Ylith/Page One
Where... where did it go?
The content of this article is split up among several sub pages as it grew too large. |
Atema History (19 BBY - 6 BBY)
Escaping the Purge
Ashira Islana and Jerreth Atema were both sent out of a mission of peace to the Outer Rim, they did not understand it as the war was still raging on why the Jedi would waste valuable Jedi on peace missions rather than to fight the Separatists during what seemed to be the climax of the Clone Wars. Both had been weary of their surroundings as most Jedi were at that time and age. Times were changing and while most of the republic welcomed this change, the Jedi were less positive considering the increase in anti-Jedi sentiments throughout the Senate of the Republic.
They were moving to what seemed to be a migrant fleet used by an old clan of Mandalorians who roamed the Outer Regions of the Galaxy away from the war. The Republic had interests in them joining their cause, most likely for the creation of more clone armies, but this claim was never confirmed. They moved in a small group to show the Mandalorians they did not mean to be a threat, only a shuttle class ship that held the Jedi and two fighters as an escort were sent to the flotilla.
At the moment 'Order 66' was given by the newly instated Emperor Palpatine, the group was attacked by a scout squadron of Vulture Droids, who destroyed the escort with significant loss, allowing the shuttle to pick off the last of the droid fighters with its lesser weapons. The shuttle however, got significantly damaged and the two Jedi deemed the mission lost and returned home with a battered engine.
Hiding from the Empire
While adrift through the Galaxy trying to find a Republic vessel or a space station the Ashira tried to contact the Jedi temple while Jerreth was trying hard to keep the Shuttle working. To both their surprises there were no further attacks by the Separatist armies nor did they find any sign of the Clone War. Sensing something was amiss ever since the day of the attack, they had their worst nightmare realized as they received a message from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant telling of the Betrayal of Palpatine and to stay away from the Republic and the new formed Empire.
Shocked by this revelation they spent few years drifting and training each other to fully hide themselves from the Force to help them survive the Great Jedi Purge. They moved from spaceport to spaceport, often those out of Imperial control to avoid detection, they eventually modified and repaired their shuttle and managed to live a nomad's life. During this time they spent together Ashira and Jerreth engaged into the beginning of a romantic relationship.
The Exiled and the Vagabond
Both Jedi felt the grip of the Empire tighten more and more on the systems of the Outer Regions which endangered them gravely, especially since the vessel they lived on, while modified, was still clearly one of Republic making. They received a message by one of the other surviving Jedi to call upon a meeting on Dantooine a few years ago. Fearing for their safety however they decided not to forsake their nomadic lively, they now changed their mind in pure desperation, hoping that the Jedi Conclave that was mentioned would still exist.
Hoping for the best, the two set course to Dantooine and took the many years of traveling between spaceports, in order to avoid Imperial contact, to get there. During these travels they met Gram Magnus who used to work for CorSec during the time of the Republic and who now was working on various spaceports as a smuggler. Jerreth and Ashira bought supplies from Gram that would aid them as well as the Jedi who would still be present at Dantooine. As he brought the shipment to their shuttle and helped the two load the cargo onto it Imperial troopers appeared and opened fire. Gram, thinking they were after him pleaded the two Jedi to save him. Jerreth agreed and they escaped he spaceport quickly before more Imperial troopers could arrive.
Ever since that day, thankful for his life, Gram vowed to repay his debt at whatever cost. Sensing his sincerity through the Force Ashira accepted this and noted that they would need his help more than anything in order to restore their home.
Darkness before the Dawn
After a long trip the three finally arrived at Dantooine. Hoping to find a thriving Jedi Conclave in hiding from the Empire and its Sith rule they instead stumbled upon ruins and death. The group of Jedi that had been taken refuge at the ancient Conclave were all dead, scattered over the area, some even decomposed to mere skeletons. Feeling their hopes flee and seeing no other options they decided that they would make their stand here, at Dantooine.
Gram, finally realizing who the two were, decided that he would make use of the oath made and used his connections in the smuggling business to gather supplies to build a new home. Jerreth and Ashira spent a few years slowly gathering supplies through smuggling channels to avoid unwanted attention from the empire and built a new home inside a large cavern away from the former Jedi Conclave. As they built more and more, more people from other galaxies gathered, fleeing for the Empire, they would find a safe haven there. Jerreth named the village The Sanctuary, a beacon of light within the everlasting darkness.
Character History Ylith Atema (6 BBY - 22 ABY)

Expanding the Atema Family
- "I fear for our safety...The Jedi..."
"I am afraid the Jedi cannot help us now Ashira, we must fend for ourselves" - ―Ashira Islana and Jerreth Atema
After half a year of rebuilding the two Jedi married, and so the Atema family was born. They were one of the first Jedi to marry during the Great Jedi Purge, and became a symbol of hope to the people of the Sanctuary, hope that the Imperial reign of darkness would come to an end soon.
Gram Magnus, who was still faithful to the two Jedi, remained to be of service by keeping his smuggling ties trading with the small colony and by having spies letting him know should the Empire come too close for comfort. Jerreth and Ashira, both feeling blessed by the help of Gram, gave him the title of 'Protector of the Sanctuary' as a high honor.
