Mune Cinteroph-Palpatine
1m 70cm
Aimi Cinteroph
Eien Osada
Purple and Blue
- Ninjato-style Vibroswords
- Dual Lightsabers
Rollmaster of Scholae Palatinae
- Elincia Rei
- Braecen Kaeth
- " The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. "
- ― Robert Frost
Seer Mune Cinteroph-Palpatine has long been part of the Imperial Clan, his disappearance for a handful of years not withstanding; he has distinguished himself well since his return to the ranks of his fellow Palatinaeans. Born on Seraph in the Caperion System, he is a scholar, calculating thinker and talented swordsman. Before his disappearance, he was a leader within Scholae Palatinae for House Acclivis Draco. He took only two apprentices in his time, Impetus M'Nar and Braecen Kaeth. The reasons for his disappearance remain his own, though it is rumoured that the Doctor and Empress, Elincia Rei is aware.
Character History
Dark Beginnings
Mune was born to prominent and influential scientist by the name Eien Osada, and his wife Aimi Cinteroph in the United Corporations of Elaya in 7 ABY. Eien's experiment began well before his birth, however, and rather began upon conception of his son. Using the funding from the UCE government and Chairman Getris Retpay, and the resources of C.A.G.R.A. (Corporation for Advanced Genetic Research and Application), Mune and his mother both, were made victim to Osada's twisted experimentation. The few classified files remaining would note the genetic research as attempting to combine the bestial traits of his Shistavanen mother with human characteristics so as to create a predator that could easily blend into human environs without drawing attention. Thus failed on the front of a human appearance, he was labelled a failure and unusable for covert operations in the future. It may well have been the slightest bit of love for his wife, that Eien did not terminate immediately and let the infant Mune live.
The child, however, was given his mother's surname and any inheritance of his father's fortune, refused him in the future.
At the age of two(2), Mune was removed from his home and put into the care of his Aunt, Kiho Osara, when his mother had fallen ill. He was not made to feel welcome, rather, he was treated as a black mark upon the family name and a rodent to be removed. Eenf ro all his budding intelligence even at the age of three, he would not see a formal education and kept away from the other children. He'd begin to see himself as the oddity and animal his family portrayed him as.
File:Doublehelix.jpgDouble Helix
Unbeknownst to him, his mother was on her way to a full recovery. His father had no intentions, however, of reuniting them. It was evening, and Mune was amusing himself as he did in his aunt's conservatory when flame engulfed the garden. The fragrance of flowers that perfumed the air become that of smoke and ash. No one saved him, rather, he saved himself. The Force responded to him and through it removed himself from the flames. To it, he lost his conscious thought and fled from teh nightmare of his home and found himself in the unfeeling streets of a city warped by greed and corruption. In the darkness, he was found by a visiting ambassador of the Nayama Dynasty, a monk, who sensed something in the boy. Mune was but four(4) years old.
Chains Broken and Paths Forged
Mune's Ninjatō Style Dual VibroSwords (Purple - Animus) (Blue - Umbra)
Mune would be submerged in a world of tradition. He as given an education. The years that were gifted him were filled with study, training, and contemplation. By the age of six, he was ensconced in every aspect of the monastic life he has come to be entwined with. He devoured every scrap of reading he could. He took the sting of the switch when he made a mistake in his training and used it as fuel of the fire to better himself. He had worth. At the age of eight(8), he found himself unable to shake the feeling that the monks that took him in were missing something vital in their teachings.He knew more than thought. Such thigns, he kept to himself and continued his training, growing agile, graceful and calculating. He became, before long, an artist with a blade.
These people accepted him.
Not so long after his ninth birthday, Mune found himself face to face with his father. The scientist had come to know of his experiment's whereabouts, and so looked to take possession of UCE property. Mune had sensed the man's coming, and so met him a short distance down the path from his home. If asked, Mune remembers nothing of those moments. What came after, however, was the taste of blood upon his lips, and the red that painted the soil in wicked tones. He could recall clearly the stickiness upon his flesh, and the slow drip of gore from his matted hair. He had become engulfed by Rage and so slew the man claiming to be his father, and the man's retinue all. Panic stricken, he feared for his home and the life he had finally found. To protect, not themselves, but the child, they decided to seek the help of the Republic of the Force. He was directed upon this new path and so continued his education in the wilds that were TRF's home.
Mune took easily to their reverence for nature. He found himself more at ease with himself than he ever had. He found the missing piece, the Force, and embraced it full heatedly. He began to heal his mental scars. His tutors found him to be gifted for one his age, and most noted his gift for Farsight. They sought to forge him into a powerful ally in their continued efforts against the Meraxis Empire.
