40 ABY to 49 ABY

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(Redirected from 43 ABY)

The following took place between the years of 40 ABY to 49 ABY.


40 ABY

  • Rebuilding after the heavy losses incurred on Arx, the Grand Master and Headmistress work to manipulate events behind the scenes. The secret construction of a Shadow Academy continues, with the intent for it to serve as a safe hidden bastion for their accumulated knowledge. Although the investigation into the mysterious crystals continues in secret, the Clans each gain knowledge through various means.
  • Inquisitorial agents search the galaxy of the mysterious force that attacked Dandoran but with mixed success. Unknown to them, the Seer continues to watch their operations, and various members continue to fall silent.
  • Clan Arcona sees a shift in leadership, with the hiring of two new Proconsuls while facing the remaining threat of the so-called gods. The clan undergoes substantial reorganisation during this time.
  • Overlord Stahoes retires from public life in Clan Naga Sadow, and dedicates himself to finding certain antiquities. During this time the Orian system sees a number of major changes, with the establishment of an underground city, a new naval repair facility, and a major renovation of the Dentavii Prime asteroid. House Marka Ragnos has strengthened its holdings and assets, while House Shar Dakhan has cracked down to act as a dark champion of order.
  • Clan Odan-Urr faced an intrusion by hostile mercenaries targetting the Sentinel Network's monitoring satellites and was forced to intercept them. Even with a successful interception, they were able to broadcast limited information to a contact on the Godless Matron. These groups were later found to be linked to the Black Sun, and another unknown faction likely linked to the deposed Galactic Empire.
  • The Dread Lord's Wrath, Alaris Jinn of Clan Plagueis, reappeared in Aliso City after being absent for weeks. Rumours are that he travelled into the Deep Core, to the Clan's lost homeworld of Jusadih. During this time, both of the Clan's Houses are able to consolidate their positions of power but were largely left to fend for themselves.
  • Following repelling an attack on Tokare City, Clan Scholae Palatinae committed to performing intelligence operations against the Republic of the Force and the Wards of the Force. Although in disarray, both groups retained the majority of their naval power and were thought to be establishing a new headquarters on Korgollo Major or Minor.
  • Securing victory in the Port Kasiya Invasion, Clan Taldryan was able to claim ownership Kasiya Tower, which became the base of operations for House Ektrosis. Nevertheless tensions between the Clan and Caelus System remained high, thanks to Chancellor Ky'Lian blaming Clan Taldryan for the prison break on Orth during the invasion. Investigation into why was accompanied by a mysterious hack into Taldryan's communication and security systems.
  • Although progressing well in the establishment of their base on Daemunn, the activities of Clan Vizsla drew the attention of pirates. Raiding the wealth of metals and supplies travelling to the world, they even went so far as to attack the ships of House Wren. This led to the Clan declaring open war upon the pirates, seeking to end their threat and claim the bounty on their leader's head.
  • After months of searching, the agents of the Dark Council are able to locate and recover information relating to the threat they face, along with a name - The Children of Mortis. Divided into factions known as the Lightbringers, Truthwardens, and Shadowseers to supposedly follow the Light, Grey, and Dark aspects of the Force, they have grown strong while ignored by the wider galaxy. Giving the Clans various crystals to experiment upon and research as needed, the Grand Master prepares to face this threat, even as a Brotherhood spy infiltrates the enemy ranks.
  • On Selen, Clan Arcona faced a major conflict at the height of winter, as the Clan's foes targeted and then attacked its primary power sources. Against the mysterious gods and their cultists, the Arconans proved victorious and repelled the invasion with resounding success, and leaving little damage to repair. After receiving their batch of crystals from the Brotherhood, the Clan began to fully investigate and experiment with the new technology.
  • Clan Naga Sadow's efforts to ancient secrets and power continued, with their Overlord establishing the Temple of Darkness on the surface of Sepros. One surprising discovery made at this time was the return of the REFUGE station, which had travelled the Hydian Way at seemingly random paths. Its latest stop brought with it an auction for a lost artifact but, upon gaining it, the Clan discovered the relic was a fake. During this same time, two new cities were constructed on the surface of Sepros and construction has begun across Orian itself, leading to a small economic boom in the Outer Rim star system. Hungering for more power, the Clan made a plan to break the orbital blockade over Kinestia and raid the city below.
  • On Solyiat, the Consular Conclave of Clan Odan-Urr discovered a lost Jedi ruin on their new homeworld along with an ancient holocron. At the same time, many Force users undergo premonitions of the dark side rising and Sentinel Network agents investigate reports that a new foe wants to “liberate” Odan-Urr’s home.
  • Taking control of Fort Dooku, Khryso Mallus claimed control of Clan Plagueis' House Tyranus. At the same time stray signals were detected around Aliso II, the faint brown dwarf that was the secondary stellar object within the Aliso system. With the reasons behind it remaining unclear, the clan prepared to mount an expedition to the former Plagueis throneworld.
  • Clan Scholae Palatinae faced a sudden upheaval, with members of Scholae Palatinae and Taldryan being seemingly in a dream state thanks to the violent interaction between two of their relics. At the same time, increasingly violent protests pushed for President Jayden Winter’s resignation, pushing the system to the brink of civil war.