Not long after the two Jedi were married did Ashira got pregnant, and nine months later gave birth to twins. Two boys who each had their own feats from the day they were born. The names of the boys were Ylith Atema and Tyren Atema. The two boys, the older Ylith and the younger Tyren, were born in a peaceful environment their parents and the other residents created. They named Gram to be their Godfather should anything happen to them.
Though they were twins the two boys had differences their parents felt all too well. While Tyren was the quiet one, Ylith was always the active one, always on adventure and looking for clues to find old Jedi relics even when he was a small boy. Tyren on the other hand had little use for relics and was far better off tricking people into giving him their money either by schemes or gambling tricks taught secretly by Gram and his Smuggler friends.
Ylith and Tyren both grew up in a force active environment, though the Empire was always around the corner, the Sanctuary remained hidden. The two brothers became best friends and added to each other what the other lacked. They often were found working together to take on bullies or even to play pranks on the people who lived there. Using Ylith's strength to keep their angry friends away while Tyren worked his charm to claim his innocence.
Even though Ylith was a child with the light at heart, their parents did sense a natural Dark Side aura around him, which worried them. They hoped to someday make him a Jedi and a peon of good. While their parents mused over more pressing matters the brothers had more interest in showing off their powers at each other which developed a natural rivalry between the two. Ylith would use his physical strength against Tyren while he in his stead would use the power of the Force combined with street smarts in order to overcome his older brother's brute force.
Past Divided
- "I never intended this path for you my son..."
- ―Jerreth Atema
However, as Gram already noted when they settled in the Sanctuary, the Empire would ever be vigilant in their search of them. Even after the battle of Yavin and the ending of the Great Jedi Purge, Darth Vader was scouring the Galaxy in order to find the Rebels or any that could be an opposition to the Emperor in any way. Three years after the Battle of Yavin a scouting party of the Empire finally found the Sanctuary and it did not take long for Star Destroyers to burst out of Hyperspace at their doorstep.
Using his smuggling resources the old CorSec agent managed to scrape enough material together to have the Shuttle transformed in a large sized Transport vessel, large enough to ensure the safety of the inhabitants and to escape the Empire. The Evacuation was fast and easy, Jerreth oversaw the evacuation himself and knew that this might be the last time he would set foot within the Sanctuary. He planted a banner holding the Atema symbol as a sign of hope and piece before he left to the shuttle himself.
As the shuttle took off it crashed through the roof of the cavern, having the entrance collapsing so nobody could enter or leave the Sanctuary. The shuttle moved up and through the atmosphere eventually ending up in space. When it did it was greeted by two large Star Destroyers awaiting the ship. Jerreth and Ashira moved with their children to the escape pods, but due to the panic that occurred they were pushed apart by the mass of people, separated they entered different pods hoping to meet each other afterwards. When the pods were ejected the Star Destroyers opened fire, destroying the shuttle as the pods moved in opposite directions before moving into hyperspace. Though Ashira or Jerreth did not feel each other’s death within the Force, they could not sense each other either. Forsaking the hope for a reunion they set course to separate locations. Tyren who was with his mother moved to the Core planet of Coruscant while Ylith, who was with his father, moved to Byss.
As Jerreth grieved the loss of his wife he decided that the best option to go with is the survival of himself and his son. He took Ylith and as they arrived at Byss they landed into one of the poor districts. As they were trying to get out of the pod a garrison of Imperial troopers moved to seize them. The rumor was that there was a Jedi on board and the Jedi were still most wanted. Jerreth wanted to Escape with his son but before he could found himself surrounded and taken in custody, with his son as well being taken, he saw no choice but to bide his time until an opportunity arose.
They were taken to the Imperial Prison where they would await trial, or execution, by the hands of the Imperial Law Enforcement. As they rode in the vehicle Jerreth weighed his options. If he remained silent he would have both himself and his son killed, but should he move to escape he might perish himself but in the progress give Ylith a chance to survive.
In a daring move Jerreth used the Force to burst the aft-doors into shreds. Using this as a diversion Jerreth overpowered the two Stormtroopers guarding him and his soon but got wounded in the process, a blaster-wound deep into his shoulder slowed him down for a second before taking Ylith and escaping the scene. Being followed by a small group of Stormtroopers the Jedi and his son escaped through the alley’s of Byss’ poor quarter and managed to escape.
Foster Parents
The blaster wound on Jerreth’s shoulder began to take it’s toll, as pain shot through his body he felt his energy getting weaker and weaker. Mustering what he could he moved to a small house at the end of the alleyway where there was a slight Light Side aura present. Jerreth knocked on the door and when a woman opened she found the man lying on the ground, with a small boy sitting besides him. Before he lost consciousness he asked the woman to take care of his son and to treat him as her own.
The woman took the man and his child in and took care of Jerreth. Durign this time the old Jedi was able to tell them about the Sanctuary and the survival of the Great Jedi Purge through it. He mentioned the Empire finally finding the sacred place and the loss of his wife and other son. Gripped by the old man’s story, the woman vowed the man to take care of his son, Ylith, and to raise him like her own as he asked of her. With Jerreth relieved to know his son would be safe he released his forced grip on life and transcended into the Force.
