight alongside those using such tech and to trade for resources gathered by advanced technology.
House Odan-Urr
Iwu Zawag is one of the few tribes actively supporting the Jedi on New Tython. Though they do not revere the Force users the way some tribes do, their society has ultimately benefited greatly under the Jedi and the end of the reign of il-Zaw the Ambitious gave the war weary Zawi a much needed period to recover their population. Though Iwu Zawag was targeted by the Dark Jedi during their invasion of New Tython the vast swamps and jungles they inhabited--and the utter lack of technology in their city--made locating them practically impossible from space, and land-based search parties were commonly ambushed and slaughtered, supplying the Zawi with shrunken heads to renew their religious rites.
Although natural resources in the Zawi territory are scarce, the gasses which can be harvested from the swamps fetch a staggering price among the Tythonian colonists, particularly in Menat Ombo. Yearly caravans arrive at Zawag Tākohu to trade obsidian, lumber, and canoes to the locals in exchange for the gas, which can be refined and used to power blasters. Since New Tython has virtually no trade with the galaxy at large, Iwu Zawag has a virtual monopoly on harvesting of gas for ammunition on the planet and will defend these territorial resources violently.
Commerce with neighboring tribes is rare, but typically involves the trading of foodstuffs for workers, timber and jewelry.
Although the arrival of the Jedi has spurred an interest among the Zawi in learning Galactic Basic, the two major languages spoken are still Zawese and Harakose (though the latter has become more of a trade language than an official language). Zawese and Harakose, however similar, are not mutually intelligible, the former being significantly deeper pitched. In Zawese the high trills and flutes have generally slid to become rounded, unattractive grunts and squawks. When Harakose is spoken it is heavily accented and difficult for a Harakoan from a far-flung region to understand (though it is dialectically similar enough to neighboring tribes for there to be little difficulty in comprehension).
Music plays a very important role in the day-to-day lives of the Zawi people. Farmers and laborers typically work to the music of simple flutes and drums, which are also almost always included in religious ceremonies conducted by the witch doctors. While on the march every warrior carries a flute or simple stringed instrument and plays a steady rhythm so that, were he or she (or even a canoe full of warriors) to become lost and separated from the main body in the thick mists they can easily find their way back to the column.
Though the members of Iwu Zawag are mostly laborers and farmers, there is a small social elite which demands the production of art. Such a need is typically satisfied through imported statuettes and jewelry, but some art is produced locally, particularly in the form of shrunken heads and totems. These fetishes are rarely exported (due both to their sacred nature and a lack of desirability) but are extremely popular among the locals.