Xathia Edraven
![]() | |
Xathia Edraven | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Omwat |
Date of Birth: | |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Female |
Height: |
1.65M |
Weight: |
70Kg |
Hair: |
Eyes: |
Emerald Green |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Enemies: |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Purple and green |
Lightsaber Form(s): |
Vaapad |
Fighting Style(s): |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Xathia is a Sith Battlelord in House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae. She returned to the Brotherhood in 39ABY after a seven-year absence, due to rumours that her husband's enemies had tracked her down with the intent of harming her and the two children to force her husband to comply. She is an experienced Sabacc player, and is eager to play card games in general, especially when credits and items are on the line. She prefers the finer things in life, and has a specialist aged-rum collection in her quarters which she drinks from to sound out the perceived ignorance of the general public. She comes off as cold and sarcastic, preferring to keep most individuals at arm's length and beyond. She spends her time collecting information to use as bartering and leverage against others, preferring to take her fights far away from the battlefield and instead to the technological field where her intellect and knowledge are to her advantage.
Character History
Before the Brotherhood
Peaceful Times
(4 BBY - 20 ABY)
- "Her eyes are those of another. She is no daughter of mine!"
- ―Chal Quatremaine on his return home from service.
Chal Quatremaine was a light Jedi in service to the Council, and had always been working for them since the end of Chal's training. Despite his long times spent away from his native planet of Omwat, he managed to spare enough time to occasionally come home to visit his newly wedded wife. The youth of the bride, eighteen, had sent many whispers and tongues wagging since it was heavily believed that children should only be born within a united (married) couple and that the mother of a child who wasn't born in this united couple would suffer a painful and early death. Nine months after the marriage, their first child Tybalt was born, and whenever Chal visited, Axelle would turn out to be pregnant by the end of it. For Chal's first six years of service, he returned home annually, and then he suddenly stayed for five years, before returning home, and leaving again to return to service for another four years.

On Omwat in 7 ABY, Xathia was born as Nyx Quatremaine. Seventh of seven children, she was treated strictly due to her strange brightly colored eyes which was rumored to be the result of an affair or rape from the raid of the light Jedi which had occurred about ten months before the girl’s birth. Her light hair was never cut, and reached her waist by the time she turned four, and upon her father's return home, she was locked away in the basement.

Her skin severely paled over the next year as her father refused to believe that she was his offspring and was often subjected to having to watch her mother being beaten in front of her, scarring the young mind that this was the idea of love.
When she was let out of the basement during the day times at the age of five, she was willing to be shaped into the ideal daughter that her father wanted her to be and would usually do all the house chores that no one else would do just to try and please him. For the next two years, her life had no difference as her father refused to let her go to school as his opinion of Nyx was that she was only gutter worthy material.
After her eldest sister and brother had worked together and argued against their father’s decision to keep Nyx housebound, she was enrolled into the local school. She soon found herself in scuffles as she had never experienced species other then Humans and often had her attention wandering to staring at the expanded culture, though she would not talk easily as she was not use to beings. Her teachers often despaired at her lack of attention, though she soon demonstrated strong Force ties and forced others away from her. Her sole friend was an Omwati by the name of Bryna for her time spent at the school. Her Force usage against those who teased and bullied her kept other children away from her. Her free time was spent in junk yards to keep out of her father’s wrath which had grown into a cold hatred as the rumor was truth in his mind and his determination to hurt Nyx grew with each passing day as he was drowning in his addictions to andris spice and alcohol. She soon befriended the owner of the junk yard, Chi'thiac, who taught her how to create droids and kept her droid projects secret and known to anyone who stumbled over them as his.
Her father was also rumored to be hoarding prophecies that he had collected during his services to the Council, which many of the community held responsible for his withdrawal from everyone and his awkward behaviour to those he did communicate with. Many whispers of the town gossips indicated that Chal had seen and heard the prophecies of his seven children, and was also determined to not allow for any of them to come true.
Turmoil Erupts
(20 ABY)
- "She's worthless. She should be grateful she's alive and living under my roof."
- ― Chal Quatremaine about Nyx
Upon turning thirteen, the young and blossoming girl soon tired of evading her abusive and controlling father. Her siblings had all conformed to his ideals, and she had seen their vibrant, individual characters merge into one huge bland one. Her confrontation towards the head of the family was violent as punches and objects were thrown amongst the vivid language used and also the discovery of Nyx’s Dark Force came out as she tried to kill her father. Chal then refused to even consider her as the seventh child that was pre-seen in the prophecy and declared it to be lie, it was at this point discovered that Chal had found the prophecies related to his children and altered their personalities accordingly.
- "Nyx, go to the Street dwellers, and tell them that I have sent you. They will take care of you until you can leave this damned place. Do not stay a second longer then you must in this town, you are already somewhat of a celebrity thanks to your father."
"He is not my father, his actions were not those of a father to me Chi'thiac." - ―A conversation between Nyx and Chi'thiac hours before the raid.
She was discarded onto the dusty streets with few belongings, mainly those she had been able to gather together before the fight. Her first escape was to the junk yard where she finished the latest protocol K-3P0 droid, who was to become her faithful companion, Kai. However, hours after the droid had been tested and properly finished, and merely days after Nyx's arrival; the cabin was raided for the arrest of Chi'thiac. Nyx and Kai quietly escaped through a broken side panel and ran towards the alleys of the city under Chi'thiac's hushed instructions to find a group of street dwellers to live with until she could leave the town for somewhere with better prospects. The female had first discovered what hate really meant.
Settled Status
(20 - 25 ABY)
- "She has the force strong within her. We will find this of use if we train her right and treat her right."
- ―Zadox to Chras and Inrel about Xathia
Nyx stumbled across the local group of street dwellers, many of whom were older then her. Although her reluctance to approach them, she knew of nowhere else to go. One particular teenage Omwati male, Karmc, took her under his wing and took care of her while she learnt the ways of the street life. Nyx soon became a main focus of the group as she kept unwanted beings away with the use of the Force while also hiding them from the authorities. One of the eldest members of the group soon decided to rename the young girl Xathia, meaning 'silver shadow', to shed her of the outside life she had and to prove she was now one of them.

A few weeks after Xathia had been induced into the group, a few of them were lurking around the local weaponry market in hope to obtain the girl a first weapon as well as being able to steal some for profit. Stalls upon stalls of glistening metal blades lit up the eyes of them all. Her two companions, Inrel and Karmc, were talking to the stall owner, making sure his back was turned as Xathia chose her dagger of choice and swiftly stole the custom made blade before dashing back to the street dweller’s alleyway. She soon learnt to fight and defend herself under the training and supervision of the elder members.
- "She is pretty, but arrogant. She has her own ideas, and despite everything, she just appears to be the perfect picture of innocent. Who is she though?"
- ―Juda upon first meeting Xathia.
One particular day while robbing the local market, Xathia and Juda's paths crossed. Xathia was playing as a decoy to distract attention while three companions, Karmc, Chras and Ricga, stole various items off the stalls. However, a vendor looked back, and shot Ricga as he tried to steal food. The act was dropped immediately, as the other three raced towards his through the heavy crowd. Juda had also been amongst the crowd, watching the quadruplet do their work, and followed through the crowd to get to Ricga who he attempted to save. Xathia swore against Juda's lack of success to get back at him in her anger and bitterness at losing a close friend.
One particular battle with the head of the group at the age of seventeen left Xathia with a scar on her left cheek and also forced her to run away from the group with Kai. This battle left Xathia believing that love was not something to want.
