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- "Never Tempt the Might"
- ―From Eton Jade 'Battle of Keldorn Straits'
This is the timeline of the life and doings of Nul'Brodo'a.
Illysia, Brodo's Mother
- "The Past, Present and Future
Are all visible in a child's eyes "
- ―Unknown
Born Nul'Brodo'a, though he would be called Brodo for short. His parents were Illysia and Korvem. Korvem was a military leader of skill and prestige in the Nul military. He lead the 2nd Grand Battalion into several conquests along the outer rim of the Nul space. His mother was an outsider, a half Kiffar from the shipyards surrounding the planet Sluis Van. She was on a freighter assisting her employers in transporting a load of metals for the factory's foundries when it came under attack by pirates. The captain of the freighter sent the vessel into a blind hyperspace jump. Amongst all the manouvers the man could have done, a blind hyperspace jump is likely to have been the most dangerous and foolish choice possible. In the end, the freighter skimmed an asteroid and left hyperspace in a tumble, barely under power. Only Illysia and the helmsman was left alive, and they worked together to get the spin under control.
A frigate in the Nul military at the time, the Cordite Hawk, was in the vicinity at the time, and recorded the entire reentry to normal space, and the subsequent slowing of the spin. The Hawk, led by a young Korvem, hailed the severely damaged ship, and offered assistance, which was quickly taken. The helmsman died of his wounds after being transported to the frigate, but Illysia was alive, and fell in love with her rescuer, Korvem, deciding to stay with him rather than returning to her life of work and toil. They would make their home in the Shin'Tar District of Shaevalis City, the capital of Shaevalis Prime.
- 75 BBY - Assasination attempt
- "Few would deign to such a heresy, as an assassin to a murder"
- ―Nul'Korvem'a
This attempt, which unfortunately is rather common amongst the higher ups in the Shaevailian society, took place at an official banquet where Brodo's father was to be awarded a large portion of land for his success in the Subjugation of the Ifrica Belt. During the ceremony, while the guests and dignitaries were looking towards the dais where the ceremony would take place, an agent sent by one of Nul's greatest rivals, the Arka, poured a clear, tasteless liquid into Korvem's drinking cup. Brodo, being of the relatively young age of 31, had not really had much access to alcohol, and tried to get a taste from his father's cup while everyone was distracted. Brodo began to feel ill immediately, and was violently sick on the floor. The ceremony came to an abrupt halt as Brodo was rushed to the nearest medical centre by a very worried Korvem.
The doctors didn't know what the poison was, or how it was taken, because only Brodo knew this. He would stay ill for many days, Korvem never leaving his side, even to attend to duties. Brodo remained in a deep coma for much of the time as the poison did it's work. The poison was such that it would kill its victim slowly, inducing a coma known as the Sleeping Death, while corroding their organs, causing leaks and ulcers. These cause further damage and excruciating pain, which the victim feels all the time. Brodo got to this stage before the Arka agent was found, and brought to Korvem. It is said that Korvem beat the man for a day and a night AFTER the poison's name and type was revealed. Brodo was slow to regain consciousness, but when he did, he let out a minute long scream, and was quickly sedated.
A young Brodo.
- "How can there be Gods when such a travesty happens to someone so young? "
- ―Unknown
Nearly a year had gone by, and finally Brodo had healed enough to be woken. He had a long physical therapy schedule, but managed to finish it early. He was very touched by how his father had acted, and sought to do him proud with everything he did. He spent another month in hospital still getting over his near-death experience as well as the year in a coma.
The first couple weeks was spent doing tests for neurological problems and any extra signs of the poison. While no real neurological problems were found, some psychological problems arose, especially along the lines of mild paranoia (which was expected), and a survival instinct that surpassed even the most war hardened Shaevalian warriors (which was mostly unexpected).
A determined Brodo started walking a full three weeks earlier than he should have been able to. He struggled to regain his motor skills but not for want of trying. In a week of collapses and pulling himself up, he finally managed to walk unaided for a distance of ten meters, this fact in itself being a feat. In the next two weeks were spent relearning how to move in a variety of ways, including jumping and running. He was unable to eat solid foods just yet, his stomach and other organs needing a bit more time to heal the scars.
Upon arriving home, Brodo learned of the death of his mother. At the age of 54, she'd been returning from her work as an assistant at the local engineering corporation when another assassin attacked. His mother was killed by a hold-out blaster to the kidneys. She was pronounced dead the same hospital that Brodo had been in that very same day and all the days for a year before that. The pain of her death would shock Brodo to the core,and would hurt his father almost beyond repair. The assailant had escaped amid the confusion after the shooting. Brodo swore that he would find the disgusting peon who thought he could destroy his family, and show him just how much stronger he is from the experience. And he would show him no mercy, no quick death, no dignity in death. Brodo's blood threat would become a legend among the high society of the Shaevalian home planet.