The Woman who took Ylith in raised him, as she promised, like her own and soon came to find that Ylith was a strong boy capable on overpowering most of the other boys on Byss. He lived a carefree life for as long as he could remember it. His Forster-Mother was always concerned about him while the young boy often got into trouble. Yet every time he did he felt like something was missing, like a part of him that should be with him but isn’t. The woman knew he was talking about his younger brother Tyren but decided to keep it to herself, trying to protect the boy from memories he shouldn’t have to be burdened with at his age.
As Ylith grew older the presence of the Empire on Byss began to grow and expand, eventually peaking at the construction of the Galaxy Gun. While the Woman nor Ylith knew what it did or why it was created, Ylith often dreamed to visit it one day and finally figure out what it was. Little did he know he would be finding out soon enough.
Destruction of Byss
A few years after his Father’s passing the young boy was playing in the alleyways in the poor district like he always was until a strange feeling gripped him. He couldn’t understand what it was nor what it was although he knew it was a bad feeling. Running towards his home he found that the alarms were going off throughout the city and the Imperials were moving fast and quietly, not telling anything to the main public. As he reached home he found that his Foster-Mother was already packing and getting ready to go.
Ylith explained his feeling and the woman, knowing his father was a Jedi, acted on it accordingly and took the boy with her. Throughout the city fights between civilians and the Imperial forces were underway, it seemed an entire rebellion had taken place and when Ylith looked up he saw flashes and bright lines flashing across the sky around the Galaxy Gun. The Woman moved Ylith in front of her and the Imperial Stormtroopers in charge of the evacuation of the city separated the two. Ylith, in anger about this, tried to break free from his captivity to rejoin his Foster-Mother but was unable to and had to board the shuttle alone.
Both shuttles launched but instead of moving towards another city both shuttles set course to space. As they flew past the terrifying weapon of the Empire they saw how the Eclipse Star Destroyer slammed into it and have it fire a round into the Planet’s atmosphere. Upon seeing this the pilot did not hesitate and set a course to jump into Hyperspace.
Before it did Ylith watched in awe as his newfound home planet was bombarded by the large round and destroying it in an enormous ball of fire and rocks. As they moved into Hyperspace the young boy could just see how the second shuttle, holding his Foster-Mother, got hit by a piece of rubble, slashing through it like a knife through butter, the vessel exploded before space around the shuttle erupted in a tunnel of blue energy. Ylith cried out but no one tended to listen, all grieving of the loss of their home. The Pilot set course to the only planet he could reach with the shuttle, Tatooine.
Growing up
Arriving on Tatooine within the dreaded spaceport of Mos Eisley the young boy found himself alone and lost within a world of smugglers and criminals. While other survivors could easily muster up the resources or help from family in order to get their life back on track, Ylith could not and he roamed the streets of Mos Eisley, homeless. It was not until he was forcefully pushed into Street Fighting that he was able to take care of himself. Even though the sport was highly dangerous and more often than not forbidden, in the back-alleys of Mos Eisley there were no rules.
Making only little money Ylith was able to make a home for himself and used his inherited strength to win match after match. Within the years spent on Mos Eisley he kept fighting and when he was nineteen years of age he was grown up enough to match up in the adult league, where he was subject to betrayal and manipulation. During the years fighting in the adult league his anger grew and when the New Republic slowly made their presence known on Tatooine the growth of his rage was unstoppable.
After a long and harsh day of fighting Ylith watched the credits in his hand, it wasn’t nearly enough to last a week but it had to do, it wasn’t like there would be any other way to gain money without either being a murderer or a smuggler. With the New Republic pushing it’s stamp onto the area that was getting hard to accomplish, even in Mos Eisley. That same night Ylith moved past a cantina where a few New Republic soldiers were enjoying their night off and under the haze of alcohol they started blurting out words senselessly.
Ylith stopped in his tracks as they suddenly mentioned the destruction of Byss. It was not since he got into the adult league that he thought about the attack that killed his Foster-Mother. The young man snapped into a blind rage and attacked the soldiers. Too hazed by the alcohol they were consuming only minutes before, they did not pose much threat and Ylith killed them with a shard of glass.
Before he could realize what he had done and escape the scene other soldiers noted him and took aim, placing him under arrest. Ylith, knowing that he had no other option, surrendered and they took him into a holding cell until further hearing. As he was placed in a cell, he heard the soldiers discussing a rumor of an aerie ship slowly closing in on Tatooine.
Brotherhood History (22 ABY – 26 ABY)
- "I sense great anger in you..."
- ―Welshman Corsair Tarentae
Twenty-two years of age now and locked in a New Republic holding cell Ylith awaited his trial. He had been in the cell for about a week now and was often subject to torture by the bailiffs which took its toll on the young man. It had been a few days since he had eaten anything and he only got enough water no to die within the dry holding cell. Occasionally he had to fight off a fellow prisoner in order to get some food and water to survive.
One night the air alarms went off and the ground was rumbling because of the many explosions erupting throughout the spaceport. Blasters were blazing and flashes of light brightened the cell he was in. Ylith did his best to see what was going on but could not get a grip on it, as if something was forcing him not to look. After a few minutes the explosions dimmed and people seemed to calm down instead of panicking. Remembering the events that happened of Byss the young man moved to the door that kept him in his cell and shook it as hard as he could, trying desperately to get out. The screams and panicking all coming back to him, the separation near the shuttles and the destruction of Byss.