Discovery of the Brotherhood
(26 ABY)
- "Why should I trust you?"
"Because you have no one else left" - ―A conversation between Xathia and Fionn upon meeting
Xathia’s wanderings to nearby cities took over six months as she passed her eighteenth birthday. The scar on her face was harsh since the wound had taken a while to heal, and meant her face would usually be cloaked or covered to avoid other beings staring at her, when all she wanted was to blend away into the crowds. Her small thieving went unnoticed as she stole to survive while traveling. Her last gem that was stolen was a standard Krath War Blade from a vendor, which she was caught doing but managed to hide away.
Unknown to the young Human, she was followed by a member of the brotherhood who had watched her use of the Dark Force to conceal herself from her chasers as she progressed away from one town and into another. His quiet talking and easing her into the idea of joining was a somewhat lengthy process of four months, at which she stayed in his accommodation and soon found herself agreeing to it as soon as the mission he was completing for Arcona had been done. During this time, the girl built her second Protocol droid, Dai'Lic, and also was given a set of locust knives from Oísin dan Kael'Og, which were the first weapons she owned that had not been stolen.
Fionn coaxed Xathia into the idea of joining with promises of a sturdy home, with other people like her, along with the chance to study further into the Dark Side of the Force and become a successful Dark Knight. Her past haunted her mind at the thought of these promises, when the whispers of embracing the emotions were said to strengthen the Dark Knights, and the Dark were nothing like the Light.
She kept her given name of Xathia, but adopted the stranger’s surname of dan Locut’Hal.
The journey to Antei was uneventful in Xathia's terms, as the Omwat Authorities only tried to take the ship three times before they were lost and well on the way to the Brotherhood.
Finding Darkness
- "Curiosity and determination will be the end of that girl."
- ―Xathia's Lyspair tutor
The female swiftly adapted to the training that was received upon Lyspair, although she was finding the idea of rules and authority to follow difficult. She had several brushings with the teachers within days of her arrival. Xathia's determined streak however did lead to the girl studying furiously to get past Lyspair. Xathia was anxious to get back together with Fionn, and get properly into the Brotherhood, to see if it was different from the Light side. She wasn't fully comfortable with other students and frequently fought at what she judged to be a threat as her street instincts were still fully tuned, and these were only emphasised by the distance from Omwat that the young girl was. The only thing that held her back, were her basic skills since she had not advanced as far as most had due to the lack of schooling she had received, yet the stubborn personality of the female and her long concentration span soon made up for it.
New Home
As soon as Xathia's Lyspair training was completed, she was whisked off to Arcona. The girl had hoped to be placed with Fionn, only to find that although they resided in the same clan, they were separated by House, with Fionn in Oriens Obscurum and the female in Galeres. The Quaestor of Galeres, Priest Selene d'Tana, took an immediate interest in Xathia and took to guiding her and pushing her as she swiftly promoted from Apprentice to Protector. Xathia soon made some fast and hard friends, and became appreciating of Selene's friendship and guidance as she furiously studied to get promoted further.
The girl was introduced by Selene to the idea of qualifying for the Antei Combat Center. Selene knew that Xathia was well trained in defense and attack, and her anger would be taken out in an appropriate manner instead of dwelling inside her, while further training the girl's Force usage. Xathia also spent a fair amount of time in the Shadow Academy for her early promotions, preferring to study to try and bring her understanding of the way the Brotherhood worked into a better and higher perspective.
Upon turning Acolyte, Xathia was paired with her first master, Valnir. The pair worked together to get the girl further and also induced her into the Krath battle team Qel-Droma, only for Valnir to disappear after a couple of weeks on a mission and never to return, reminding Xathia strongly of her street days and the words of the dwellers 'never rely on anyone to stay around, everyone only has their own interests at heart.' She became cold, irritated and snappy, only blaming herself for becoming too comfortable in the area and leaving herself open and vulnerable. Selene came to Xathia aide, and offered to take her on alongside her current student, Orv, and train her. The girl accepted her KCE's offer.
Vendetta against the Heirs of Palpatine
Around six weeks after Xathia's arrival into the Clan, a Feud erupted with a rival clan. The girl was aware of the five other clans, but she had rarely come into contact with any of them due to her focus upon her own clan. Xathia participated in numerous events and watched her clan gain more and more points over what her clan mates called 'the lesser clan', however more and more members were also considering their moves out of Arcona during the Feud. Xathia was promoted part way through the Feud to Protector. The girl was confused as to why the hatred between the two clans, until she learnt that Clan Scholae Palatinae had once been destroyed down to a House and forced into Arcona. Her master seemed to be having conflicts between loyalty to friends and her clan as she spent many hours in her office.
One day, Xathia was called to Selene's office, and upon arrival, became faced with a strange woman whom she had vaguely remembered seeing around the Antei Combat Center training rooms just before she had entered her Qualification battle. The woman was introduced as Rasilvenaira StormRaven, close friend of Selene, and Aedile of Caliburnus and KCE of Scholae Palatinae. Although from rival clans, Rasilvenaira and Xathia took to each other warmly and started talking on a regular basis.
The Feud soon ended, and the two clans returned to their own territories, Arcona had claimed the victory and took to waving it around. Although some members seemed to have rubbed the female up the wrong way, as scuffles in the Clan and House buildings with Xathia became common shortly after the Feud. Her promotion work also seemed to be distracted as Xathia found herself on missions, the first one to collect debt on Valnir's behalf since he wasn't around to do so.
Xathia also seemed to find herself increasingly alone as many people transferred out of Arcona, namely Fionn and Selene, and into Scholae Palatinae. The Protector didn't understand why they had transferred into the Clan, until she visited them herself. The members she found were much more accepting of people as they were, as well as more relaxed towards everyone who was tolerate of them. The female returned to Arcona, and found herself torn between joining them, and staying where she was, as she was aware of a fair sized mission that would be taking her attention away from the majority of the Brotherhood. When faced with her Consul, Strategos, the girl requested a transfer out to Scholae Palatinae, completing the line of Arconans to leave after the Feud.
Scholae Palatinae
Refuge within the Clan of Palpatine
- "So you are CSP now Xathia? Great, get to work on that competition."
- ―Phoenix to Xathia on her arrival at Judecca
The journey to Judecca was interesting to the female as it allowed her time to think about what would lying soon ahead of her. Immediately upon her arrival at Scholae Palatinae, the Proconsul, Phoenix, pushed Xathia to make her first contribution to the clan. The master and student relationship with Selene was continued as Selene had replace Rasilvenaira as KCE of Scholae Palatinae, and allowed for her to easily settle into her new home. Again, although her and Fionn were in the same clan, they were separated by House as Xathia resided in Acclivis Draco, and Fionn in Caliburnus.
Xathia also failed to keep herself out of minor scuffles in her new clan, as she collided with Knight Cethgus on her first day. The pair somehow managed to cause little damage and locked each other into cupboards. The wait to be unlocked was prolonged by a lecture from Selene through the cupboard door. There were repeat offences between the pair, and usually ended in similar results, for a number of days, until Fionn shared with the female that the Knight was his master. Although not impressed by his choice, Xathia respected it and kept her distance from Cethgus.
