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The original Ascendant Fleet served in the Jusadih System from 30 ABY to 36 ABY, conquering the system in the War of Ascension and becoming the new main fleet for House Plagueis. Together with their Legion, a collection of Throne-loyal soldiers and conscripts, they kept in line a system that became more and more fragmented, disloyal, and difficult to police with each year. It would see its end in the fall of Jusadih, as both the Horizon Plague and Zoraan's forces would crush and destroy the system and almost all of the ships therein. Only Ascendancy escaped.
Following Jusadih's destruction, the Plagueians found themselves stranded, but not without hope - their Trandoshan allies of Saraask'ar had called in the rest of their guild, and they had managed to come out of hyperspace at the coordinates of the derelict Vaiken Spacedock. This would be a boon to Plagueis, who used the station to start repairs on their ships. The work was slow, until freighters began to drift in, called to the Bloodsport's emergency beacon.
With help from Plagueis, and with the hard-won consent of Quaestor Reith, the reptiles of the guild captured the crews of these ships to be slaves while stealing their precious cargo. By Aedile Vorrac's orders, the slaves were subjected to Emar Xu and his twisted surgical augmentations to become a new army and crew for the Ascendancy.
The Plaguian Civil War
In 37 ABY, the Ascendant Fleet was splintered into two factions after Rollmaster Celevon Edraven and Battleteam Karness Muur's Commanding Officer Arturis Schulen took emergency command of the Ascendant and House at large by order of Deputy Grand Master Raken when charges of High Treason were brought against Quaestor Ronovi Tavisaen and Aedile Arden Karn. The Ascended Guard was formed to challenge her authority when she refused to relinquish command, and consisted of the BAC Harrower, the BAC Terminus, and all six Corellian Gunships of the Fleet with Celevon Edraven, Arturis Schulen, and Silent taking over as Dread Lord, Wrath, and Overseer respectively.
Over a period of several months, the Fleet took heavy damage with the BAC Harrower taking critical damage, including the destruction of it's bridge level and near obliteration over the planet Kalsunor. The ACC Ravager was completely disabled by a direct-hit Ion Cannon blast directly over it's central reactor core.
Near the end of 37 ABY however, Wrath Arturis Schulen lead an infiltration force on to the NSD Ascendancy after Overseer Silent regained control of the NSD Predominant when it's complement of Wraiths betrayed Ronovi and defected their loyalty back to the house. After infiltrating the flagship Schulen engaged Ronovi on the Command Bridge in a one on one battle shortly after the destruction of the Harrower's Bridge and thought death of Celevon Edraven. With the assistance of Arconan's Montresor and Dacien, she was defeated and taken into custody.
Though the fleet had taken heavy damage and casualties, none of the main Carriers, Capital Ships, or Star Destroyers were destroyed during the skirmish except two gunships; the GSP Anguish and GSP Wrath.
Upon the conclusion of the Plagueian Civil War, Montresor was appointed Quaestor of Plagueis and Dacien as his Aedile while Celevon Edraven resigned his post of Rollmaster. Ronovi Tavisaen was transported to Antei to answer for her crimes, Arden Karn disappeared during the battle and is currently missing, and Solus Gar rests in the brig of the Predominant.
Commanders Arturis Schulen and Silent both retained their commands of Karness Muur and Ajunta Pall, and oversee repair and reconstruction efforts of their ships in preparation for the upcoming Dark Crusade siege orders handed down by the Quaestor.
Command Structure
Unlike traditional fleets and ground forces, the Ascendant Fleet has no typical military chain of command - the ships are all crewed by slaves, droids, or Plagueians when they choose. Thus, their command typically falls to either the strongest Dark Jedi aboard, the best-supported, or those decided upon by the Quaestor. Only when the Dark Jedi at the helm of any particular ship is busy will he surrender the helm, and then typically to another Dark Jedi. That said, on occasion, particularly loyal Subjugate crewmen are given the helm - though never without supervision.
In typical engagements, the Hellfire and Corsair raid fleets operate as separate entities; they carry out the petty week-to-week raids throughout various sectors in whatever area Plagueis is operating in at the time, while the Ascendant Assault Fleet only appears every couple of months and always in a different area. This strategy allows most of their strikes to resemble common piracy, even when slaves are taken; in a galaxy of trillions and even quadrillions of beings, a few thousand are never particularly noticed, especially in areas where pirate assaults happen frequently. The sudden appearance and the smash-and-grab tactics used by the Assault Fleet allow it to seem like a ghost story to most spacers and officials, as few believe the rumours of a phantom fleet of Star Destroyers emerging from nowhere to strike the unwary.