A voice told him to rise up and when he did he saw a dark robed man with a visor covering his eyes. He eyed him carefully and saw how the door was pulled from its sockets without even being touched. The robed figure motioned with his hand to follow him and when the young man did he left everything he knew behind. He was taken to a shuttle standing right outside and took off to the Yridia system, and to be introduced into his new home, Clan Tarentum.
Introduction and the Academy
Ylith was taken to House Gladius where he was given a room within it’s base of The Sword's Sheath. Not knowing yet where he had gotten himself into the young man started to regain his strength and after a few days he was emitted to the Shadow Academy, where he would be trained in the ways of the Dark Jedi. Sensing that this would be the best opportunity to gain powers beyond his reckoning he fully agreed with everything and went to be taught by the most esteemed members of the Brotherhood. Not only did Ylith learn to use and control the Force but he also was taught the history of the Brotherhood and the values it represented.
After a few months he was able to return to The Sword's Sheath and to be rejoined with Clan Tarentum as an initiate of the Brotherhood. It did not take long for Ylith to get his name noted by the higher officials of the House and before he knew it he was getting a promotion for his serviced. He continued to grow and when he was deemed powerful enough the young Dark Jedi was initiated into his first position as part of the battleteam Daemoni. While in this battleteam Ylith joined the order of the Obelisk due to his massive physical strength and became known for it,.

Master and Apprentice
Due to his progression it did not take long for some of the senior members of Tarentum to take interest in the young Obelisk. A Krath by the name of Ciara Tearnan was willing to become Ylith’s Mistress in the Dark Arts and took him under her wing. Ylith found not only untapped strength under her teachings, but also fear he thought he had lost years ago. She tortured the Obelisk with her skill in illusions, causing him to see the death of his foster-mother again and to be confronted by the emotions released from it. Ciara saw how Ylith broke down emotionally and begged forgiveness from his foster-mother as well as trying to better himself.
Enraged the Krath punished the young Dark Jedi harshly, and brought down her lightsaber upon him. Scorching through his robes and into his skin, the Mistress left her mark of weakness, a wound shaped like an ‘X’ above his heart, to remind him of the weakness he had shown that day. From that day forth Ylith forced himself to forget fear, to show no emotions and to kill without mercy. He was granted the use of an Obelisk Blade and through Ciara’s illusions was able to test his might against the demons of his past, present and even future.
Phoenix Crest (23 ABY)
- "Ok, we are actually going in there? Are you insane?!"
- ―Archean Erinos Tarentae
When Ylith was still in training, an attack on the Phoenix Crest, an under water base used to harvest minerals and irons from deep below sealevel, had been made by pirating people from Yridian Civilians. Though Ylith was still only a Guardian when the attack occurred, it didn't stop the Obelisk from pushing himself into the midsts of battle. Guided by his Quaestor Welshman Corsair, he joined the shuttle down to the Phoenix Crest, only to be shot down by Pirate invaders. The Shuttle crash landed on a small island crawling with Pirates, Ylith got hurt while fending them off while Welshman tried to get communications back online. Another Dark Jedi Group, lead by Archean, soon joined Welshman and Ylith and worked together to stop the Pirate threat.
Eventually, Ylith and Archean both stopped the pirate attack even with Ylith saving Archean's life, while Welshman took control of the planet's orbit with the Creeping Death. In the end the Pirates were found at their base by a small army lead by Spears Tarentae and wiped them out to set an example for others. The Phoenix Crest itself was heavily damaged in the progress, but easily salvageable and ready to be used for harvesting in a matter of time.

Coratua IV (23 ABY)
Like the rest of Tarentum at the time of the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy, Ylith was sent out to fight against the other Clans and Pirates in order to gain control over Coratua IV, a planet the Obelisk High Commander Korras did not wish to lose. Ylith was part of the landing team, who had to unsure the main resources could land safely on the planet without being overrun by Pirate troops. Archean was also part of this and used his commanding skills to ensure the main resources landed safely.
Ylith and his team pushed on against the Pirates and their forces, and had driven them out of most of the area. But before the shouts of victory could be heard from the Tarentum camp, a tank the pirates had, heavily out dated, appeared in Ylith's sight and before he could evade the huge warmachine it fired. The shell, designed to bury itself into the ground before exploding, causing large gaps in the ground so troops would be slowed, tore trough Ylith's left arm rendering it useless. Archean saved Ylith's life as Tie Bombers took out the tank swiftly. The Obelisk now wears a metal arm, replacing his normal one, and owes his life itself to Archean.

Change of Nature (24 ABY)
- "Hear me, last of the living Valheru..."
- ―Vykor Sha'id
When he reached the rank of Jedi Hunter, he found a scroll containing a legend about an ancient race with immense power, the Valheru. With his best friend Archean Bruth'Kothae, he set out to find more about this ancient Race, and on the outer regions of the Galaxy he found a dead planet called Shi, this planet used to be home to the Valheru and Draken found the story of the Last of the Valheru, called Vykor Sha’id, who witnessed the destruction of the planet Shi by the hands of the Old Republic, who wiped the Valheru out in a large war.