Soon after the ending of the scuffles, Xathia had heard the rumors of a female Twi'lek using others to get back at a former flame, and recording her dealings with them onto Holocron to play back, adding salt to the wounds. The female had already had evenings and nights with Cuchulain, a resident Pontifex, after sessions of drinking, and it was already well known amongst several male members that the female was not that fussy about who she went with, although Wookiees (which she referred to fondly as 'Walking carpets') had always been out of the question. The female was approached by the Twi'lek and seduced into the idea of sleeping together. Xathia's curiosity overran her slight doubts as she had never encountered Twi'leks before arriving at Lyspair. A Holocron recording was made of the pair, and has yet to leave Cuchulain's hands ever since the making.
Distracted and Unfocused
- "This is no longer your area Xathia, leave or be destroyed!"
"I believe it is you who will be destroyed Zadox. You no longer possess the higher quality of training." - ―A conversation between Xathia and Zadox.
A few weeks into Xathia's entry into her second clan, the Rite of Supremacy was announced. Selene had noted her apprentice's distraction from the Clan and Brotherhood and judged that it would be better to send her on a mission to collect information from her home planet, Omwat, rather then try to compete for the clan. She had suspected that Xathia was hoarding extreme injustice inside herself over something, yet very few seemed to know anything aside from that Fionn had found her in a town, and watched her steal the sword she heavily prized then conceal herself from the chasers. Despite Selene's interest in finding out more, she wanted the female to overcome what was distracting her.
The girl used her newer droid, Dai'Lic to fly out to Omwat, on a borrowed ship. The journey was spent peacefully as they avoided detection of the authorities, not that they would be working with each other anyway. Xathia stepped off the ship, and walked through her home town in her robes. She hadn't seen the streets in just over a year, but it all seemed so strange. The Chief of the Street Dwellers caught sight of the female, and seemed almost hesitant to approach her, before deciding to see why she was imposing on his territory. The resulting fight between the pair brought the Human's presence to the authority's attention, as well as her family's. Xathia chased after her siblings as soon as she saw them, with Zadox following her, believing that she was choosing to run from the fight. The training sabre that was clipped to the belt of the Protector fell off in the crowd and made them aware of her 'special ability'.
- "She's a Jedi! She has a lightsaber."
- ―An onlooker upon finding the saber.
Zadox admitted defeat as soon as the saber was discovered, leaving the girl to chase her family through the streets after she had collected her hilt back via the Force, though soon afterwards they were lost to the many faces. She had settled her brewing fight with Zadox, but she had not yet managed to find her father and settle her debt with him. However the authorities had now located Xathia, and were intent on actually catching her to hand over to the Jedi. She narrowly escaped capture as she boarded the ship in haste and took off badly since she refused to let Dai'Lic do so. The bot took over the controls as they flew away to Kapsina to try and lose the authorities without giving away the true planet on which the girl resided.
Once on Kapsina, Xathia left to visit the local café for a refreshing change of scenery as soon as the Omwati authorities had been lost. There the female ran into an Arconan, knocking his table and spilling his beverage into his lap, thus starting a fight. The result being the couple were thrown out, before Juda was called back to Soulfire. They have sworn vengeance against each other ever since, as Xathia doesn't remember the male from their first meeting since Zadox compressed her memory of the event.
Xathia returned to Judecca with a greatly improved interest shortly after the end of the Rite of Supremacy, and was promoted to the rank of Guardian.
- "You will die at my hands Xathia!"
"I refuse to die at the hands of those who are morons." - ―Xathia and Juda in a pre-battle conversation.
Juda chased the girl down again shortly after they had both been promoted to Guardian and challenged her in the Antei Combat Center. Though they both were equally determined to beat the other, and sustained a fair amount of injuries, Juda was lead away victorious. Xathia's Locust knives had to be repaired after the battle since one had been clean broken, and another had broken parts of metal missing from the blade. The fight did little to solve anything of their differences and only fuelled their anger at each other.
The Disappearance
(27 ABY)
- "You'll get to the position you want one day, and remember, no matter who tells you to do something, you only have to follow it if I tell you something and if you want to do it."
- ―Selene to Xathia
Xathia and Selene's master and student relationship had worked very well in their favor. Progressing through the ranks at the speed the female was comfortable with while forging a tight and trusting friendship. The girl was once again called to Selene's office, and was this time faced with another Guardian, and a Protector. The Guardian appeared to be somewhat older then the female, and nothing extra ordinary about him, the Protector however, had piercing blue eyes and a shocking blue mohawk. Xathia's first desire was to question if the blue was natural or not, but suppressed it while in front of her master. Selene introduced the pair as Syphoc Rilkel, and Yzarc Rellik. Syphoc resided in the same house as the female, and had recently transferred in from going rouge for a year, whereas Yzarc was new to the Brotherhood altogether.
The Guardian understood that Selene would take the two males on additionally as apprentices, since Xathia did not take up huge amounts of her time and was considered fairly independent. However, a few days later, the girl went to Selene's office to ask about taking a second mission back to Omwat, only to find the office empty, and not a single thing to tell Xathia where she was. Syphoc caught up with the female and also asked about Selene's apparent disappearance. The girl tracked down the Roll Master, Cuchulain, and got him to let them borrow a ship to leave for Judecca.
Upon arrival at Judecca, Braecen and Phoenix appeared to be around in several different places at once and Syphoc and Xathia were told to return another day. Xathia roughly refused and tried to push her way through, resulting in the much needed attention of the Consul who saw to them immediately as soon as he realized who the pair were. Once in his office, Braecen explained that Selene had simply left. There appeared to be no reason for her disappearance, and left the Clan without a KCE, and three apprentices without a master.
Another Leader
- "I've just turned into my father, I've started drinking away my problems. I should have learnt my lesson about people the first time around, and not the third."
- ― Xathia in a drunken slur to Cuchulain.
The female retreated back to her own quarters back at Ptolomea as soon as they were able to leave Judecca. Syphoc left the ship, and seemed to turn elsewhere, though many people tried to get answers off the girl, she simply ignored them and continued the fight to get through. Once there in her own place, she sat on the floor, and sank into her own thoughts. She was alone yet again, and the lesson of never letting anyone get close to you seemed to be a perfect option, yet she had failed to learn that lesson yet again. The female had no idea how long she actually spent inside her place without moving as time seemed to have no object when she was focused upon her thoughts.
After a few days, Xathia ventured out of her room. She had not slept, nor ate. The only reason she had left was to scrounge together drinks since her alcohol stash had finally run dry. The Roll master, Cuchulain, picked the female off the floor of the corridor nearby to the kitchens and took her through to them. It was there that she remained until the Quaestor, RevengeX, had her moved to the medical part with suspected alcohol poisoning.
The following week, Braecen took a few hours out to talk to Xathia, Syphoc and Yzarc about a replacement master. Braecen extended an offer to undertake them all. An offer which Xathia turned down. While she was still recovering in the medical center, a message was sent to the Caliburnus Quaestor, requesting a visit. Thran came along, not at all clear on why the Acclivis Draco Guardian had requested his presence while still in the medical center. Once there, the female immediately explained that she had been Selene's apprentice before her disappearance, and that Braecen had offered to take her on, but she had refused the offer since she did not believe for the Consul to be the best choice. It then became clear that Xathia wanted Thran to take her on as an apprentice. As soon as the Guardian was out of the medical center, a transfer request was put in for the female to move across to House Caliburnus, fully uniting her with Fionn.