During larger engagements, the fleet comes together, with the commanding Sith of Hellfire and Corsair unifying beneath the leadership of the Quaestor of Plagueis. Then, as always, the Quaestor will fight like a pirate, ordering strikes on weak areas, strategic feints, and unfair tactics to cripple parts of a fleet and then run. Being nomadic in nature already, this makes the technical duration of a Plagueian space battle days or even weeks longer than that of a typical House or battlegroup.
The Ascendant Fleet - Capital Ship Class
NSD Ascendancy
Main Article: NSD Ascendancy
File:Nebulaclass.jpgThe Nebula-Class Star Destroyer Ascendancy The Nebula-class Star Destroyer Ascendancy is the flagship of the Ascendant Fleet of House Plagueis. Originally found as a ruined hull by Plagueis following the Vong Incursion, the ship was refitted at Antei and granted to the House.
It has served the Ascendant House through many conflicts and was almost destroyed during the destruction of the Jusadih System, only to carry Plagueis to safety. After their capture of elements of the Galactic Alliance Fourth Fleet's Task Force Apex, the vessel returned to Plagueis space to receive proper repairs - as well as extensive upgrades, purchased with the spoils of plunder and the Dark Lord's favor.
Commissioned one year prior to the Vong invasion, the Nebula-class Star Destroyer Delusion originally served in a defensive capacity. After minimal service, the ship was pushed onto the front lines of the Outer Rim, where it found itself brutally outmatched by the extragalactic invaders. Essentially gutted, the Destroyer was abandoned by the Vong invaders and left to drift.
It was during a commercial flight to the planet Bespin that a trading vessel from Jusadih came across the hull. The government overseer on board - a Plagueian in disguise - reported the vessel's location to Consul Jinn before executing everyone on board. Jinn sent out repair crews sufficient to get the vessel back to Jusadih, where repairs were completed and a few quick adjustments listed the vessel as an official part of the system's navy. Presenting the vessel to the Dark Council on the heels of his recent Insurrection and the Retaking of Antei, he received the blessing of the Iron Throne. The ship became known as the Ascendancy, and became the flagship of the Plagueian fleet.
The vessel would go on to serve the House well, maintaining peace in Jusadih through the Salas V Debacle, the Disorder, and the Invasion of New Tython. It would feature prominently in the Orian Incursion, and was one of the last bastions of Plagueian survival during Archibald Zoraan’s strike involving the Plague of Lysu Thren. It was during this conflict, and the ensuing fight against Zoraan’s remaining weaponry and the attack of the Starweird unleashed by Zoraan’s followers, that the ‘’Ascendancy’’ would serve as Plagueis’ last hope of escape from the destruction of Jusadih.
Having ordered a jump to coordinates discovered on a previous mission, Quaestor Reith found that the badly wounded ship had arrived at a derelict station of the old Sith Empire. A few weeks of raiding, repairs, and the capture of the new Ascendant Fleet became the prelude to the return of Plagueis from the brink. The Ascendancy, along with the rest of the Plagueian fleet, would make itself known one again to the rest of the Brotherhood during the opening minutes of the invasion of Nfolgai.
NSD Predominant
Main Article: NSD Predominant
File:Nebulaclass.jpgThe Nebula-Class Star Destroyer Predominant The Predominant is a Nebula-Class Star Destroyer in the Ascendant Fleet of House Plagueis. Originally built as the Civility at the fleet yards orbiting Kuat during the Vong War, it was assigned to protect the Core Worlds and as a result avoided seeing major combat. It would eventually be assigned as the flagship of the Galactic Alliance Fourth Fleet's Task Force Apex.
Task Force Apex was later assigned to Ord Padron during the Swarm War to guard against possible aggression by the Geonosians. The Civility was ambushed along with the rest of the understaffed ships of the task force by the Ascendancy and the forces of Plagueis. While most of the task force was sabotaged to prevent pursuit, the Civility and several support ships were overrun by Plagueian forces, the ship's crew holding out impressively before finally surrendering. Those among the surviving crew who were suited were enslaved as Subjugates while others were killed. Renammed Predominant, it now serves as a powerful part of the Ascendant Fleet.
BAC Harrower
Main Article: BAC Harrower
File:BAC Harrower.jpgThe Bothan Assault Cruiser HarrowerThe Harrower is one of two Bothan Assault Cruisers within the Ascendant Fleet. It was commissioned in 27 ABY by Bothawui Shipyards originally under the name Harvest. The ship was assigned to the Fifth Fleet during the duration of the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was assigned there as a replacement ship to a Victory-class Star Destroyer which had been destroyed during the attempted hyperspace jump to Fondor to assist the First Fleet.
It remained with the Fifth Fleet for the next seven years, but was reassigned to Task Force Apex, Galactic Alliance 4th Fleet, and was deployed to Ord Pardron in case the Geonosians sympathized with the Killiks in what would eventually come to be called the Swarm War.
