House Marka Ragnos Prospectus

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House Marka Ragnos


House Marka Ragnos

House Marka Ragnos History

House Marka Ragnos Prospectus

House Marka Ragnos S.O.P.


Scepter of Ragnos



Kar Alabrek

Ragnos Cathedral

Ragnos Memorial

Platform Onyx


Markosian City

Brief History

The story of House Marka Ragnos begins some 5,300 years before the Battle of Yavin, when the Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos himself, began his reign over the Sith Empire. Under his rule a Golden Age was ushered in. Ragnos ruled with unparalleled success for 300 years. During this time, he established a devoted following of warriors, scholars and other figures who swore an oath of loyalty to him.

After Ragnos was succeeded by Naga Sadow, this cult remained loyal to their slain master and left Korriban, wandering across the galaxy with no destination in mind. In their travels, this cult came across the planet Karana III and settled there. They began calling themselves the "Disciples of Ragnos" and continued to worship their master and practice his dark doctrine. However, the Disciples were eventually driven away from Karana, and they settled on the planet Loki in the Phare system.

It was not long before Clan Overlord Astronicus Sadow came to Phare and brought together his followers under the name of House Naga Sadow. Soon, as the numbers of House Naga Sadow grew, it became Clan Naga Sadow and the Disciples of Ragnos deigned to become House Marka Ragnos.

The Disciples of Ragnos of the modern era are made up of Sith, Krath and Obelisk of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The Epistle of Marka Ragnos continues to live on through a new generation, adored in the traditions of old.

    Complete History: House Marka Ragnos

Government and Politics

House Marka Ragnos

The Disciples of Ragnos are more commonly known as House Marka Ragnos to Clan Naga Sadow and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. This is because the cult was reorganized into a House to conform with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Codex.

Overlord of Ragnos

The Overlord of Ragnos (also known as the House Overlord) is not an official leadership position in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The Overlord is the symbolic leader of the House.

    Main article: House Overlord (Clan Naga Sadow)

House Summit

Quaestor Aedile Rollmaster
Holy Scion of Ragnos Augur of Ragnos Scholar of Ragnos

Battleteam Leaders

Night Raptors Battleteam Leader Night Falcons Battleteam Leader Night Hawks Battleteam Leader
Legatus of Ragnos Legatus of Ragnos Sword of Ragnos

Society and Culture


Disciples of Ragnos

The Disciples of Ragnos are a theocratic society like the Yuuzhan Vong; they believe Marka Ragnos to be divine. His divinity is recognized through the Holy Scion of Ragnos.

A governing council advises the Holy Scion and helps determine the divine power of Marka Ragnos through the Dark Lord's own Dark Doctrine. Progeny of Ragnos also serve the Disciples of Ragnos, acting as clergymen and advisors to troubled and wayward members of the Disciples.


The governing council of the Disciples of Ragnos consists of eight members led by the Holy Scion. The other seven members are warriors, scholars and others figures devoted to the Epistle of Marka Ragnos

The other council positions are known as: Augur of Ragnos, Scholar of Ragnos, Hand of Ragnos, Scholar of Ragnos, Sword of Ragnos, Legatus of Ragnos (two positions), and Lictor of the Council.

Holidays and Festivals


Anniversary of the Exodus

Celebrated on April 13, this was the day of the Dark Brotherhood's liberation from the Emperor's Hammer

The Long Day

Celebrated on June 21, this day celebrates the day Shan Long (then Trevarus Caerik) assumed the title of House Overlord.

Day of the Fox

Celebrated on November 6, this day celebrates Grand Master Firefox decision to actually split from the Emperor's Hammer

Day of Ragnos

Celebrated on December 21, this day celebrates the first day of [Ragnos]'s reign over the Sith Empire.


The Wild Hunt

In ancient times, it was believed that there were forces beyond understanding that would sweep down from the skies during the fiercest of thunderstorms to take the lives of whomever they deemed unworthy. Never seen and killing with brutal efficiency, this superstition has survived the test of time.

