Cymbre Kall

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Xiao Long
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description



1.5 m.


41 kg.


Blonde with streaks of Amethyst



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
  • Rise
  • Reb
  • New
  • NJO
  • DJB
Known apprentices:

Kystl Wiska (deceased)



[ Source ]

Krath Archpriestess Xiao Long, the Little Dragon, is formerly known as Cymbre Aquillarum Kall. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Physical Appearance

Young Cymbre Kall on Coruscant

Xiao Long is the daughter of a human father and half Human / half Firrerreon mother. Being only one quarter Firrerreon, her appearance generally favors that of a Human, but is unquestionably more striking.

Her facial features are what would be considered exotically beautiful, with a straight nose, high cheek bones, and full lips, often painted in what is the newest fashionable lipstick color. Although she usually wears a mischievous grin, flashing pearly white teeth with just slightly sharper canine teeth, she struggles keeping her face emotionless when needed. There is no mistaking when she is unhappy or angry. Her eyes are a fiery gold color, with nictitating membranes. This is a Firrerreon trait which provides protection while she is able to see into the ultraviolet range of the spectrum.

Xiao’s hair is not as “two toned” as a fully blooded Firrerreon. Instead, it is a mass of gentle waves of naturally light golden and flaxen blonde hair, accented with several stripes of an amethyst purple hue. She prefers to wear her hair fashionably, changing the style often, but never the color. Xiao’s golden skin tone also shows hints of her Firrerreon roots. However, it does not turn silver when angry or frightened, another Firrerreon trait.

Although she was born “Cymbre Kall”, under the tutelage of Chi-Long, she took the name Xiao Long - which means “Little Dragon”. It is no wonder why this name is fitting, for she stands only 1.5 m and weighs 41 kg. What she lacks in strength and size, she makes up in speed and agility.

Growing up, Xiao was pampered by her wealthy parents. Because of this she still has a taste for fashionable attire and jewelry. Unless she is in disguise, one would never find her in what would be described as “simple robes”.

Early Life * 4 BBY - 13 ABY

Xiao Long was born as Cymbre Solana Kall on Coruscant 4 BBY, only child to Tywin Kall and Solana Kall. Tremendously wealthy, the Kalls spared no expense on their daughter. Cym was sent to the finest schools, given private lessons in dance and languages, and taught the art of weaponry by one of the best weapons masters on Coruscant - her own father Tywin. From a young age, she would often accompany him to Dorumaa for hunting expeditions at the Tropix Island Resort, a resort paradise known for its exotic wildlife adventures. When not traveling, or at home on Coruscant, the family spent their time at their home on the coast of the moon Alakatha’s Northern Continent.


The product of growing up in such an extravagant lifestyle, left Cymbre spoiled, entitled, and above all else - easily bored. As she became a teenager, her interests in studies and hunting with her father lessened, and her love of all that was frivolous grew. Putting aside her normal responsibilities, she spent her time surrounding herself with friends as flippant and vain as she. Spending her parents credits, socializing, and being the most shocking and in vogue of all Coruscant became her new all consuming ambitions.

Sunset on Coruscant

Tywin and Solana tried often to get through to Cymbre about her recklessness. They had never expected any grand accomplishments from their daughter. Their idea of success was just to have her settle down a bit, perhaps eventually marry and have children, if fate allowed. But the more they pressed, the more Cymbre acted out. And as fast as she had something, she was becoming bored with it. Eventually, she found herself drinking more and partaking in Glitterstim, sometimes going missing for days. Although she was unhappy, she knew no other way fulfill her desires.

Embracing the Dark Side

DJK Mathais, who introduced Cym to the DB

A New Life * 13 ABY

Endlessly searching for something more, she found it, as so many do, where least expected. On a typical night of partying, she found herself in a particularly seedy night club. It was there she met Mathais, a Dark Jedi.

Fascinated by the powers he possessed, and strangely attracted and unable to say no to the man, she accompanied him back to his home. There he revealed that he had actually searched her out, watching her for a long time now, feeling her presence as one strong in the Force. He knew her dreams, he understood her, and saw within her a soul filled with fire and ice.

The time had come. Cymbre could choose to stay on Coruscant, living her idle life, lost and alone day after day. She could settle down anywhere in the galaxy, live a simpler life and grow old someday. But it could never be enough. The answer was here. That night she gave her soul to the Dark Side.

