Ylith/Page Two
Where... where did it go?
The content of this article is split up among several sub pages as it grew too large. |
Marriage (28 ABY)
- "Be wary my Apprentice, these things wont last..."
- ―Xia Long
The Marriage took place within the meadow, the same place where Draken used to spend his time with Morwiën. The place was decorated with a white gateway, covered in black roses where the couple would stand in. Ashura Isradia, who was present to preform the wedding, stood in front of them, with the waterfall behind him. There were only two guests present during the wedding, Ylith's twin brother Tyren Atema and Ylith's Master in the Dark Arts and Seneschal Xia Long. There they took hands and Ashura bound them in marriage, using words from his own homeworld.
And from that day forth Ylith swore to protect her and keep her safe from harm as much as he could. He is a cold and ruthless warrior at heart but only for Jade did he allow himself to feel emotion and love. It was only her voice that would be allowed to hold him back should he ever be enraged. On that day he vowed his life to her, and she promised to take care of him and love him forever and to stay with him whatever happens, also to announce that she was with child.
Shattered Glass (28 ABY - 30 ABY)
Heir to the Valheru Bloodline
- "A new line has been born, Heir to the Elariël and Atema Bloodline..."
- ―Ylith Atema
Jade's pregnancy wasn't an easy one and full on complications. Due to her half Human and half vampiric physique combined with the fact that the child she carried also was half Valheru made things even worse. Though her Human half didn't make things bad and even helped, it was her darker side that made the complications, as they lived in generations, where if they give birth they will die so that the next generation may live.
Also, with the half-Valheru being cold blooded, growing within a warm blooded host was also very painfull, which made it move a lot and made Jade more sick than healthy. She had a rough time, only the force helping her bear with the pregnancy as the child grew within her, and after nine months she went into labor.
During that time the Valheru Battlemaster tried hard to search for a cure and he did find it through modern science. A team of medical surgeons hired by the Dlarit Corporation were brough to the Marakith Skyhook, where they operated on Jade for almost 24 hours trying to get the baby from her and stop her inherited genes from killing off her body at the release. After a few heartstops the surgreons managed the impossible and allowed her to survive, giving birth to a healthy son, Aragan Atema.
Uncle (28 ABY - 29 ABY)
- "Whose leg do I need to hump to get a drink..?"
- ―Robert Atema Daragon, also known as 'Bob'
After Aragan's birth, Ylith spent most of his time within his quarters on the Marakith Skyhook together with Jade and his newborn son. Jade was resting most of the time while the Valheru worked from the office just aside his quarters, while he would walk back to spend time with his son.
One night Tyren came to visit them and another unexpected member joined him, Kharon Daragon. Apparently the Sith Battlelord had found out that Jarreth Atema, Ylith's and Tyren's father, was his half brother, making the elder member an Uncle to both Ylith and Tyren. After finding out about this Kharon Daragon, also known as Bob, renamed himself to Robert Atema Daragon, as a sign he accepted his bloodline and would join his nephews in the family.
Attack on Telos (29 ABY)
- "Ylith and Draken are one...yet there is still a scar..."
- ―Ylith Atema
Ylith was called to the Temple of Orian, where most of Clan Naga Sadow had already gathered. Rumors were brewing and none of them were anything the Valheru would like to hear. He then went to the command center, where a meeting of Naga Sadow's Inner Order would take place. Within the room Consul Caerick showed a treat that made all the nasty rumors pale away in comparison, a Vong World Ship was heading towards the Telos System.
The Ship itself could be compared to the Death Star of old, a huge moon like organism that floated through the vacuum of space, with long limps circling around it, upon which Coral Skippers were mounted on. Being a direct treat to the Clan and Brotherhood as a whole, the Consul devised a suicidal plan that would either destroy the Worldship and Clan altogether, or render the Worldship useless.
The Clan fleet would attack the sword ship from its dark side while the Republic Star Destroyer Final Way would fly in with the sun behind it and drop the members of Naga Sadow onto the World ship, and drop the Nachzerer as a large brick through the first few layers of the Worldship. As a secondary option, the members inside the Nachzerer would plant a gas poison bomb deep inside the Vong Ship, should the main plan fail, it would destroy the Vong Worldship, and the members of Naga Sadow with it.
The main plan however, would be even more insane than planting a single bomb, The main plan was for the main group to move deep into the World Ship and take out the large Yammosk 'World Brain' to destroy the ship from the inside out. The plan was reckless and insane but eventually the Clan, even Overlord Tron, saw no other option and allowed the plan to happen.
Shattered Glass (29 ABY)
- "You can't feel a damn thing through the Force can you?"
- ―Tyren Atema
When Ylith arrived upon the World Ship through a drop pod, he was disorientated and thrown off guard, he landed on the surface, a bio dome where various plants and bushes grew and were as hostile as the Vong themselves. Shortly after the Nachzerer crashed right in front of him, separating him from the rest of his clanmates by a huge hole, moving 15 levels deep into the World Ship. Ylith thought best to move down and moved through the corridors made of flesh and coral, trying to make his way to his peers.
After hours of wandering alone, he met up with Tyren and Jade, to find the main group within the slave quarters. There Ylith found another Valheru, one made a slave by the Vong a few years back. The Sith was surprised to meet a fellow Valheru, seeing as he is the only Pureblood left, and he spoke with him, finding out he was kidnapped from a new home planet before the Valheru slave died by the hands of a Rodian, who in his turn, died by the hands of Ylith. When Darth Vexatus commented him, Ylith attacked him with his blade, only to be caught by the Force wielded by the Dark Prophet and his mind crushed without even a moments notice, rendering the Battlemaster senseless for a few minutes, leaving an anger towards the Darth which grew every minute.
Moving the conversation he had with the Valheru Elder into the back of his mind, the Elders Darth Vexatus and Master Caerick found a Vong guide, a shamed Vong Priest by the name of 'Eshin Shul' and she guided the group of Dark Jedi through the halls of the Worldship.
Before they went, Tyren called out through the Force to Ylith, finding his brother unresponsive and through this minor event, Tyren found out Ylith had lost all connection to the Force, rendering him weak. Tyren confronted Ylith with it, in front of the Journeymen and the Valheru overcame his shame and acknowledged his weakness, his mind was shattered.

Jackpot (29 ABY)
- "Remember what we used to say...?"
- ―Tyren Atema
After fending off Voxyn, Vong Priests and Vong Warrior Elites, the group of Jedi stumbled upon the World Brain, a huge Yammosk that was the heart of the World Ship. The Yammosk attacked, separating the group of Dark Jedi from the two Elders, Darth Vexatus and the Consul Trevarus, by using it's tentacles to collapse the ceiling above the entrance. After twenty minutes of constant fighting and fending off the hundreds of tentacles the Yammosk had, the Valheru called the entire group together and they pushed onto the Yammosk. While most of them were pushed back, both Ylith and his brother Tyren were able to move onto the main body, using their swords to slash through the beast.
While they did they were suddenly caught by the tentacles and pulled away from the main body, they were both thrown off guard and dropped their sword at the suddenly grip. Then they both gazed upon a huge eye in the center of the large beast. Tyren took hold of his guns but one was dropped and fell into Ylith's hand. They both grinned and fired simultaneously, hitting the eye of the Yammosk.
As the Yammosk was heavily wounded, it went into rage and slammed into the walls and ceiling of the basin it stayed in. Minutes before it happened the other team of Jedi already set up the bomb, which exploded and caved into the Yammost, killing it fully and creating a new exit for Ylith's group to escape from.
The Escape (29 ABY)
- "I will teach you, if you can handle it..."
- ―Muz Keibatsu - The Sadow Hand
Ylith collapsed after fighting the Yammosk, the strain upon his body and the lack of the Force was too much to bare and he collapsed, falling onto his knees and unable to move. It was at that very same moment, where simple Journeymen simply dusted off their robes and moved on while he was battered, when he found his handicap hitting hard upon him.
With the help of his Uncle and Brother, Ylith was able to leave the Well of the World Brain and move back to sublevel 15, where the Nachzerer was stationed and ready to move out of the World Ship, which, after the death of the Yammosk, was slowly falling apart as it's organic systems startted to turn against each other. They found the secondary group of Dark Jedi and the Deputy Grand Master already there, preparing the Nachzerer for takoff, also finding a second ship next to it, belonging to Grand Master Paladin.
Once more confronted by his handicap, as he could not even sense the arrival of a Grand Master, Ylith turned to Muz, the only one in his eyes who would be powerful enough to teach him how to fight without the need of the Force. The Valheru pushed his pride aside and bowed before the Shadow Hand, requesting training in a more noble weapon. The Keibatsu Elder accepted and invited him to the Fallen Spear after they escaped from the World Ship. Tyren smiled at the thought that his brother would actually be able to push aside his pride in search to better himself, and in a way, he was proud.
Ylith helped to prepare the Nachzerer and they flew through the a tunnelway and escaped from it, the battered ship being escorted to the Final Way where Ylith was taken to the medical bay to rest and heal his wounds.
Livion (29 ABY)
- "I shall live on..."
- ―Ylith Atema
After the Vong Attack on Telos the Battlemaster reported to Overlord Tron and reported the destruction of the Yammosk 'World Brain', shortly after that he joined the Shadow Hand onto the Fallen Spear and made his way to Kyataru, the homeworld of the Keibatsu family. There he was stripped from his normal robes and weaponry and went dressed in trainee's robes. Muz presented Ylith with a training version of the O-Katana, a long sword version of the regular Katana. It's fighting style required discipline and patience, both of which were needed should he be able to restore his connection with the Force.
Ylith trained fiercely, often completely battered by the insane strength the Deputy Grand Master possessed, but even so his mind was determined to see through the training, and when the Keibatsu Elder went on a mission of great importance to the Dark Council, the Sith would study the ancient ways of forging swords and applying it to his own swordsmithing skills. He would spend three nights in a row, without sleep, working in a forge to apply the various precious metals and durasteel metals into a mud made oven, setting it aflame on the inside, keeping it heating up more and more for days.

