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{{Sith charinfo
|name= Thran Occasus née Derc Alphons Kast
|birth= 1 ABY
|lastname= Occasus née Derc Alphons Kast
|species= Human (Bakuran)
|gender= Male
|birth=[[1 ABY]]
|height= 6'2"
|species=Human (Bakuran)
|weight= 150
|skin= tan colored skin
|hair=Sandy blonde
|hair= Sandy blonde
|eyes= Green
|affiliation= Occ-Var Industries, Sith, Vectivian School, [[House Caliburnus]], [[Clan Scholae Palatinae]], House of Kast  
|era= *[[Exodus era]]
|ship= Olus Vision (CEC YT-2400), Multiple unlisted and unclassed personal vessels
* [[New Order era]]
|dossier= 5101
|affiliation=[[Arx Capital Exchange]], [[Scholae Palatinae|Clan Scholae Palatinae]],  [[Imperial Mission]], [[Caliburnus]], House of Kast, Sith, Vectivian School,Occ-Var Industries,
|ship=Olus Vision (CEC YT-1930), Allium (Lambda-class T4a Shuttle), TIE Defender, Anything that Flies

{{quote|Too wise for a Sith, Too smart for an Obelisk, Too arrogant for a Krath.|Chi-Long, speaking of Thran Occasus}}

{{quote| Some things just don't change...Thran is one of 'em| Anonymous}}
{{Quote|Too wise for a Sith, Too smart for an [[Obelisk]], Too arrogant for a [[Krath]].|Chi-Long, speaking of Thran Occasus}}

'''Thran Occasus''' is a member of Clan Scholae Palatinae and a firey member of the Sith Order.  He is a wealthy and peculiar man from the Outer Rim world of Bakura.  He was born in 1 ABY to a Sith-worshiping woman.  A story claims that he emerged from the womb drunk, clutching a set of dice.  Thran is a notorious gambler and substance abuser, giving this.  While his habits make him appear like a rambunctious youth, he is extraordinarily deep in the ways of the Force and the knowledgeable in the ways of the Universe.  He is a philosopher by nature, but hides his mental prowess behind a veil of whiskey and spice.  Thran is extremely sly and is very charismatic, when he allows himself to be.  People are naturally inclined to follow him and find themselves captured by his slick tongue and razor sharp wit. One of the only things he loves more than himself is the gentle touch of a woman, which has both caused him and prevented more problems than one can count.  He is a peculiar man with a very specific and somewhat unconventional set of beliefs about the Dark Side, The Sith, and the dogma of the Jedi.  With a wealthy pocketbook, unchecked pride, and blind temper, Occasus' potential is the only thing that

{{Quote| Some things just don't change...Thran is one of 'em| Anonymous}}

== Character History ==

=== The House that Kast Built ===
'''Thran Occasus''' is a member of [[Scholae Palatinae|Clan Scholae Palatinae]] and a fiery member of the Sith [[Order]].  Currently holding the position of [[Proconsul]] in [[Scholae Palatinae|Clan Scholae Palatinae]], his reputation as a usurper of power leaves him under constant watch.  Vain by nature, he is “plagued” by good looks.  Above his natural beauty, his connection to the Force is extraordinarily strong.  His charm and his guile have led him to be one of the most hated and feared Leaders of his Clan.

Callus Fen Kast, Father to Thran Occasus,  was born in 41 bby on Corellia.  He was the heir to a proud family of family of Aristocrats destined for great achievementsWhen the Galactic Empire took control Corellia, Callus was forced to take the fortunes his family had built up and join forces with the recently established Empire. Shortly there after, forced by the very same Imperial pressures, Kast enlisted in the science schools of the Empire. Callus studied for years at various Imperial Colleges, establishing himself as a great scientist, and thus was allowed to freely roam the galaxy in order toaid the Empire in pursuit of technological advances.  While venturing to the remote system of Reecee, the budding scientist crossed paths with a beautiful woman.  Like a fairy-tale he fell madly in love with her almost instantly.  Callus followed the strange woman to the ends of many worlds, hoping to learn more about her.  After a series of strange events, the couple were wed in 3 BBY.  In 0 ABY, Callus Fen Kast began working for the Imperial Navy Experimental Divisions.  By the fall of the Empire, Kast had established himself as an outstanding man of science, specializing in the field of repulsor technology and mechanized docking actuators.  While he was intellectually sharp, Callus seemed detached from all emotion.  Shortly after the birth of his first son, Derc, Callus died in a tragic speeder collision.  Due in part to the short marriage, his relationship with his wife was marred by rumors and vast amounts of controversy.  Before his death, Kast fathered one daughter.  While his death was doleful, focus seemed to revolve around his bride.
Thran is a master of deceit and manipulationA purist of the [[starwars:Code of the Sith|Sith Code]], he is a master practitioner of the lightsaber form [[starwars:Form II|Makashi]].