Senryaku of Aquillas * 13 ABY - 14 ABY

The Shadow Academy

Mathais escorted Cymbre to the Dark Council, where to her horror, it was decided she would attend the Shadow Academy and be assigned to House Senryaku of Clan Aquillas, under the leadership of Kaine Mandaala. Angered that she could not be trained by Mathais himself, she considered leaving all together. Mathais had to explain to the young woman that it did not work that way, and that he also had to move on. He foresaw an illustrious future for her, but he was not a part of it. Heartbroken, perhaps for the first time in her life, Cymbre resigned herself to do as the Dark Council wished and attended the Shadow Academy.

TIE Fighter

While in Aquillas, she thrived, totally embracing the Dark side and focusing her pain and heartbreak into crafting her newly found powers. It is also where she first met and was influenced by Syn Kaek, a man who would eventually become one of her closest confidants. She thought she was perhaps finally where she was meant to be…

But it was only a matter of time before her life came crashing down again. After the Clan’s dissolution, Cymbre, feeling jaded, decided to also discontinue her training at the Shadow Academy and go Rogue. At this time she joined The Emperor's Hammer and started her career in the TIE Corps and Directorate, making a small name for herself, but never truly finding a niche.

Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae * 16 ABY

Clan Scholae Palatinae

Realizing many of her colleagues were also still members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and encouraged by them to return, Cymbre decided to resume her Shadow Academy training. She once again left it in the hands of the Dark Council to decide her new Clan and she was transferred to House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae, led by Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine.

Cymbre Kall during battle

Shortly after her arrival on Antenora and completing her Shadow Academy training, Cymbre was elevated to Tetrarch of the House’s Dragon Guard Phyle and given the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. At this time Michael Halcyon, was beginning the first official Master-Student Program in the Brotherhood. A young woman by the name of Kystl Wiska was assigned as Cym’s apprentice. After a shift in the leadership of the Clan, Cymbre became Aedile of the House which was now under the leadership of Quaestor Sabé Dracaena.

Once again, Cymbre was thriving. She felt like she was somewhere she belonged. She developed close friendships with Sabé, Kystl, and Anga Salinas. Even despite her training and new position of authority, the new Cymbre was still very much the same as the former Cymbre. Her love of fashion and material objects never faded, and although she always completed her tasks thoroughly, her general outlook on life was still more carefree than most of her fellow Dark Jedi. She and the girls of House Acclivis Draco were regularly up to their eyeballs in mischief, usually with their own Consul Cuchulain as the unfortunate victim of their pranks. However, real trouble was soon on the horizon…

Attack of the Clone * 18 ABY

NOV Kystl Wiska

To the confusion of the Clan Summit and to Sabé Dracaena, Cymbre abruptly resigned her position as Aedile, abandoned her close friend and apprentice Kystl Wiska, and left Antenora. It was later exposed that she had traveled to Clan Satal Keto to give up sensitive information and betray Scholae Palatinae. Understandably hurt and angry, most of the Clan sought vengeance against her.

Knowing her friend and master too well, Kystl set out to prove Cymbre was innocent of wrong doings. She uncovered that is was actually Jacynta Ni’Erilia, a clone of Cymbre Kall, that was behind the corruption, and aided Cymbre in her escape from imprisonment. The women were able to destroy the clone and reveal the truth behind Cymbre’s disappearance to their Clansmen in Scholae Palatinae, but Kystl succumbed to her injuries from the fallout before reinforcements could arrive.

Devastated by the loss of her friend, Cymbre sank into a deep depression. Although her Clan on Antenora welcomed her back with open arms, she could no longer continue with her duties there. She spent most of her time in isolation, meditating, and questioning her role in Scholae Palatinae.

Cymbre Kall

Picking Up the Pieces * 19 ABY

An invitation by former members of the Clan Aquillas for Cymbre to take on the name Aquillarum, started a new chapter in Cymbre’s life. In honor of her first Clan, she would be known as Cymbre Solana Aquillarum Kall.