  • With the investigation of Elysia concluded with House Thanatos setting up in the ancient temple of Aidos, the leaders of Clan Taldryan pushed to repair and bolster its infrastructure. With former Chancellor Ky'Lian's removal from power, new candidates were put forward to potentially replace them in a hopefully easy transition of power. This was not helped by the seeming loss of members during an event hosted by Scholae Palatinae to a mysterious dream state.
  • With Daemunn under Clan Vizsla's control, its members worked to repair and bring their new base back to operational strength. Although capturing several members of the Children of Mortis during the previous engagement, they were able to gain little information through interrogations.
  • The Fifteenth Great Jedi War breaks out, as the Children of Mortis seek to annihilate and scour all life from each Clan homeworld. In spite of heavy losses, their attacks fail, thanks largely to a staunch defensive effort and research put into their crystalline technology. The Father, the ruler of the Children, sees this as no setback to his plans, while the Grand Master continues up his attempts to locate his predecessor, Telaris Cantor.
  • With Clan Arcona now having endured two major assaults in the same year on their home, they focus upon stabilizing their position. Resentment among Selen's populace remains high thanks to the constant violence on their homeworld. Seeking to reverse their fortunes of being constantly in a state of defense, a minor Hutt leader and relative to an old foe of the Clan, Chutil’ah, was uncovered by their agents. The Hutt had been both supplying arms to their enemies and trafficking Force-sensitive children. This gave the Arconan's a target to attack, and potentially a means to ease the continual assaults on their home.
  • In the wake of the war with the Children, Clan Naga Sadow reinforced its holdings with new additions to its planetary assets. However, not all was good, as Overlord Stahoes had departed during the fighting, taking with him the Eye of the Overlord and leaving Darkhawk to take his place. With Tasha'Vel Versea promoted to the Clan's Warlord, the two worked to secure the Clan against further assaults; improving security and rooting out enemy spies.
  • Although Clan Odan-Urr recovered quickly from the fighting, oddities were soon found surrounding their home. During the invasion, an illegal mining operation had been established in the mountains of Trepus on Solyiat while a mysterious private auction with potential links to the murder of a Vatali royal heir had been quickly established. Seeking to infiltrate both, problems arose when many representatives of the Black Sun were present at the latter, bidding on recently recovered Sith relics, while a previously unknown Sith Temple had been uncovered within the former's mountain excavations. The Odanites were able to end both threats swiftly, driving off but not capturing most of the Black Sun members, but recovering a wealth of relics from the auction before it burned down. Unsure of how to proceed against the Sith Temple, which had seemingly drawn in and killed those that had uncovered it, the Odanites opted to blockade and establish a camp about its edges.
  • The assault by the Children of Mortis on Aliso left Clan Plagueis in a weakened position. Both House flagships were missing and presumed lost to battle, while Aliso City itself had taken the brunt of the assault. To help bolster recovery efforts, the Clan became reliant upon the newly activated Star Station Asuras. To further foster unity, they began sending envoys to the other Clans, hoping to encourage a better sense of common purpose among them.
  • Scholae Palatinae was left in a position of strength following the civil war within its system. With Emperor Lap'lamiz decreeing that the Clan would establish itself on the world of Seraph, they sought to establish their full dominion over the surrounding planets. A massive series of new structures, command chains and communications channels were reworked, with the establishment of both the SARLaC defense platform and a massive fortress city. Even so, this was not entirely without cost, as the long time home of the Clan, Ragnath, was left uninhabitable from the war.
  • Following the attack by the Children of Mortis, Clan Taldryan reformed itself into the Taldryan Republic. With new titles and a differing approach to working with other planets, they began negotiating with their neighbours. This led to a potential deal with the Saijo system, to liberate it from attacks by surrounding pirate groups. However, circumstances led to a Chyron invasion by a Pirate force entering the Caelus System in response.
  • The timing of the Children of Mortis' attack was especially poor against Clan Visla, as it directly followed a Great Hunt. Darcy Avarik, parjii or champion of the Hunt, led a widespread counter-attack against the invaders, with many still combat ready following the recently ended event. To celebrate and honour the fallen, a kote ky'ram was organised, but this ended as an emissary of Clan Fero burst in through the doors. Even while still licking their wounds, this affront was taken poorly by the Mandalorians. The message was returned to Clan Fero taped to the severed head of the emissary; a warning before a new hunt would begin targeting them.
  • Clan Plagueis presses ahead with its plans to better unify the Clans, inviting all but Clan Arcona to the fourth Pro Bowl event. Although the celebration was disrupted by an assault from Children of Mortis forces, the event continued with few real interruptions. The celebration was made in an effort to formulate and cement alliances between the Clans without the need to rely upon the Iron Throne. As the Brotherhood had left them to take the brunt of the Children's assault and arrived late to claim victory once the Clans had been mauled, this was not without merit. Some concessions were made in an effort to promote goodwill among them, but distrust remained high.