The Jedi of the Brotherhood, ever believing in their own superiority and the need to exert this over others, have revived this tradition. It is more public than in ages past, a sign to all in Naga Sadow-controlled territories who their masters are.

The Ritual begins with a prayer to the ancient Lord of the Clan, Naga Sadow, while the members of the Houses pray to their benefactors after whom their Houses are named: Marka Ragnos and Ludo Kressh, respectively. They pray for strength and cunning in the festivities to come and hope that these fearsome beings smile on them as the ritual begins.

As with any population, there are those who have decided not to take the Clan as their Masters, and ignore the rules and regulations set on them by the Clan and the Dlarit Corporation. These prisoners are released periodically and hunted down by the Clan, as a showing of their authority and to send a clear message that insubordination cannot, and will not, be tolerated. The prisoners are released and told to use any means necessary to procure their own freedom; they are told that those who manage to escape will be offered their freedom: the need for such emancipation has yet to arise. Every prisoner released has always found their end at the hands of a member of the Clan.

The ritual serves several important ends: it establishes and maintains the authority of the Clan in their space as they inspire fear and dread in the local populations; it serves as a chance for individual members of the Clan to show their leaders their prowess; and it serves to cull the local prisoner population, as well and quelling any thoughts of dissent.

The Rite of Quietus

Even the most powerful of Dark Jedi can boast the most humble origins. Indeed, mystics of the Final Way preach that the smallest of factors can have the most powerful effect on any individual. Naturally, the annals of power that Clan Naga Sadow is built on on has it's own histories. It is the Rite of Quietus that helps the Clan to remember those who have gone before.

The Rite is primarily a form of ancestor worship, though the term 'ancestor' is used to signify any people, place, or event that has shaped a Dark Jedi into the being they are today. A Dark Jedi is, after all, the product of all of their experiences.

It is a time of self-reflection for the Clan, as each individual is asked to remember those who they have come into contact with, who have had a lasting effect on their lives and who have since passed into memory. A wide variety of reactions are brought forth from the Jedi: some fondly remember parents, spouses, and childhood friends. Some may remember other members of the Clan, or those of other Clans. Master and Apprentice may decide to show their appreciation for each other, and families may decide to celebrate their victories and defeats. By the same token, someone may perform a personal ritual to torture someone who has caused them pain, or swear their undying enmity for someone who has slighted them. Either way, the Rite serves as an affirmation to those who have had an impact on the life of the Jedi in question, whether positive or negative.

One of the central figures in the Rite are the Lords of the Sith who serve as inspiration. Prayers are offered to Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos and Ludo Kressh with the hope that they might look upon the Clan with fondness. What these beings actually feel about the Clan, or individual members, is something that only they would know.

The Festival of Renewal

It is a fact of life: empires, kingdoms, and the lives of every being will eventually come to an end, to be replaced with something new. Though to the mystical Dark Jedi this concept seems to hold less meaning, especially to those so powerful that they can transfer their essences into the bodies of others, it is still known that everything goes through a cycle.

The Festival of Renewal is dedicated to those members of the Clan who, while not as powerful as their Overlords, still have their part to play in the daily workings of the Clan. It takes a special kind of courage to realize the power within oneself and to try and harness it by joining the Brotherhood; often this takes sacrifice as well. It is this festival that pays homage to that sacrifice.

Even the lowliest Acolyte has the potential to one day become Grand Master, and it is this potential that must be nurtured and properly trained in order to achieve that status. However, it should also be fun, and this is the one moment in the Clan in which all eyes are on them.

The festival itself is meant to be a welcome reprieve from the harsh training regimens and study periods. Games are played, food and drink are served, and stories are told of past exploits. It can be as simple as a Master telling a good story of one of their Apprentices, or perhaps they may tell a story of their own time as a Novice, before their rise to power.


During holy crusades waged in the name of Dark Lord Marka Ragnos the cult is let by the Sword of Ragnos with the blessing of the Holy Scion.

