Built one the banks of the Great Northern Sea and the dense forest of the northern hemisphere. It is here, Clan Naga Sadow sought to repurpose the mines which were long forgotten. Now a valuable resource brings more than financial reprieve.
— DarkHawk Sadow
After the Great Jedi War: Ascension Great Jedi War: Ascension, Clan Summit began strengthening the defense assets in and around Sepros. During the survey process it was discovered that the mines in the northern hemisphere were more than salvageable. A plan to revitalize the mines and bring them online was set in place. Summit spared no expense when it came to the mining project. Including building a rail system to transport mined ore directly to a fortified spaceport for transportation to refineries or direct sales transactions.
A search for a northern outpost immediately ensued and bordering the rocky coast of the Great Northern Sea a large naturally formed bay was discovered to be ideal for development. The newly established Sepros Mining Outpost was constructed centered within the bay’s shoreline and the surrounding forest. Established in order to support the mining operations within the northern hemisphere, the trade settlement comfortably accommodates approximately fifteen hundred personnel. The outpost contains most amenities that one might find in a small established city. Day to day goods & service shops along with eateries are available for indulging patrons.
Outpost Design
Prefab homes & shops have been erected so Warhost members and civilian personnel can call these their homes away from home. Beyond the courtyard of homes to the north lies the dense Sepros forest, to the south lies the Great Northern Sea. A power fence entry gate is the only entrance into the outpost. There is only one access road to or from the outpost that leads down the western coast to the docks and spaceport.
Warhost Security Garrison
A Warhost Security Garrison headquarters building is the only multi story building within the outpost. A manned lookout tower overseeing the area stands nearly twenty meters high. The garrison is centered in the middle of the outpost, allowing for a 360 degree view of the area surroundings. The garrison oversees the day to day security enforcement of the area. The garrison Commander reports directly to the Sepros Ground Forces Commander, who reports to the Proconsul. The garrison maintains stringent oversight over all rail transports, the shipping and disposal of mined material to include entry/exit clearances for all workers and visitors.
Defense Systems
The garrison houses both ground and aerial forces to patrol the northern hemisphere. Each rail delivery is accompanied by aerial patrols before being processed and loaded on to Warhost supply ships. Defensive batteries have been established throughout the settlement area to circumvent any hostile attack from air or ground. Engineers pulled out all the stops to make the interior of outposts as defensible as possible. The garrison maintains a stringent patrol routine of the area.
Conveyex Transport System

To ensure that the mined ore reaches the facilities at the spaceport, an Conveyex Transport System has been put in place. Each mine within the northern hemisphere has a direct rail line into a designated terminal within the spaceport. The conveyex travels at high speeds along magnetic guides towing multiple containers of precious ore material. As a secondary security precaution each rail line has an aerial escort assigned patrolling each rail route.

The spaceport accommodates craft of Frigate designation or smaller. One half of the spaceport deals exclusively with mining operation & logistics, where the other half deals with the import/export of personnel & supplies..
The spaceport lies just two kilometers from the outpost. Each mine has its own terminal within the spaceport. The rail transports ore directly into the facility before having its payload processed and readied for shipment. The supply transports are accompanied by a squadron of Warhost T-70 X-wings which are based out of the spaceport.
Sepros’ natural resources provide the outpost with power & water. A geothermal energy station was the solution. This outpost's primary power source is from the rich geothermal energy of the planet’s core. Drilling down several hundred feet before discovering huge underground reservoirs. The station pumps steam and hot water back up to the surface into a series of storage tanks. From there it is pumped out into the outpost allowing for the comfortability of climate control in each dwelling.
In addition to geothermal energy, a hydroelectric power plant was built to sustain power to all the energy consuming assets of the outpost & Warhost. The ceaseless tides of the Great Northern Sea feeds large hydroelectric generators. These generators turn constantly providing a steady flow power throughout the outpost. The power plant houses a water treatment station that pumps water from the sea then converts it to potable water for the entire outpost.