The Eighth Great Jedi War

The award ceremony for The Rite of Supremacy was a peaceful start, and supposedly a peaceful event, until the Yuuzhan Vong intervened, and triggered a retreat. Despite all the refreshing time off the female had spent doing things aside from her studies, she was still engulfed by her own thoughts. Thran had been spending increasing amounts of time buried under paperwork, thus leaving less and less time for his apprentice. After two and a half weeks of little progress, Xathia borrowed one of her Aedile's ships, and along with Kai flew herself back to Omwat, to settle her real debt with her father and family. At the last moment before the ship was due to leave, Fionn ran out to the ship and boarded it. The duties he had been doing as Roll master had worn him down, and this was his only chance to escape, even if it was only for a short while. The female smiled at the Jedi Hunter and told him to prepare for a few weeks of being chased by the Omwati authorities.
Confrontation of Prediction
- "We are not your family, we never had a seventh child. I do not know who you are."
"Yes you do. You just choose to pretend to not know."
"You saw through it all Nyx."
"It wasn't that hard mother." - ―A cold conversation between Axelle and Xathia
As the female stepped off the ship for the second time within a few months in her home town, it was exactly as it had been last time. A glimpse of her older sister's head sent the Guardian into a furious sprint through the crowd as the lightsaber hilt kept them split for her. Once she caught up with her, the girl denied ever knowing her until Xathia proved she was her sister, the one family trademark that was found in all seven of the Quatremaine children, a scar of a lightsaber burn behind the left ear.
She was hustled along to the old home where Xathia had not even been near for nearing seven years. The shadow of her sister, lead to the shadow of her mother, who peered upon the girl's figure that seemed to tower over them. Axelle refused to accept that this was the seventh child, until Xathia's cold words and the showing of the burn made her admit that she had known all along. Axelle still refused to let the Guardian through to Chal. As soon as voices became raised, the older male came stumbling out with a bottle in his hand, loudly complaining that his peace was being disturbed. The training sabre of the girl was immediately lit and placed near to his throat, before she calmly spoke about settling their debt. Chal threw the girl away, and a vicious fight ensued, the house was damaged as extended Force usage meant heavy objects flew around like dust. Xathia left her childhood house on a better note then her arrival, for she knew that the debt was temporally settled.
Her presence on Omwat had been undetected by the authorities and the pair left without any problems. Landing back on Ptolomea, with questions to answer to Braecen, Phoenix and Thran.
Post War
Around a week after their return to Ptolomea, the new clan positions were announced. Impetus had been announced Ward of the South. The Roll masters had been scraped, Dorimad Sol had been reopened, with Kosk and Syphoc as Quaestor and Aedile, RevengeX and Cuchulain were Quaestor and Aedile of Acclivis Draco, and Rasilvenaira and Yzarc were Quaestor and Aedile of Caliburnus. Thran told Xathia, that she was now his sole object of attention shortly before her promotion to Jedi Hunter was announced.
The Proselyte of Wisdom
(28 ABY)
Once it was told that Impetus had suffered heavy injuries at the end of the war, and couldn't temporarily forefill her role as Ward of the South there was a short hunt for the person that would temporarily take over. Xathia was selected to fulfill this, and continued to be a partner to Impetus and shares the workload with her, being the sole Wards to do this.
During a frustrating argument on a number of rising occasions with Fionn, the female broke her Krath War Blade clean into three pieces. Looking at the broken weapon and feeling the realisation of the past couple of months slowly sink in during the silence, the Omwati looked back to the male, and broke their relationship off, telling him that her feelings weren't what they should be. Fionn was reduced to a roaring rage as Xathia slipped off for a few days to the rum store.
After the Huntress had been missing for those few days, a fellow Battleteam member, Nokkon Wud, was sent to find the fiery female. Dragging her back into the main building, and listening to her drunken stupor, pricked something from deep within the male as he brought her back to soberness.
Krath's Tome
Although the threats to House, Clan and the DJB on a whole had died down for a short while, the Huntress was summoned to the library with the request to find a legend around a curse that would kill those who were exempt from the Force. Gathering together around half of the House, the Krath assisted Yzarc and Malaki, with the help of fellow Krath, Syphoc Rilkel to instruct the House towards the tome. The mission was aborted by the Quaestor after deciding that the members were required back to help with Reclamation and that nearly losing two members of Souls of Darkness was too risky.
Reclamation and Promotion
Early into the preparations for Reclamation, Xathia was called forward by two members of the Souls of Darkness to follow them. Unaware of what they were after, the Nightmare Brigade member was told by the currently Quaestor Rasilvenaira, that she was to become the newest inductee into the Elite of Caliburnus as the Proselyte of Wisdom. This only irritated an already annoyed Dante, and degraded the relationship in the eyes of Xathia, as the female switched Battleteams. The Omwati soon proved to be pushed to the limits as the fight to reclaim the Cocytus System went under way. Fighting for Ptolomea brought out the girl's determination as she sunk into every battle possible, proving to everyone that being inducted into the Souls of Darkness was not a sign for Xathia to relax and slow down. The Krath was soon called away by her Master, greeting her with a task of capturing a Nebula Class Star Destroyer. Though the steal was dangerous, the female stole away with the lightsaber of a Jedi Knight, and successfully assisted in the ship being brought back to CSP.
Shortly after arriving back to Judecaa, the Huntress followed her master through to meet with the Consul, Phoenix, though the Omwati knew her master was not in a good mood, she knew better then to try and go against his word. After a much awaited long walk and talk about something tainted, the trio arrived at The Great Citadel of Clan Scholae Palatinae. The Quaestor of Xathia's House, Rasilvenaira, appeared out of the shadows as the Huntress stood before the Consul. The Lightsaber that the female had stolen from the Jedi Knight was proved as tainted evidence to Phoenix from her master, Timbal. As though some sort of trial, Xathia was instructed to move forward and bow before the Consul. After a long and dread filled wait, the Huntress was announced to have earned her saber and Knighthood. The female was also presented with a Dark Cross for her efforts.
Deadly Deceptions
Shortly afterwards, a new threat arose to House Caliburnus in the form of a Hutt. Rising to assist her Battleteam, Quaestor, Aedile and House, the female lived up to her status of living for conflict. Proving herself to be busy in what attacks she made, the Omwati received another Dark Cross for her efforts to rid Caliburnus of this threat.
Once the female was able to return to Judecca and meet with her master, she learnt that he had been appointed to the position of Ward of the West.
Clan Naga Sadow
- "What's a big bad Sith like you doing all by himself?"
- ―Xathia.
The Knight found herself waking up alone one morning, an empty space in the bed the morning her lover should have came back from the training with her former Master. Scrambling around the corridors once she was dressed, the Omwati failed to find Nokkon herself. The Aedile stumbled over Xathia and pulled her to the Quaestor's office, where Rasilvenaira was sat hunched over a desk, several comlinks out in front of her, and a half empty bottle of rum. When the female Kaeth looked up at the Krath, she could see the dark heavy circles etched into the Sith's face. Confirming that Nokkon had indeed seemingly vanished into thin air, meant the collapse of Xathia's world as she knew it, bringing back the floods of memories from when Selene had left, and all the dependency she had gained in the gang.

After being helped into an overstuffed chair, with a glass of rum in her hand, the female began to think of everything. The Aedile and Quaestor quietly looked on and waited for the Omwati to say something. Staring them both directly in the eyes, Xathia announced she was leaving the House and Clan. As she went to put her Serpent's Fang Dagger on the desk, Rasilvenaira's outstretched hand stopped the girl from doing so, a rare smile from the Quaestor and the words emitted from her pale mouth, informing her that the Krath would always be welcome back into Caliburnus should she choose to return, the Dagger being a signal of gratefulness from the Kaeth for all of the work she had done for both Caliburnus and Scholae Palatinae.