Ylith also found within the ruins of the Valheru main castle a sword, The Valheru Sword of Darkness. The blade shimmered in blue flames and is key to the Valheru survival. Empowered by ancient Valheru alchemy it also was home to the spirit of Draken-Korin, who took Ylith's body as a host. The Dark Jedi first resisted the Valheru's attack on his body, but soon gave in when he knew that together, they would be stronger than ever. And so the Valheru Draken-Korin was reborn, and the Dark Jedi Ylith Romanae gave his knowledge and memories to combine the powers of the ancient and the present. The Valheru warlord Draken-Korin was born once again.
Since that day Ylith has been placed into a state of subconscious slumber while Draken took this chance to explore both the world he live in as his newfound powers.
New Beginning (24 ABY - 25 ABY)
- "Aid me ancient spirit, for together we are more powerful than any other..."
- ―Ylith
To this day, Draken-Korin now controls Ylith Romanae's body and named himself Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Romanae, to celebrate a fuse between two mighty beings. Though Draken can never get the revenge he wants, he can however seek out to destroy those weaker than him. Those without honor would not stand long in his path, and Draken now resides in House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow. Where he fights in honor of his extinct and forgotten race, to live once more.
Neverending Search
Now, Draken's search continues as he finds clue's of his past. The Valheru took part in a mission to seek out and retrieve a missing Frigate, stolen from the docks of his own Clan Base. With his new found powers and knowledge, Draken easily finds a way to stop the menace of biological warfare together with his brothers of war. Though the Dark Jedi way is a modern way, the Dragonlord still finds ways to push himself back into the past but his knowledge and memories served him well.
Curse (25 ABY)

Though immortality came as a blessing for the young Valheru, it also delivered a curse to attone to his sins. The host's body would get a disease which will cause the body to react onto the alianated cells. Causing his body to degenerate more rapidly than normal. The degeneration has already begun and is known by blackened vein like marks on his skin. His right arm has already startted to show these 'veins of death' and Draken now uses the power of the Dark Side to slow down and eventually stop this curse from spreading over his entire body, eventually killing his host and confining his spirit again.
Change of Order (25 ABY - 26 ABY)
- "My very being has changed, therefore my Order must as well..."
- ―Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Atema
Draken soon grew more stronger in his role as a Dark Jedi, and even while he still is a true warrior at heart, the power of leadership and command took hold of his interest once more. While a famous general in his time, Draken now stands only a minor officer within the ranks of the Brotherhood. Nonetheless, the Valheru now converted into a Sith, opening a new world and new ways for him to grow into leadership and commanding positions. Draken simply bides his time until it is his time to reign again at the general's seat once again.
Family Reunion - Vong War (26 ABY - 27 ABY)
Reunion (26 ABY)
- "These dreams haunt me since childhood..."
- ―Tyren Atema
Though Draken had taken hold of Ylith's body, he still had his memories and spirit with him, and so Ylith's past was linked with him as well. Though Draken thought about this before, he wasn't ready for the events that would change him within this Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. When training on Antei, Tyren came to visit Draken in a plead for help and guidance. He had nightmares about a terrible event. He sees twin brothers playing and then violently torn away from each other due to warfare. Though Draken didn't know anything about such a thing, Ylith's memories did. Told as a story often by his foster family, Ylith has heard the same story over and over again in his youth, knowing it was something he wasn't meant to forget. Both Draken and Tyren investigated this occurrence and even underwent a DNA test to see if they were family. And even while Ylith's genes were partially reformed into Valheru ones, the DNA of both Ylith and Tyren matched perfectly, even so perfectly that they were considered twin brothers.
Sanctuary Holocron (26 ABY)
- "A place for the weary and the weak, take light in heart and Dantooine is what you seek..."
- ―Sanctuary Holocron
Both Dark Jedi embraced this fact and startted their quest to find out the true history of their youth, they ended their search on the planet Byss, where they found an old Jedi Holocron, recording the first Jedi Marriage during the Jedi Purge, showing that it belonged to the Atema family. Then the holocron showed the two boys playing, seeing the image both Dark Jedi startted to remember their hidden and forgotten past. The the screen shifted and the attack was shown, as the two Sith now remembered clearly, they knew now that they were split up and their past with them. Both Ylith and Tyren reconstructed the Atema family crest and placed the banner near the ruins of the Sanctuary, to remember their parents, even if they were Jedi. The two boys became Sith, but they would never dishonour the Atema family.
Vong Invasion(26 ABY - 27 ABY)
- "Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Atema...MIA"
- ―Dlarit Officer
During the start of the Vong invasion, the Sith was absent from most of the clan, but in secrecy he was trying to fend them off as much as possible. During the war, Draken stood vast along the front lines fighting the Vong off as much as he could. He startted out in a squad of fifty men under his command, at the end of the first day, this very number was halved. Even Draken himself had a hard time dealing with these strenge creatures. As a Valheru, his strength was unmatched by any of the Humanoids he has crossed before, but the Vong were a whole other story. At the eve of the second day at the front, Draken's entire squad laid dead amount the field, and the organic growth the Vong used as weapons cut his escape route. It did not take long for other members to recon, he was dead.
My Cup Overflows...
- "Beware the blade of blue flames..."
- ―Vong Warrior Translated
Draken was caught by the Vong not soon after, and in a final move of wits, he took hold of his famed blue flaming sword and broke free at the last possible moment. Chased by force sensitive dog like creatures and heavily crippled by the Vong's advanced weaponry, Draken soon found himself hunted down. The Vong who finally caugth up with him smiled and gazed upon him with blackened eyes, his skin stretching as he did. The Valheru mustered all the strength he had left and charged.
...With my Blood
- "I will break him..."
- ―Vong Warrior Translated
The attack was in vain, the Vong simple blocked the attack and fought the Valheru off. As the Valheru wanted to attack again, the Vong threw some organic weapon onto Draken's Metal arm, as it burned it's way through the metal, it suddenly exploded throwing Draken back against the wall, losing his arm in the progress. Draken slowly lost consciousness, the last thing he saw was flashes of light before he fell.
A soul torn (27 ABY)
- "Will he survive?"
- ―Tyren Atema
In the last events at the front line, the Dark Jedi was saved from the Vong by a squad of Dlarit Troopers and taken to the medical bay on the Covenant as soon as possible in order to save his life. Heavily wounded and fighting for his life, the Sith was placed into a huge bacta container, hanging on various tubes and strings, both ejecting various medicine's into his body as robotic arms controlled by robot doctors to repair the torn muscles and skin tissue. It took three full days for the Dark jedi to recover inside the tube of bluish fluid. The bubbles of pure oxygen that flowed through the thick blue mass cleaning the skin and wounds gently while making it's way up to the top. Slowly the Sith regained it's consciousness, only to find out something was terribly wrong. His eyes were blue, his muscle tissue normal and his thoughts his own. Draken, was no longer present in his mind. Ylith has returned.
Return of the Dormant Spirit (27 ABY)
- "I have returned, broken, torn, now all there is left is vengeance..."
- ―Ylith Atema
Ylith, now fully healed in the hospital bay, plans to find his sword back, now probably in the hands of the Vong. He does not know who exactly has it or what the Vong will do with it. However, as he knows Draken, Ylith knew that the Valheru spirit would enter his life once more sooner or later.
While he took rest from the Vong War, he felt that the Curse the Spirit of Draken left upon him startted the increase in growth and in the pain it caused. This, together with the mental wounds that were left when Draken was violently torn out from his mind, caused Ylith to retreat back into his own quarters, locking himself up for weeks, forging the Medusa Blade in the progress, the blade being forged with his emotions as a metal. The Blade symbolizes his anger, rage, pain and sorrow and he kept wielded it as long as his quest to reclaim the power that was so ruthlessly taken from his was restored.
Valheru Legacy Reborn (27 ABY - 28 ABY)
Bloodline Reborn (27 ABY - 28 ABY)
- "I may be able to whip up a thing or two...heehee!"
- ―Mononoke 'Macron' Keibatsu
Curse; Reckoning
After Draken left Ylith's body, the genes within his body startted to return to their normal state and form. Back to becoming Human genes from before Draken turned to Ylith and made him a Valheru. Though the mutation of the bodycells did make Ylith a Valheru, in recent studies it was clear that Ylith was far from being a pure blood Valheru. While Ylith's body returned to its normal state, the Curse placed upon his body when Draken turned him into a Valheru too a turn for the worst. It startted spreading rapidly and if Ylith wouldn't become a Valheru again, he'd die due to the cause of it as the Curse slowly decayed his own body. After discovering this, Ylith researched a way to release the curse placed on him by Draken's forbidden alchemy and to make a pure blood Valheru out of himself. He found the answer in a relic weapon he found a few months ago, The Amlug Aral Dagger.
Within the ceremonial dagger was a vial of pure Valheru blood, hidden within the steel of the very blade itself, it was conserved for millennia within the alloyed metal and became the perfect solution to Ylith's genetic disease.
New Bloodline
Under the supervision of Consul Macron Keibatsu Goura himself, Ylith underwent an alchemy treatment to replace and genetically alter his blood and with it, his own bodycells. He was placed into a Spaarti Container within the Covenant and underwent a seven hour long treatment to gain back his lost Valheru strength.
Ylith's own blood was fused with the blood found in a vial hidden inside the Amlug Aral Dagger and together with mutagenetic chemicals ensured a fusion of the blood types. This created a new bloodline of Valheru genes, one that could mean a rebirth of the Valheru race in the future. After the transfusion Ylith was vast asleep for three full days to reccover only to find the Covenant heading back to the Orian system, where the True Brotherhood had attacked and took over.
Valheru Equation (28 ABY)
- "The two of one kind shall be one..."
- ―Oracle
When Draken had left Ylith's body, the Sith locked himself away from the others to try to restore his own mind in complete solitude. During this time he forged the Medusa Sword using all the emotions released within him when he was all alone within his quarters. When his curse was removed from him by the miracles of Macron's Alchemy, Ylith had another cause of pain.
Ylith had sharp pains all over his body, which felt like stabs or slashes and even felt like his skin was burned off while physically nothing really happened. While Ylith learned to use the Force to suppress these random outbursts of pain he figured that there was still a symbiotic bond between him and Draken, sharing pain and other emotions. Though this particular feature was never acknowledged.
Oracle of Destiny
Ylith got a vision while ensnared by a huge wave of pain before being fully rid of it. In the vision he noticed that 'Shi' was written in blood onto an organic wall. Following the call of his vision, he took the earliest shuttle out of the Covenant Hangar Bay and returned to the planet Shi.
