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Savant Creon de Neverse is a Mandalorian Jedi Knight from Clan Odan-Urr.
Character History
Young Creon
Early Life
Creon was born on Panatha in 10 ABY. His father had been a pilot and his mother was a social worker. He had a modest upbringing and above average education during his minor years. At the age of seven Creon was given to the First Order, as it had occupied the planet for indoctrinating recruits. As was tradition for families to give the first-born son, Creon became C-12907 in the First Order.
C-12097's academic scores and athletic performance gained the interest of Captain Grummart who, in 25 ABY, contracted him as cadet under Cardinal Archex. After completing his stormtrooper training, C-12097 was sent to Starkiller Base as his duty station.
In 27 ABY the Iron Forces purchased Creon's contract. His records were reviewed by Jeric Cyrin who took interest in his midi-chlorian count. Creon became Jeric's apprentice and a member of the Dark Brotherhood in 29ABY. He was sent to the Shadow Academy for further education in the Dark Side of the Force. He resided with Clan Naga Sadow in House Shar Dakhan. He worked in covert operations with group known as The Reaper Crew under the leadership of Roxas Buurenaar. After enough training and tutelage under his master, the Dlarit Corporation gave Creon the position of Prefect over the planet Aeotheran. Creon ruled as Prefect until the Dlarit Corporation's dissolvement in 33 ABY, wherein the planet was appropriated by Shar Dakhan.
From Darkness to Light
In 28 ABY Grand Master Muz Ashen deployed all of Naga Sadow's forces to New Tython to destroy the Jedi of Clan Odan-Urr. These events came to be known as the Tenth Great Jedi War. During the battle Creon's squad fell and he was a captured prisoner of war by the Odanites. During his judgement, the Jedi Council spared Creon his war crimes and offered amnesty on Kiast if he swore an oath to renounce Naga Sadow and dedicate his life to the Light Side of the Force. Creon underwent jedi training as a padawan overseen by Aura Ta'var. A year later Creon completed his trials and officially became a Jedi Knight.
In 35 ABY Creon joined a team known as The Wildcards who's primary role wasto transport cargo for the Odanite Expeditionary Force with a *Baleen*-class heavy freighter known as Idiot’s Array. His crew members were Jael Chi’ra, Tarvitz, Celevon, and Len Iode. They performed search and rescue missions for the Vatali Empire service under the Vatali Royal Guard. Creon left the Wildcards at their disbandment in 36 ABY.
The Meridian Prime Space Station
In 37 ABY Creon was elected to be the Aedile of House Hoth. During his term he re-organized the O.E.F. military's infrastructure. He reduced funding for small scale squadron fighters in favor of larger freighters for the navy. He worked with the land army and a group of volunteer Mandalorian mercenaries under the leadership of Luna Okami. He deployed with both forces during the battle of the Meridian Prime Space Station and was promoted to House Hoth's Quaestor. During the conflict, Creon's team captured the shard known as Rutgar-4 and removed the crystal artifact. After the conflict ended the joint task force was disbanded and Creon retired as Quaestor.
The Mandalorian known as Dral Falgorth was a volunteer mercenary that fostered a friendship with Creon. Dral inspired and taught Creon Mandalorian culture and invited Creon to join his clan the Okami. His trials of the Verd'goten taught him the language of Man'doa and the Canons of Honor. He completed his trials by spending a full winter on the ice mountains of the moon Kaerls with nothing but a single set of robes. His sworn oath of Resol'nare in their tongue was witnessed by Gülvyr Okami who dubbed Creon an official Mandalorian in 39 ABY.
During the events of the Great Jedi War XIV, Creon and Dral deployed togetherwith Battleteam Deathwatch of Clan Vizsla under the leadership of Declan Roark. Their team defended the Godless Matron and fought at the Last Stand of Eos City after the shields of Arx had fallen. Once the war ended Creon returned to Clan Odan-Urr apart from Dral who stayed with Clan Vizsla.
Marriage & Inheritance
In the beginning of 40 ABY, Creon married Elyon de Neverse in a villa on Naboo. Creon took upon her maiden to follow the tradition of the Neverse family. This noble family's wealth and influence provided the couple with an inheritance of property and a position with Nubia Star Drives, Incorporated. They also provided Creon & Elyon de Neverse the funding for a university education in Theed.
During the time of the events that came to be known as the fifteenth Great Jedi War, the Children of Mortis had invaded Kiast with the intent to destroy the Jedi Temple of Odan-Urr. Creon deployed with the Guardian Corps and worked with Strike-Team Ooroo in flanking the enemy forces.
Roleplaying Creon
The following is a guide for writing Creon in the Antei Combat Center.
Combat Skills
Creon is trained for the battlefield in large scale conflicts and covert operations. If allotted he prepares for the environment before deploying and orients a diverse array of equipment geared for any opponent encounter. Creon's efforts alone have been shown to turn the tides of war.
Creon received in cyberwarfare from the Shroud Syndicate. He specializes in slicing into the command prompts of terminal systems, altering droid programs, and bypassing security restrictions. He has been known to make viruses that can take control over terminals, droids, and imbedded AI. He uses AI in his arms and armor and connects them with his droids.
Creon's aptitude for primal survival derives from the Vert'goten. The trials taught him how hunt prey and escape predators. He became proficient in land navigation at high altitudes and hidden jungles/forests. He knows how to make makeshift tools and weapons and can build a fire fireplace if given the right environmental resources. In urban terrains Creon prefers to approach from the highest vantage point to survey the landscape and remains incognito until his target is within sight. He can sleep almost anywhere.
If duly prepared prior to engaging the enemy Creon will take a slow approach from a long distance. He will remain as silent as possible and execute his target(s) with minimal trace. When faced with an army Creon performs a shock and awe offensive with a guerilla warfare defensive. It's his trust in the Force that guides switching between fight or flight. At a medium distance Creon falls back to his trooper training and experience. He will employ louder strategies such as flanking maneuvers and room to room clearing. Up close Creon will rely on his Might, Miscellaneous Weapons, and Primary Martial Arts to kill or subdue his opponent.
Aura Ta'var is a Jedi Master of Clan Odan-Urr who spared Creon's life during the Tenth Great Jedi War. She was his combat instructor his training as padawan and was responsible for teaching him how to properly wield a lightsaber. She has fought at Creon's side in many adventures and the two have forged a bond of friendship.
Dral Falgorth is an Okami Mandalorian and Creon's closest comrade in arms. The two fought more battles together than apart and were believed to be unstoppable. It was Falgorth who invited Creon to train in the ways of the Mandalorian and vouched for him to Luna and Gülvyr Okami. He taught Creon the Resol'nare, his Primary Martial Arts Form: Mandalorian Core, and how to speak Mando'a. Creon regards him proudly as a brother.
Elyon de Neverse is a Jedi of Clan Odan-Urr and is Creon's love interest. They met in the gardens of the Jedi Temple at a young age and have had many adventures together since. The two share a villa in her homeworld of Naboo. She is a reliable healer who joins him in some of his missions and even taught Creon the art of Healing with the Force.
Ka Tarvitz was a notable friend of Creon's in the Wildcards. Tarvitz as the main pilot of the Idiot's Array and taught Creon how to fly. They fought in the war against the Collective side by side and were even known to hunt the Sith together. In tandem with his mentor role with Elyon, Tarvitz has been come to be close like family to Creon.
Positions Held