Leaving Ptolomea, the female stopped by Judecca, and advised the Clan Summit of her actions. Though not exactly pleased with the Omwati's reasoning, Phoenix and Lucien let the girl go.
Losing herself in her thoughts, the Krath wandered wherever her senses took her. Fighting against the Vong when the occasional one strayed into her path was far from uncommon, though most of the time Xathia stayed undetected by the monsters. Standing on a building top on Coruscant, the female looked down on a male figure who had been cornered by a group of the Vong. She could sense the Force deep within him, yet he had no saber nor did he attempt to use the Force. Leaping up and sending a blast throughout the wall, causing it to crumple and turn to rubble on top of the vile creatures. Landing lightly on top of the mess, the girl stole the male away with her to heal his wounds.
- "Why are you following me?"
- ―Ylith Atema.
Taking the Sith into a shuttle so the female could heal his wounds and give them both some shelter from everything. She told him her name was Xathia and she had left Clan Scholae Palatinae in search of a new home. After Ylith was healed they would split roads again, yet she did not walk away, she followed him in the shadows, both wanting to know his true identity within the Brotherhood as she could sense him in the Force as a Sith, yet somehow he could not sense her.
She followed him for several days, often seeing him fighting off Vong and taking delight in the occasional wound he'd receive. While the other times he would simply take his sword and attack Vong himself, interesting enough, he did not use the Force itself nor his lightsaber, which intrigued her.
One day she followed him into an allyway, only to find herself cornered with him before her. He asked her why she followed him and she told him the truth, about her past within Clan Scholae Palatinae and the reason she left and how he had entrigued her. She took the blade of his sword in her hand and moved her hand over the sharp edge, cutting her hand, making a blood vow to stay at his side if he would share his past if he would guide her to Clan Naga Sadow, he walked away from her and she followed, startting a truce and small friendship between the two Dark Jedi.
They stayed together since then, she took over the role of his eyes and ears within the force almost naturally while he stayed who he was, slowly he opened his life to Xathia and she would slowly learn how he was and where he came from, and why he left it all. They grew closer, and even though they both were too stubborn to admit it, they were growing inseparable. When a Vong attack sneaked on them they fought hard, trying to keep them at bay, after Ylith killed most of the Vong off and sent the other ones back howling in pain or hurt enough for them to die anyway, Xathia screamed as a Vong threw her down, wanting to finish her off with a final stab from his Amphistaff. The Sith moved in front of her, taking the stab as his own and killed the Vong off before he could make any effort in finishing the Valheru off.
Ylith fell unconscious for a few hours only, sending the Krath Knight into a deep worry as she tended to his wounds and staying with him all the time. She smiled when he was awake and she could not hide her feelings for him any longer, and they kissed. Forging a strong bond that would forge a path within the jungle of destiny that would in the future take it's toll on both Xathia and Ylith.
To build and to Create

- "What did you do to it?! I can't figure out if this is great or not…"
- ―Ylith
Storming around the House halls while in one of her funny moods and Ylith's absence, the Krath stumbled into her own quarters, and upon the Lightwave Shield of Ylith. An idea quickly clicked into the Trainer's mind before she grabbed the Lightwave Shield and locked herself away in an underground workshop for several days, allowing no one into the room.

Leaning against the door, the Knight presented the Sith with his improved Bracelet. Xathia had attached a bow to the Lightwave Shield to go with the Battlemaster's latest hobby, archery, and strengthened the shield itself. Although Ylith was fuming once the door had opened, his anger vanished at seeing the new Lightwave Shield.
A small body then bounced out from behind the Omwati, a high pitched squealing noise emitting from it and its path was targeting the Sith. Although sounding like a small child, it was a droid that was no more then half a meter high and spoke in a child like manner, choosing to say words such as 'Ylif' instead of Ylith, and 'Sathia' instead of Xathia, matching the Krath's dry sense of humour. Despite the young appearance, the droid is as capable as Kai or Dai'Lic.
The Fox and the Scorpion
- ""It's in my nature...""
- ―Xathia
A sudden action from the Clan Summit rallied all the forces of Naga Sadow together to Sephros, where they held a brief but very informative War Council which surprised most of the chamber. Clan Arcona needed aid and Naga Sadow heeded the call, to the dismay of many the Clan's forces were rallied quickly and the two battle ready ships, the RSD Final Way and the VSDI Covenant were dispatched to move towards Arconan space and to save them from the Vong threat.
The definant Ylith kept to himself throughout the journey, only allowing Xathia near him. Listening to the ranting Quaestor about the Clan Summit’s incapabilities brought forward the memories of a particular tale to the Krath’s mind. Smirking a little, she told it to the eager Sith suddenly, inspiring his next plan.
- "The Scorpion asked the Fox to help him across the river, the Fox however, was careful and said 'I will, yet you must vow never to sting me.' and the Scorpion replied, 'but ofcourse, I vow this to you. As the Fox was swimming with the Scorpion on his back, the Scorpion stung him as he was halfway there. 'You vowed yet you betray, why?' The Fox said and the Scorpion silently whispered...Because it's in my nature...."
- ―Tale of the Fox and the Scorpion
Ylith set about with his plan to make Naga Sadow the most powerful clan in the brotherhood by rendering Arcona to descruction, before being called to go into battle against the Vong. Although the Knight stayed aboard the ship, and tended to the wounded, once the furious Sith was back aboard, she learnt of his dismissal from Quaestor, for refusing to let the Key venue fall into the hands of the Vong by retreating further into the city as per the orders of the Consul, Ashia. Knowing that the Battlemaster had sworn vengeance upon the Consul, the Krath silently swore revenge upon Ashia.
Return to the Heirs of Palpatine
After the Battle at Selen Clan Naga Sadow was shaken to it's very core as two of their elders suddenly betrayed their own clan. Seemingly taken over the flagship and traveling to the mysterious planet of Lehon, where it was said that Darth Revan himself used the Star Forge to cripple the Old Republic.
A large battle ensued and Xathia was standing on the sidelines, together with Ylith who was aching for revenge on Darth Vexatus. He turned in a man Xathia did not know or could predict anymore. He was cold, heartless, not the man she fell in love with anymore. Driven only by anger and hatred the Valheru pushed onwards, leaving his beloved in the shadow of his vengeance.
When they landed and Ylith moved to fight Darth Vexatus the Omwati spent her time alone, with N3-L at her side telling stories about how brave Ylith was. The Human girl cared little for the smaller droids stories and after a series of stomach aches, she decided to run a medical check on herself te detirmine the cause of her illness, finding out that she was carrying a child.
The Volcano erupted violently and her greatest fears came to life, but before she could set one foot towards the firey mountain Ylith returned to her, reborn into Draken like he was before, even though she never witnessed the change before she could remember the stories told by Ylith before, knowing still that is was the man she loved dearly, even if it was part of him.
Xathia plotted a course to the only true home she ever had and where Draken would be safe. While the Omwati carefully told Draken about the pregnancy, the Sith, unlike of what she expected, responded joyously and proposed to her and she accepted. However, the Knight knew it would be too dangerous for either of them to stay around in Clan Naga Sadow, and opted to return to her home in Clan Scholae Palatinae. His new appearance was unnerving to the Journeyman as she knew that he wasn't the same man as he was before the Battle of Lehon.
Unexpected surprise
- "I never thought this would happen to me..."