After three full days he destroyed the mud made oven and would look upon the steel, scraping off impurities from the top and take the hardened metal out and hammer it into a thin layer, where he folder it over and startted hammering again, it took him hours to fold it into 9 layers and hammer it into a long streak, from which he hammered the billet into the shape of the blade itself. Ylith then used a mixture of vulcanic ash and clay and coated the sword with it, using a forge to heat treat it and then bathe it into a special oil, creating it's special strength.
After Muz's return he would train during the day, getting more and more agile with the blade and more skilled, while at night the Sith Battlemaster would take Choiji Oil and use it upon the blade, then using dust gathered from polishing stones to polish the blade itself, spending hours upon hours on cleaning and sharpening the blade.
Weeks after he startted training with Muz, he finally assembled the rest of the blade, also forging a sheath for it that would be just as powerful as the blade itself. He called the O-Katana he forged 'Livion', which closely resembles the sentence 'Live on', the meaning of which focuses upon the Valheru's Handicap. Muz inspected and accepted the blade, giving Ylith his permission to use the own made sword into combat and honor the training he received. Ylith still returns to Kyataru from time to time, to forge some new weapons for the Keibatsu family as a trade for his training, and to polish his skills with 'Livion' against Muz, training harder and more advanced, becoming more skilled by time.
The Fox and the Scorpion (29 ABY)
- "It's in my nature..."
- ―Ylith
A sudden action from the Clan Summit rallied all the forces of Naga Sadow together to Sephros, where they held a brief but very informative War Council which surprised most of the chamber. Clan Arcona needed aid and Naga Sadow heeded the call, to the dismay of many the Clan's forces were rallied quickly and the two battle ready ships, the RSD Final Way and the VSDI Covenant were dispatched to move towards Arconan space and to save them from the Vong threat.
Ylith, defiant as he was, kept to himself the entire journey, only remembering the ancient story of the Fox and the Scorpion.
- " The Scorpion asked the Fox to help him across the river, the Fox however, was careful and said 'I will, yet you must vow never to sting me.' and the Scorpion replied, 'but of course, I vow this to you. As the Fox was swimming with the Scorpion on his back, the Scorpion stung him as he was halfway there. 'You vowed yet you betray, why?' The Fox said and the Scorpion silently whispered...Because it's in my nature...."
- ―Tale of the Fox and the Scorpion
Inspired by this tale, Ylith devised of a plan to render the Arconans to destruction and to make Naga Sadow more powerful than any Clan within the Brotherhood. For now he would play along and 'help' the Arconans. He was stationed at the Giletta Spaceport at the edge of Estle City. There he fought hard against the incoming Vong armies but with his handicap rendering him Mundane, the Sith had little chance against the Vong onslaught and had to fall back to the command center. Once there, the Sith was called by Ashia who ordered him tofall back further into the city, when he refused, unwilling to let the key location fall into the hands of the Vong Ashia stripped him of his rank of Quaestor and commanding rank of Governor. From that day, Ylith swore revenge against Ashia and it wasn't until he found Darth Vexatus when he found an opening.
Scorpion Born (29 ABY - 30 ABY)
- "Mundane..."
- ―Darth Vexatus to Ylith
With Vexatus knowing of Ylith's handicap confronted him with it and the Battlemaster admitted his weakness to him, then also revealed that the Darth knew all of Ylith's plans by reading his mind and wanted to strike a deal. The Valheru, intrigued by this, either by Vexatus' manipulations or his own curiosity, agreed to it and they both returned to the Republic Class Star Destroyer Final Way. They both moved towards the command deck and shut the place off, the command staff was no match for the Dark Prophet's manipulations and soon the Valheru smirked as his plan came into fruition.
The Final Way was aiming directly onto the Arconan Citadel, where the Consul Mejas Doto was still present. Ylith demanded that Arcona would stand down and hand over what was left of their Clan. Infuriated, the Arconan's refused and just as the Battlemaster ordered for the ship to open fire, Jedgar O. Paladin, one of the Grand Masters, broke into the Command Deck and rendered Ylith's body motionless with a simple flicker of the Force, demanding of what had gotten into him. Knowing he had no choice, the Valheru blamed everything on Vexatus, and the Grand Master, infuriated as he was, cursed the Falleen while Ylith smirked in the Darkness. The Scorpion had stung the Fox and he was reborn as the 'Scorpion'.
In the aftermath of the attack on Arcona Ylith was sentenced to 48 hours of torture by the main Deathbringer of Tarentum, Maxamillian von Oberst. There he was exposed to various torture techniques and was brought to the brink of death on more than one occasion. During this time of suffering his resolve only grew stronger and at his return to the Orian System he kept his head down, away from the public, shamed by the people he sought to protect the 'mundane' Sith plotted his vengeance.
Exile (30 ABY - 31 ABY)
- "Burn in hell..."
- ―Ylith to Vexatus after delivering the fatal blow

After the battle to save Arcona Ylith moved out of most people's gaze and silently plotted his revenge against the Dark Prophet. He kept within the shadows of Clan Naga Sadow and awaited his time to strike. Meanwhile Tyren Atema started hunting him down in revenge for what he did to Jade unknowing abuot the reasons behind it.
Suddenly Trevarus Caerick and Darth Vexatus claimed their betrayal as they set a course to the mystical planet of Lehon. Seeing this as his last chance for revenge he followed with the rest of Naga Sadow, towards the enslaught that awaited them there.
Laying low, the Sith managed to claim a shuttle for himself and used it to land away from the fray of battle but close enough to observe it. The Dark Jedi of Naga Sadow were desperate in reaching a portal that would lead them into the heart of a Volcano and near the Heart of the Force itself. Ylith followed unseen and in the shadow, his lack of Force connection finally paying off.
When he finally entered the Volcano he saw him, Vexatus, hurling fire around him in a grand display of rage and fury. His master lay defeated and members of the Keibatsu desperately tried to stop Vexatus from gaining any more power than he already had. Ylith moved around the fray, along an edge going around the main platform where the battle ensued. A cry of agony stirred the Valheru when Macron Goura Sadow administered a neuro toxin into the Falleen's broken body. Ylith did not hesitate any longer and moved in, running, until he finally neared him. As the Darth turned the Sith ignited his crimson blade, piercing the heart of Vexatus. The Dark prophet ceased to move and his eyes became locked with the serpentine eyes of the 'Mundane' Sith in front of him. The Scorpion finally stung his 'Fox'.
Expecting Vexatus to die Ylith lowered his guard, but instead of his death the fire that raged around them suddenly increased it's fury. Vexatus roared and lashed out at the Sith, extending the arm of his spirit through the Force to make Ylith suffer unlike any other. Through it Ylith's connection to the Force became active in a reflex and gave himself enough momentum to escape the Darth's grasp. The Falleen continued his rage as Ylith, while being heavily wounded, made his way back to the jungle of Lehon and remained hidden as Clan Naga Sadow retreated its forces and eventually left the planet itself.
Alone in the Dark (30 ABY)
- "They wouldn't understand, they cannot see what I have seen."
- ―Ylith to himself
Following the events of Lehon the Valheru was plunged into a world of mystery and darkness. He survived within the thick jungles while avoiding the various herds of Rancors and various poisonous plants. During this time he spent a lot of time clearing his mind and reforging his once lost connection with the Force. While most Jedi used the Force like a flow of water to pour it through the body, the ability to do so was lost on the Sith, who seemed unable to control the flow. Instead the Force was like a ball of fire, raging and uncontrolled, sometimes barely noticeable while at other times it seemed to flow from his body at the most minor of moves.
During his times meditating and searching for a way off the planet he came across a crashed shuttle left by Clan Naga Sadow during their campaign against the Darth. Ylith managed to patch it up using parts from other ships that crashed on Lehon and after six months was able to get the shuttle operational but yet unable for flight, for that he needed a powersource, remembering a generator was still near the entrance into the volcano where Vexatus had met his end.
Returning at the scene of battle the Sith's eyes widened as he saw various Jedi transporting a broken body from the Volcano into a shuttle. Before the Valheru could reach them and see what happened the shuttle took off and flew upwards to a modified Star Destroyer. Suddenly fear gripped Ylith's heart as he knew there would only be one body that would be interesting enough to take, that of the Dark prophet. Remembering himself of the moment he plunged his saber into the heart of the Dark Lord himself and the horrifying aftermath that ensued. He didn't survive, he couldn't survive.
Family Moment (30 ABY)
- "Tell me brother, is it really worth it...?"
- ―Ylith to Tyren at their final meeting

Ylith kept the Jedi in the back of his head and decided to move back to his home planet of Shi and stay there for the remainder of his life, in exile. He thought back to his son and ex-wife but pushed his mind away from the ones that may weaken them. He did what had to be done in order to survive and save them. While roaming through space on the half working shuttle he spent various hours rebuilding his broken mask he wore into battle and equipped it with a neural stimulator. Devices like these were often used during the Clone Wars to help Jedi control their starfighters using the Force.
Though unable to get sufficient materials to forge a decent device that could be fitted into his Mask, the prototype was sufficient enough to help him control his 'wild' Force flow. When wearing his mask his Force control increased significantly for a brief period of time, lasting about two minutes. After a month of traveling in a half broken down shuttle he finally arrived at Shi and found it half terraformed by the Vong invaders. The Shuttle landed near the ruins of the ancient Valheru capital city. Ylith hid the shuttle within leaves and cloth, camouflaging it from others. He made the ruins of his homeworld his new home and lived there without any trouble. The Yuuzhan Vong who were still present did not pose much of a threat and those that did were disposed of. It was not until another shuttle landed that the Valheru felt his stomach grab him once more, it was his twin-brother Tyren Atema.
It did not take long for the two brothers to meet, Ylith still had trouble controlling the flow of the Force and to Tyren he was a beacon of light within the night. Tyren lashed out to him, claiming the pain caused to Jade and Aragan were due to his own actions, that the Sith was responsible for everything. Ylith pushed back, knowing full well he did everything to protect his family from the power struggles he was caught up in. Tyren was overthrown by the Valheru until Tyren, by a stroke of luck, overpowered the Sith and sent him falling down a cliff, claiming the Livion blade as his own. Tyren successfully severed Draken from his brother and gently shed a tear for his lost twin.
The Voices of Despair (30 ABY - 31 ABY)
- "Suffer...Die...You shall become undone...I shall break you..."
- ―The thousand voices of Darth Vexatus
Eighteen months had passed since his exile from Clan Naga Sadow and the conclusion of the Battle of Lehon. The fall broke his body and his spirit, Ylith was who he was when he was born again, a Human now trapped in the body of a Valheru. His body had transformed due to genetic modification to be other than his own. The Sith fought for his life and reached for his mask, placing the prototype mask over his face he was able to steer the Force enough to heal the major wounds in his body, rendering him healthy enough for his body to heal the rest on its own. Afraid that Tyren still roamed on Shi to confirm his brothers demise the Valheru moved to the shuttle he came on and took off from Shi, knowing his own homeworld wasn't even safe anymore.

As he drifted through space he spent most of his time meditating, trying desperatly to heal both his physical wounds as well as his mentally inflicted wounds. The sudden removal of Draken's subconscious left a void within the Sith that brought him to the brink of insanity. His nights were filled with nightmares, again and again, the three suns burning over him. As his engines started to fail he tried to find a new replacement for the generator he took from the settlement at Lehon. He stumbled upon a weckage in the middle of nowhere, no evidence for a fight other than the entire ship falling apart. Suddenly Ylith's eyes widened as he recognized the main bulk of the vessel, a modified Star Destroyer. He felt fear taking grip over his heart as he moved closed to the vessel and eventually docked with the remainder. Searching through the halls for a new generator he eventually found a similar generator in what was left of the hangar bay. As it was installed curiosity piqued the Sith and he set out to take a look inside the wreckage. He found bodies, piles of them, the entire crew seemed to either kill others or themselves brutally. Words were written in blood on the walls, telling about the voices, so many voices.
He found a light shining behind a closed door, as he opened it he found himself in a dark room, the light eminating from a green Bacta tank in the middle of the room. Scientists lay dead around it, some seemingly killed by the others. Within the tank a body drifted, half a body that was remade with robotic parts, more robotic than Human. it wasn't until he stood right in front of the body that Ylith's eyes widened and stepped away from it, only one word falling from his mouth in whisper.
Suddenly the being inside of the tank opened his eyes and glared at the Valheru, upon seeing the serpentine eyes the Darth started to struggle inside his tank, anger and hatred flowing from him. Ylith stepped back and reached for his head as a thousand voices spoke at once inside his mind, speaking of death, vengeance and suffering. The half broken body of the Falleen started to sputter and his arm reached through the glass the tank emptying and he spoke a few silent words. As the Valheru ran around the corner he felt a stabbing pain through his arm. He moved through the ship into the shuttle he came in and took off, leaving the enraged Darth behind.
Return to the House of Ragnos (31 ABY)
- "Welcome Home...Valheru."
- ―Jade awaiting Ylith after he landed at Ragnos Cathedral
As the Valheru drifted through space away from the wreckage he checked his arm, pain was coursing through him every ticking second. As he investigated the wound he saw that there was none, yet his arm was falling apart on a molecular level. His skin started to crack and flesh seemed to just fall off, bit by bit, as if he was made of sand. The Valheru didn't hesitate and wrapped his lower body and right arm entirely in bandages and pulled it tight, hoping it would delay the degeneration. Still he was worried and knew he could never get a cure for this in a civilian hospital nor any New Republic medical center. The Jedi would ease his suffering only by ending the Sith's own Life.
In his desperation he set course to the Orian system and prepared for the worst. Not only did he have to warn them that Darth Vexatus had survived and was even more powerful than he was before, he also had to find a way for himself to release himself from his curse. He shortly after arrived at Ragnos Cathedral, roughly two years after he had left them at Lehon being awaited by Jade, now Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, to be placed under arrest and interrogation.
Even though Ylith and Tyren are twins, they vary very much in personality. While Tyren is quick with his mouth and is very secure of himself, Ylith is not. Having grown up in the slums of Byss Ylith has learned to take care for himself and relies more on strength than on wits, though also always relied upon the Force for guidance and to increase his strength.
His personality is a quiet one, will never talk before his turn and tends to steer away from the larger picture if possible, unless drivin by a desire that forces him to do so. He tends to be alone all the time and does not open up very easily. He find it hard to trust anyone but whenever he finds to trust that person, he will do so with his life.
His loyalty is given to those who are closest to him, but only to those who deserve it, should someone do something to betray this loyalty, Ylith shall never trust this person again and will do anything in his power to so this person brought down and cast away.
As for weaponry, Ylith prefers Melee weapons over blasters or any other ranged weapons, though his interest for archery has been stirred lately. He feels thats battle with blasters is weak and without honor and will always fight with either a sword or his lightsaber. He also has a hatred towards the Mandalorians, who seem to think honor is held with hiding behind a helmet and firing weapons at opponents without showing strength or honor.
After the Battle of Lehon Ylith has become more laid back and doesn't meddle as much with things as he used to. Still people who were close to him know something is clearly on his mind that may concern more people than just himself. He has also become more careful of his deeds, rather evaluating his battlefield before plunging in, with the Curse of Vexatus to bear be has become careful.
Summerized Personality
- Calm
- Silent
- Observant
- Strong
- Loyal
- Careful
- Carries a high sense of honor
- Will never fight using blasters or the like
- Holds a natural hatred towards the Mandalorians
- Will rather use a Bow from afar before plunging into the middle of battle
Mask of Perseverance

