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Okami Clan
Unit Information



Clan Odan-Urr





  • Shock troops
  • Special operations





"Wolves of Kaerls"


Off-white and burnt yellow


Gülvyr Okami - current

[ Source ]


Roots of the Clan

Okami on the hunt

The Okami are a clan of Mandalorians founded decades ago on the moon of Concord Dawn. After the moon's destruction, the Okami left the Mandalore sector for unknown reasons now lost to memory and endeavored to find a new home away from home. In the year 0 BBY they founded a colony on the ice moon of Kaerls in Vatali space and formed a contract with the Vatali Empire. They remain loyal to the Mand'alor and staunchly keep their traditions from Concord Dawn.

The Okami are extremely conservative in their adherence to the Resol'nare: wearing armor, speaking the language, defending oneself and family, raising your children as Mandalorians, contributing to the clan's welfare, and when called upon by the Mand'alor, rallying to their cause. Additionally, their tradition dictates they try to live as simply as they can in environments other groups would find hostile, believing that a luxurious lifestyle leads to weak warriors. The Clan doesn't reject technology outright however as they use it in training, combat, transportation, construction and farming.

The leader of the Clan is given the title Patriarch or Matriarch and is elected by the elders until they can no longer serve or are unfit to follow the Mandalorian Canons of Honor. It is rare that a leader should retire, however, as most die in war or are challenged and killed in combat.

They have a special relationship with a local species of Anooba endemic to Kaerls, but spread throughout Kiast and other systems through breeding and trade, the Stroilk. Okami both hunt these animals and keep them as hunting companions, though they make poor pets and are usually left in the wild until needed. A warrior's rite of passage — s type of coming-of-age ritual for young adults — involves hunting one of these creatures with a favored simple melee weapon of choice. The pelt of their kill is worn over their Beskar'gam in an almost reverence, while the bodies of any companions killed during the rite, in keeping with tradition, are burned in the Vestaad township and spread across the Godaark mountains.



The Grand hall

Clan Okami’s main headquarters is located in the small township of Vestaad in the geothermal valley of the same name on the Kaerls ice moon. The township houses numerous houses and the Grand hall used as the home of the current leader and town center. The houses are made from natural materials, as is the preference of the Okami. Wood, stone and the similar materials dominate, though there are areas that require modern and sophisticated means to keep them operational.

The township's location is off-center to the valley, leaning on one side of the Godaark mountains to the north. Several hangars are kept in operation in the cliffs to the west, for operation and maintenance of Okami starships. The township itself houses strategic supply depots for defense against invaders, as well as storage units for speeders and other equipment used for hunting and war. A large, wooden palisade wall encircles the township to fend off wildlife. The palisade is reinforced with point defense lasers for anti-air and anti-space defense.

Much of the land outside the palisade wall made up of fertile farmland used to feed the population and geothermal vents and lakes. The population enjoy bathing in the ponds and lakes as their temperature is significantly higher than the surrounding tundra.

There are several dozen outposts, hunting grounds, training grounds and several smaller settlements on the same moon littered across its surface, as well as a training facility on the planet of Solyiat in the Tundra Flats.


Unlike native Mandalorians, the Okami clan's isolation has left it in a precarious position of being unable to expand their numbers to an acceptable degree. The solution, while controversial at the time, was allowing outsiders into their home and slowly acclimatizing them to the Manda. Despite protests about how the potential changes and destruction of their tradition if outsiders were let in, the Manda has remained strong within the Okami Clan.

The current population of Okami Mandalorians is around three hundred individuals of all ages. Of those, however, only around sixty are warriors. Many are not fit to wear the Beskar'gam or are physically unable to be soldiers. They have taken up other noble pursuits, such as farming, hunting, mechanic work, etc. Many are children and elderly who maintain the homesteads when the warriors are engaged in war.


An Okami Fang fighter

The Okami have no large fleet as they are a highly specialized force of shock troops. They usually employ half a squadron of Fang fighters. The squadron has no official name, as it is neither part of the Odan-Urr navy nor the Vatali Imperial Navy.

Additionally, for long-haul transport purposes, the Okami utilize two GR-75 Medium Transports. For shorter hauls they utilize several reliable Aka'jor-class Shuttles.

In combat the Okami almost exclusively utilize the Kom'rk-class Fighter for delivering shock troops to the battlefield. One such ship is used to ferry the leader and his escort on diplomatic missions and other endeavors.


Families and homesteads


Outsiders Joining the Okami


Out of Character (OOC) Information

Can I make an Okami character?

Any member of Odan-Urr may create that are Okami Mandalorians. You do not require special permission from the creators to do so. This is a Clan-wide resource created to foster cooperative writing and world building. You are absolutely free to use it.

Can my existing character become an Okami Mandalorian?

Any character can become an Okami Mandalorian. They were purposfully made to include any species or archetype available in the dark Brotherhood. If you require help integrating your character, ask the Odan-Urr Summit for help.

If I leave Odan-Urr, can I keep my character?

Of course!. They are your character. We would only ask that — though it is absolutely NOT necessary and up to you as the author — you create a compelling story for their leaving the Okami.

Can I edit or change the Okami story and wiki pages on my own?

Please refrain from doing so without permission from the Odan-Urr Summit. if you want or need to change something, discuss it with your leaders first.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of AllusisProving Ground

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Eechee • Instructor Waza Sunrider

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness