History of the Antei Combat Center pre-30 ABY
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Antei Combat Centre | |
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Antei - TBD |
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[ Source ] |
The Beginnings

The origin of the Antei Combat Centre is knit with a practice of the ancient Star Chamber that was adopted by the Brotherhood; the Ritual of Certamen. When used correctly, this Rite allowed the ritual combat of two rivals, settling disputes on the justice of the battlefield. In the High Temple of Ferran, a massive structure was built to train the students of the Triumvirate in this sacred art. Training was important, because the Rite itself was always fatal. Disputes were settled unto the death of one combatant. The Three believed that the strongest of their students would survive. Only the most advanced students were trained in the arts, after a test of competency in combat. A few of Ferran’s direct students instructed others and sat as judges in the art of combat. Like the Star Chamber itself, this practice was mostly lost with the obscuration of the Antei System. Yet, the Rite was resurrected, though only partially, through research and fragments of information that seeped into the realms of Brotherhood Lore. Due to its incomplete nature, the Rite existed minimally throughout the Brotherhood, and slowly began to take shape into something the Krath would perpetuate, if only to break the monotony of their Order.
Under the watchful eye of the Grand Master and the Dark Council, the Ritual of Certamen was allowed to prosper among the scholar’s Order. Despite their rumored distaste for battle, the Krath began to generate their own ‘warriors’ who excelled at the Rite, finding themselves on a path that fostered a collision between knowledge and power, through combat. Through the discipline of battle and the traditions of the ancient Rite, the ritual was soon adopted into the core of the Brotherhood’s structure – even into the Art of Vendetta.
Krath Combat Centre
Through adaptation and modernization, the Krath High Priestess, Mairin Astoris, ushered the evolution of the Ritual of Certamen into a new era that served the Krath Order. Only a shadow of its former existence, the ritual soon found a home in what was called the Krath Combat Centre. The structure itself was grand, but the technology was still young. Developed by two Dark Jedi named James Lucius Entar and Cyberguy Quiritatio Entar, the Combat Centre was equipped with a series of “Morph Halls” that mimicked the terrains of planets located in the star maps of the Brotherhood. This was a far cry from the origin of the Ritual of Certamen, and allowed the engagement of conflict on many ‘worlds’ while remaining within the Brotherhood’s home system. Equally seeming to thumb it’s nose at history and tradition, despite the affinity they possessed, the Combat Centre randomly adopted precautions to ensure non-lethal combat, sparring the lives of those defeated in combat. Nevertheless, many Dark Jedi still joined the mists of the Force, losing their lives to the honor of battle, while the most powerful of the Krath prevailed. A time of stability and prosperity ruled over the Combat Centre, despite those lost to the pains of battle, under the Krath High Priestess. It functioned smoothly as a training environment and adequately as an honored place to quell grudges throughout the Brotherhood, until the time of the Exodus.
Unification and the Winds of Change
Mairin was called into service to assist the Grand Master, Lord Firefox, as his Deputy, resigning her position as Combat Master to take her place by his side. Her tenure gave way to a new Combat Master, a Dark Jedi named Timeros. The Heragan tore down the walls of segregation to the Centre and invited all of the Orders of the Brotherhood to take part in their version of the Rite of Certamen. Their pride pushed aside, the Krath welcomed the Sith and the Obelisk, if only to see them die at their hands. Not known for their combat ability, many of the Krath soon proved worthy adversaries as they forged through the Rite alongside their brethren as well as at the end of their blades. A united Centre was born, praising skill, honor and the spilling of blood that surpassed Order and affiliation; prosperity seemed inevitable.
Apart from the Centre, the Brotherhood was seeing its own changes beginning to undulate through the waters of fate. The former Combat Master, Mairin Astoris was indicted by the puppets of the Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer and forced to resign her position alongside the Grand Master. The ordeal would prove to be the foundation for what the future would hold for the Combat Centre.