Night Raptors

Night Raptors serve as the initial Battleteam for members of House Marka Ragnos. When a new Dark Jedi joins the House, they are assimilated into this training unit for their first tour. The goal of the Night Raptors is the promotion of its members to the rank of Protector. The Battleteam runs no operations of its own, instead focusing its members on the activities being run by their House and Clan Summits. Often, a Dark Jedi will encounter their first combat while within the Night Raptors, though seldom does such combat include the presence of opposing Force Users. While such members are not coddled by any means, they are protected with an understanding that there are challenges aplenty in the galaxy that they do not yet have the experience to face. The purpose of the Night Raptors is to shape and mold these Jedi, strengthening them until they do have the power and experience for such challenges. Upon attainment of the rank of Protector, members are transferred to the Night Falcons.

    Main Article: Night Raptors

Night Falcons

Upon promotion to the rank of Protector, members of House Marka Ragnos are transferred to the Night Falcons. This is an honor in the career of a Disciple of Ragnos, as it shows the confidence their Masters have their abilities. Night Falcons is also considered a training unit, though one of a more advanced nature. Its goal is to build upon the lessons learned in the Night Raptors and prepare the new Dark Jedi for his first encounter with opposing Force Users. While a member of the Night Falcons, a Dark Jedi will earn their promotion from Protector to Jedi Hunter. At that point, after extensive training, they will be sent after their first Force User. This is a glorious day in the life of a Night Falcon, as it marks their first step towards the coveted rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Once training is completed and a member has become a Dark Jedi Knight, they are released from the Night Falcons to wander as they will.

    Main Article: Night Falcons

Night Hawks

The Night Hawks, an elite fighting force within House Marka Ragnos, Accept all missions thrown their way. They usually hide in the shadows to protect their House's leaders, whether such protection is requested or not. Its members are filled with loyalty for their House and Clan, and actively take part in all House activities.

Founded by Trevarus Caerick in 21 ABY, the Night Hawks quickly became the most whispered about and most feared Battleteam. Its members were said to be lethal in the way they moved and stealthy being measure.

Night Hawks were seldom known or seen, and if a member of the Night Hawks came to sit down at your table, you often didn’t live to tell the tale, which only helped in keeping the members identity a secret. Only those who have been chosen for the position of Night Hawk are taken in, although many try to find out who to talk to about joining.

    Main Article: Night Hawks

Ravana Squadron

Ravana Squadron is a currently inactive Battleteam attached to House Marka Ragnos. It has since been replaced by the Night Raptors. More information can be found at the link below.

    Main Article: Ravana Squadron

Avatars of Death

Avatars of Death is a currently inactive Battleteam attached to House Marka Ragnos. It has since been replaced by the Night Falcons. More information can be found at the link below.

    Main Article: Avatars of Death

Typical House Actions/Reactions


The Disciples of Ragnos is an ancient cult spanning back thousands of years (~5,000 BBY) to the death of Marka Ragnos; becoming a House happened after the fall of the Galactic Empire

The cult is based around the Epistle of Marka Ragnos, the believed teachings of the Dark Lord. In recent years the Marked of the Wanderer religion has become popular among the members as Trevarus Caerick was seen as the next Dark Lord rising before his betrayal. The ancient cult still hold firm to their beliefs which continue to inspire and invigorate new members who join the fold.

Real Life

House Marka Ragnos is historically a Krath House led by the Quaestor, with the Aedile and Battleteam Leaders as left and right hands. The Aedile was more responsible for the administration of House and welcoming new members.

While in fiction the Disciples of Ragnos may be an ancient cult, its in fact a recent development to the House as part of the Quaestor's Vision Statement to encourage members to develop in various areas. The House itself is friendly and supportive of its members: old and new. Its leaders look to create a fun and friendly atmosphere for all it enjoy and, like the rest of Clan Naga Sadow, enjoy participating in run-ons.

Important Figures

  • Ximeno - First Holy Scion of the New Era
  • Tron - Former Holy Scion and honourary Avatar of the Dark Doctrine
  • Muz Keibatsu - Former Holy Scion and Avatar of the Dark Doctrine
  • Trevarus Caerick - Former Holy Scion who betrayed the cult
  • Shan-Long - House Overlord
  • Jedgar Paladin - honourary Avatar of the Dark Doctrine

Progeny of Ragnos