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* Appointed Rollmaster on 7/31/2010
* Appointed Rollmaster on 7/31/2010
* Promoted to Templar on 12/15/2010
* Promoted to Templar on 12/15/2010
* Author of the following wiki pages: [[Blue Mist|Blue Mist Squadron]], [[Summit Guard of Arcona]], [[Wolf Guard|Battleteam Wolf Guard]], [[Shadesworn]], [[Arcona Army Corp]], [[Arcona Contract Bureau]], and the [[Erinos|'''Erinos''' Family]] history (latter half).
* Author of the following wiki pages: [[Blue Mist|Blue Mist Squadron]], [[Summit Guard of Arcona]], [[Wolf Guard|Battleteam Wolf Guard]], [[Shadesworn]], [[Arcona Army Corps]], [[Arcona Contract Bureau]], and the [[Erinos|'''Erinos''' Family]] history (latter half).

==  Trivia  ==
==  Trivia  ==

Revision as of 18:02, 30 May 2011

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Talos Erinos

Obelisk Templar

Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

11 ABY (Age 23)

Physical Description





1.87 meters


75.40 kilograms





Personal Information

Robin Hawk

Lightsaber Color(s):

Teal (Single Blade)

Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Niman
  • Shii-Cho
  • Soresu
Chronology & Political Information
  • Army Officer
  • Black Ops Agent
  • Mandalorian
  • Obelisk Templar
  • Vice-Captain
  • Bureau Commissioner
Known masters:


[ Source ]

"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful...the strong...the weak...the innocent...the corrupt. Fear is my ally"
Darth Maul, Sith Lord

Talos Erinos is an Obelisk Templar in service to House Arcona. As a former Battleteam Leader, Aedile, and Rollmaster, Talos has served Arcona in a wide array of capacities. Currently, he is the Vice-Captain of the black operations unit known only as Oblivion Brigade, where he plies his skills as an assassin and intelligence agent in accordance with his House's will. However, the Templar has recently begun to embrace a more "physical" view of combat, and with the assistance of the Erinos Family, has started to learn the way of the Mandalorian.

Character History

Early Life

Naval Intelligence Service


Tracking a Terrorist

== In the Brotherhood's Embrace (27 ABY - Present)


Alpha Male (32 - 33 ABY)

"With Sergeant Kuga's ascension to the Aedileship of House Galeres, it is time for you to meet your new commander. Wolves, this is Commander Talos"
―Driftan Housan introducing Talos to the members of Wolf Guard

Ulic's Lieutenant (33 ABY)

"We have work to do, Aedile"
―Driftan Housan, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

Ori'ramikade Lend a Hand

"Tarentum? We're going to help Tarentum? Don't they like...raise dead bodies in their free time?"
―Talos to Voden Arijin, enroute to Yridia II

The symbol of Arcona's Black Operations Team

New Arcona (33 ABY)

"We will regain Clan status! This I promise you!"
―Consul Celahir Erinos to an assembled Arcona, 33 ABY

Enter Oblivion

"If I Tell You, I Have To Kill You"
―Talos' journal, 33 ABY

It wasn't long after Talos' honorable discharge as Aedile of House Qel-Droma that he came to the attention of one of his former subordinates, Marick Del'Abbot. Publicly, Marick was a Hapan nobleman serving as an emissary to the Dajorra System, but in actuality, he was the Captain of Oblivion Brigade, Arcona's Black Operations Team. Talos had worked with Marick on quite a few occasions and, along with Quaestor Driftan Housan, was the official signature on many of Oblivion's writs of assassination as they fulfilled their mandate of carrying out clandestine operations and monitoring Arcona's own Dark Jedi populace as Internal Affairs.

Unfortunately, with Talos' recent appointment to House Rollmaster, he would no longer possess the clearance to directly deal with the Black Ops Team. However, true to his noble upbringing, when Marick saw something he wanted, he would often go to great lengths of make sure he got it. This was true with Talos; by finding loopholes in the Doto Doctrine, Del'Abbot was able to add the new Rollmaster to the ranks of Oblivion, alongside fellow House prodigies such as the Entar trio of Strategos, Timeros, and Legorii as well as bounty hunter Kant Lavar.

And so Talos Omerta became an official Oblivion Agent, though his duties to Arcona's new recruits as Rollmaster always came first. Ironically, it was due to the Brigade's training and conditioning that resulted in the Rollmaster having to vacate his position after a solid 4 months of service; the cross-immunization/addition of hurlothrumbic gases (fear generators) to Talos' bloodstream made him come off as cold, calculating, and deadly; something that was perfect for an Oblivion Agent, but not so much for a Rollmaster, one responsible for dealing with the new apprentices.