- ―Xathia
The Trainer was crouching over yet another project one day, when the bouncing droid of N3-L burst into the workshop, and interrupted the female. Standing upright, Xathia was greeted by Draken and a proposal of interesting sorts. The Rollmaster had accepted the male's marriage proposal while on the journey to Scholae Palatinae, but had never expected the wedding to go ahead. The Sith proposed an eloping to another planet, to go ahead with a brief ceramony. Smiling, she accepted.
The wedding itself was quiet, and Xathia was dressed in a long, ivory dress, with Draken in his formal robes. Exchanging vows, and having a few quiet days in a luxurious hotel, the Krath returned refreshed, and with another secret still held close to her. The Trainer still hid the signs from everyone that she was pregnant, having shortly discovered this after the Battle of Lehon, this was to be shrouded in secret for as long as possible for they both knew that enemies were lurking not far away.
- "Why would he leave us?!"
- ―Xathia screaming at Brent on news that Draken was nowhere to be found
During the Uneasy Alliances of Plagueis, Arcona and Scholae Palatinae, Xathia quietly kept to the sides and the medical center, her heavily pregnant bump now showing regardless of what the Krath wore. The Rollmaster had resigned from her duties as an ACC Trainer, and was barely seen out of particular quarters. Her husband, Draken, although seemingly close to the female, frequently drifted away from her and refused to speak to Xathia at times on why he was so silent. Putting it down to stress, the Knight kept out of his way.
Once they had returned to Ptolomea, Xathia went back to using her quarters and office as her place to be found. Growing increasingly concerned over Draken's lack of presence, the Krath confronted the Battlemaster, only to be told that it was nothing to do with her. Not accepting his answer, but feeling even more frustrated by the male, Xathia locked herself away amongst the paperwork for a few days.

Answering the door a few days later, to find the Quaestor standing there, with a grave look, and even worse news that Draken had departed from the Brotherhood without reason. Collapsing to the floor, Xathia burst into floods of tears, demanding to know why he left, before a burst of pain came through her stomach.
A New Reason
- "She's beautiful, just like her mother"
- ―Impetus to Xathia on Alyssa
Alyssa was born three weeks early, and weighed in at 6 pounds. The labour was long for Xathia, though not as complicated as it had been predicted by the doctors. The name had been agreed with Draken as soon as the gender of the baby was determined. Spending several weeks in recovery from the birth, the new mother found herself with a new lease on life, and passion to bring everything around to how she wanted it.
- "She will be brought up here; there is no safer place for her while his presence is not known."
- ―Xathia to Brent
Once Alyssa was a couple of months old, Xathia returned to Ptolomea and her quarters to resume her duties as Rollmaster. Alyssa was usually found with Xathia, and rarely let out of the Knight's sight due to her paranoia of Draken returning in a fleeting visit to kidnap Alyssa.
Appointment to Rollmaster
(29 ABY)
- "Come on Xath, we need someone we can rely on"
- ―Yzarc
Shortly after returning to Ptolmea, the Omwati was summoned to the Quaestor’s office. Expecting to be faced with Rasilvenaira, the female found the former Aedile, Yzarc Rellik Kaeth in the seat, and with a preposition. The Rollmaster, Q’win, had a rather lacking presence around the House and Clan buildings, and was decided to be unfit to continue his position, and the Knight was offered to be his replacement. Smirking a little, she accepted.
Stepping down from Duty
- "I can't do this anymore, she needs my attention, not my neglience, that's where my parents went wrong."
- ―Xathia to Daniel Stephens
Finding herself constantly exhausted, the Knight finally brought herself before the Quaestor and Aedile, admitting defeat in that she couldn't be a mother, and the Rollmaster of Caliburnus. Xathia had found herself constantly neglecting the new members in favor of her daughter requiring her attention.
Called before the Clan Summit at a short notice, the Omwati was thoroughly confused as to why she was standing there. Upon his rising, Xathia was announced as a Krath Priest for her hard work done both as a Trainer and Rollmaster to the House, Clan and Brotherhood.
Return to the Beginning
The New Start
- "Mmm, I have a feeling we'll be safer here Alyssa, he doesn't know what we've done"
- ―Xathia
The mother had been in contact with an old friend from her Clan Naga Sadow times, and had increasingly heard of Clan Arcona's need for constant and steady individuals. The Proconsul had requested for her to help the Clan back to where it deserved to lie. Looking back at what Clan Scholae Palatinae had to offer, the Priestess decided that a fresh start was required for the Omwati to continue advancing through the ranks of the Brotherhood. Boarding a private ship, and keeping Alyssa close to her body, Xathia got onto the ship sent by Vorion, the droids were about to close the door, when a recent accquaintance stuck his foot in the door, and forced it open far back enough for his form to slide in. Eyeing up the male, the young woman said nothing, and signalled for the departure before any of the officials got hold of them.
- "You know me Xathia, and I don't think there's anything for me in Scholae Palatinae, what's the point in stopping?"
- ―Indoril on the ship
Easing back into her seat, Xathia stared at Indoril "Knight" Do'Urden, waiting for his explanation. He merely gave a loopsided grin, before leaning forward, and launching into great detail about how he had known about the Omwati's messages from the Arconan Proconsul, and that she had chosen to leave for Arcona after considering everything she had before her, before ending with his reasoning. Squeezing Alyssa lightly, the former Rollmaster nodded at him, chewing over his words in her mind.
An Old Friend returns
Shortly after the Priestess's return to Arcona, a message buzzed through on her comlink, someone claiming to know her had been intercepted at the entrance. Briefly stopping to collect Alyssa from her crib, the Krath fleeting ran in haste to the entrance, not sure what to expect.
- "It has been a long time Nyx, but you have barely changed, I can only sense the same darkness in every corner of your soul that was there when you were seven."
- ―Bryna to Xathia
An Omwati female smiled at the mother, and started up a conversation, a lightsaber hilt swinging from the woman's shapely hips. Bryna gestured towards Alyssa and suggested something dear to the Arconan, that Bryna herself would guard the child for the first few years of her life and teach her in ways of self defense before returning her to Xathia and the Dark Brotherhood. Falling silent, Bryna continued and explained she had also 'fallen' during her Jedi training, seeing the Dark Side as the only way forward. Deciding to trust the Omwati, the woman handed over the child, and Bryna explained where she would be hiding with Alyssa. Kissing the baby on the head, Xathia let Bryna leave with Alyssa.
- "She will be safe at least, Draken has no hope of finding her while she is with you"
- ―Xathia
Sashar Arconae called Soulfire together, as the Quaestor of House Galeres, Xander Drax had been acting oddly strange. Vorion had caught earshot that Xander Drax was feeding information back to the Vong, and an order was given for the Quaestor to be brought in for questioning. Upon nearly being captured, Xander Drax shot himself.
An Elevation
Lounging in the office of the Proconsul, and discussing the events of the prior Quaestor, since the Aedile had been fired shortly after the female's entrance to Arcona, this left House Galeres without a Summit. Sashar soon joined the office with an idea that had been brimming in his mind, and appointed Xathia to the position of Quaestor, and Orv Dessrx, who had recently returned, as Aedile.

Alyssa disappears
- "Leaving her with Bryna, it was the worst mistake of my life. I should learn that no one is to be trusted."
- ―Xathia
Bryna had brought Alyssa back to the BAC Darkest Night after rumors of a Rogue Jedi had been sighted on numerous occasions, fearing it was Draken searching out for his daughter to kidnap. It was not long before there was an attempt on the Proconsul's life, and both herself and Alyssa were withdrawn into private from the nursery, joining Tirna in the secret quarters for their protection in theory. From there, Xathia learnt that the same action had been taken for the sister House, Qel-Droma's Quaestor and Aedile.