In 36 ABY the Harvest was among the ships captured by House Plagueis in their raid on Ord Pardon. It's surviving crew transformed into subjugates after it's capture, the Harvest was renamed Harrower and began its service in the Ascendant Fleet. It was assigned as the flagship and base of operations of Battleteam Karness Muur under the command of Arden Karn. In 37 ABY, command was transferred to Celevon Edraven upon Arden's promotion to Rollmaster. Shortly thereafter, command was transferred to Arturis Schulen after Celevon's promotion to the same position when Arden took over as the Dread Lord's Wrath, the Aedile of Plagueis.
BAC Terminus
Main Article: BAC Terminus
The Bothan Assault Cruiser Terminus The Terminus is the second of the two Bothan Assault Cruisers within the Ascendant Fleet. The ship was constructed in 26 ABY by Bothawui Shipyards and immediately commissioned as the BAC Renaissance. It was sent to serve alongside the Ralroost. After the Battle of Ithor, she was dispatched Coruscant and served as a part of Fleet Group Two during the First Battle of Coruscant. The ship escaped with superficial damage, but was still relegated to rear defense for the rest of the war. Even during the Second Battle of Coruscant, the ship saw little combat.
Following the war, the Renaissance remained at Coruscant and served in the defense of the planet, though she was mostly relegated to patrol and occasional escort duty. She was fully repaired and in 35 ABY was dispatched as part of a cautionary defense fleet to Ord Pardron, in case the Geonosians took to the defense of the Killiks during the Swarm War.
The Ascendant Fleet - Frigate & Corvette Class
ACC Ravager
Main Article: ACC Ravager
The Acclamator-I Class Assault Frigate Ravager The Acclamator I-class assault ship Ravager is an integral part of the Ascendant Fleet of House Plagueis. Captured as part of the 108th Expeditionary Scout Fleet of the Galactic Alliance, the ship was originally commissioned during the early years of the Empire. Serving as a troop transport, the ship was largely used to surpress rebellion and bolster the Imperial presence in the Mid Rim.
Many years after its commission, the well-maintained but dated Acclamator found itself in a position for reassignment to the 108th. Understaffed and full of ground vehicles that last saw true combat during the Clone Wars, the ship nevertheless served as a deterrent to large engagements.
All of that changed with the attack of Plagueis and the Ascendancy, where the ship was captured by Ravagers and Subjugates. Its forces bolstered and its vehicle complement supplemented and repaired, the ship became and remains the workhorse of Plagueian raiding efforts and surface engagements.
GSP Anguish
Main Article: GSP Anguish
The Gunship Anguish One of six Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Anguish has become part of the forces of Battleteam Karness Muur. During fleet engagements, the Anguish serves as a screening vessel, along side the Curse, for the Battleteam's flagship, the BAC Harrower. When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.
The Angst was commissioned in 17 ABY by CEC to protect freighters and shuttles in and around the Corellian system from pirates and raiders. Corellia, with its independent mindset, favored the use of the ship alongside three others of its likeness - the Wisecrack, the Sharpshooter, and the Ace. All four ships formed an essential contingent of Corellia's defense of trade before being reassigned by the Galactic Alliance's fleet admirals to the 108th Expeditionary Scout Fleet. There, the four ships helped to maintain civility and stood on watch against future threats.
All of that changed in 36 ABY when the Ascendancy and her crew of Dark Jedi and slaves assaulted the fleet out of nowhere. While the Angst stood at half crew and put up a better fight than some, she and her peer Wisecrack were soon overwhelmed from within by Ravagers and their Subjugate peers. Turning on the other two ships, Ace and Sharpshooter, these craft tore apart their fully-manned brethren by virtue of surprise attack. Afterward, the two opposing ships were fit only to be used as spare parts, their carcasses towed aboard Ascendancy by tractor beams.
Angst found herself renamed as Anguish, while Wisecrack became known as Despair. The craft would go on to serve the newly-minted Ascendant Fleet in bloody conquest.
GSP Curse
Main Article: GSP Curse
The Gunship Curse The second of six Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Curse has become part of the forces of Battleteam Karness Muur. During fleet engagements, the Curse serves as a screening vessel, along side the Anguish, for the Battleteam's flagship, the BAC Harrower When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.
Unlike others of the reliable DP20 make in the Galactic Alliance 4th Fleet, the frigate Cleric and her sister ship Hope were built expressly to reinforce Task Force Apex. Commissioned in 33 ABY, the ships were fitted with newly-made parts and presented to the admirals of the Galactic Alliance before being added to their roster. Helping to reinforce discipline and order, they became a part of Apex's safety net against fighters and bomber craft, an essential part of any fleet.