When he landed on the planets surface he began walking towards ancient ruins of the once citadel city of Erundwyr. He moved through the ruins, blackened by fire and withered by time. Slowly, plant life began anew upon the planets surface, and some revived between the remnants of a once proud citadel. While walking through the ruins he suddenly felt reality fading away, and he was visited by the spirit of the Oracle, a wise Valheru woman who could predict future events. The same woman who gave Draken his legendary sword millennia ago.
The Oracle explained to Ylith why she was still there, to guide the one who shall rekindle the Valheru fire into his true Destiny, like she told Draken his own Destiny similar to Ylith's.
- “When your dying day be,
- You will too see,
- Two of one kind shall be one.”
Were the words she said, the same as Drakens, and when he had learned his destiny, a deep crooked voice awoken him from his trance and Ylith found himself back again among the ruins, with a large figure before him.

Legacy's End (28 ABY)
- "The pain has brought me salvation and power, power you worthless Sith do not share!"
- ―Vong Draken
Draken appeared before Ylith, in a Vong body torn and wounded, as the Vong normally looked. It seemed that the Vong's own mind however had a strong influence on Draken, corrupting his spirit and turning Draken against Ylith. The Sith Battlemaster used all his strength to fight Draken and was heavily wounded in the progress. Ylith has both his eyes cut out, his synthetic arm destroyed, his legs both broken underneath a pile of rubble and in the end his connection with the force shattered.
Just before Draken wanted to give Ylith the final blow, the Sith used his remaining strength to use his lightsaber to sever the Valheru Sword of Darkness, severing it into three pieces with one single attack, killing the Vong in the progress. When this happened, Draken's spirit returned into Ylith's body instead of the Valheru Sword of Darkness.
Ylith was retrieved from Shi by the shuttle that brought him there, along with the severed Valheru blade and returned him to back to the Covenant where he was brought to the Medical bay in a deep Coma.
Valheru Reborn
The wounded Sith was held on a bed to be closely watched by medical droids, while his physical form was stable, though still heavily damaged by the battle, it was Ylith's Spirit which was damaged the most. Tyren called Devani with him to watch his brother's condition and found that there were not one, but two spirits within the Valheru. Macron Goura Keibatsu, still Consul of Clan Naga Sadow at the time, made notes of Ylith's situation and searched for a way to heal his body back to normal using the lost arts of Alchemy.
Sildrin Sadow, the Seneschal of the Brotherhood and one of Ylith's dearest friends took the first shuttle from her active duties to visit him. To him, she was his Master, though he got to know her truly when he already was knighted, it was she who taught him the true meaning of the Dark Side when he came to Clan Naga Sadow years ago. She used her powers as a Krath to restore Ylith's severed connection to the Force, and also to recall Ylith's latest memories to find out what exactly happened. She too saw the struggle of the two spirits within the Valheru.
Macron returned with a solution, he would create a lifeless clone, or a 'Husk Clone' to grow the bodyparts Ylith lost during his battle. With his connectiong to the Force restored his spirit startted to live again, and the two entities eventually fused into one single being. Draken and Ylith were no more, one new person with the combined strength, personality and memories appeared as Ylith's host spirit. Though still called Ylith, his personality changed drastically and his knowledge grew with the millennia of memories Draken had witnessed while with the Valheru Sword of Darkness.
Eventually Macron startted his operation, and not only restored the limbs severed from his body, but also managed to replace Ylith's eyes and Synthetic arm, granting him a new body. Renewed and stronger than ever, Ylith now stands ready with the rest of the forces from Clan Naga Sadow to defeat any obstacle in their way.
A New Life (28 ABY - 29 ABY)
The Cold (28 ABY)
- "The mighty Valheru afraid of a little cold?"
- ―Jade Imperial
After Ylith regained most of his strength after the large battle to reclaim the long lost Valheru Sword of Darkness, he was appointed leader of the Night Hawks Battleteam, an elite team of Dark Jedi within the halls of House Marka Ragnos. He lead the team well, bringing victory after victory with countless battles against the various warriors of the galaxy. He shown strength and courage, taught honor to his members and showed them to be great. He wasn’t just a leader, he was considered one of them, a friend and a fellow Dark Jedi.
Ylith was sent on a special mission to Hoth and was accompanied by Jade Imperial, one of the Dark Jedi Knights in his battleteam. She was a stranger to him, though he worked close with his members, she remained on the background and never talked to Ylith a lot. They needed to find signs of Vong on Hoth, and if there were Vong, to see how much they knew and what they were planning to do. Ylith, as a Valheru, has a weakness for cold and had to stay inside more than outside. But with Jade to watch his back, he could extend his time to its limits and often came back to the main camp with hypothermia but with Jade’s help he was able to get back into shape for the next day.
There they started talking to each other during the time Ylith warmed his cold blooded body back up and they talked about his species and Ylith found out more about her and her past. It didn’t take long until a serious mission was filled with pranks and jokes and Ylith and Jade founded a great friendship.
They were sent on more missions together, most of them to various planets to keep an eye out for the Vong, there they grew closer to each other and eventually the two fell in love and Jade moved in with Ylith and have been together ever since.
Proposal (28 ABY)
- "Thats not how it's supposed to go..."