Bryna stayed behind in the nursery, as something of a decoy to make the situation seem normal. The Omwati was on edge for the entirety, when a rash Guardian who had recently returned to the Brotherhood showed up, chasing down the Priestess. Questioning him thoroughly, the Omwati confirmed the male was Xathia's new apprentice, Aiorus Van Trayus, and advised she was not available at that moment in time before shooing him away.
Coming out of hiding, the Quaestor could only sense fear and confusion in those she could find through the Force. Leaving Bryna to look over Alyssa, the pair of them converse in Omwatese before the woman left to take on her duties after testing the comlink, only to find it dead. Frowning she quickly bumped into Aiorus as soon as she was back aboard the Darkest Night, and offered no explanation to his confused manner, but simply told him to keep close.
Stepping back onto the Abyss, the female headed straight for the nursery. Bryna was unconscious in the chair, the Priestess merely smiled and slipped past to the crib. Finding it empty, the woman burst into a fit of rage and fiercely shook the sleeping Omwati awake from her deep sleep, demanding to know where the infant was. When Bryna just about managed to mumble a coherent sentence, and keep herself conscious to stop falling back into a deep sleep, the Quaestor drew her lightsaber, and pointed it at the Omwati's throat. Snarling, Xathia told Bryna to get away from her because she had lost the one thing the Priestess dared to care about.
Black Tempest
- "This could be a trap you do realize."
"Traps work both ways." - ―Comodore and Xathia, moments before the jump to hyperspace
Xathia was suddenly picked up by the Clan Rollmaster, Rho d'Tana, who hurriedly explained the situation. Frowning, she kept up, as they joined with Arcturus, Etah and a Babarel whom the Priestess had heard was called Zakath. His scars seemed a little weird to the woman, but she quickly dismissed it, as the five of them came up against Strategos, Malidir and Zandro. The woman quickly followed Arcturus as the pair of them took on Strategos before they were knocked back with a blast. Clambering back onto their feet, they were faced with the form of the Consul before they all leapt back into something of a fight, Xathia wasn't sure who she was fighting, and her mind was frequently focused on the missing infant.
Meeting back up with Tirna, and the Qel-Droma House summit, Taigikori and Legorii, after being called up with the missing Consul, and Proconsul, to the Abyss Bridge, the remaining Summit took charge. A Jedi Hunter from Qel-Droma had been caught as a 'Shadesworm', Taigikori took him in for questioning. Several hours later, the intercom pinged to let them know the ship was close to decanting and the Qel-Droma Quaestor reappeared. The Commodore who found the Priestess's isolation away from the rest of the crew something of a comfort as he approached her, conferring his worries that it may be a trap, smirking, she replied that traps worked both ways.
Stair of Doto
- "Calm yourself Quaestor"
"You stole my baby, and you expect me to be calm?!"
"I expect you to act like a Dark Jedi" - ―Vorion and Xathia.
Xathia sensed Alyssa alive on the Creeping Darkness as it came into the sensors. A fresh wave of sheer hatred flooded through her as the crackle of a lightsaber brought the Quaestor's attention back to the Bridge, as some form that supposedly was Talos d'Tana, entered the room. The creature smirked, and hinted at the death of the woman's baby should the incoming call not be accepted. Letting the anger thrash out, the Priestess made a move towards it, only to be held back by Taigikori. Grudgingly accepting the call, the woman watched as the screen was suddenly filled with the faces of the Consul, Sashar, and Proconsul, Vorion. Before either Quaestor could speak, the Rollmaster pushed the Priestess out of the way and screamed at the screen. It came to light that the creature was Umbra, and it had been Talos who had fully agreed to it. Whatever 'it' was.
Calling through on a general transmission, the Quaestor was silently still fuming that the Clan Summit had hold of her child, and assured those aboard that the new presence was not one to attack and that the situation was under control. Turning back to the screen, Xathia spat at the Proconsul, her rage obvious in her expression and tone of voice. Her apprentice tried to intervene, something that the Priestess did not welcome as she told him to return to observing. Xathia soon departed after Taigikori and Legorii, her face emotionless despite the turmoil she was feeling on the inside.
Returning to the Darkest Night, the Quaestor kept her stony expression as she returned to the Bridge to act out orders despite that her emotions were rife. She dismissed her apprentice to Vorion's side; his expression had changed to one of fear as a new form of hatred sparked within herself, one of loathing at the Priestess herself. Turning back to the front, and over seeing the ship staff the woman left herself shut off from everything. Suddenly being jolted back, by the form that caused her deep repugnance, the woman had her lightsaber hilt in her hand, ready to active while looking upon the form of her supposed 'husband'.
- "I've come to see you Quaestor."
- ―Tyren Atema to Xathia
A slap across the face was her instant reaction before a broad argument ensued, the fury of the woman leading her actions. Tyren admitted to the Priestess that Draken was dead, by his hand. The Priest swore that since both her and Alyssa were his flesh and blood, that he would protect them both. Accepting this somewhat at least for the present moment, the pair of them then proceeded to catch up with the rest of the crew as they joined into battle against the Vong.
Rumors were flying around the Clan ships that the Dark Council was going to give orders for the invasion of Antei, and to retake the planet back from the Vong. The woman was restless, and her stomach seemed to reflect it. Very little she ate stayed down. The Force seemed to be the only thing to keep her going as the Priestess gorged herself on the one food that did. Tirna had recently been disappearing on a large number of missions, and had left all her duties to the Quaestor. After discussions with the Clan Summit, Strategos was placed in as Aedile to deal with the looming situation. Retreating back to her quarters to spend some rare time with Alyssa, Xathia felt as though she was sitting on something, and waiting for it to unfold.
Leaning back in her seat as her infant slept, Xathia was picking through cherries when a Novice disturbed the perfect atmosphere of her quarters. Receiving a comlink through at the same time, her logic seemed to point through that Strategos and Timeros had something to do with the Novice's quarters being occupied and the chaos that was currently ongoing. Once they arrived at the quarters, a sleeping Aedile in the form of the Adept was what greeted them both. Dismissing the Novice to sleep elsewhere, the woman sat on the male, and eventually fell asleep waiting for him to wake up.
Timeros burst in on them both later, waking Xathia first at the sound of the slamming door. Pulling her off the Aedile, they both then proceeded to wake the now hung-over Strategos. While in the hangar, the Epis updated them both on the situation, that the Vong were dead, and that there was a new enemy at hand.
As the Priestess clambered into the ship to join down onto the surface with the Epis and Adept, a sharp pain burst through her abdomen, causing her to collapse to the floor. She wrapped her arms around herself, and tried to stop whatever the pain was, as blood soaked through her robes and along the floor. Timeros knocked the woman unconscious as the Elder called for the medical staff.
Waking up in the medical bay, Xathia felt drained of everything and unable to lift her head. A nurse passed by, and sat next to the Quaestor's bed. An uncomfortable silence was all that pierced the atmosphere as the Priestess was told what had happened.
- "I'm afraid you suffered a miscarriage. You were two and a half months pregnant."
- ―Nurse to Xathia in the medical bay
The truth numbed the woman, as she slipped into a nervous breakdown.
The Dark Curse
(30 ABY)
Xathia disappeared as soon as she was released from the hospital. The Barabel, Zakath, had visited her on several occasions for no apparent reason except for updates on how the war was faring. The woman wasn't sure if she wanted to know as she had been replaced by Timeros as Quaestor who had then taken Etah on as his Aedile so that Galeres could be run smoothly in Xathia's absence. Taking Bryna and Alyssa with her, the Krath Priestess retreated to a nearby planet where she practiced her fighting skills and numbed herself further.