After complaints of apprentices transferring to other Houses or even leaving the Brotherhood outright became to numerous to ignore, Talos and the Summit met quietly and discussed yet another honorable discharge. With the appreciation and blessing of the House Summit, and a Steel Cross pinned to his chest, Talos Omerta handed over the reigns of the Rollmastership to Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, who was in fact, an Oblivion Agent himself. However, Timeros's far greater knowledge of the Force allowed him to counteract the hurlothrumbic gases within him and serve as an exemplary Rollmaster.

As for Talos, he went on "active duty" with Oblivion Brigade and for a considerable chunk of time, he was away from the Arconan Capital on Brigade business, hunting down those who had deserted the Shadesworn House. When Omerta returned, he was colder than before and, or so rumor has it, he had personally executed two of the errant apprentices who had deserted Arcona because he was to "unnerving".


"You're now on dual assignments. Primarily, you'll be working with me as my right hand. But when I don't need you, you and Agent Fortea will be comprising Delta Cell"
―Cpt. Marick Del'Abbot, appointing and reassigning VC Talos Omerta

Talos Omerta took to being an Oblivion Agent like a fish to water and as he impressed not only his Captain, but also the Arconan Summit, he was given more important missions, often ones taking place right in Estle City. One such assignment was a mission codenamed "Contract 002", which had the Agent paired up with his commanding officer, Marick Del'Abbot, while the two black operatives investigated a ring of smugglers that had been moving weapon and drug contraband into the Citadel.

Tal'ika on an "Anti-Jedi" combat exercise with his new family

Working in tandem, Talos and Marick tracked the ring's inside man to the Giletta Spaceport, Estle's main transport hub. The inside man himself was one Nathaniel Dunkirk, a Captain in the Dajorra Defence Force and a former Dark Jedi of Arcona. With this information in hand, the pair created an elaborate strategy to bring Captain Dunkirk to justice...Oblivion style. Agent Omerta would take the place of one of Dunkirk's staff officers, First Lieutenant Jonathan Hale, and would be tasked with bringing Nathaniel to Giletta's Freight Terminal, where Marick would be waiting with a landspeeder to whisk Defence Captain Dunkirk away to Oblivion's safehouse.

The plan went off without a hitch, true to Oblivion's professional operating standard, and four days after the contract had been assigned, Nathaniel Dunkirk had been interrogated and summarily executed, with vital information about the smuggling ring being passed onto the Dajorra Intelligence Agency. As for Marick and Talos, both were lauded, albeit privately; for Captain Del'Abbot, this was a promotion to the rank of Obelisk Prelate and for Talos Omerta, he was appointed to the position of the Vice-Captain of Oblivion Brigade, in which he would serve as Marick's second-in-command.

Strong...Army Strong

"Your experience and knowledge would be...beneficial. You will be compensated, of course"
―Aedile Wuntila to Talos Omerta, on helping found the Arcona Army Corps.

Shortly after Talos' appointment to the Vice-Captaincy of Oblivion Brigade, he was summoned to the office of his former counterpart and now superior, Wuntila Zratian Entar. Once there, the Human-Theelin informed Talos of a massive initiative that would bring the Dajorra System's defenses up to date while also providing an outlet for the Force-Sensitive members of Arcona. Better yet, the entire Initiative would be run off of the Shadesworn Project that Talos undertook for his Clan in 33 ABY, acting as the Head Researcher into Selen's first Force-Sensitive inhabitants.

The distinctive unit insignia of the Arcona Army Corps

Wuntila then explained the initiative...that of creating a new Military, one to replace the outdated Dajorra Defence Force and the Arcona Expeditionary Force. The new military would be more traditional, consisiting of three separate branches, or corps; the Army Corp, the Naval Corp, the Starfighter Corp. The final branch would be the invite-only Dajorra Intelligence Agency, of which House Rollmaster and erstwhile Oblivion Agent Timeros Entar Arconae would be directing.

Along with Andrelious J. Inahj (who was heading the Starfighter Corp) and Wuntila himself (who was in charge of the Naval Corp), Omerta was given temporary control of ground-based resources, with the mandate to turn those resources, which included men, vehicles, and land, into a fully-functioning Army. He did so, in the process recruiting two very valuable military officers; one was Richor Mills, the former training mate of the pirate crew to which Talos belonged, and a Chiss named Jaco'be'lexo. These two would become Army Commander Ricor Mills, the training officer of the Corp, and Army General Jaco'be'lexo, the deputy commanding general of the entire Army Corps..

Two months passed, in which the General, Commander, and Sith formed a sort of triumvirate, and by the end of the eighth week, House Arcona had a fully-fledged Army Corps, with personnel joining almost immediately, both as new enlistees and those transferring their careers or commissions from the soon-to-be-defunct DDF and AEF. Talos' last act as Interim Leader of the Army was to present the new Army to not only Aedile Entar and Quaestor Erinos, but also to Dark Adept Sashar Erinos Arconae, who would be taking over the Army as the Major-General. It was at this ceremony that Wuntila made good on his word of compensation...less than 30 seconds after Talos had relinquished command to General Erinos, the latter turned around and offered Talos a commission in the Army.