41 ABY

  • With Eos City having largely been rebuilt from the failed invasion of Arx, the Brotherhood focused its efforts outward. Although some withing the Brotherhood wished to take advantage of the galaxy's lack of any central governing power or the threat of the Children of Mortis, Grand Master Evant Taelyan remained focused upon discovering Telaris Cantor's fate.
  • Following an invasion into Hutt Space and the successful damage to Chutil’ah's business empire, the Hutt was dissuaded from further interfering with their efforts. With this done, the clan renewed its celebrations with Clan Odan-Urr on Kashyyk in an effort to strengthen their frayed alliance.
  • Having been provided intel on insurgent elements within their home system, Clan Naga Sadow further tightened its security measures on its worlds, while also looking to repurpose abandoned assets on their moons. Both of their Houses worked to pursue differing goals on various worlds during this time. Shar Dakhan remained vigilant for signs of Children of Mortis movements around Aeotheran, while Marka Ragnos sought to remove any possible Children of Mortis threat, from their mutated creatures to possible cells operating on each world.
  • Following its own celebrations with Clan Arcona, Clan Odan-Urr gained a number of new assets to its operations. Turning the Children of Mortis' own remaining crystal technology to their advantage, the clan founded a Locus Vera Farm, bearing fruit with noted enhanced healing properties. At the same time, archeological digs brought up what was dubbed the S.E.E.R. device, which could allow Force users to expand their senses across a full star system.
  • Clan Plagueis' actions in trying to support the Pro Bowl triggered a major shift within the organisation, a significant part of this thanks to outlawing slavery. A noted impact of the abolitionist shift was the downsizing of their enslaved soldiers, most of who opted to retire from a military service. In its place, the Clan founded a new droid army. Yet all was not well, as worlds near to the Aliso System had seen a significant rise in pirate attacks, along with visits by representatives to the Pinnacle in Aliso City.
  • Focusing upon internal stabilisation, Scholae Palatinae considered the value of the treaty Clan Plaguis had pushed forward during the Pro Bowl. Opting to outwardly support them, it secretly continued its existing deals with few changes. Continuing to build their new capital and fortress on Seraph criminal elements from the Hutt clans, specifically one Claudius the Hutt, began laying their own foundation of corruption within the Palatinae Empire.
  • The Taldryan Republic, having seen a prior year of trials and tests with ttempts of the Supreme Chancellor's life, the Pirate attack on Chyron, and the mysterious kidnapping of the Proconsul, opted to celebrate a fresh year on Fort Malgrim.
  • Seeking once again to try and annihilate Clan Fero, Clan Vizsla initiated another Great Hunt.
  • The erratic behaviour of Darth Nehalem (previously known as Evant) has split the Dark Council, as he continues to search for a way to pursue both the former Grand Master and the Children of Mortis. Receiving telepathic taunts and threats, Nehalem has sought to form a vast army to destroy the Children once and for all. Even so, he questions if they are not playing directly into their foes' hands. An army that could defeat and even absorb the Children of Mortis’ resources would be a powerful tool for Cantor in building the Empire he has long desired. Yet despite these doubts, Evant presses ahead with his plans.
  • Having cut the supply lines of its current enemies and receiving support from Clan Odan-Urr in its efforts, Clan Arcona has worked to secure some limited peace within its region of space. The greatest challenge to this is the Selenian 'gods' - genetically modified and Force sensitive caxqette beasts - with some roaming the frozen north, while others await in stasis to awaken. The constant monster hunt saw them gaining the support of local tribes in order to kill these creatures.
  • Clan Naga Sadow saw success in hunting down Children of Mortis groups within their domain, with the sheer volume of abominations being severely reduced. Even so, a new threat emerged as it was revealed groups of Jedi were working to incite rebellion among workers. Known as the Ilum Order and seemingly aligned with the Children of Mortis, these Jedi were working to destroy supplies, raid targets, and create an underground war to destroy Naga Sadow from within.