Aylanna Sokane, wife of Callus Kast, is a clever Dathomiri/Hapan woman with formidable skills in seduction and possesses a flowing with connections to the Force.  Her birth date is unknown, judging from her looks it appears to be somewhere around 14 BBY, however her youth is extremely deceptive.  She has maintained a look of a woman in her mid Thirties, in spite of her true age. Trained in the ways of the Dark Side, she borders on being called a Sith.  Considered as a Witch by her native peoples, she always considered herself as part of the higher class of peoples and above the disgraceful outlook of the general public.  From  a young age, Aylanna recognized her bodily assets and used them to her advantage.  Mysterious and deceptively deep, Sokane used everyone to her own personal gain.  Heralding from a curious line of Force-Sensitives, she lived a mostly lonely childhood in the Hapes Consortium. In her late teens she left the region and traveled to the Reecee system, seeking her own way of life. After meeting a collage of “interesting” companions, she began a small philosophical School dedicated to reviving the lost Force arts.  For unknown reasons, she surrounded herself with a harem of young women, known as her handmaidens, who studied the Dark Side under her tutelage.  One girl, Aphelia, remained especially close to Aylanna.  To this day, Aphelia remains at Sokane's side, guardian of the House of Kast.  Upon their introduction, Callus Kast, fell madly in love with her and thus fell subject to her every whim.  After several years and many planet relocations, the two came to settle on Bakura and were wed shortly there after. In spite of the wedding and change of lifestyle, Aylanna kept young women about the villas and mansions her husband owned, for her own personal court, in order to manage all affairs there.  The couple settled down and had a child, Shir'Ciri, their first child and shortly there after had two more children.  Callus had built an amazing wealth over many years, allowing his family to travel freely and own many different homes, undoubtedly a fact that Aylanna exploited.  The reformed House of Kast revolved firmly around its matriarch, leaving her in charge of many of its administration features, and accordingly most of its money, particularly after the unexpected death of the patriarch. 

==  Character History  ==

=== The Family ===
=== The House that Kast Built | Before the Brotherhood  ===
{{Quote| If Callus had only known his son…They could have conquered the [[starwars:The galaxy|Galaxy]]…| Aylanna Sokane, speaking of the Demise of the House of Kast}}

13 BBY Caligula Frensi - Handmaiden
Thran Occasus-Palpatine was born Derc Kast on Bakura in [[1 ABY]] to father Callus Fen Kast and mother Aylanna Kast (née Sokane).  Callus, an Imperial Scientist, specialized in Repulsor technologies.  Aylanna was the former Prima-Ballerina of the Imperial Ballet Company and later took a position as an instructor for dance troop on Bakura. The couple had five children; four daughters and a single son, Derc.

13 BBY Aphelia ???? - Headmaiden

12 BBY Sarisa Onikengo - Handmaiden
====  Family History ====
Callus Fen Kast was born in 41 BBY on [[starwars:Bakura|Bakura]].  Coming from a typical middle-class family, Callus received proved to be a brilliant student and in his youth was given the Feather in his [[starwars:Cosmic Balance|Feather and Bowl pairing]].  With a bright and open future, Callus opted to enlist in the Imperial Academy at Carida.

10 BBY Aama Barric - Handmaiden
After several years and many planet relocations, the Family came to settle on Bakura when Callus became involved in developments for Repulsor Docking Mechanisms.

7 BBY Kaia Mulin - Maiden
The couple had a child, a Daughter, Shir'Ciri, shortly after moving to Bakura. 

5 BBY '''Shir'Ciri "Gem" Kast - Mother's pride, Oldest Daughter'''
Now in his early Forties, Callus could focus on the growth of his family.  In 1 ABY, Aylanna gave birth to their fifth child, a boy, Derc.  The Family was content, until [[4 ABY]].  In the early part of the year, Callus had received a contract from none other than the Emperor himself.  The Emperor wanted these repulsor pads installed in the Second Deathstar.  The Contract was huge, he could not refuse.  He immediately packed his bags and left for Endor.  Callus toiled until he was killed in the Destruction of the Station at the Battle of Endor.

5 BBY Typhaes Carisa - Handmaiden
While Aylanna had lost her husband, she had acquired his entire inheritance including the vast contract that was signed.  Through careful maneuvering of funds, she ensured a trove of money deeper than those of many Planets.

(many maidens others in intermittant time periods)

1 ABY Jenny'ri Sanniran - Lower Maiden, Feather and Bowl pairing with Thran Occasus

1 ABY ''Eythan Derran - Lower Maiden, possible daughter of Aylanna''

1 ABY '''Derc Alphons Kast - Sunset Child'''
==== Awakening to Darkness  ====
{{Quote| The boy is too mild mannered, too fragile, too shaken up to be guilty of this heinous act.  Even if he had done it, who cares? | Official Police Statement}}

6 ABY '''Torak Anibal Kast - Following Son'''

'''* Aylanna's Children'''
The dwindling Kast Family remained comfortable in the shadows of the Empire in pre invasion Bakura.  Without warning Aylanna fled the planet, to go on a tour around the Galaxy.  They had left, with her keen intuition.  They had avoided the Ssi-ruuk Invasion entirely.  She brought along her Daughter, her Son, and her handmaidens.  While visiting the inner rim, her young son was scouted by opportunistic talent agents.  While she declined their offers, she did see what they were claiming and began putting the boy through rigorous training.