Gathering his core staff members, Timeros took what technology and information he could, before fleeing the Emperor’s Hammer’s Territory with the bulk of the Dark Brotherhood, in what history would call “The Exodus”. The madness of those days, however, affected the Combat Master greatly and he soon stepped aside after arriving on Antei. The deconstruction of the Combat Centre on Eos proved taxing on vital parts of its operation. This forced the staff of the Centre, and it’s operations, to take up temporary lodging in the constructed Obelisk Palladium.
Just before her departure, and at the outset of the Exodus, Mairin Astoris took it upon herself to secure a future for her Order. With the dispatching of the coordinates of the Brotherhood’s new home, Mairin preempted the flight of the Dark Jedi and arrived on Antei. It is unclear what called her, or even what guided her, but she wrested a stronghold from its inhabitants just beyond the Shadowlands. Barely basking in the light of the planet, apart from the shadows that the Brotherhood chose to attain, the stronghold would prove to be the future of the Combat Centre. However, due to the intentions of the Dark Jedi, and their goal to belay interaction with the inhabitants, Mairin was reprimanded. Despite the isolated location of the structure, the planned renovations of a new Centre were halted.
The Combat Centre’s existence within the Palladium was short lived. It became abundantly clear that it would not be sufficient for the desires of the membership and served to align a unified Combat Centre under a specific order. Looking to the future of the Brotherhood and a practice that had become a mainstay, DGM Jac Cotelin authorized the remodelling of the training stronghold that had been secured by Mairin. Though she would be disallowed from any involvement, history has saved a place for her within the Centre’s walls. Many speculate that Cotelin saw the entire timeline somewhere in his mind’s eye and set Mairin on her course to help set his hand upon the future. There is no proof to that fact, but logic may suggest that such a potential asset would be a splendid addition to the résumé of a Deputy Grand Master who sought the Iron Throne.
A New Home; Reconstruction of the Centre
James Lucius Entar and CyberGuy Quiritatio Entar, along with a host of the Centre staff, instantly began construction with minimal resistance from the locals. Rumored to be one of the temples of Ferran, the chosen Centre structure blended in with its surroundings of indigenous stone that formed an almost cross-like façade, yet it’s interior was vastly more complicated than the two mechanics had envisioned. The ghosts of the passed lingered throughout the whole of the system, and nothing could be more true for Antei itself, and equally, the growing Combat Centre. It’s walls felt alive to many and even the synthetic terrain of the new Morph Halls seemed to breathe with life that existed beyond flesh. Parsing the ancient technology with the new, the Centre became the most technologically advanced facility in the whole of the Brotherhood’s assets. The generation of any type of terrain, weaponry, craft or enemy was easily at the beck and call of programming.
Initial testing and evaluation involved few Dark Jedi in lieu of local contractors to verify the authenticity of the Halls, against the better judgment of the Dark Council. Yet, time and again, they failed to die. Even in cases of the most vicious decapitation, something reanimated their bodies and restored their lives. James and CyberGuy called for the Deputy Grand Master, with the presence of the Oracle strongly suggested.
With the presence of the most psychotically brilliant Oracle in Brotherhood history, the dilemma was soon uncovered. It would seem that the very location of the Centre itself was the key, existing beyond the Shadowlands and in direct contrast to the ancients that existed in the darkness. It was true that the practices were derived from the Ritual of Certamen, but it would’ve seemed that something else chose to contradict the nature of the Rite itself. The ability to settle conflict with honor and no real threat to life or power sat well with the Council, yet it was the Oracle who suspected that someday revenge would be sought, his warnings were ignored.
The Antei Combat Centre and the first CM
With Timeros’s resignation and the Combat Centre nearing completion, a Falleen named Xizor was appointed to the charge of the newly named, Antei Combat Centre, offering his personal touches to the final product as it’s first Combat Master. Under his charge remained five of the original staff members; Lokii, Arion Sunrider, Timeros, Trevarus Caerick and Dalthid, all eager to begin their duties with the rebirth of the Centre. The door’s of the ACC opened to a new page of history as hundreds of Dark Jedi traveled to Antei to usher in the new era.