The Cleric had a full crew when the Ascendancy and her Plagueian masters struck, but was no match for the larger ship's ion cannons and was soon boarded by Trandoshan warriors from Saraask'ar. Captained by these, instead of by Subjugates, the Cleric tore a line down the middle of Apex's defenses and helped to cripple several other ships for boarding. Though disabled, it was towed by tractor beam to Ascendancy and repaired at Vaiken Spacedock with parts scavenged from the lost hulls of Ace and Sharpshooter, two other DP20 ships.
Once back in service, it was renamed Curse, and became a key component of Plagueian raid efforts.
GSP Despair
Main Article: GSP Despair
The Gunship Despair The third of six Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Despair has become an attack ship of the Corsair raid fleet. When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.
Commissioned in 17 ABY alongside its peers Angst, Ace, and Sharpshooter, the DP20 frigate Wisecrack was created for the defense of the Corellian system's commercial interests. Together with her sister ships, she fought back or destroyed many pirates and raiders who would have made claim against their prey, the Wisecrack often used in flanking maneuvers against large squadrons or corvettes. The ship became known as a beacon of Corellian safety, until the Galactic Alliance reassigned her and her sisters to the 108th Expeditionary Assault Fleet. This act would be just one more grievance in a pile of issues fomenting between the Alliance and the Corellians.
Serving admirably, the Wisecrack was nonetheless undermanned when the Ascendancy and her crew, the Dark Jedi of Plagueis, struck from nowhere. Overwhelmed alongside Angst, she soon found herself crewed by Subjugates and firing upon her peers. In a display of fate's ironic edges, she was used to flank the Ace and Sharpshooter, taking out their engines before they could escape an assault from both sides.
Renamed Despair, the ship became a raiding vessel for House Plagueis.
GSP Headsman
Main Article: GSP Headsman
The Gunship Headsman The fourth of six Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Headsman has become an attack ship of the Corsair raid fleet. When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.
Built by the Empire at the end of the Clone Wars, the Duty was actually captured by brigands long before the New Order's stability was fully enforced in the Outer Rim. Taken over by pirates working under a Duro by the name of Xarg, it was renamed as Headsman. The ship became a terror of smaller settlements and lesser trade routes.
The ship was the first captured by Plagueis following the destruction of Jusadih, full of plunder and captives taken by Xarg himself. Overwhelmed by Trandoshan warriors from Saraask'ar and Dark Jedi of Plagueis, the crew soon surrendered. Xarg and his lieutenants were put to the saber by the Quaestor himself, while the rest of the crew and their captives were either sold as slaves or taken to Emar Xu for Subjugation. The ship's plunder was but the first capture by the Plagueians, and its distress beacon lured in several other small vessels. While these hulls became little more than impromptu boarding craft, the Headsman not only remained functional but managed to survive the capture of the new Ascendant Fleet.
Joining other ships of its likeness, it was soon raiding across the stars under Sith command.
GSP Nightmare
Main Article: GSP Nightmare
The Gunship Nightmare The fifth of six Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Nightmare has become an attack ship of the Hellfire raid fleet. When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.
Originally built in 18 BBY for the Galactic Republic, the DP20 frigate Nightmare was meant to bolster the Galactic Empire's fleets - a job which it performed admirably. It was used in several smaller engagements with insurgents and as-yet-unconquered worlds, and showed the hardiness and reliability of Corellian designs throughout its service years. Even after the rise of the Rebel Alliance, it remained in Imperial hands, and was therein until the end of the Vong War. As several ships of its model, refurbished and newly-made alike, were added to the 108th Expeditionary Scout Fleet, it too was roped into the group - an Imperial donation to the safety of a newly-unified galaxy.
Serving with the 108th, the Nightmare was largely relegated to warding off the fighters of pirates and other scum, and enjoyed a moderately busy schedule until 36 ABY. While the crews of the 108th, and most of the crew of Nightmare herself, were on leave at Ord Pardron, it was nearly deserted when the Ascendancy and the Plagueians aboard struck.
With only three crewmen aboard, the Nightmare became the first DP20 captured by Plagueian hands.
GSP Wrath
Main Article: GSP Wrath
The Gunship Wrath This is the last of the Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Wrath has become an attack ship of the Hellfire raid fleet. When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.
Built alongside the Cleric for use in the 108th Expeditionary Scout Fleet, the Hope was commissioned in 33 ABY and served as a component of the 108th's fighter defenses. Alongside its sister ship, it took down pirate fighters and the odd radical separatist or insurgent craft and helped maintain stability in the galaxy. In 36 ABY, it was among the ships of the 108th during their shore leave over Ord Pardron.
It was during this leave that the Ascendancy and her crew struck, seizing the ship as it was undermanned and crewing it with Subjugates. Hopping around the battlefield, the ship helped to deliver the House's Commando droids to where they were needed, the droids disembarking and boarding by virtue of floating in vacuum - metal combatants seldom need to breathe.
When the battle was done and the new Ascendant Fleet was away, the ship became a key component of Plagueian raid efforts.