=== Born in the Web of a Black Widow ===
He became learned, the through hours of tedious instruction administered by the Handmaidens.  While a youth, he enjoyed being a dangerous.  At age 9, while on Vacation at a classy mountain resort, the young boy was abducted from his custodians.  Taken to a hidden cabin in the mountains, the perverted captor had plans for what would inevitably become Cannibalism.  One evening, the young boy had managed to worm free of his restraints.  Sneaking through the night, he wielded a weapon in one hand.  He perched waiting to strike the would be killer, when he noticed a small snake.

The Kasts remained comfortable in the shadows of the Empire in pre invasion Bakura.  Thran was born a completely healthy and developed child, pre-maturely according to the time frame of his parent’s relationship. Though his father was oblivious, Aylanna spent her time meditating and developing her newborn son, who was already displaying an extreme presence in the Force. Deeply jealous and suspicious of her husband, she began grooming her son into a pillar of the Dark Side. She displayed a strange breed of love, confusing Thran with her cryptic lessons and apparent hatred towards his father and other men.  She bred the young Thran into a somewhat more conscious Sith, teaching him in a completely non-conventional way. Always keeping her harem young women around the household during his teenage years was her desperate attempt to keep her oldest son from leaving her home, and to learn her ways. Though wary of my actions, she trusts that the Force will lead everything along its path bringing her plan into fruition, thus she does not fear any repercussion. The extent of teachings is not known to this day, her secrets were held in a force sealed box that is to remain unopened until her son could muster enough of her own betrayed emotion to open it.  Aylanna saw it fit to be the coldly cruel to her son, redirecting her own loss of the feeling of love into a scathing blame of a young child.  Aylanna became pregnant after being raped by her husband, who assaulted her in a drunken rage.  Through a matter of coincedences, a five year old Thran observed it.  It has scarred him emotionally and mentally, impacting him in ways that are unimaginableThe Galactic Empire fell and Callus disappeared, mysteriously.  For no apparent reason, Aylanna took this newborn son and named Torak, took a vested interest in raising him to be a strong ally against her oldest son, as if to test Thran's very willThis bred animosity and many other evil feelings with the young Derc.  Aylanna had intentionally never revealed Derc's name to him, leaving him more mysteries to uncover when he had aged.  After the unexplained death of his Father, the continued mental torture continued, leaving the handsome young boy confused, angry, and unstable.
He recalled his studies. Aposematism. Bright colored animals were usually venomous. Carefully, the boy wrangled the crimson serpent and placed it in bed with the man. He watched, gleefully as the snake bit the man over and over againHe screamed with pain, and the little boy laughedWhen the captor had finally died, the now twisted young boy began to slice the body of the man.

=== Early Life ===
After his rescue, it was noted for the record that the boy was found playing with the poisonous snake.  The little Serpent would become a symbol of the man he would become, insidious and mistakably deadly.

Born in 1 ABY, Thran grew up fast.  By the fall of the Empire, the strapping young lad spent the majority of his days reading books and playing outdoors by himself.  Intentionally done, the child never learned his name.  He was simply called “child”, “boy”, or interestingly “Sunset”.  Though he was uncannily intelligent and extraordinarily curious about the ways of the world, the young Bakuran suffered from anemia and hemophilia, and thus became ill frequently.  After several near death experiences, the young boy was confined to the halls of his gigantic Bakuran Mansion.  He could only travel when under full health, and was never allowed to venture anywhere alone.  Accordingly, his mother issued two of her handmaidens to remain with him at all times.  The Eldest of the maidens, Sarisa, took an extreme liking to the handsome young boy.  She nurtured him in the motherly ways that Aylanna could not.  When Thran would wake in the night, crying because of nightmares, it was Sarisa that calmed him.  The Second of the maidens, a young girl named Jenny'ri, was of Thran's age and became his best friend.  At the age of 7, Thran first named himself.  Because he had never been called by a name, he chose one that he had overheard in a conversation.  While gossiping about local boys one evening, the handmaidens made a particular fuss about a young man name Thran.  Instantly hoping to be the apple of their eyes, the young boy began calling himself by that name.

Shortly after adopting this new name, during the peak of his health, young Thran took a trip to a distant wilderness lake with his mother and her maidens. After playing on the beach and dabbling in the water, the group left without the boy.  Into the night, Thran went searching for his family and a route home.  To his misfortune, the boy encountered a man who had been wanted on the charges of serial murder.  Many people had vanished and were likely killed at the hands of this mad man.  As the man took the boy to his home to “stay”, Thran felt a sudden unease in the air.  As he slept that night, the man crept into his room. As fate would have it, Thran woke before the man could strike.  Lunging from the bed, the boy fought with all his heart, unleashing years of pent up rage. Somehow wrestling him to the ground, a small but extremely venomous snake bit the man in the throat.  As he contorted and writhed in his last breaths, Thran desecrated the man's body.  As he tore him limb from limb, the small serpent climbed over the boy's shoulders as if to draw from the sudden release of evil.  There the snake lay all night, until suspicious authorities came in the morning.  When they looked at the body, they feared that some sort of wild beast had killed the innocent man.  After investigating the house and finding the remains of nearly 100 victims, the police took the boy in for questioning.  When he admitted to murdering the psychopath, Thran was released from custody with no further investigation.  The serpent that saved the young boy's life soon became iconic for the young lad, and when he was of age he tattooed a likeness of it in the same position that it had laid that night.
==== The Trial and Exile ====
{{Quote|What doesn’t kill him will only make him stronger…| Aphelia speaking about the testing of Thran}}