He would never meet this purpose, nor the purpose intended for him by the Nayama Dynasty. At the age of eleven(11), Mune left them and returned to the UCE.
First Foray into the Brotherhood
Mune spent a little less than a year in the UCE. He kept a low profile, ensuring no family nor his father's company knew of his presence in the city state. He managed to scrape by on odd jobs, and soon enough managed to pay for transport off planet and further still, out of the Caperion System. He sought something, and it was not long until he found it. The Dark Brotherhood and Clan Scholae Palatinae.
He began his journey in earnest with a drive to further his powers and knowledge. He dove headlong into Krath lore, taking delight in the ancient rituals and teaching of long dead priests. He proved an apt pupil, with a constant need to learn and grow. These were the teachers he sought, not the ones that took him in back home. his mentors within the Brotherhood could challenge him, and through their exceptional tutelage, he advanced rapidly through the ranks to Dark Jedi Knight. He took on his first role as a leader and thus entrenched himself fully within the Brotherhood. He was no stranger to the conflicts of the Clans.
Unknown animal species living on Seraph and its moon.
During Mune's time among the ranks of Scholae Palatinae, he became Master to one Impetus M'Nar in the year 18 ABY (he would have been 12-years-old), an Imperial Agent in the employ of the Empire's Intelligence. He was charged with a mission to search for an agent of the Light Side living within Judecca, a spy. It was for Impetus' particular talents that she was paired with the young Krath Priest. She became fascinated with the lightsaber Mune wore. Impetus' connections as Tonal'la proved invaluable in their hunt. The methods she employed, a curiosity at how easily and skillfully she used an entire city's worth of eyes to search where her own eyes could not.
It was only because of Impetus that they managed to track a woman. Impetus saved his life in the ensuing duel when he made a near fatal mistake. It was then that Mune understood that the Force was at work through her. He took her as an apprentice then, and has since been the only apprentice he has had.
She quickly became someone Mune put much trust in. He learned as much from her, as what he imparted in her. He was strange in his refusal of the title of Master from the girl, and rather she call him by name, knowing full well without the title that she still respected him as much as he respected her. She as much as anyone else in the clan, however, could not have foreseen his disappearance.
Only she could understand though, how much it could crush him to have abandoned her and damage that trust they shared.
The Past Returned
Eien Osada's Labs
No matter the amount of education, of knowledge and experience, Mune found himself a slave to what his father had done. Months before his self imposed exile, he had already set his mind upon leaving. Like an animal who knew its time had come, and it was dying.... he chose to vanish from before the eyes of his peers. He had grown sick. He had little doubt as to what had come to ail him, having known for some time that the fail safe engineered into his DNA had likely become active. He was well past the point of its intended activation, something he could only assume was due to his particular connection with the Force. Even so, he had begun to weaken before his self exile.
He kept to himself for a time. Eventually, his exile would find himself again in the Caperion System, and setting his feet upon the cold steel and concrete earth of the UCE. His mind had become set upon a course of action that held little time for him to dawdle. The great city state sprawled out before him, a city long left behind. He was a stranger among a sea of many. He made gentle inquiries, sparingly using what credits were left him from his time in the Brotherhood. It was by necessity of past promises that he found himself soon upon the approach to the monastery within the realms of the Nayama Empire. The compound no different from when he left it. Though his strength continued to wane, he would spend a handful of months among the dearest of his homes to rest, and reconnect with those fragments of who he had been in those times long left behind. Old friendships rebuilt, and promises fulfilled, he would make for his hardest journey yet.
By this time, his health had been on a steady decline. It wore greatly on him. He returned to the home of his mother, and there met with her for the first time since he was removed during her illness. An emotional reunion, but one that gave him the strength he needed to carry on with his mission into the heart of his father's works. He broke into the facility, using those learned skills of his childhood to burrow deep into the machinations of a man possessed by his work. Research stolen, he pressed forward through the armed forces of the CAGRA and his cousin, heading up the project his father had begun in making Mune what he was. His mind steeled, he would never again be a lab rat at the mercy of the UCE, his father, nor anyone looking to use him to fulfill their ill fated plans for grandeur. He left his cousin a huddled mess, though a living one, to escape back to the stars and what he could only hope would be his salvation.