The Dirge of the Falleen Prince

The Falleen personally instructed his staff, overseeing them with a teacher’s eye. In addition, he sought the best of his staff to assist the younger members in the ways of the Centre, to train them in battle and the Ritual of Certamen. Finally, Xizor archived every bit of information that pertained to the instruction of combatants and centralized it for the use of future staff members. This solidified the core of Centre operations, and became the foundation from which the ACC would grow.
The Antei Combat Centre was indeed prosperous under the Falleen Prince – but time can unravel prosperity through change and mindset, even within the most valiant leaders. Xizor’s final days were wrought with frustration and his lack of desire for conformity. Honored throughout the veteran community, the Combat Master was the heaviest of hands; his judgements unforgiving and his resolve just as stern. He was revered by his peers and veteran staff, but eagerly disliked by those who coddled the lines between light and dark; a dual-minded existence that soon took it’s toll as newly assigned staff and members of the Brotherhood found themselves unable to deal with such a strong and unyielding Combat Master.
The murmurs of distaste traveled throughout the Brotherhood, even through the walls of the Centre, forcing the Falleen Prince into an early retirement. Outrage swarmed through the original core of the staff; those who had seen his rise to power and stood behind him along the way as Combat Master Xizor, the first CM of the ACC, stepped down. His name would be emblazon throughout the history of the Centre as a ‘forefather’ to those who honored him as he honored the Combat Centre’s existence and purpose.
Full Circle; The Reign of Cyris

Teetering on the cliffs of a downward spiral, the Centre quickly shifted it’s eyes, from its departing leader, to what the future would hold. A scholar at heart, the newly appointed Combat Master, Cyris Oscura, began his reign with a focused scrutiny of the Centre’s existence. The ancient Star Chamber had it’s influences throughout the Brotherhood; to some it was a myth, to others their tomes could be equated to life’s blood. Cyris buried himself in the instruction and tomes kept by the Oracle, adapting his mind to all that he could of the Ritual of Certamen. With his learned knowledge, combined with his own perception, the Combat Master spearheaded a grand overhaul of the ACC proper.
The overhaul ignited a rediscovery of the Centre throughout the Brotherhood, calling droves to the complex in record numbers. The staff worked hard, together, as the ACC took on a new face and the waves of prosperity seemed to lap at the foundation of its walls. Not since it was reopened on Antei did the Centre see such a revival, it was virtually unprecedented and, equally, unexpected. Cyris attributed the success of the overhaul to only four individuals, apart from himself; JaM3z Lucius Entar, Trevarus Caerick, Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler and Mejas Doto. In addition, Cyris elevated three of the ACC’s veteran staff to pinnacle appointments as a sub-structure to the chain of command. Trevarus Caerick was appointed to the position of Senior Trainer to take charge over the other Trainers and be a liaison to Initiates in the CM’s stead. Dalthid was appointed to the position of Senior Judge with the same responsibilities where the Judges were concerned. Arcturus Xyler, whom already held the position of Senior Judge, was promoted to Deputy Combat Master, the first person to hold the office. Oscura quickly hired more staff to assist in the training of initiates and to oversee the battles of the membership. Some were hired without incident, yet others came with a modicum of warning from the veteran staff. Unable to see what the future would hold, Cyris pressed forward – successfully, for the most part – but his indiscretion and dismissal of those warnings would be the seeds of his downfall.