  • Clan Odan-Urr saw two ongoing objectives. The first of these was a challenge faced by the Guardian Corps. With a local murder leading to an underground operation to steal Sith relics from a previously hidden Sith Temple on Solyiat, the group was able to recover most of the relics despite those involved with the sale and purchase escaping. However, the group was given a lead when a member of the Black Sun approached them, indicating that the buyers were rogue members of his group and the sellers were a criminal organisation responsible for the dealings of lost Force cult relics - the Erebus Pact. The Guardian Corps was able to use the information to raid an asteroid base used by the group and destroy flotilla of Black Sun ships in the process, silencing both threats for the moment. At the same time, the wider clan use the scant information gained from the Sith Temple to gain knowledge of another Velastari Temple. With the mystery surrounding the Seven Pillar temples and the threat of the Illuminance Cult, they set off to deal with both possible objectives.
  • Confederacy of the Outer Reaches had been slowly growing, increasing the influence of Clan Plagueis within the sector around the Aliso System. The planet of Hurana had been bought into the fold following the annihilation of the pirate band operating from the Fortress of Kyriseema. With this success, both of Plagueis' Houses were tasked with persuading more signatories into joining the expanding group of worlds.
  • Seeking to expand its own reach into new regions, Clan Scholae Palatinae dispatched a group of representatives to the Crannix System. This operation revealed that that Hutt Cartel had gained influence over the sector's governing body. Upon the delegation's return to Seraph, each of the Clan's members were given mysterious invitations to Club Antonia on Ulress. For those who took the offer, they were entertained by the acid fizz stylings of one Zax Keevo, a Trandoshan musician, who may or may not be wanted by Imperial authorities for “murdering music”. At the same time, word reached the Emperor's desk of growing crime levels within the Caperion System, particularly of Spice abuse.
  • Thanks to their efforts in defeating both the local pirate elements and a superweapon they were threatening vessels with, an alliance was formed between the Taldryan Republic and the Saijo Sector. Even so, both the mysterious disappearance of the Elysia Governor, Koda Kendis, signs of Clone Wars era wreckage in the surrounding systems, and growing hostilities rising between the Clan and its neighbours, the Clan prepares itself for multiple crises.
  • Having defeated Clan Fero and the leader who falsely claimed to be Mandalore, Clan Vizsla claimed victory. However, this was not a total success, thanks to the threat of a Force user who was manipulating the enemy clan.
  • Following a meeting between the Dark Council, confirming that the Brotherhood had largely recovered and that the Children of Mortis could not be found, Darth Nehalem continued his efforts to mimic the portal capabilities displayed by the Children. Although failing in his efforts, he received a surprising telepathic contact in response to his efforts - A taunt from Telaris Cantor. Despite the apparent peace, the Grand Master confirmed to the Council that war was on the horizon, and they would need to wage it against both the Children and Cantor.
  • Having escaped from their past conflict to the Outer Rim, the Tenixir Revenants made contact with the Collective. Even with many of their members having been a part of the Collective, the group showed little awareness of their past operations or even current objectives. Having made several deals to trade technological components for credits, the Revenants also opted to hand over their former leader, Rasha Hawee, for possible experimentation or conversion into a combat automata.
  • In the Collective itself, Rath Oligard was becoming an increasing recluse, doing little to lead the Collective openly. Seemingly losing both his body and mind after his resurrection, Oligard had previously clawed his eyes from his head, and his body was so failing from disuse that technology was being used to maintain even just its basic functions. However, this was brought to an end after the other remaining members of the Collective leadership rebelled against his orders. This forced him to return once more to reality, abandoning his growing connection to the Force for the time being, and take personal control of the organization. Even with his absence however, the Collective had continued to improve its arsenal, with new cyborgs indoctrinated for war. However, Oligard is reminded of his brother Avitus, now fully allied with the Children of Mortis, when he is sent a telepathic message; the act rekindling Oligard's feelings of revenge once more.