His search began in earnest. His father's research in hand, he left Seraph once again to seek the help he would need to put the research to use. He only grew sicker as the weeks passed. He clung on to the feeling that he still had far more to do, that his life was not meant to end yet. So he continued his search. It would be through an old connection with the Brotherhood that he would come to know of a scientist by the name of Elincia Rei. Something rang in the name to the dying Hybrid. Weeks were spent in rest and meditation as he continued his slow search for the doctor.
In the end, the Force guided him to where he had to be, at the door step of the Palatinaean scientist. He knew her, he had come to understand in the last weeks before arriving. His bond not at all weakened to the girl he had called his apprentice. It was a relief to have arrived, but still anxiety ate at him that she would have to see him as he was now. He had no doubt, however, that she would help him now.
Elincia accepted him in, and, research into his condition began. Days became weeks, weeks became months. It would be an entire year before Elincia's efforts proved Mune's recovery. It would be years before Mune regained strength enough to leave the care of her lab.
A Wolf Returned, Sheep's Clothing Discarded
Mune returned to the Brotherhood in the company of Elincia Rei. Greeted by an old friend, Cyris Oscura, and so was welcomed back among their number. He made it a point to join House Imperium to work with the house's Quaestor, Lexiconus Qor, a doctor, unbeknownst to Lexic himself, had helped Elincia in the Hybrid's recovery. From here, Mune also joined the Battle Team Shadow Gaurd under the command of Delak Krennel, a man Mune met in the Antei Combat Center to get to know by the sword, testing each other's strengths and knowledge of battle. Mune enjoyed every moment of the encounter, and took an immediate liking to the human. That welcome would quickly turn to business as he was immediately drawn into a joint venture with Naga Sadow to retrieve artifacts in the possession of the Red Fury Pirates. Mune made a great showing of himself, eager to earn his place back in the clan after a long absence. With the Clan Summits working in concert, they made their move, but the attack quickly became a betrayal as the clans would turn on one another. So the ties between them were broken by the time both clans went home with Scholae Palatinae the victor.
Landscape of Aesirus
Following hot on the heels of their victory against the Red Fury Pirates and successful attack on Naga Sadow; the Emperor decreed it time to enact "Operation: Starfall". It was at this time too, that Mune took up the roll of Grand Admiral(Rollmaster) of the clan. In the aftermath of Shattered Ties, his old friend Cyris was felled. Elincia took up the vacant position as Grand Vizier to the Emperor, leaving Mune to put forward his own name for the now vacant Grand Admiral role. He could only hope he would not disappoint.
Operation: Starfall would find he and his clan mates ordered to the planet Aesirus on the far side of the Galaxy where they would take possession of the SoroSuub Corporation's holdings of Kyber Crystal mines. This would be the first operation Mune had the opportunity to take charge of as a member of the Clan Summit. All had been going according to plan when, in a skilled manipulation of the entire clan, a trap was sprung upon them by the possessed Emperor. Trapped, it would be he and the other trapped leaders that would need to guide the Clan from the dark depths and home to take back what was theirs. Mune could only hope his apprentice could take care of herself until then.
With a vengeance, the clan returned to Judecca and fought. More than one clan mate was lost, each paining Mune deeply. These people were his family, his pack. The final days of their battle upon their home turf found Xen gone missing, and their home returned (though for too short a time.)
An End, and A Beginning
Cityscape of UCE.
It seemed too little time passed before the next crisis for the clan. Their emperor vanished, for all they knew dead; and upon them descended Pravus' fleet. Given little time to act, Scholae Palatinae evacuated to their medical station. Their fleet was decimated. The planets of their system bombarded from orbit and made uninhabitable. Mune could do naught but watch. If he were asked, he'd admit he did not care what happened to their physical home. what mattered, and what he felt mattered most were the people that made up the clan themselves, and that they survived. They could find a new home. It would be during the destruction that their emperor returned to them, and the search for the future of the clan begins.
Days turned into weeks then months. As Grand Admiral, Mune coordinated numerous missions in search of a suitable home. Excursions resulting in but one loss. The clan begun the process of rebuilding their fleet while on the move, the medical station making its slow path through space. It was not nearly as turbulent as times he recalled before his time as a rogue, but it was by no means an easy time either. Months into their efforts, Xen'Mordin interjected before long the decision to make the Caperion system their home. Before the combined summit, he remained silent on the matter, though inwardly, his mind became a tangled mess of emotions. He knew instinctively it was an excellent choice based upon those needs of the clan, and knew no amount of personal discomfort could overshadow that need. He had a clan to worry about, but, such thoughts did little to calm the turmoil in his heart. He would deal with his personal ghosts when time permitted.