It would be only the first stepping stone in what would eventually lead to Talos Omerta and Sashar Erinos becoming family.

In the Basement

"Good evening...Commissioner"
―Marick Del'Abbot to Talos Omerta, 34 ABY

In addition to his duties as an Army Officer, Talos would soon be taking on additional responsibilities as the second Commissioner of the Arcona Contract Bureau; succeeding his friend and Captain, Marick Del'Abbot, due to the Hapan's increasing importance in official Summit matters, Talos took over the day-to-day administration of the Bureau and became even more plugged into the lifeflow of Arcona as Housemates, both new and old, came to him to request contracts in everything from assassination to VIP protection.

Despite the immense amount of holowork that came with the job, Talos soon fell in love with it and, with the permission of his Summit, began to expand the Bureau's operational boundaries; soon, contractors found themselves fulfilling contracts on worlds as distant as Corulag and handling matters that were officially out of the purview of the Selenian government. The Bureau didn't go unnoticed however, and as contractors actions began to tip the scales in favor of House Arcona, more and more organizations, most shady and/or clandestine in nature, began subcontracting jobs to Talos and the Bureau. For the most part, Talos accepted all of the subcontracting work, as he had encountered many of the organizations either previously in his Brotherhood career or elsewhere during his life, but he religiously adhered to one rule: No Contract Could Ever Endanger House Arcona or the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in any way whatsoever

Talos, in his old plas'gam, fighting off Scholae Palatinae Stormtroopers

Aliit Iru'shya Tal'din (34 ABY - Present)

The crest of the Erinos Family

A More Physical Approach

"Celahir, I need a favor"
―Talos to Celahir, late 34 ABY

During the Brotherhood Vendetta known as "Disorder", Talos Omerta realized that, as much as he loved the clandestine (and often illict) ways in which Oblivion Brigade conducted their business, he was going to get hurt in the field unless he started to embrace a more physical and upfront fighting style.

Because Fate can be a cruel mistress, Talos' prediction came true; while marching on the Temple Boyna with the a platoon of his brethren Sith and their conscripted troopers, they came under fire from a Krath patrol group and the young Firrerreo would have surely died on the sandy plains of Antei, had he not given into the base temptations of the Dark Side and pulled a Sith Trooper in front of him, to absorb the blaster fire of a Mechu-Deru enhanced battle droid. Omerta and his platoon escaped death that day and before the Dark Jedi Knight found any more danger, the Vendetta was called to a halt, with the revelation that Jedi Master Michael Halcyon was the true catalyst behind the Order War. The Order Armadas were disbanded and Houses reformed, with Talos rejoining his beloved Arconan brethren on Selen.

Talos spent the "down-time", if it could be called that, developing a new outlook on combat. While he would still continue to serve as the Oblivion Brigade's Vice-Captain, he decided that he would start to split his time and talents between Black Operations and a more overt way to fight, something that would take advantage of his new-found powers, granted to him by his promotion to Sith Warrior. And who better to learn from, he decided, than the most fearsome warriors the galaxy had ever known -- the Mandalorians.


As it so happened, some of House Arcona's most steadfast and loyal vassals were members of a group called the Erinos, which was not only a family of master combatants, but also of Mandalorian Force-Adepts. And one of their newer members was recently retired Consul Celahir Erinos, who Talos befriended during their time together in House Qel-Droma, when the Great Clans still existed, and then further as Rollmaster and Quaestor of House Arcona.

Confident in his friendship with the Kiffar, Talos approached Celahir in late 34 ABY and asked, more accurately begged, to be taken under one of the Erinos wings and taught how to properly fight -- in other words, be trained as a Mandalorian. Flattered and amused, Celahir gave his consent and conferred with the rest of his brethren. Word came a day later that the Erinos had decided to accept Talos into a sort of improvised "training class" along with fellow Arconans Maaks and Voden Arijin.


"Black for Justice...Blue for Loyalty. Justice to those who've wronged me, loyalty to my friends and Clan"
―Talos' journal, late 34 ABY

The Crimelord Assassin

"HA! Your names rhyme!"
―Dralin Fortea to Talos Erinos, late 34 ABY

Armory and Wardrobe


Orar'aran (Lightsaber)


Oblivion Hidden Blade

"Every other assassin's dream...our standard kit"
―Marick Del'Abbot on the Oblivion Hidden Blade

The Oblivion Hidden Blade is a unique weapon that's best utilized in assassinations and interrogations. Built into what appears to be a regular bracer hides a slender, stiletto-like blade that extends slightly past the index finger's length. Not designed for melee combat, the specially crafted alloy is perfect for puncturing into meaty flesh, but little else. It is virtually useless against heavy armor (unless an opening can be found) or any type of droid. The blade can be retracted silently and with ease. The casing and embezzle are also coated to repel scanners, and will not register as a weapon on even the most advanced systems.

