User:Bentre Sadow

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 07:27, 11 October 2016 by Bentre Sadow (talk | contribs)
Bentre Stahoes
Biographical Information
Birth date:






Physical Description


Skin color:

mostly intact




heavier than I like


on his face and his head


in his head

General Information

Postal service


Tabletop Roleplaying games, computer games, Star Wars-related silliness, writer, sometime artist and all-around dabbler

Canon contributions:


[ Source ]
This is for the person behind Bentre Stahoes. For the character, see Bentre Stahoes.

Bentre (also known as Zachary or Benny) is Shadow Academy's Professor of Lore, Aedile of House Shar Dakhan and a member of the wiki staff


Bentre Stahoes - His current character, Bentre was the first Dark Jedi Brotherhood character Zachary used and one could would argue in a way the strongest. Benny tried to fight the trope of being a lightsaber-wielding space wizard, but that changed a bit as the character developed. Bentre still takes a note from both Han Solo and Malcolm Reynolds, but an attempt was made to make him into his own entity. Bentre's insanity, talkative nature and his quickness with a blaster may be a boon at times though may prove a liability at others. Following the destruction of Boyna, this Sith has sworn a vendetta against the man that he considers and insane Grandmaster for the deaths of his Obelisk brethren. He tries to block out the memories of marching against the Obelisk himself, as he had hoped to try and deliver some of his kin from destruction but was unable to do anything to sway the battle elsewhere. A former Aedile, Bentre experienced rehabilitiation at the Versea Estates for a time. Eventually he would find himself returning to Clan Naga Sadow with the intent of retaking his former station.

Zachary O'Maille - Former character and current NPC. Is actually a twist on a previous character Benny previously RP'd within the Freeworlds. Whereas the original O'Maille was a Republic soldier turned Jedi (though very only very briefly New Republic), this version has never been particularly given to the Jedi way. Both played the Jedi part for a while but while one rose to become a Knight the one in the DJB spurned the Jedi teaching and lamented their ignorance. Both suffer a dark taint, one through his father and the other as a result of his wife's death. O'Maille prefers to resolve things through words, but never turns away from a fight he deems necessary, though he will try to spare a life if he believes the person is of use or may be coverted/redeemed in some way- though his definition of redemption may make some wish he would kill them. Zachary came into the Orian system by will of the Force, and he was selected to serve as Aedile of House Shar Dakhan.

Cephas Telum - Mirilian Loyalist NPC. Telum was a sort of proof of concept on the idea of a Living World model within Clan Naga Sadow, where actions continue on within the Clan even when the PCs (members) aren't directly influencing it. Part of that is that NPCs are people, have personalities, and don't exist only to serve a position on a ship or within the military. Cephas was intended to give an every-man view of what Sadowan conflicts are like to mundanes and how it affects the locals when Invasions and the like occur. His nature, which is best described as in his page as 'avoidant' was really more of an afterthought as the relationship with his parents and the lack of intimacy were examined again.

RL Stuff

Benny started his Star Wars obsession at a very early age, having seen Episode IV and instantly becoming enamored. As a child he fantasized about having a lightsaber, traveling the galaxy and seeing the galaxy. In high school his excitement piqued when he came across a novel for Star Wars, the New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. In the last few years of high school, Benny would start collecting as many of the New Jedi Order books as he could from the local book store, and even began to write some short stories of his own- though little came of that. I

It wouldn't be until his Freshman year of college that Benny would be introduced to the game Freelancer, and a TC (or total conversion) mod for the game called Freewolds- which he would play in the evenings after classes on a private server. Still the man desired a little more. One and a half years later, Bentre found himself leaving college due to financial and academic concerns. During a vacation the summer after, he remembered Freeworlds and on a whim, googled the mod. Lone behold the mod and its community seemed to still be kicking. Excited, Bentre downloaded the mod, installed it, joined the forums, and played into the wee hours of the morning as his family slept. A new fascination occured as Bentre found himself first applying to join the New Republic, and flying about the game's Coruscant system looking for adventure. It would be at a ship Mon Calamarip ship and in game base, the Wavefront (or "Wafflefront" as it was known to Freeworlds players, known as Freeworlders) that he would meet his first Jedi. The player, whose name is lost to antiquity, forum wipes and website changes, offered Bentre the chance to join the game's Jedi Order. Ecstatic, the man accepted.

Quickly he crafted a persona, got involved with the community, and eventually rose to be a leader of both an NPC "News" faction run by Freeworlders, Server Police (what the name says on the tin), and even a member of the Jedi Council (after a schism split the sinking community again). Though he went on to become the President of the New Republic in the later Freeworlds: Tides of War mod, but after becoming disillusioned, he left the community to find his own path. It wouldn't be until years later when an old friend, Marcus Kiriyu would tell him about the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Marcus quickly recruited Bentre, and thus on April 8th, 2015 a new age was born.

The persona of Bentre Stahoes was created and Benny tried to throw himself into many aspects of the Brotherhood: the ACC, the Shadow Academy, the GMRG, the Inquisitorius and fiction activities and competitions throughout the Brotherhood. He would get his first taste of Run-ons in the Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Scholae Palatinae joint event, Red Fury. Though he came in after the start of the event he managed to place in a few events and managed to impress his Battleteam Leader well enough that he was presented with his first merit award, a Dark Cross. As time went on, Bentre continued to keep pushing the envelope, pushing for promotions through early ranks as quickly as possible and participating in anything that he was able. His persistence would pay off, as he was eventually positioned as a BTL, later as an Aedile and other positions as mentioned in the table at the bottom of the page. He also achieved Eleventh Echelon of the Grand Master's Royal Guard twice, first protecting Darth Pravus and later Cethgus Tiberius Entar when he served as FIST.

Bentre continues his efforts to help mentor and serve his members to this day. Only time will tell to what heights or what lows he will achieve in the process. In this spirit he has mentored two students to the Rank of Knight, also having won an event or two, and attempted to make his page more appealing by borrowing (possibly "ripping off") the appealing design of Slagar's page.

This user was DJBWikipedian of the Month for March 2015.
This user was DJBWikipedian of the Month for August 2015.
Positions Held
Before Position After
vacant Blackguard to Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan
33 ABY- current
Qyreia Arronen
Marcus Kiriyu Battleteam Leader of Devil's Shroud
33 ABY- 34 ABY
Qyreia Arronen
Inarya Aedile of House Shar Dakhan
34 ABY to current
many Wiki staff member
34 ABY to present
Sanguinius Tsucyra Professor of Lore Studies
34 ABY to current