File:Muneredesign 3s.jpgMune Cinteroph 2.0 - Redesigned
Mune is a Shistavanen-Human hybrid. He is slightly short of average height for a Shistavanen, standing at 5'7" (170cm). His eyes are a startling ruby in colour, bright, nearly vibrant with intelligence. His pupils slits, much like a fox'. His canine teeth are elongated, as is natural for the predatory nature of the Shistavanen; his rather daintily so. He has long ears, with the fur of his ears running part way down his jawline and swivel to capture the sounds around him. His finger and toenails can only be described as vicious claws. He also has a long, lupine tail. Fur of his ears and tail match his hair, a pale platinum blond. The fur of his tail runs up his spine in a line and covers his shoulder blades. The same fur likewise runs up from his groin in a line to his chest. Each ear is pierced with a single piercing. Around his throat is a steel collar, fastened by a single screw. A tag dangles from the collar.
Mune is a complex young man, one that has gone through no small number of hardships in his youth. These hardships in no small part define who he is, but, at the same time he leaves no doubt that there is far more to him than the damages wrought by his upbringing. He is naturally amiable to those around him, talkative and even charming. He has a ready smile, and is more than happy to share it especially with those he calls friend. He is likewise intuitive, exceptionally perceptive and deeply reflective; rooted in a scholarly intellect. He has difficulty trusting, though he desires to trust; he has been betrayed and hurt to often in his earlier years to offer that trust so easily.
Late in his childhood, he was introduced to the practices of the Nayama Empire and the Republic of the Force both. This has led him to strings of regimental activities that he believes keep his mind disciplined, his wits sharp, and his body fit. Swordplay is a creative outlet for him, while his studies are a reinforcement of his mind and intellect. He has nothing but the utmost respect for nature, and oft feels closer to the animals in the brush than he does the men that go about their business all around him day by day; animals secure in their regiments of survival. Such thoughts unnerve him when they occur, and remind him more often than not that he is not human (nor Shistavanen), but a product of scientific experimentation. He fears, one day the beast will swallow him whole and he will not return to who he had come to be, and his cherished knowledge and intellect be lost to him forever. He is also considered by those that know him, to be calculating, sly, insightful and opinionated. Socially speaking, he is sociable, charming, gregarious and even sensual (with a preference for male company.)
He was upon the Dark Path when he originally came to be part of the Brotherhood. As time wore on, it became more and more apparent that though he were a creature of extremes due to the more animal-like sides of his personality... he refused to kill unless necessary. When it came to killing, he was exceptional at it, but, more often than not if his judgement told him killing was unnecessary, he would too often let a foe live. He has since realigned himself to the Gray Path, but remains as passionate, as idealistic and as mercurial as ever.
Mune suffers from claustrophobia or a fear of restriction and suffocation. His particular case is related to being locked in smalls windowless rooms, or caged. The reaction could very well be as a result of the more bestial side of his nature; as well as severe mental scarring caused by his time in the laboratories of his father.
Skills, Powers and Abilities
Mune Cinteroph has numerous tools in his arsenal, but none he depends upon more than his mind. The Force and even his body are but parts of the equation within his sharply honed intellect. There is not a day that goes by that he is not seen with a book of one sort or another on his person to steal a read whenever business allows. The Force powers he chooses to employ are but an extension of a mind calculating every angle possible.
He was trained young to make use of his exceptional perception, and so his powers of Farsight and Precognition, even Sense came naturally to him. Sense and Precognition part of his defensive ensemble along with Barrier. Stressing mobility as part of defense are his impressive endurance and athletics, with a penchant for Amplification. Telekinesis makes up his only specifically offensive Force power, and the only one he has put a great deal of training. If asked why he never chose to harness the ability of Force Lightning, he would point out that such power is grossly verbose and lacks in grace.
Of any powers at his disposal, Rage is one that came more naturally to him than any other, but one he never uses… at least of his own conscious will. It is linked heavily to his emotions and more bestial instincts that is a result of his Hybrid genetics.
In addition to his powers and his intellectual prowess, Mune is also a skilled swordsman. Even his lightsaber form choice of Jar’Kai is based upon his original training as a dual swords practitioner. He keeps up both sword and lightsaber play near regimentally, even using them as a sort of meditation from day to day. Perhaps due to such training, he has a dislike of firearms, and avoids the use of them.
Farsight is a power he seeks to understand better, and is another power aside from Rage that came upon him as naturally as breathing. It is also the biggest part of his studies even to present, as signified by Lore: Interpretation of Dreams, Symbols and Omens of the Force. Even in his duties as Grand Admiral of the Scholae Empire, he spends hours in contemplation and mediation, delving into the Living Force to root out the secrets of the future.
Impetus M'Nar/Elincia Rei
Impetus M'Nar was the person Mune had come to trust the most in the Brotherhood. During his time in Scholae Palatinae, he met the girl and saw her potential. Though she was much older than himself, he had her initiated into the Brotherhood and made his apprentice. Together, they ran Acclivis Draco for a time. She was privy to much of his past, and was one of those that understood him the most. Even so, he kept only one thing from her, and it would prove the thing that led to his leaving for places unknown. It hurt him to leave his apprentice and friend, but, he had no desire to allow she and others of the clan to see him in his slow decline towards death.
Years later, it is she he would be guided to as Elincia Rei, when he sought a doctor and scientist to put his father's research to use. He was at death's door. His body drawn and weakened, his mind exhausted and foggy. The Force however guided him to where it was he had to be. He had no doubt of who she was upon coming face to face, and she would help him, making use of the scientific research accumulated by Eien Osada. It was thanks to her that he would recover, and again escape the twisted machinations of his father. He spent more than a year in her care, recovering, before he returned to the Brotherhood and Clan Scholae Palatinae. He was even on crutches until it came time to step off the transport ship and ontot he grounds of the Imperial Palace.
He holds a great deal of respect for Elincia, and trust.
Significant Fictions/Character Canon
Where the Demons Reside
This fiction takes place during Mune's time away from the Brotherhood when he sought a cure for his condition as a result of his father's research. The fiction is 24 pages in length and 10455 words. Where the Demons Reside
Timeline of Significant Character Events
Brotherhood Events
- Mune is born of Aimi Cinteroph and father Eien Osada.
- Sent to live with his aunt, Kiho Asada where he would be mistreated.
- His father's experiments would continue, time spent in labs would result in his Claustrophobia.
10 ABY
- Attempt on his life.
- First life or death use of the Force.
- Taken in by an ambassador to the Nayama Dynasty, and removal from the UCE.
12 ABY
- Given unrestricted access to the monasteries vast library, he becomes obsessed with reading and learning.
- His training in the art of swordplay begins.
14 ABY
- His gift for Farsight blossoms, and he comes to the realization that the monks can teach him only so much.
15 ABY
- Visited by his father, Eien Osada, Mune is consumed by Rage (the first occurrence of the Fight or Flight response,) he kills his father in self-defense, along with his entire entourage.
- Sent to the Republic of the Force to further his understanding of his power, the Force.
17 ABY
- Mune returns the UCE for a time.
- Leaves Seraph, and the Caperion System.
- Discovers the Brotherhood.
18 ABY
- Rapidly rises through the ranks as a gifted youth.
- Made Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco.
- Meets Impetus M'Nar on a mission, and, takes her on as an Apprentice and Aedile.
20 ABY
- Symptoms of a virus begin to emerge, programmed into his genetic makeup and intended to kill; his father's handiwork as part of a self-termination of the experiment.
- Mune keeps his growing illness a secret while he continues to weaken.
- Takes less active role within Scholae Palatinae, assuring his Apprentice not to concern herself with him, that he was pursuing his scholarly interests.
23 ABY
- Mune vanishes from Scholae Palatinae and the Brotherhood.
- Continuing to weaken, he makes for his home world.
25 ABY
- Returns for a short time to the monastery in the Nayama Dynasty before returning to the UCE.
- Steals the research documents from his father's lab, pertaining to his genetic research and hopefully the virus.
- Again vanishes for a time, actually hides for a time in The Republic of the Force.
27 ABY
- Leaves Seraph to return to Brotherhood territories in search of help.
30 ABY
- Hears rumour of a brilliant scientist and doctor by the name of Elincia Rei within Scholae Palatinae, he seeks her out.
- Comes face to face with Elincia and knows her true identity from the start; she takes him in, her research into his condition begins.
- Meets Caleb Wild'en, a Scholae Loyalist, Sephi; is kept company by the young man when conscience.
34 ABY
- Mune's return to Scholae Palatinae.
- He becomes Grand Admiral (Rollmaster) of Scholae Palatinae.
- Judecca, home of Scholae Palatinae is destroyed, clan evacuates the system and eventually, makes their way to the Caperion System, Mune's home system.
35 ABY
- Made a Palpatine, becoming Mune Cinteroph-Palpatine.
DJB Facts
Positions Held Previously