As the boy grew older, his health improved dramatically.  By his teenage years, Thran had become very handsome and though he was a social outcast, he was sought after by many girls his age.  While this prospect amused him, Thran sought only to impress his closest friend, Jenny'ri.  At the age of 14, during a school ball, Jenny'ri was struck by her boyfriend.  Enraged, Thran, alone, fought 7 of the boy's friends, subsequently killing 2 of them.  After finding the body's school officials expelled Thran, a rather light punishment considering the crime.  No longer welcomed in town, Thran, again, was forced to remain in his home.  As the years went on, Thran became paired with Jenny'ri for the Feather and the Bowl, a Bakuran tradition.  Though he did not believe in the religion taught, Thran tried his hardest, and was ultimately named the Feather of his pairing.  To this day, he felt guilty that his pairing was with Jenny'ri, as his success doomed her to failure.

At the age of 17, Thran left Bakura without any warningHe left his family and the few friends he had behindWith a pocket full of credits, Thran sought to start his own fortune.
====  ====
As he aged, he grew increasingly detached from those around him, entranced by his own greatness. The awkward Kast boy had grown up to become a handsome young man.  At age 15, a young woman by the name of Jenny’ri Sanniran had been paired with him by the traditional [[starwars:Cosmic Balance|Rule of the Feather and Bowl]]The pair was inseparable during this time and the young man clearly drew her attention away from her studies.   

=== Luck, Lust, and Luster ===

Stumbling from casino to the bars and back again, became a regular routine for the wild outworlder. In a matter of months, his disgusting luck and incredibly slick methods of cheating, mostly attributed to his uncanny connection to the force, had earned Thran nearly 2 million credits.  As the sums of money grew larger and larger, Thran, now in the Recee System, began the life of a playboy.  Night after night, he would party until the sun rose. Women came and went faster than the swoops he raced. By age 21, Thran owned several large homes and many properties on many different worlds, all the product of his gambling.
====  Money ====
{{Quote| Three Hundred Billion credits and you can’t buy me a drink?| Anonymous woman}}

=== Corporate Sedition ===

In one game of dice, Thran had bet everything he owned and himself against another man's entire Corporate EmpireConfident that he would win, Thran rolled his way into the greatest portion of his lifeNow able to do anything that pleased him, Occasus divided his company into nearly 20 blanket corporations which began to filter more and more money into his coffersThough the total sum of money Thran makes is unknown, it is suspected to be more than enough to purchase an entire Imperial Fleet. Known to have enough money that any wish he has becomes reality,  
At age 17, now named Thran Occasus, the young man set out on adventures and pursuit of wealthSomewhere between Bakura and the other side of the Galaxy, Derc Kast had disappearedWith Contacts his mother held in the fashion world, Thran Occasus began albeit brief campaign in Modeling.  His handsome young physique made him an overnight face for high fashion undergarments and cologneAmong laughter and rumors, he found himself realizing that he could not get what he wanted from strutting around in his underwear for a living.   He reverted to business, and erased his memory of the terrible year he'd spent as a male model.
=== Kiss of Shadows ===
=== Dreams of a Dark Lord ===

== DJB Facts ==

Apprentice to Grandmaster Chi-Long
====  Comfortably Numb  ====
{{Quote| 150 kilos of the finest spice in all the land…Looks like someone is partying tonight…| Drug dealer on delivering a parcel to Thran}}

Apprentice to Lusankya
For two years, Thran lived an unbridled life as a playboy and socialite, earning him many friends and enemies along the way.  He was business buy day, and party at night.  The rumors said it was the spice that kept him from just falling over and dying from overexertion.  He was known for womanizing, and flaunting his wealth. Some claimed him to be reckless, but in all honesty Thran had nothing better to do.  By this stage in his life, Thran had no emotional connections with anyone.  Home was far away, He never stayed in one place long enough to call it home, Women would stay with him but be gone in the morning; and he loved it.

