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General information



Menat Ombo

Historical information
Formed from:

Jeth's Legacy


34 ABY


35 ABY

Other information


  • New Jedi Order Era
  • Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era
[ Source ]

"Security - Peace - Order"
―Team Motto

OSTAD (Odan-urr Special Tactics And Defense) Team was an elite tactical unit of House Odan-Urr. They were trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the duties of the regular Jedi membership. OSTAD team members duties included performing hostage rescues and counter-terrorism operations, serving high risk arrest and search warrants, subduing barricaded suspects and engaging heavily-armed criminals. The OSTAD team often were equipped with specialized weapons and equipment including heavy body armour, kinetic shields, entry tools, armoured vehicles and advanced optics.


After the incursion of the Harakoan warriors and a number of Dark Jedi from Arcona, into the capital city of Menat Ombo lead to the loss of many lives. The house summit of Odan-Urr made the decision to dissolve the battle team of Jeth's Legacy and create a team that could better defend Menat Ombo and combat other problems that may occur in the future so that the tragedy that befell the people of Menat Ombo that day would not be repeated. The summit of House Odan-urr appointed Habib Ali as the first Sargent in charge of the newly created OSTAD Battle Team.

The success of the team during the Tenth Great Jedi War was however overshadowed by the lack of response in the fallout of the war. Due to the stresses of the battlefield and the lethargy that crippled New Tython during the dark winter, O.S.T.A.D. was unfortunately officially dissolved in late 35 ABY.


OSTAD duties included:

  • Hostage rescue
  • Riot control
  • Perimeter security for visiting dignitaries
  • Providing superior assault fire power
  • Counter-terrorist operations
  • Resolving high-risk situations with a minimum loss of life, injury, or property damage
  • Resolving situations involving barricaded subjects
  • Providing assistance on arrest and search warrants
  • Providing additional security at special events
  • Special stealth operations


OSTAD, being an elite unit, was not used often, while not out on the job, the team elements do stranded functional activities throughout there day the same as any other member of House Odan-Urr. OSTAD Team elements were always on call, when elements were not doing there normal house duties they could be found training in the combat centre or in the gym, all members were expected to remain in top physical and mental shape.

OSTAD was a small unit, currently made up of One Patrol, each member of a Patrol were refereed to as an Element. The Patrol was lead by a Sargent, the Sargent reports only to the house summit.


OSTAD applicants underwent rigorous selection and training. Applicants must of passed stringent physical agility, written, oral, and psychological testing to ensure they are not only fit enough but also psychologically suited for tactical operations.

Emphasis was placed on physical fitness, so the future element will be able to withstand the rigors of tactical operations. After a member had been selected, the potential element must undertake and pass numerous specialist courses that will make him or her a fully qualified OSTAD element. OSTAD elements are trained in saber and marksmanship for the development of accurate combat skills. Other training that could be given to potential elements includes training in explosives, sniper-training, defensive tactics, first-aid, negotiation and the use of specialized weapons and equipment. They also were be trained specifically in the handling and use of special ammunition such as flash bang grenades, tasers, and the use of crowd control methods, and special non-lethal munitions. Of primary importance is close-quarters defensive tactics training, as this was the primary mission upon becoming a full-time OSTAD element.


comment=Modded DH-17-BFOS Rifle
comment=Modded DH-17-BFOS Rifle

OSTAD used equipment designed for a variety of specialist situations including close quarters combat in an urban environment. The particular pieces of equipment had varied from situation to situation, but there were some consistences, such as the Jedi's lightsaber. Most of the equipment and armaments used by OSTAD are dated back to the rebellion, due to this fact, a number of weapons and equipment had been modified and updated to keep up with their functionality.


There has been some criticism about the paramilitary unit within the Jedi for the fact that many of the OSTAD elements are Redeemed and or Gray Jedi who's, some say, morals were not clear. There has also been criticism from the settler community of what is preconceived as the militarization of house Odan-Urr after the events of the Harakoan attack on Menat Ombo and the innate fear of some settler groups towards the Jedi did nothing but exacerbate this criticism.


Former Commanders

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of AllusisProving Ground

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Eechee • Instructor Waza Sunrider

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness