Valheru (Species)
The Valheru are a race of Humanoid people. Their build and features are the same as any other Human race in the galaxy. What sets them apart are their eyes, physical build, and strength.
Their eyes are deeper than Humans, allowing the eyes to be overshadowed. This can be vital when one wants to keep appearance to himself and not show he or she is Valheru rather than Human. They have lizard-like eyes, with thin vertical slits. A main feature of their vision is that they can see over large distances without trouble and are able to withstand sandstorms and heat.
Due to their stronger physique build, Valheru can endure more physical harm depending on the strength and age of the warrior. They could go without any food or water for a week and still be able to fight.
Another feature is that Valheru don’t have color in their hair. Their genetic code gives them a rare white/silver hair color. It is said in legends that the gods stole the colors because they were jealous. Though those are only a myth.
Their sense of honor is unquestionable, they have a natural sense of leadership and following command. They will not hesitate to die for their leader if he was with honor.
Originally called Dragonlords, the Valheru have the ability to tame dragons. Thought the ancient flying dragons are rare in the present universe, Valheru still use this skill on present dragons, like Krayts and other like-minded species. It is said that their lizard-like eyes are the reason why the beasts are so easily controlled, though this hasn’t been confirmed.
The Valheru are a cold-blooded species, meaning that they cannot withstand cold for long and favor warm places over cold. Even with their skill in survival, a mature Valheru male could only last for three days in an atmosphere with an average of -15 degrees Celsius
Because of their home planet’s atmosphere, the Valheru can lose their breath fast on alien planets with less dense oxygen. Therefore, Valheru prefers environments with dense oxygen, like vast jungles.
The Valheru lifespan runs between the age of sixty-five and seventy-five. There are some peaks known within the Valheru race but the average stays the same. This relatively small lifespan is because of their cold blood, which bears heavily on the degeneration of their body.
Valheru evolved from a vary of sub races. The first intelligent race known on the planet were the Valu, these creatures were Human-like, but had longer limbs, and were considered wild in nature. The Valu lived millennia before the first Valheru or Valkyri were sighted on the planet and lived on one huge continent yet to split apart. Their low foreheads and fangs gave them still a somewhat animal-like look, but the findings of tools and homesteads showed that they were the first intelligent species on Shi. Not much is known about the Valu.
When the continents split apart, two races evolved from the Valu, the reptilian Hershu and the bird species Kyria. While the reptilian Hershu lived on the larger ‘Ceria Isliana’, grown with huge grass planes and large forests, the Kyria lived on the smaller ‘Ishrai’, filled with mountains and canyons. The Valu evolved in both areas to fit their newfound homes. The Kyria’s long arms were covered with feathers, as they needed them to glide to one cavern to another. The Kyria also had a beak and sharp talons instead of nails in order to hold themselves onto the rock surface and carve a cavern into the soft rock walls.
The Hershu however, were more of a hunter-like civilization. Hunting on various animals throughout the forests and often made camps of wood and rocks. To build these camps their body evolved to increase their strength, sight and instincts and also used their way with animals, especially Drakes (small dragon-like species with under-developed wings for gliding) to use them in the way they needed to build up a village. For reasons unknown, the two species met on the larger continent, people say that the smaller continent was made inhabitable by a large volcanic eruption, this may be why it’s called ‘Ishrai’ or ‘Land of fire’.
Eventually, when the two species met, another stage in evolution was made, and after millennia of living together, the two species began to grow and enter each other’s lands. This caused an eternal conflict between the two races. The number of Hershu was running thin, while the Kyria increased in numbers fast.
The Hershu, who had been keeping Drakes as pets, evolved together with their pet Drakes. The Hershu evolved into the Valheru a Humanoid species with great strength and lizard eyes. While the Kyria, who were bird like in nature, didn’t need to use their wings and talons any longer, and evolved into the Valkyri, a similar Humanoid species but birdlike in physical ways.
The Valkyri were reproducing fast, a female could lay up to six eggs per labor and takes three months after labor to be fertile again. Normally a Valkyri female is fertile once every two weeks. This way, the Valkyri race grew to an enormous number. The Valheru women, however, are fertile only once every two months and carry only one child per labor. Though Valheru are born like mammals they bear cold blood and need to be kept warm for three months until they are ready to live on their own.
The Drakes that were kept by the Hershu as pets evolved into Dragons and the Valheru started to use them as mounts against the Valkyri and used them to stand a chance in the war between the two leading intelligent races.
This war would continue over the years, and while the Valkyri built huge canyons with huts and formed a hive-like society. The Valheru built great city’s of wood and stone on mountains, and formed a kingdom-like society. While the Valkyri used their soldiers as drones to fight for their king and queen. The Valheru had soldiers, archers, dragon riders and high commanding staff. Their leader, the Sharan, also fought with his troops in order to boost the morale of the men.