After the Battle of Selen, the Valheru was heavily reprimanded and burned as a traitor among the Arconan members. during this time of solitude within Clan Naga Sadow the Valheru began to hide himself behind a Mask while traveling away from the Orian System together, who remained at his side even through his failure in taking down Clan Arcona in it's weakened state.
During his time traveling he came across a tribe of people, a religious nomadic people who resembled much of the ancient nomadic species who were present during the age of the New Republic. They all wore masks, which symbolized the person's inner face, the face of the soul as it may. Ylith spent a lot of time with the tribe, called the Za'ir, and learned much of their ways and traveled with them for quite some time. After a few weeks of living with them and showing promise, he was granted his own mask.
The ritual of the second face, as they called it in their native tongue, had Ylith sitting within a circle of people, who were all hitting drums while a strong smelling incense like stick was lit. This caused the Valheru to move into a Hypnotic state and reveal his true face. Within the vision he had, a robed man appeared with a white face, red eyes and red streaks, like cuts, running down each side of his face, but no nose or mouth visible. It drew a sword and attacked Ylith and he fought back, only realizing he only fought himself which caused all his problems.
Accepting himself finally, Ylith let his guard down and was stabbed through the abdomen by his second self, who shortly after evaporated. As the Sith Battlemaster found himself back into the room, his mask had already been drawn while being in hypnosis and he named it 'Mask of Defiance' as a token to his past and himself.
During the battle of Lehon Ylith lost the Mask of defiance, most likely to have been broken and destroyed by Darth Vexatus during his retaliation towards the Sith at the aftermath. During his time in Exile the Valheru remade the mask in a new shape and fashion giving it a new name to fit his host. The Mask of Perseverance, a symbol of his survival and his endurance as the mask grants him the power to wield the Force like any other Dark Jedi for only a few minutes due to a built in Neural Stimulator.
- Created by Ylith through a ritual called The Ritual of the Second Face.
- It is made of a porselin like material, yet is as hard as metal.
- The material is coated with an Alchemy potion, which allows it to rebuilt itself when damaged, though severe damage would take weeks to remake.
- Is applied to the face with a special kind of adhesive originating from the ask itself, by applying pressure at some points there will be some of it pointing out of the edges of the mask to seal it onto the face.
- To release it there are other points to apply pressure to, to release a second liquid that will dissolve and remove any trace of the adhesive.
- Reforged after the battle of Lehon where the Mask of Defiance was destroyed.
- Has a built in Neural Stimulator near the forehead, allowing Ylith to wield his Force Powers normally without any trouble for a short amount of time, variating from 5 to 10 minutes. After this timespan either the Force turns unstable or the Neural Stimulator needs to be recharged. See Handicaps for more info about Ylith's present Force Abilities.
- Has been renamed 'Mask of Perseverance'
The Phoenix Blade

After his return from exile he returned to House Marka Ragnos and with the aid of Jade regained his old gear and supplies. Ylith began the forging of a twin blade, looking similar to that of Livion. Knowing that his Brother would most likely heard of his return he now awaits the day the two swords clash in battle, twin blades against twin brothers.
The blade is made of various mixtures of precious metals and durasteel, creating a very powerful blade with a strength only to be matched by a lightsaber. The handle of the blade had a solid steel core covered with wood, for a more traditional feel, then the wood is covered in a white cloth and tied with leather, for a perfect grip.
- It is an O-Katana, a long sword version of the regular Katana
- It is a twin blade of Livion
- It has no specially made sheath and is specifically designed for two handed combat
Ultima Bracelet

The Bracelet was made by Xathia after the designs of the first Lightwave Shield Bracelet Ylith had. She tore the bracelet apart and remade it while Ylith was out on a diplomatic mission. She improved it to fit her style and originally remade it for herself, using light weight materials instead of the heavy metals Ylith had used with his limited engineering skills. She made the bracelet more agile during battles and lighter.
The Bracelet is battery powered, which is charged by movement of the body. It is worn on the left lower arm with the band around the arm itself near the elbow while the tip is near the hand itself, with a handle to hold it steady.
It has two functions, it can serve as a shield, as it was meant to do when Ylith made it. She improved the energy output to keep the shield up longer and to have it take more punches than before. Then there is the bow fuction, using rotating magenetic energyfields, a basic version of that of a lightsaber, though weaker, to launch arrows with a similar field with high speeds, the further you pull, the more speed the arrow will get and the more power it will have when it lands on its target.
Lightwave Shield

Even though Ylith had his Synthetic Arm replaced by Macron for a new one, he still couldnt live without the protection and combat reliability of the Lightwave Shield anymore. Ylith had gotten used of wielding sword and shield and now his mind was reformed, found a way to recreate his prized shielding.
As his Synthetic Arm itself was lost during the fight against the Vong Draken, he used one of his earlier Prototypes and reforged it into a bracelet, covering his lower left arm. The principle remained the same, an emitter on top of the lower arm bracelet would emit waves of energy absorbing energy blasts and electric pulses which made the shield 'hard' when in contact with a solid object, like metal or rock.
The Bracelet is powered by small energy cells located at the bottom of the bracer, close to Ylith's arm. And are recharged simply by absorbing the impact energies of blaser fire or by movements Ylith makes with his arms, depending on the situation.
Ylith remade the Lightwave Shield, creating a far more stable energy field with evenly disposed energy ensuring it can withstand massive punches against it and wont buckle as easy as it used to. The output is on top of the bracelet in the middle, shaped like a ten tipped star crystal, it outputs the energy evenly along field.
- Able to deflect blaster fire
- Able to block solid items, like rock and metal
- The Bracelet itself can be used as a dagger like weapon
- Originally part of Ylith's Metal Arm
- Remade by Ylith and has been improved
- Cannot be used simultaniously with the bow due to a limited power supply
Kinetic Bow