Time passed as the Centre continued to grow. Even the pangs of the Sith War drifted into the Centre, solidifying it’s existence through battles, beyond duels and gripes; inevitably creating the ACC as a true institution of combat. To those on the outside, looking in, the Centre was a model of stability and focus; generating hundreds of training scenarios, qualification Rites and various conflicts that crossed all spectrums. The Centre’s ability to adapt and provide for varying levels of requirements became paramount to its operation, easily solidifying it’s status as a Brotherhood asset. However, behind the façade, tension grew. Long-time staff members; veterans to the policies and traditions set from the beginning, became frustrated with the disregard of the newer staff. Most held their tongues, squabbling in private – even unto resignation. Some became outwardly vocal, chiding the Combat Master to take control of the staff, a task that Cyris seemed ill-equipped to do – his indiscretion had come full circle. In the throws of the unseen turmoil, the Combat Master succumbed to a personal injury during a sojourn from Antei. His physical condition dwindled for a time, and the strife throughout the judges and trainers amplified his frustration and absence. Unable to deal with his physical duress, and the squabbling of his staff, Cyris Oscura abruptly resigned his position, vanishing to parts unknown.
From Out of Nowhere; The Reign of Gryffon
Rumors about a struggle for power abounded between factions of the ACC staff after the departure of the Black Hand. In fact, these myths were generously created by the factions themselves, assuming power was being sought from the opposition. Truth be told, neither side sought any power where the rule of the Centre was concerned. Their strife had long been perpetuated over policy and operation of the Centre, not who sat upon the throne of the Brotherhood’s foremost combat training institution.
For quite some time the ACC sat leaderless, but it’s existence pressed on as well as it could. Training was overseen by the Senior staff, positions developed by Cyris Oscura as a ‘pseudo’ chain of command, as well as daily operations – yet, their ‘seniority’ was a fallacy. It was true that they were the most knowledgeable and experienced of the existing staff, but they were not seen or heeded as any type of authority. Some staff members departed, some simply disappeared, but one thing became clear: someone needed to be sought to wrest control of the Centre.
As is often done with the Clans of the Brotherhood, an attempt was made to bring a fresh mind into the scenario. Possessing absolutely no experience in the ACC and with a complete lack of understanding concerning practices and policies, Gryffon De'Urtha Cantor came from out of nowhere to be appointed as Cyris Oscura’s successor.
A wave of shock spread throughout the body of the staff. Gryffon was known, but his affiliation with the Centre had been non-existent. Nevertheless, most of the staff welcomed the change, eager to get back on the path of greatness – until the mind of De’Urtha became known. Through lacklustre adaptations, unexplained absences and an utterly ‘hands-off’ approach to the ruling of the ACC, it became clear that Gryffon’s selection was a grand mistake – rumored as a ‘favor’ to someone in the upper echelon. The title existed with Gryffon, but it seemed that the ‘title’ was his concern, not the Centre itself. However, his sub-par reign did accomplish one feat – it unified the staff. For the first time in ages, the staff became of one mind, subduing the long existing turmoil under the banner of one goal – the removal of Gryffon De’Urtha.
In hindsight, many may perceive that as the intent all along; to finally quell the squabbling of an, otherwise exceptional, staff. Whatever the reason, their murmurs grew to a roar as Gryffon De’Urtha was ousted from his position as Combat Master of the ACC. It was a lesson learned and etched into the pages of time; without the support of the staff any CM would fail.
Promises of Greatness; The Reign of Mal’ari’carun

Far from the scrutiny of the appointment of De’Urtha, the selection of Mal'ari'carun came with its own questions. There existed, within the factions of the staff, tenured members who were, once again, overlooked to take the reigns of the Centre. It was uncertain as to why, by many, but a logical point of view would tend to lean toward Mal’ari’carun’s virtual anonymity and neutrality. He served as a Trainer for long enough not to be considered ‘green’, but his influence was minimal at best. Nevertheless, some veterans pledged their loyalty with the hope of the Centre’s revival.
Immediately, Alaric sought to renovate the Combat Centre. Overall, his ideas were sound and seemed to be derived from a desire to better the ACC, which was a far cry from his predecessor. The Chiss’ platform of change came with great waves of promise; the greatness of the ACC being at the forefront of his communication. Sweeping operational adaptations and structural refinements fell upon the Centre, some were accepted whole heartedly and some came with a modicum of struggle – but it seemed that the prosperity of the Centre was, once again, in sight. With the addition of Halcyon Rokir as the Praetor to the Combat Master, Alaric attempted to move forward. Activity increased slowly as members began to regain faith in the Centre, but the population of the past would struggle to be a mere glint.
Alaric was even able to quell some of the conflict among his staff, to a point. He was quick to appease all sides and sought for a better relationship through the whole of his staff, but his abilities were limited. Despite his ‘promises of greatness’, his fire seemed to die quickly. His sweeping renovations came to an abrupt halt with repeated absences and the ignoring of those under his employ. Even his Praetor was powerless without any idea of the whereabouts of the Combat Master. Random communications, from parts unknown, began to stink of the attitudes of the Chiss’ predecessor. Soon, faith in Alaric’s ability was lost – even to the point of triggering the departure of veterans of the staff, tired of the Chiss’ lack of commitment to the Centre’s existence – an unfortunate scenario that would be a blessing in disguise, in hindsight. A reign that began with promise turned into a failure as the Centre continued to struggle forward.
Without a Trace; The Silent Mutiny of the Senior Staff
The Senior staff took up the reigns, forging ahead despite the absence of their Combat Master. Unlike in the past, they were able to wrest enough control to keep the Centre afloat as the factions slowly began to break apart. Halcyon Rokir watched with his blessing, eyeing the happenings and chiding when necessary. The emerald haired Human kept his distance, but his silence seemed to be a sign of his support. The previous departure of antagonists, those unwilling to honor the traditions of the Centre, proved to allow the remaining staff members to operate with minimal conflict. Alaric maintained his position as Combat Master, but for all intents and purposes, he was merely a figurehead. His occasional communiqué’s and decrees were virtually ignored as the Senior staff tended to daily operations, keeping Alaric informed as they saw fit. It had been a silent mutiny; one that the Brotherhood was seemingly oblivious to as the Centre continued to operate with little difficulty – but the Dark Council soon became aware of the oddity.
Making History; The Edict of the Lord Marshal
With the unexplained and unauthorized absence of Mal’ari’carun, coupled with the will of the staff to avoid another leadership drama, the Dark Council burst into the fray with an unprecedented decree. Organizationally, the Combat Centre would fall under the direction of the Lord Marshal, DA Mike Halcyon (aka: James McKenna), along with the other organizational changes that affected the Brotherhood – but what came with that would make history, at least “history” as it applied to the small community of the ACC staff.
Still seated as Combat Master and MIA, as became the norm, attempts to contact Alaric failed. Infuriated and unwilling to accept the lack of responsibility on the part of the Chiss, DA Michael Halcyon officially announced his leadership of the ACC. He directed all procedural projects through his office, usurped the Combat Master and communicated directly with the Senior staff and quickly attained an assessment of the Centre’s condition, effectively eliminating the need for Alaric. Within a short time, Mal’ari’carun was removed as Combat Master, without so much as an opportunity to resign.
Return to Glory?

The Chiss’ replacement came quickly, even before a Dark Jedi could finish reading the notice of Alaric’s removal. The next Combat Master of the ACC came from an extremely short list of original staff members, a list of only two that remained from the days of the Krath Combat Centre – Senior Operator and Champion, the Stennes, Dalthid. Immediately, the old man secured an alliance with Halcyon Rokir and entrusted him with remaining in his position. Halcyon accepted and watched Dalthid begin to smash the ACC through the veil of the future.
History can only be told when the events of time have run their course and come to fruition. One cannot tell, with certainty, what the future would hold. Rest assured, Dalthid’s appointment came with praise and revolt, but his history is still in the making...