- ―Jade Imperial

During their time together off duty they made frequent visits to the planet Shi, the ancient home world of the Valheru, where they would take walks through the ruins of the city of Erundwyr, Draken’s birthplace and the place where Draken died. He told her all the stories and she was fascinated by it and every time as Ylith was gone for business for Ashura or the clan as the Night Hawks leader, Jade would in secret visit the planet and search through the ruins for an artifact to give Ylith as a gift. Eventually Jade found the perfect gift for Ylith, hidden deep within what was left of the hollow mountains behind the city of Erundwyr, Jade found a fossilized dragon egg and gave it to him as a present, shocked to see that the egg was still intact Ylith was truly amazed by this finding and he vowed to her to take great care for it.
A few months later, they visited the planet of Shi once more. Ylith heard various reports of Vong activity near the planet’s region and decided to see to it that the heirloom of the Valheru was well protected. Jade joined Ylith as he went to his home planet to search for Vong activity, against his wishes, she followed him and he accepted her help eventually after a lot of persuasion with a lightsaber. After a few days of searching they found a Vong outpost within the city of Erundwyr, hidden within it’s ruins, and even though it was only a small scouting group, they were still a force to be reckoned with.
Ylith couldn’t stand the Vong filth to invade his home and in his rage he went to fight them alone, telling Jade to stay away from the fight to keep her safe. He fought them by first scattering the Vong group into single members and picking them off one by one. They were eventually defeated by the Sith Battlemaster but Ylith had not seen one Vong still standing and was knocked down by the Vong Warrior. Jade, who was searching for Ylith, saw this and ran to him as fast as she could trying to help him, then in a flash Ylith stabbed his sword through the Vong and into Jade’s stomach. She as heavily wounded and Ylith took her back to the shuttle they came in and tended to her wounds.
On the way homewards Ylith tended to her wounds and stayed with her, and eventually when she woke up he vowed to never letting the same thing happen again. He promised to protect her the best he could ever do and proposed to her. Jade accepted and is now Ylith’s fiancée.
Hunted Hunter (28 ABY)
- "Bring her to me...dead or alive..."
- ―Bounty Hunter
Jade and Ylith were engaged and all was right. They lived together in his quarters and startted planning their wedding. But Jade's past still haunted her and when Ylith persuaded her to tell him what happened he was determined to help her get rid of the Bounty Hunter who was searching for her and planned a way to lure him to Mos Eisley, or what was left of it, and kill him. However, Jade was afraid, she didn't want her fiancee involved in the happenings from her past and divised a plan to leave the Brotherhood and Ylith behind, even it would break her own heart in the progress.
Her fiancee however had learned of her plan and divised his own plan to keep her at bay and strike a wound into the Bounty Hunter far deeper than he had first in mind. So when Jade traveled with Ylith to Tatooine she found herself bound to her chair, not able to move. Ylith told her he wanted the money that was offered to capture her in order to rebuild part of the planet of Shi, his homeworld, and would turn her in. Shocked by this betrayal Jade locked herself up within her mind and when Ylith made his move and killed one of the Bounty Hunters and disabled their ship with his lightsaber it was too late, Jade's spirit was locked and her memories were gone.
Ylith took Jade back to Ragnos Cathedral and explained everything that happened. He was filled with guilt and agony and Jade couldn't remember anything, just feelings and emotions that dawned to her subconsciously, like her engagementring and her feelings for Ylith. It was not until Jade took hold of Ylith's cursed Medusa sword that all her memories came back to her and when they did she unlocked the curse within the Medusa blade, and Ylith had to break it in order to prevent it from happening. Jade knew everything now, even what Ylith had done and she was relieved that she was still with him and in the Brotherhood and she was given the Medusa blade, as a reminder of her strength and as a gift from her fiancee to protect hetself.
Jade asked Ylith what he had done with the credits he received from the Bounty Hunter and told her he left it on Tatooine and forgot about it. Jade was furious and before she could even release her anger at her fiancee she was surprised to see a necklace in his hands for her. The Darkened Stone she called it and it's jewel was made by a shard from Ylith's prized Valheru Sword of Darkness, treated with alchemy to give it the looks of a Jewel. Jade forgive Ylith and she still wears the necklace this very day.
Repeated Past (28 ABY)
- "There is more behind the story..."
- ―Draken Elariël
The Sith Battlemaster traveled to Shi, to search his home city of Erundwyr for a perfect place to marry and stumbled upon a sanctuary hidden between the keep and the Dragon Mountains, the hollowed out mountains behind the city serving as nests for the Dragon Mounts the Valheru rode upon. It was a small meadow with a small waterfall coming from the Dragon Mountains, pouring down, ineffected by the ages it was so brutally scarred and flowers thought lost were still in bloom, a clear sign the planet was not fully dead yet. Suddenly the Valheru was struck by hidden memories of Draken.
Draken visited the place with his fiancee Morwiën, who died when the Valkyri stormed the city after he vowed to protect it. Draken died at the front gates and after that the city was cleared, but she remained, sitting at that very meadow, awaiting her loved one's return, but never came. The memories haunted Draken and he regretted it ever since.
Ylith vowed he would do things right and eventually he managed to get everything together for the wedding, and only a few weeks later they would wed on the planet Shi within the newly renamed 'Sacred Meadow'