Valkyri line of command
- Orda Kyrian - King of Valkyri
- Isarda Kyrian – Queen of Valkyri
- Ofur Kyrian – Prince of Valkyri
- Isafur Kyrian – Princess of Valkyri

- Shalram Ishu – Lord Marshall
- Shalram Wen – Field Marshall
- Shalram Firu – Air Marshall
- Dragam Wen – Field General
- Dragam Firu – Air General
- Dragam Remu – Brigadier General
- Calagna – Colonel
- Caligno – Lieutenant Colonel
- Destru – Major
- Estru – Captain
- Igno – Lieutenant
- Nyru Noru Wen – Veteran Field Soldier
- Nyru Noru Firu – Veteran Air Soldier
- Noru Wen – Field Soldier
- Noru Firu – Air Soldier
- Breshu – Worker (Male)
- Bresha – Worker (Female)
- Erasta – Protector (Male
- Estan – Caretaker (Female)
- Kyran – Adult
- Kyras – Teen
- Kyrban – Child
- Oscia - Hatchling
- Osmia - Eggling
Valheru line of command
- Sharan Heren – Lord Valheru
- Sharyn Heran – Lady Valheru
- Sharas Heren – Prince Valheru
- Sharys Heran – Princess Valheru

Royal Servants
- Shalar Sharan Heren – Shieldbearer of Lord Valheru
- Phalyr Sharyn Heran – Maiden of Lady Valheru
- Cylan Sharas Heren – Teacher(male) of the Prince Valheru
- Cylin Sharys Heran – Teacher(female) of the Princess Valheru
- Eliën Asheru Shiël – Royal Guard Commander
- Eliën Asheran – Royal Guardsman
- Shara Aran – Lord Marshall
- Amlugiël Aran – Dragon Rider Marshall
- Orna Aran – Field Marshall
- Deravië Eral – General Strategist
- Amlugiël Eral – Dragon Rider General
- Orna Eral – Field General
- Silivren Amlug Eral – Silver Dragon (Elite Group) General
- Ariëlas – Colonel
- Ariëlas Urshiël – Lieutenant Colonel
- Raliël – Major
- Ish’an – Captain
- Urshiël Nyv – First Lieutenant
- Urshiël Tyv – Second Lieutenant
- Silivren Siëlar – Elite Soldier
- Silivren Amlugiël – Elite Dragon Rider
- Siëlar Amlugiël – Dragon Rider
- Siëlar Amlugiël – Soldier
- Heru – Adult
- Heriël – Teen
- Heras – Child
- Hershian - Infant
Planet Shi
Planet info
The Planet lies within the Unknown Regions, uncharted regions of space Northwest of the Deep Core. Southwest of the planet Mobus lies a thick toxic cloud and is a very dangerous place to fly through. Even with modern technology and shielding, it’s still not recommended to fly through the cloud, also known as the Emerald Nebula, known for it’s emerald green color. Because of its heavy radiation levels, it disrupted any way of scanning and any scouting force through it for millennia of time. This protected Shi from alien invaders so that it could remain hidden for ages.
About one light-year behind the nebula lies the Sollet system, a small system not known to regular spacers. The fourth planet of that system is Shi, in modern times a wasteland planet, but once was a planet full of life. When it was the planet was divided into two continents, a smaller one called ‘Ishrai’, translated: ‘land of fire’ because of the many volcano’s present and a large continent called ‘Ceria Isliana’, translated: ‘Green Ocean’ because of its large stretched grasslands.
The Planet orbits one sun and is the fourth planet of the system. It has two moons orbiting around the planet, one called ‘Silivren’, which means ‘Silver’ in native tongue, and the other called ‘Amlug’, or ‘Dragon’ in native.
The diameter of the planet is approximately 9.432 kilometer and is considered to be a medium classed planet. A year on Shi exists of four-hundred and twelve days, because of this the planet’s climates vary throughout five additional seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer, Rain Season and Fall. Temperatures range from -24 degrees Celsius to a 65 degrees Celsius.
The Atmosphere of the planet has a high oxygen content with little other gasses. Though the Oxygen level is still below the toxic threshold, it’s advised to bring breathing masks when visiting the planet.
Destruction & Present Day
The planet eventually was settled by the recently formed Old Republic, who wanted to harvest resources from the rich and unspoiled planet. When the Valheru refused to cooperate the Republic didn’t listen. The Valheru retaliated, and used aggression to send the Republic forces back into space.
The retaliation that followed was swift and brutal. The Valheru were considered savage wild men and needed to be either captured or killed. As the Valheru were low in technology they were easily defeated by the Republic, and the race soon twirled into extinction.
Two species resided on the planet of Shi, the Valheru were the main species, though years before the Republic came to Shi another race was still present, the Valkyri. Unlike the Valheru, these creatures were more birdlike than lizard like and were the Valheru’s most hated enemy. Eventually the Valkyri were slaughtered in a large Valkyri genocide staged by the Valheru after a war of a thousand years.
At the present the planet is scarred with craters and wastelands due to a war in the early days of the Old Republic. Though parts of the planet started to bloom again, others are still a wasteland filled with ruins of two mighty civilizations. It was believed that the planet held up to eight million inhabitants over a span of two continents. There are also reports of Archaeologists finding fossils of large reptilians, like Kryat Dragons. Also two Humanoid species, the Valheru together with relics and castles. While the Valkyri was found within caverns and were more structured to be like birds in some way. Hollow bones and thin bone structures to lessen weight.
They say one few of the Valheru and the Valkyri still exists, hidden from the eyes of Humans and thriving to survive. If they still reside on Shi on this day is unknown.
Main characteristics
- Humanoid Appearance
- Lizard like eyes. (vertical slits)
- White hair.
- 20% more muscle tissue compared to the average Human
- Enhanced eye sight, can view over large distances
- Survival, could last for a week without water or food.
- Can lose breath fast, due to home planets thicker oxygen level.
- Cold Blooded, cannot withstand extreme cold.
- Relatively short lifespan (ranging from 65 to 75 years)
- Shi, Sollet System (Unknown Space)