After a couple of weeks, the three of them returned to find that the war had been somewhat of a success. The Priestess tested the water in the Antei Combat Center competition, only to lose half of her battles which annoyed the Krath deeply. One afternoon, the usual stillness of the Arconan base was broken by an announcement for all volunteers to attend to the Citadel, although the woman nearly ignored it, Bryna pushed her out of the room and well on the way to attending. It was all a bit of a blur to the woman, but she was soon approaching and leading a group of Journeymen alongside Vassan and Xuthen. Mejas's attack was withheld as it left the three Equites alive, but they all acted as though dead when they were disposed of with the Journeymen. As soon as they were able, the three of them limped off to heal wounds.
A New Turn About
(31 ABY)
When Xathia resurfaced after the attack, she was unsettled and unhappy with her focus and direction. The new Aedile of the house had taunted the woman for some time, before pinning her down and admitting that he had an attraction to her. Unwilling at first to let her emotions get involved, she realised that she felt the same towards the Knight. Though it was reputedly thought that they were both using each other, Xathia to obtain a level of power that she had held during the Great Jedi War and Zakath to abuse her knowledge. They could usually be heard bickering and arguing and it was rare to see them in any sort of couple moments in public. With Alyssa's development beyond walking and talking, Zakath soon found himself in place of the absentee biological father.
After yet another scare, though this time from rumours that her estranged father was haunting the nearby regions, both the Aedile and Xathia fled with Bryna and Alyssa. They planet hopped for a number of months, never staying for too long before the Krath and her daughter were separated on an escape route. Cringing and struggling to keep Alyssa safe, the Priestess believed it best to return to the Brotherhood, where the young girl could start her training since she had shown large amounts of force potential during their travels. A new goal has also aligned itself up, to destroy the man who had set out to destroy her life.
Return Once More
(36 ABY)
<To be continued>
Xathia stands at what is considered to be an average female Human height of 165 centimetres, although she is dwarfed by members of many other species with a general appearance of a timid young and inexperienced girl. Her bright green eyes often seem to sparkle out from under her heavy blunt fringe, which is a mid-brown tone with a natural copper tint. Her hair reaches her shoulders, and is usually found to be loose and choppy. Xathia's body has often been described as slender yet curvy by other members, as her hips are slightly broader then what is considered to be average, and the usual dark clothes she wears that follow her figure closely, pushing her breasts slightly against her chest. Her legs are shapely and well built and seem to fit with the rest of her body. Under Xathia's left eye, there is a scar that follows to the bottom of her cheek which was caused by her first serious battle with the chief of the street dwellers, it stands out due to the extreme paleness of her skin. Xathia usually wears her ACC clothes, consisting of a long sleeved grey t-shirt, a black vest and black trousers, as they do not restrict her movement, with a black belt on her waist where her weapons are kept.

Xathia seems to have a split personality due to the voices that occupy her mind. On the one hand, she appears to be fearless, full of anger and bitterness, and a determination to batter anyone who dares to step into her path. Yet she is also young and inexperienced of much of life, and doubts and weaknesses frequently attack her. Her anger and bitterness is often vented during battles, training and any argument she enters. She can also appear to be a typical Krath in the ways that she is deceptive and manipulative, yet the Omwati also shows the signs of being a Sith.However, when her Master confronts her in a lesson, she will often back off and listen to his words, she is also eager to listen and learn the ways of those who are more experienced then her.
The female still has deep trusting issues with many people whom she even considers friends as past masters, lovers and now her husband have all left her without warning, often driving the lithe girl to drink heavily.
Xathia has a fierce loyalty deep inside to those that she has decided are worthy of this. Though no one knows how she decides, nor if they are on it since the girl keeps it secret from everyone around her.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Strong determination
- Is faster then she appears
- Fairly intelligent
- Good ability to use the Force despite her lower rank
- Confident appearance
- Long attention span
- The ability to create droids, and fix most mechanical things
- Easily paranoid
- Schizophrenic
- Average Constitution
- Average Strength
- Useless with most weapons that she wasn't trained to use on the streets, especially blasters
- Cannot eat any meat or fish products due to stomach disorder
Hobbies, Penchants and Talents
- Xathia has an unusual hobby of archery which she uses to train her eyesight to close precision. She also finds it relaxing as it allows for her mind to completely focus on one thing only instead of wandering to other topics.
- She also has found that her attention span is incredibly long compared to most other Humans and can therefore learn a lot about something in one go, instead of having it broken down over three or four days which additionally allows for her skills to be tuned over extensive periods.
- Most of Xathia's spare time is spent training in the Antei Combat Center.
- Xathia's diet usually consists of a majority of non-meat and non-fish products since when she was a street dweller there was no where for the meat and fish products to be cooked, thus her stomach cannot handle such products after so long without it which also allows for her to keep her weight under control during her training.
Notable possessions
Although many do not always regard clothing pieces as special, Xathia guards her footwear with her life. They have lasted through her journey from when she left her house at thirteen and therefore she sees them as sturdy and reliable. The battered leather boots come most of the way up her calves and have protected her legs from many types of extreme weather and beatings. Her mother gave them to her shortly before she left the house since she could no longer fit into her old shoes, and the boots have grown with her feet.

Litch Blade
Since Xathia frequently moved around with the street dwellers, trying to make a profit while surviving, she needed a weapon to guard herself if ever she was cornered and needed to escape drastically. The handle of the dagger was altered as soon as Xathia joined the Brotherhood to make it as comfortable as possible for her to use and has become Xathia's preferred weapon in battle due to her extensive training in it from the age of thirteen. Her original forename and given name, Nyx Xathia, are engraved near the handle to ensure that it can always been identified.
Kai and Dai'Lic
The first of Xathia's Protocol bots is Kai, who was created in the junkyards of Xathia's hometown. He has stayed faithfully with his mistress from the moment she left home, and guided her through the streets, acting as a shield and companion when she had left the street dwellers, although Kai is restricted to a selection of 40 languages including Omwati and Basic since the internal programming limits the bot to understanding more languages, and Kai also retains the training for piloting ships which Xathia holds no desire to do or learn to do so, putting her trust into Kai. The other Protocol bot is Dai'Lic who was created while Xathia was staying with Fionn as he completed a mission for Arcona in a town on Omwat. Dai'Lic speaks forty million languages and is programmed to withhold essential information such as places where Xathia has stored items and codes to get into places, as well as the ability to pilot.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Positions Held | ||
Before | Position | After |
N/A | Partner to Ward of the South 27 ABY - 28 ABY |
Robin Hawk |
N/A | Serpent's Fang 27 ABY - 29 ABY |
N/A |
N/A | ACC Trainer 28 ABY - 29 ABY |
N/A |
Q'win | Rollmaster for Caliburnus 29 ABY |
Eludajae "Lynx" M'Nar |
Unknown | Rollmaster for Clan Arcona 29 ABY |
Xander Drax | Quaestor for House Galeres 30 ABY |
Timeros Caesus Entar |
N/A | Judge 35 ABY |
N/A |
N/A | Operator 35 ABY |
N/A |
- She qualified for the ACC without a Death Post against Halc
- Became an ACC Trainer at the rank of Jedi Hunter
- She owns two K-3P0 droids, Kai and Dai'Lic