As Ylith remade his bracelet he created a prototype Kinetic Bow within the bracelet. The Sith was fascinated by this ranged weaponry and decided to keep his bracelet to himself. With a push of the button the bracelet can extend his arms and create a bow. The smaller shafts on the bow will emit a magnetic field, similar to that of a lightsaber but more basic as it isn't used to hold a blade of pure energy, though will still be powerful of itself.
Ylith uses the bow against long ranged targets but has also been seen using it in close combat situations to throw the opponent off balance. As a last resort, the Bow can be fired up to the max level and fire the newly forged Lightsaber though will fully deplete the powersupply, rendering the weapon useless for at least an hour, depending on the range and power of the shot.

The arrows are specially made by Ylith together with the bow, Ylith wears five of them on a strap located on top of his left shoulder, five on the back of his belt and three strapped on each leg. they are shortened until pulled out of the holder, causing the energy field to expand with the arrow itself and to be used instantly as an arrow. Should the bow become useless, they could be used as throwing weapons if needed, but they would be highly ineffective.
- Created by Ylith to add to his Bracelet, renaming it the Ultima Bracelet because of it.
- Uses Electromagnetic Fields which rotates around the two staves on the bow to launch specially designed arrows.
- Can be used for long ranged or close ranged opponents.
- Cannot be used simulataniously with the Lightwave Shield due to a limited power supply.

Draken, as a part of the old Valheru Army, specialized himself in the making of weaponry and armor but focussed mainly on swords. During his days in the army he fashioned many different swords for himself, his father and the Silivren Amlug, using various materials like Iron, Steel, Gold, Silver and other various metals found on Shi. After he gained the Valheru Sword of Darkness he only made blades for his fellow soldiers rather than himself and never stopped until he died.
At the Present, with his Valheru Sword of Darkness broken, Ylith took Draken's knowledge to himself and had made various attempts to reforge the blade, but failed every time as the blade simply fell apart every time it was remade. He couldnt repair his prized blade and he startted to forge new blades to fit his liking. He forged the Medusa blade first, and it stayed with him until Jade Atema got it from him, to use it to her will and an extension of his power to her. After that he forged the Duath Sheran Elan - The Dark Lady's Fang - and still keeps the blade at his side to this day.
He never stopped with his swordsmithing and keeps building blades for his family and friends and he hopes that someday his skills will rise to a greater level and he will be able to reforge his prized blade once more.
Physical Marks and Scars
Facial Scar
Ylith has a scar across his right eye, which has also scarred his right eye. He can see through it perfectly yet the tissue from the eye itself has been altered by the slash, making the pupil and iris of the eye white in color, making it almost invisible to anyone who looks at it. It is said that there has been a large conflict between the brothers Tyren Atema and Ylith Atema that caused the scar to appear through his eye, the details or this event are not yet known. Due to time the scar has become less visible but is still present today.
Serpent Eyes
Draken has deep eyes, allowing the shadow to be cast over them most of the time. However, the eyes of the Valheru are like those of a lizard. Long black slids vertical, around them a green/blue iris. This made the Obelisk even more menacing than he already is. a Racial treat is that unlike normal Humans, he can see much further and can see easily trough fog or sand storms. It has been said that the lizard like eyes were evolved onto the Valheru species because of their interaction with reptilian species on the homeworld of Shi. The Valheru adapted to their lifestyle and evolved to be stronger, more agile and with more improved senses than the average Humanoid species.
Limited Force Usage
Ever since his personal encounter with the Vong and the aftermath of which that took place on Shi the Sith Battlemaster had become 'Mundane'. Unable to sense or connect to the Force the Valheru suddenly found himself weakened severely in contrast to his peers. While being a Battlemaster at rank his Force Abilities were less than those of a freshly started Initiate, hiding it well from his fellow Dark Jedi the Sith was severely handicapped during this time. During the Battle of Telos aboard the Vong Worldship his brother Tyren Atema noticed this grave scar and confronted the Sith with it, stirring him to return to the Shadow Academy and relearn his powers.
Ylith, stubbornly, went through and even when opposed to a Dark Prophet he didn't weaken his resolve and pushed himself to his limits, until the Battle of Lehon where his Handicap suddenly became his greatest asset, allowing him to sneak into close proximity of an enraged Darth Vexatus, he was able to deal a fatal blow to the Dark Prophet which resulted into a fatal retaliation that nearly cost Ylith his life, but resparked his connection with the Force.
Present State
After the Battle of Lehon his connection with the Force was restored, but the control was not. His ways of controlling the Force are far from stable and using major quantities of Force Energy available to him will render in very unstable abilities. A Force Push that was supposed to only slightly nudge an object could be sent flying through a hall. Also the Force seemed to 'leak' from him, rendering him visible to anyone like a flare in the darkness for anyone who would bother to look.
Ylith still has no control over his Force Abilities and he describes it as a ball of fire in the center of his being, with flames of different magnitudes shooting to the point of usage like his hand or muscles. The power of these 'flames' vary much and the Sith is never sure if he will empower his moves enough.
- Time, most likely through training Ylith will be able to wield the Force again like any Dark Jedi. How much time is not certain.
- The Mask of Perseverance was designed with a Neural Stimulator that allows Ylith to use the Force normally for a certain amount of time.
The Curse of Vexatus
Ylith found the broken body of Vexatus within the torn modified Star Destroyed of the Jedi and awakened the Dark prophet. When trying to 'Mark' the Valheru the Darth missed his target and instead placed a dark curse upon the Battlemaster. During the Battle of lehon the Dark Prophet was able to tear any object apart by his will on a molecular level, the curse reflects this by destroying the flesh of the body slowly in the same manner.
Present State
Every once in a while the Sith will be plagued with sharp pains and immense pressure coursing through his right arm with his flesh simply falling off and degenerating. Blood will seep through his skin or his flesh will simply vanish as if never existed. Ylith has wrapped his entire right arm in bandages and also has it covering some of his torso in case the curse spreaks further onto his body.
- Ylith uses the Mask of Perseverance to allow himself to use the Force normally, at times he uses the Force to heal portions of his broken body as much as possible, though it doesn't heal anything permanently.
- No cure has yet been found to fully heal or remove this curse.
Visions from the Past
This is a collection of former attire, former personalities and other various chapters that were relevant in the past but are no longer part of Ylith. Information on these items are kept here to be preserved and to keep the information available.
Ylith's Formerly Owned Weapons

The blade is an O-Katana, forged by Ylith himself within the fires of Kyataru under supervision of Muz Keibatsu. The Deputy Grand Master agreed to train Ylith in the use of the weapon to compensate for his lack of a Force Connection. During his training he spent hours upon hours crafting the blade and the sheath its carried in. The blade is made of various mixtures of precious metals and durasteel, creating a very powerful blade with a strength only to be matched by a lightsaber. The handle of the blade had a solid steel core covered with wood, for a more traditional feel, then the wood is covered in a white cloth and tied with leather, for a perfect grip.
The Sheath itself is made out of the same metals as the sword itself, and can be used in combat as much as the actually blade. During combat Ylith holds the sword in his left hand, draws the blade only when needed, and will sometimes not even bother unsheathing it, using the sheathed sword itself to slam into enemy opponents.
Ylith always has the blade with him, together with his shield.
- The Blade has been made under supervision of the Deputy Grand Master Muz Keibatsu
- It is an O-Katana, a long sword version of the regular Katana
- One can fight with the sword sheathed, unsheathed or dual wielded with sheath in left hand.
- Tyren took the blade as a trophy after overthrowing Ylith in combat on Shi.

The Medusa blade was forged shortly after the Vong War, after the Valheru Sword of Darkness was taken away by the Vong, severing the link between himself and Draken. During this time, Ylith preferred to live in solitude, pushing himself away from his fellow clansmen to fight his own demons, as his body was heavily weakened and deseased because of the separation. During this period of pain and loneliness, Ylith began the creation of a blade, one that had all Ylith's despair, loneliness, pain, hate and grief forged into it.
The result of this was The Medusa, a short bladed sword perfect for fast attacks while the hilt was long enough to use it two-handedly for powerful strikes. The sword resembles the inner rage Ylith felt and the emotions that were thought forgotten. Using the teachings from his newly found Master Sildrin Sadow, he locked his emotions into the blade, creating a very powerful weapon in return.
The sword was broken eventually and reforged by Ylith himself to remove the emotions he forged within it and to create the blade anew without the curse of his darkness. Later he gave the sword to his wife to be, Jade Imperial, as an extension of himself to protect her should it be needed.
- Jade Sadow now wields this sword.
Duath Sheran Elan

With his new life begun, Ylith now spent more time in the open and interacted with the fellow clansmen within the House Marka Ragnos, where he met Jade Imperial, and as their bond grew with each day together, things within the Battlemaster changed and he broke the Medusa blade and removed the curse upon it, giving it to Jade afterwards.
However, now swordless, Ylith sought for means to reforge the Valheru Sword of Darkness, he failed utterly and he gave up on ever seeing his prized sword remade. Jade, now living together with Ylith felt his pain and gave him a gift to help him in his search for a new weapon. Jade gave Ylith the materials to build a new sword, as a gift and as a token of her affection for him.
He took the materials given by Jade and started the creation of a new sword, one different than the Medusa blade. As the Medusa blade was broken and remade for Jade, he made the finishing touches to the new blade and made it as powerful as the Valheru Sword of Darkness once was, naming the sword 'Duath Sheran Elan' meaning 'Dark Lady's Fang' in reference to Jade's darker side.
- A gift from his ex-wife Jade Sadow
- Contains three types of metal: Black Durasteel, Silver and Gold
- The name 'Duath Sheran Elan' or 'Dark Lady's Fang' is in referral to Jade's darker side.
- Lost after defeating the Yammosk 'World Brain' inside the Vong Worldship during the Vong Attack on Telos.