What's also unique about the blade is that it is hollowed out so that it can be equipped with different types of small cartridges. These cartridges can contain anything from poison and medicine to truth serum or any other type of liquid chemical composition.

Blaster Weaponry

A Conscript Carbine, Talos' carbine of choice

Besides his lightsaber and hidden blade, Talos also employs a wide range of blaster weaponry. While his training as an Oblivion Agent has made him a deadshot with blaster pistols (such as his trusty WESTAR-35 or SSK-7), the Templar has also been taking lessons from the Mandalorian Sashar Arconae in heavier weapons. As of now, Talos has taken a liking to blaster carbines, due to their lighter weight and wide range of possible modifications. His favored carbine is the deadly "Conscript Carbine", often employed by paramilitary forces across the galaxy.


Why does she get a blaster, and I don't?
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Mandalorian Armor (Plas'gam)

Talos in a "summer version" of his Mandalorian armor

Talos' set of Mandalorian armor was crafted by the Templar shortly after being accepted into the Erinos Clan of Mandalorians and, as of yet, has not seen any action other than a brief firefight in 34 ABY in the streets of Estle City. The armor itself was originally painted gray and green, but Talos repainted the armor less than a week later; the color scheme is now black and navy blue, which in Mandalorian ethos, stands for Justice (black) and Loyalty (blue). The iconic black 'T' visor was also swapped out for a navy-blue tinted visor, which balances the colors nicely and also makes Talos stand out more, which, more often than not, is a mixed blessing.

Beyond the paint scheme, Talos' armor was forged in the mould of the Mandalorian Shock Troopers, meaning that instead of having a suit of armor that completely covers the body but impedes mobility, the armor plates are segmented and reinforced in the vital areas (thighs, shins, chest, groin, and arms). Unlike common Shock Trooper armor however, the Erinos' armor does not have any "weapon modifications" attached to it, such as a flame thrower and the like. The reason behind this is to further increase the range of movement as well as the fact that, along with the Force and his saber skills, Talos does not have much need for additional weapons.

Prototype Spectre Armor

Combat Overview

Hand-to-Hand Combat -

Due to Talos' penchant for fighting in-close (unusual for a Sith), Talos has devoted his time to primarily Close Quarters Battle as a form of hand-to-hand combat. Since Omerta is well-built but not overly huge, he can move quickly and efficiently but still leave a lasting effect, usually in the form of stuns and being rendered unconscious.

The Obelisk Templar can unleash a series of wicked headbutts that can send an enemy reeling, only to be followed up by various punches and kicks from his armored hands and boots. All of this deadly style is implemented by the Firrerreo naturally and when supplemented by the Dark Side of the Force, many weaker opponents and non-Force sensitives end up dead or crippled by the Sith's use of CQB.

Standard Weaponry

The items that Talos always carries with him, unless he is on an assignment that requires something specific, are his lightsaber, WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, and Oblivion Hidden Blade. Both the lightsaber and blaster are worn in plain sight, on the belt and thigh respectively while the Hidden Blade is worn on his left forearm. While technically this is in plain sight, most people don't see the Blade until it's to late.

DJB Facts

Outstanding Achievements


  • Rarely drinks alcohol; instead he prefers carbonated beverages.
  • Talos was made the First Rollmaster of House Arcona after the Great Dismantling of 33 ABY.
  • Joined the Erinos Family in late 34 ABY.
  • Is currently the only Arconan Erinos not serving on Soulfire Strike Team.
  • As pointed out by Dralin Fortea, Talos' first and last names rhyme. He dislikes this, but will get over it.

Preceded by:

Strategos Entar Arconae

Commander of Blue Mist

27 ABY to 29 ABY

Succeeded by:

Etah d'Tana

Preceded by:

Cethgus Kuga

Commander of Wolf Guard

32 ABY to 33 ABY

Succeeded by:

None (Battleteam Decommissioned)

Preceded by:

Driftan Housan

Aedile of House Qel-Droma

33 ABY

Succeeded by:

None (Great Clans downsized to Houses)

Preceded by:


Rollmaster of House Arcona

33 ABY

Succeeded by:

Timeros Arconae

Preceded by:

Marick Del'Abbot

Commissioner of the Arcona Contract Bureau

34 ABY to Present

Succeeded by:


Preceded by:


Vice-Captain of the Oblivion Brigade

34 ABY to Present

Succeeded by: Incumbent