Apprentice to Godo Nurok

===  Dreams of a Dark Lord |  The [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]  ===
{{Quote|  You have…potential…| Braecen Kaeth}}

=== Positions Held ===

Rollmaster [[House Bane|House Bane (Closed)]]
====  Clan Exar Kun  ====
The Dark Side called him, and he was brought to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood under Clan Exar Kun, where he immediately established himself as one of the most promising students the Clan had ever seen.  In the frigid halls of Castle Frost, Thran Occasus took the first steps into what would truly be his destiny.  Taking note of this, [[Grandmaster]] [[Chi-Long]] expressed interest in taking the young Thran under his tutelage. The Dark Lord could feel the presence within him, something that could only be tapped into when chosen to. The Force was strong with him and planets would fall in line.  Shortly into his training, after the [[Clan Exar Kun]] merged with [[Clan Satal Keto]] to form [[Clan Plagueis]] Chi-Long vanished.  Thran's instruction was passed along to a strong Sith by the name of Lusankya, who helped Thran reach the rank of [[Jedi Hunter]].  Thran felt slowed, like he was being held back our of Master's fears of him.  After a brief recess from Training, Thran was passed over to [[Godo Nurok]] for the final stage of his instruction.  The [[Lightsaber]] was a part of Thran, he had quickly mastered the Duelist's Form.

Commander Kun's Requiem
After reaching [[Dark Jedi Knight]], Thran Occasus joined forces with long-time friend [[Braecen Kaeth]] to lead [[House Exar Kun]].  Their work was greatly successful and lead to the benefit of the entire clan.  However, Turmoil between the Proconsul [[Salth Khan]] and then Consul [[Sarin]] once again blocked the Sith's campaign for more.  Without the strong allegiance to his Aedile, Braecen fled the Clan.  Occasus was detained during the Rites of Supremacy, forcing him to remain in the volatile Clan.  He was dangerous, but they could still keep him in check.

Commander 19th Legion: [[Blades of Kun]]

[[Aedile]] [[House Exar Kun]]
====  The Empire ====
Upon his departure, Thran sought to follow his old friend, who had already worked his way up to Quaestor in Clan Scholae Palatinae.  The old allegiance would be beneficial for both parties, but more so for Thran.  After several stints as [[Battle Team]] Leader, Braecen, who had recently been appointed [[Consul]], enlisted Thran’s help to unify the leadership of the Clan.

Commander [[Souls of Darkness]]
Prejudices were held against Thran for his actions.  He seemed aloof, uncaring for the rigid structure the clan had supported before he arrived.  He didn't care, he was going to Conquer and steal his way to the top. 

Commander [[Draco Conspicari]]

[[Rollmaster]] [[House Acclivis Draco]]
[[File:ThranImage2.jpg|thumb|292px|left|Thran Occasus posing in the setting sun]]

Commander [[Dragon Guard]]
====  Caliburnus ====
Thran bounced between relationships until he was conscripted to [[Acclivis Draco]].  Braecen requested that his friend invest “special interest” in [[Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven]] who held the position of [[Aedile]].  Something about the older woman stuck out to him, so he began to pursue her romantically.  Although she expressed no interest in the beginning, Thran’s tenacity eventually roped her in.  Thran advised her as troubles with the  [[Acclivis Draco|HAD]] summit shook the house.  Though she was in no place to do so, she seemed to trust him.  After the longest relationship of Thran’s life, they continued to see each other throughout Thran’s usurping of the command of [[Caliburnus]]. He had been appointed Aedile, but only for a moment.

Aedile House Caliburnus
He had nearly claimed the Proconsul Spot from [[Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine|Phoenix]], and was elected to work with Impetus in House Caliburnus.  Thran, in a vain attempt to steal the coveted Caliburnus Lightsaber, dragged Rasilvenaira into the forests of Ptolomea.  He got to the lightsaber first, but what happened was not what he expected.  The Force revealed itself to him.  The saber showed him visions of the Past, Present, and Future.  He was now Quaestor of House Caliburnus.

[[Quaestor]] House Caliburnus
As Quaestor of the House, Thran had invested a fortune into the House.  He personally donated [[Dynasty Station]] and invested in the House's Facilities.  Behind the controls of a TIE Fighter, he eventually established his place in the military community of Clan Scholae Palatinae.  He spent hundreds of thousands of Credits gathering the rarest creatures in the Galaxy for the Clan to have.  And for a personal pet, a mischievous lizard named Demas. Having flown many missions, he was awarded Top Ace, best of the best. Life was good.

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
Thran had learned great things about himself exploring the Caverns under Ptolomea's dark jungles.  He had learned a great deal more about his plans.  In a vision, deep in the Cave, he saw himself Ruler of All.  Two figures appeared to him, testing him.  He had failed the test, and he was distraught. Without warning, Thran vanished. Gone off to change what the Anonymous spirits told him. 

Loud Mouth, First Eschelon

First Dark Paladin of Scholae Palatinae
====  Dorimad Sol ====
{{Quote| I know what you are here for...| [[Dakari Kaeth Palpatine]]}}

High Admiral of Clan Scholae Palatinae's TIE Corps

Curator of Clan Menagerie
After his tenure as Quaestor of Caliburnus, Occasus discovered that he had a daughter. It was only part of the reason why he'd left. He immediately brought her to live with him and begin her studies of the Force. Originally, he kept her as a servant in his hidden jungle mansion on [[Ptolomea]], unsure of how to tell her the secret. A precocious 9, the girl quickly figured it out. Eventually, she came to live with Rasilvenaira who showed far more compassion than he could. They lived on Ptolomea for sometime, Thran making an odd living here or there.