  • Having ousted its previous leaders, the Severian Principate has effectively destroyed its entire military, reducing its standing fighting forces by less than half of their previous numbers, and dedicating the remaining once purely to humanitarian support. Having abandoned its past strengths, their plan now is to effectively be subservient to the Brotherhood's Sith and rely upon them for any military efforts.
  • Situated within the Ethereal Realm, the Children of Mortis have been at work, forming a crystalline fortress within the gap between realities. Although still allied with them and supporting their goals, Avitus Oligard was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with what he witnessed each passing day, and doubts were creeping into this heart. His companion, Saira, the Mother of the Father’s current flesh vessel, pressed him to flee given the direction in which the Children have taken. Even so, the Children pressed ahead with their plans, seeing to create a warped kind of balance to push forward with their plans, linking it between groups they claimed wished for the Force to remain chained and those who wish it to be unchained. The Brotherhood were seen as the former group. To this end, the Children began sending telepathic prompts, giving the Brotherhood concepts on how to form portals.
  • The constant psychic promptings of the Children of Mortis pushed Darth Nehalem into finding a solution to forming the portals. Having been given a means to pursue his enemies, Nehalem ordered that a portal on a grand scale will be constructed in order to advance into the realm the Children of Mortis occupy. Initial examinations into the realm describe it as haunted, but efforts to form logistics lines are pressed ahead and the Brotherhood is summoned for war.
  • Clan Arcona's difficulties with Selen's gods came to an end on the island of Tekpantli. A hidden resting place for one of the world's ancient Force users, Maustli, who conveyed his powers from his cryogenic stasis to his loyal island subjects through the Dream. Remarkably, while there were casualties on both sides, the clan was able to broker a tenuous peace following the destruction of Maustli's cryogenic chamber. Those trapped in the Nightmare were freed, while those loyal to Maustli were granted access to modern medicines, even if their god was now limited to a mortal lifespan.
  • The Orian system remained on high alert throughout the latter months of 41 ABY, though Clan Naga Sadow saw success in removing a faction of the Collective backed by a rogue Jedi cult, who had been responsible for raiding shipments from the Sepros Mining Outpost. Even so, with relatively few conflicts between the Sadowans and other renegade factions, it was believed that the Collective was gathering strength for a major operation.
  • The number of major changes, both to trade and military, placed Clan Plagueis under severe strain. Efforts were made to adjust individuals who now lacked a place within the clan, although this was met with some difficulty. The conflict with the Taldryan Republic on Kenari also proved that the accords signed between the clans had severe limits, and proved that the alliance would be a temporary thing at best.
  • Following an assassination attempt on the life of Emperor Kamjin Lap’lamiz, Vizier Thran took control of Scholae Palatinae. With the Emperor in critical condition, Thran declared martial law and then open war upon clan Tiure, the Hutt clan responsible for the attack.
  • In the wake of the massacre at Nery's Field due to weapons tampering, Caleria, the sister city of Port Kasiya, cut off contact and network connections with the rest of Taldryan. However, the weapons themselves were found to be linked back to Caleria Weapons Plant. While Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Tyris attempted to resolve the situation diplomatically, a small team was dispatched through underground tunnels to infiltrate the Weapons Manufacturing Plant in their search for answers.
  • Learning that Arx's shipyards are preparing for war, and little information coming from their spies on the Brotherhood's capital world, Clan Vizsla prepares itself for war. Completely shutting of Daemunn from outsiders and stockpiling supplies for their military, the clan placed their hunt for Su Well on pause as they waited for an impending war.
  • Pro Bowl VII takes place on Nar Shaddaa. Beyond some individual chaos, the gathering proves to be uneventful.


40 ABY

41 ABY

42 ABY


40 ABY

41 ABY

  • Rasha Hawee, converted into Collective indoctrinated soldier

42 ABY

  • Essik Lyccane, slain by a Shadow in the Force covering an evacuation effort.

43 ABY

  • Ka Tarvitz, died as prophesized, in the doorway of ten lights.
Time Periods
Before Years After
30 ABY to 39 ABY 40 ABY to 49 ABY 50 ABY to 59 ABY