Determined to make a fresh start she openly visited the Clans Naga Sadow, Taldryan, and Arcona, searching for new opportunities. During this time, she also made acquaintance with Chi-Long, a man who would influence her life with the Brotherhood for years to come. With a heavy heart, she informed Scholae Palatinae of her decision and Cymbre was soon on her way to the Arcona Citadel in Estle City, Selen.

Life at The Arcona Citadel * 20 ABY

The Arcona Citadel

During her time in Arcona, Cymbre remained close with the members of the expanding Long Family, especially Chi-Long, often coming to him for guidance. Eager to go where she was needed, she was transferred several times from the Clan’s Houses, Qel-Droma and Oriens Obscurum, in order to lead their battle teams as either Tetrarch or Sith Commander.

Emerging beyond her Clan, she also took a post as a Course Instructor in the Brotherhood’s Shadow Academy. She found much irony in the fact that she, who had put aside her studies on Coruscant in favor of revelry and who had withdrawn previously from the Shadow Academy, was now there to guide up-and-coming Dark Jedi. However, she took pride in her work and was well rewarded by Acxodim Pyralis for it.

A New Home, A New Name * 22 ABY - 23 ABY

Clan Exar Kun

‎Although, she was bestowed with several achievements during her time in Arcona, she found herself becoming increasingly restless once more and craving more command than just leading Battle Team after Battle Team. Originally, leaving the Arcona Citadel to follow an opportunity in Clan Tarentum, Cymbre was shortly stopped by Chi-Long with two offers.

The Little Dragon, shortly after taking her new name

First, was an invitation to become a member of the Long Family. Upon joining the Long Family, Chi-Long pronounced she would be named Xiao Long - The Little Dragon. The second offer was to once again serve in House Summit as Quaestor of House Byss of Clan Exar Kun, where Chi-Long had recently taken reign as Consul. She accepted, but upon arrival was shocked at the state of the Clan.

After Jac Cotelin announced the Dictum of Two Skies, the merge of Exar Kun and Satal Keto, Xiao Long was appointed as Quaestor of House Bane in the newly formed Clan Plagueis. Although the House is eventually dissolved and she did not take on any new position, she remained in the shadows of Plagueis supporting Chi-Long until his departure as Consul.

Clan Tarentum and Disappearance * 26 ABY - 29 ABY

Going back to her original plan of joining Clan Tarentum, the Little Dragon headed to the Yridia System. She quickly made a name for herself in the Clan, eventually earning herself status in the Inner Order of Tarentum. However after a couple of years, and with no explanation, she completely disappeared.

Zeltros, a world of never ending revelry

The Return (and Swift Departure) of Xiao Long * 36 ABY - Present

The Little Dragon re-emerged for a short while, revealing that she had been living on the planet Zeltros in the Inner Rim.

Whether she was unwilling or unable to leave the opulent planet is still unknown, but the death of Chi-Long forced her back into her senses. She reached out to Xia Long, the new Family Matriarch and found that her return would be welcome.

Upon her return to the Brotherhood, she found much had changed. After consideration, she decided her best course of action would be to follow Xia Long, and the newly named Xue Long to the Clan Naga Sadow.

However, a mere months after her reemergence, she once again went off the radar. Some speculate that perhaps it was because the changes to the Brotherhood were too new and different. Others believe because of her fickle nature and instability, she just returned to the opulence of Zeltros. Nonetheless, her current whereabouts are unknown. However, she is sure to return again some day...


  • As part of a successful recruitment mission, Cymbre along with her apprentice Kystl Wiska, attended the Star Wars Celebration II as official representatives of the Emperor's Hammer and Dark Brotherhood.
  • One of the original Masters to take on a student in the first official DB Master-Student Program, started by Michael Halcyon in Scholae Palatinae
  • After the death of her apprentice, Kystl Wiska, Cymbre never officially took another student again.
  • Cym is rumored to have another clone named Karishma Ni’Erilia, but she has never come into contact with her and as far as anyone knows, she was not involved in Jacynta Ni’Erilia’s treachery.
  • Served as the last Quaestor of House Byss of Clan Exar Kun
  • Served as the first, last, and only Quaestor of House Bane of Clan Plagueis
  • For a short while, Cymbre was appointed Syn Kaek’s C:MAA (Consort to the Master At Arms)
  • Although her name is officially Xiao Long, she still regularly answers to "Cym", "Cymbre", or "Cymberry".