Clan Scapegoat

Proprietor of Thran's Place Cantina, [[Ptolomea]]
[[Caina]] was calling him. The Sith kept his affairs in line on Ptolomea, but moved to Caina where he became the Aedile of House Dorimad Sol. It didn't last for long. Dakari, a Sith [[Battlelord]], knew what would happen when he walked through the doors. He found it wise to step down, lest he find himself dead one morning.

Galaxy's Most Eligible Bachelor, Emeritus
Occasus quickly stepped up. The project; A Castle. The old image of [[House Ziost]]'s Castle Frost stuck in his mind. Ice Worlds were good for beginnings. The original plan failed. The House was left out in the cold. Moving to the warmer Central Climes, a New Project began; Arx Ondorii. The crowning jewel of Caina, the building became a central reminder of the wealth and prosperity Thran brought with him. House Dorimad Sol, had gone face to face with Rasilvenaira and House Caliburnus. House Dorimad Sol won and the relationship between the two Quaestor's fell apart.

== Trivia ==
Thran continued to see prosperity. He was moving upwards. He'd planned coups on Phoenix, and was edging towards the big seat. Phoenix retired, and his opening came. With great resentment, Thran became Proconsul.

Has a Yoda Change purse hanging from his rear view window.
====  The Throne  ====
More to Come...

Once dreamed he was the Mars Rover.

Makes portraits made from toasted bread.
==  DJB Facts  ==

Wishes he was Bizzy-Bone.
=== Apprenticeships ===
* [[Apprentice]] to Grandmaster Chi-Long
* Apprentice to Lusankya
* Apprentice to Godo Nurok

Routinely talks to himself.
===  Positions Held  ===
* Rollmaster, [[House Bane|House Bane (Closed)]]
* [[Commander]], Kun's Requiem
* Commander 19th Legion: [[Blades of Kun]]
* [[Aedile]], [[House Exar Kun]]
* Commander, [[Souls of Darkness]]
* Commander, [[Draco Conspicari]]
* [[Rollmaster]], [[Acclivis Draco]]
* Commander, [[Dragon Guard]]
* Aedile, [[Caliburnus]]
* [[Quaestor]], House Caliburnus
* Aedile, [[Dorimad Sol]]
* Quaestor, House Dorimad Sol
* [[Proconsul]], Clan Scholae Palatinae
* [[Consul]], Clan Scholae Palatinae

===  Outstanding Achievements  ===
[[Category: DJB Characters]]
* Loud Mouth, First Echelon
[[Category: Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
* First [[Dark Paladins of Scholae Palatinae|Dark Paladin]] of Scholae Palatinae
* High Admiral of Clan Scholae Palatinae's TIE Corps
* Curator of Clan Menagerie
[[Category:Legacy of Palpatine]]
[[Category:Scholae Palatinae members]]

Latest revision as of 15:40, 29 July 2024

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Exodus era.New Order era.
Thran Occasus née Derc Alphons Kast
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description

Human (Bakuran)








Sandy blonde



Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Arx Capital Exchange, Clan Scholae Palatinae, Imperial Mission, Caliburnus, House of Kast, Sith, Vectivian School,Occ-Var Industries,

Personal Ship:

Olus Vision (CEC YT-1930), Allium (Lambda-class T4a Shuttle), TIE Defender, Anything that Flies



[ Source ]

"Too wise for a Sith, Too smart for an Obelisk, Too arrogant for a Krath."
―Chi-Long, speaking of Thran Occasus

" Some things just don't change...Thran is one of 'em"
― Anonymous

Thran Occasus is a member of Clan Scholae Palatinae and a fiery member of the Sith Order. Currently holding the position of Proconsul in Clan Scholae Palatinae, his reputation as a usurper of power leaves him under constant watch. Vain by nature, he is “plagued” by good looks. Above his natural beauty, his connection to the Force is extraordinarily strong. His charm and his guile have led him to be one of the most hated and feared Leaders of his Clan.

Thran is a master of deceit and manipulation. A purist of the Sith Code, he is a master practitioner of the lightsaber form Makashi.

Character History

The House that Kast Built | Before the Brotherhood

" If Callus had only known his son…They could have conquered the Galaxy"
― Aylanna Sokane, speaking of the Demise of the House of Kast

Thran Occasus-Palpatine was born Derc Kast on Bakura in 1 ABY to father Callus Fen Kast and mother Aylanna Kast (née Sokane). Callus, an Imperial Scientist, specialized in Repulsor technologies. Aylanna was the former Prima-Ballerina of the Imperial Ballet Company and later took a position as an instructor for dance troop on Bakura. The couple had five children; four daughters and a single son, Derc.

Family History

Callus Fen Kast was born in 41 BBY on Bakura. Coming from a typical middle-class family, Callus received proved to be a brilliant student and in his youth was given the Feather in his Feather and Bowl pairing. With a bright and open future, Callus opted to enlist in the Imperial Academy at Carida.

After several years and many planet relocations, the Family came to settle on Bakura when Callus became involved in developments for Repulsor Docking Mechanisms.

The couple had a child, a Daughter, Shir'Ciri, shortly after moving to Bakura.

Now in his early Forties, Callus could focus on the growth of his family. In 1 ABY, Aylanna gave birth to their fifth child, a boy, Derc. The Family was content, until 4 ABY. In the early part of the year, Callus had received a contract from none other than the Emperor himself. The Emperor wanted these repulsor pads installed in the Second Deathstar. The Contract was huge, he could not refuse. He immediately packed his bags and left for Endor. Callus toiled until he was killed in the Destruction of the Station at the Battle of Endor.

While Aylanna had lost her husband, she had acquired his entire inheritance including the vast contract that was signed. Through careful maneuvering of funds, she ensured a trove of money deeper than those of many Planets.

Awakening to Darkness

" The boy is too mild mannered, too fragile, too shaken up to be guilty of this heinous act. Even if he had done it, who cares? "
― Official Police Statement

The dwindling Kast Family remained comfortable in the shadows of the Empire in pre invasion Bakura. Without warning Aylanna fled the planet, to go on a tour around the Galaxy. They had left, with her keen intuition. They had avoided the Ssi-ruuk Invasion entirely. She brought along her Daughter, her Son, and her handmaidens. While visiting the inner rim, her young son was scouted by opportunistic talent agents. While she declined their offers, she did see what they were claiming and began putting the boy through rigorous training.

He became learned, the through hours of tedious instruction administered by the Handmaidens. While a youth, he enjoyed being a dangerous. At age 9, while on Vacation at a classy mountain resort, the young boy was abducted from his custodians. Taken to a hidden cabin in the mountains, the perverted captor had plans for what would inevitably become Cannibalism. One evening, the young boy had managed to worm free of his restraints. Sneaking through the night, he wielded a weapon in one hand. He perched waiting to strike the would be killer, when he noticed a small snake.

He recalled his studies. Aposematism. Bright colored animals were usually venomous. Carefully, the boy wrangled the crimson serpent and placed it in bed with the man. He watched, gleefully as the snake bit the man over and over again. He screamed with pain, and the little boy laughed. When the captor had finally died, the now twisted young boy began to slice the body of the man.

After his rescue, it was noted for the record that the boy was found playing with the poisonous snake. The little Serpent would become a symbol of the man he would become, insidious and mistakably deadly.

The Trial and Exile

"What doesn’t kill him will only make him stronger…"
― Aphelia speaking about the testing of Thran

As he aged, he grew increasingly detached from those around him, entranced by his own greatness. The awkward Kast boy had grown up to become a handsome young man. At age 15, a young woman by the name of Jenny’ri Sanniran had been paired with him by the traditional Rule of the Feather and Bowl. The pair was inseparable during this time and the young man clearly drew her attention away from her studies.


" Three Hundred Billion credits and you can’t buy me a drink?"
― Anonymous woman

At age 17, now named Thran Occasus, the young man set out on adventures and pursuit of wealth. Somewhere between Bakura and the other side of the Galaxy, Derc Kast had disappeared. With Contacts his mother held in the fashion world, Thran Occasus began albeit brief campaign in Modeling. His handsome young physique made him an overnight face for high fashion undergarments and cologne. Among laughter and rumors, he found himself realizing that he could not get what he wanted from strutting around in his underwear for a living. He reverted to business, and erased his memory of the terrible year he'd spent as a male model.

Comfortably Numb

" 150 kilos of the finest spice in all the land…Looks like someone is partying tonight…"
― Drug dealer on delivering a parcel to Thran

For two years, Thran lived an unbridled life as a playboy and socialite, earning him many friends and enemies along the way. He was business buy day, and party at night. The rumors said it was the spice that kept him from just falling over and dying from overexertion. He was known for womanizing, and flaunting his wealth. Some claimed him to be reckless, but in all honesty Thran had nothing better to do. By this stage in his life, Thran had no emotional connections with anyone. Home was far away, He never stayed in one place long enough to call it home, Women would stay with him but be gone in the morning; and he loved it.

Dreams of a Dark Lord | The Dark Jedi Brotherhood

" You have…potential…"
― Braecen Kaeth

Clan Exar Kun

The Dark Side called him, and he was brought to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood under Clan Exar Kun, where he immediately established himself as one of the most promising students the Clan had ever seen. In the frigid halls of Castle Frost, Thran Occasus took the first steps into what would truly be his destiny. Taking note of this, Grandmaster Chi-Long expressed interest in taking the young Thran under his tutelage. The Dark Lord could feel the presence within him, something that could only be tapped into when chosen to. The Force was strong with him and planets would fall in line. Shortly into his training, after the Clan Exar Kun merged with Clan Satal Keto to form Clan Plagueis Chi-Long vanished. Thran's instruction was passed along to a strong Sith by the name of Lusankya, who helped Thran reach the rank of Jedi Hunter. Thran felt slowed, like he was being held back our of Master's fears of him. After a brief recess from Training, Thran was passed over to Godo Nurok for the final stage of his instruction. The Lightsaber was a part of Thran, he had quickly mastered the Duelist's Form.

After reaching Dark Jedi Knight, Thran Occasus joined forces with long-time friend Braecen Kaeth to lead House Exar Kun. Their work was greatly successful and lead to the benefit of the entire clan. However, Turmoil between the Proconsul Salth Khan and then Consul Sarin once again blocked the Sith's campaign for more. Without the strong allegiance to his Aedile, Braecen fled the Clan. Occasus was detained during the Rites of Supremacy, forcing him to remain in the volatile Clan. He was dangerous, but they could still keep him in check.

The Empire

Upon his departure, Thran sought to follow his old friend, who had already worked his way up to Quaestor in Clan Scholae Palatinae. The old allegiance would be beneficial for both parties, but more so for Thran. After several stints as Battle Team Leader, Braecen, who had recently been appointed Consul, enlisted Thran’s help to unify the leadership of the Clan.

Prejudices were held against Thran for his actions. He seemed aloof, uncaring for the rigid structure the clan had supported before he arrived. He didn't care, he was going to Conquer and steal his way to the top.

Thran Occasus posing in the setting sun


Thran bounced between relationships until he was conscripted to Acclivis Draco. Braecen requested that his friend invest “special interest” in Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven who held the position of Aedile. Something about the older woman stuck out to him, so he began to pursue her romantically. Although she expressed no interest in the beginning, Thran’s tenacity eventually roped her in. Thran advised her as troubles with the HAD summit shook the house. Though she was in no place to do so, she seemed to trust him. After the longest relationship of Thran’s life, they continued to see each other throughout Thran’s usurping of the command of Caliburnus. He had been appointed Aedile, but only for a moment.

He had nearly claimed the Proconsul Spot from Phoenix, and was elected to work with Impetus in House Caliburnus. Thran, in a vain attempt to steal the coveted Caliburnus Lightsaber, dragged Rasilvenaira into the forests of Ptolomea. He got to the lightsaber first, but what happened was not what he expected. The Force revealed itself to him. The saber showed him visions of the Past, Present, and Future. He was now Quaestor of House Caliburnus.

As Quaestor of the House, Thran had invested a fortune into the House. He personally donated Dynasty Station and invested in the House's Facilities. Behind the controls of a TIE Fighter, he eventually established his place in the military community of Clan Scholae Palatinae. He spent hundreds of thousands of Credits gathering the rarest creatures in the Galaxy for the Clan to have. And for a personal pet, a mischievous lizard named Demas. Having flown many missions, he was awarded Top Ace, best of the best. Life was good.

Thran had learned great things about himself exploring the Caverns under Ptolomea's dark jungles. He had learned a great deal more about his plans. In a vision, deep in the Cave, he saw himself Ruler of All. Two figures appeared to him, testing him. He had failed the test, and he was distraught. Without warning, Thran vanished. Gone off to change what the Anonymous spirits told him.

Dorimad Sol

" I know what you are here for..."
Dakari Kaeth Palpatine

After his tenure as Quaestor of Caliburnus, Occasus discovered that he had a daughter. It was only part of the reason why he'd left. He immediately brought her to live with him and begin her studies of the Force. Originally, he kept her as a servant in his hidden jungle mansion on Ptolomea, unsure of how to tell her the secret. A precocious 9, the girl quickly figured it out. Eventually, she came to live with Rasilvenaira who showed far more compassion than he could. They lived on Ptolomea for sometime, Thran making an odd living here or there.

Caina was calling him. The Sith kept his affairs in line on Ptolomea, but moved to Caina where he became the Aedile of House Dorimad Sol. It didn't last for long. Dakari, a Sith Battlelord, knew what would happen when he walked through the doors. He found it wise to step down, lest he find himself dead one morning.

Occasus quickly stepped up. The project; A Castle. The old image of House Ziost's Castle Frost stuck in his mind. Ice Worlds were good for beginnings. The original plan failed. The House was left out in the cold. Moving to the warmer Central Climes, a New Project began; Arx Ondorii. The crowning jewel of Caina, the building became a central reminder of the wealth and prosperity Thran brought with him. House Dorimad Sol, had gone face to face with Rasilvenaira and House Caliburnus. House Dorimad Sol won and the relationship between the two Quaestor's fell apart.

Thran continued to see prosperity. He was moving upwards. He'd planned coups on Phoenix, and was edging towards the big seat. Phoenix retired, and his opening came. With great resentment, Thran became Proconsul.

The Throne

More to Come...

DJB Facts


  • Apprentice to Grandmaster Chi-Long
  • Apprentice to Lusankya
  • Apprentice to Godo Nurok

Positions Held

Outstanding Achievements

  • Loud Mouth, First Echelon
  • First Dark Paladin of Scholae Palatinae
  • High Admiral of Clan Scholae Palatinae's TIE Corps
  • Curator of Clan Menagerie