Brodo on a forest prowl.
- "When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath should be thrown away. "
- ―Proverb
A scant four years after his near death experience and the resulting coma, Brodo was fitter than many men his age. Instead of just surviving, Brodo had prospered, his newly found desire to survive by being the fittest, the strongest, the fastest, led him to train his body for the majority of the day. He didn't spend his time learning from books, like most of his generation. His time was spent making long treks through the wildernesses of which border the capital city of the planet. He would spend more and more time on these treks, often spending the majority of the time at a near running pace.
During one of his sojourns into the dark wilderness, he came across a small cottage. Not expecting to find such a structure in this area, he tentatively knocked on the door. The door swung open a moment later, revealing a much shorter human, draped in an old, tattered cloak and dressed in a cream and yellow coloured tunic. The human invited Brodo in, speaking in Basic, but with an accent Brodo had never heard before. He offered Brodo some water, which he took gladly.
The Hermit.
Then the man began to talk. Brodo had never heard these stories before, but found himself enthralled in their intricacy. These tales were tales of the feats of warriors little known to him, called the Jedi. These warriors bore swords of light which could cut through just about anything, and had powers only they could use. They could influence minds and matter at will. They were peacekeepers in a galaxy of chaos, as the old hermit called them.
Brodo begged for more stories when they heard a noise outside. The hermit smiled to himself and stood, the cloak falling away from his shoulders. On his belt hung a beautifully decorated lightsaber. At the emitter was a sculpted silver tiger's head, maw open around the emitter and the butt was shaped like the talon of an eagle. He pulled the hilt from his belt and flashed a toothy smile at Brodo, and said "They have come to kill me, young one. And they will probably succeed. My only request is that once I have fallen, that they not leave with either my body or my lightsaber. I entrust this lightsaber to you."
The hermit lit the lightsaber, its pale green glow filling the room. With a battle cry worthy of any Shaevalian war hero, he charged out of the cottage to confront those who had come to kill him. Brodo followed him, but stopped at the door way, his jaw dropping at the sight before him. The old hermit had transformed, in moments, in a mighty Jedi soldier, his lightsaber flashing brightly as he cleaved through his assailants. These assailants were clothed only in black, with red tinted goggles where their eyes would be. They carried with them lightsabers of their own, but in a red hue.
But the odds were against the Jedi; eight on one is never fair, no matter who you are. When the Jedi finally did fall, he had already been wounded multiple times, and had cut all but one of his enemies down. Brodo had stared at awe at the display of raw power and finesse up until that moment, when he realized that having witnesses was not something these assailants would've wanted. The last remaining opponent looked to Brodo and advanced.
The only weapon that Brodo had on him as his long bladed knife, used to cut his way through the foliage. It would not stand up to a lightsaber. Brodo looked to the Jedi's body for a moment before deciding what he would do. He cocked his arm back before launching the knife as fast as he could towards the man. As soon as he could he followed in the knifes wake, his course taking him past the Jedi's body, and the lightsaber which had fallen beside him. Brodo grabbed the lightsaber and lit it in one fluid motion before bring it up towards his opponent. Distracted by the flying knife, the man was caught on his side by the green blade of the lightsaber Brodo was wielding, cleaving him clean in half.
Brodo breathed deeply and looked around him, extinguishing the lightsaber. He turned to the Jedi's body, and picked it up. As he did, however, the body began to fade and disappear. Brodo knew what this was from the stories he had been told just earlier. The old Jedi had rejoined the Force.
This experience had many deep impacts on Brodo. He kept the lightsaber of the Jedi, but made sure that it was always hidden, lest it be found and he would have to answer questions. He ran the battle over and over in his mind, and tried to copy and reproduce the moves that both the Jedi and the men trying to kill him had accomplished. He had limited success. One thing that came from this episode in Brodo's life, was that he believed now more than ever that he would need to be armed at all times, and he set about acquiring a weapon for his personal protection.
- 61 BBY - Weapon's Beginning
- "Few may stand before the power of a cavalry charge, or the might of a single singing spear"
- ―Shaevalian Warrior saying
While such an act is forbidden before adulthood, Brodo has promised himself that he would create a weapon to protect himself and his family. This promise he made in secret, so no complaints or objections were raised. He didnt even mention it to his father, though Korvem did suspect something had changed around his son.
But as the saying goes, the doing is often far harder than the saying. While Brodo had been searching the forests and jungles of Shaevalis Prime, he had barely scratched the surface of the vastness of the planet. He had not gone near the Hermit's cottage since the incident, which prevented him from searching a rather large region of forest. As he looked down the mountain, Her'Luk Peak, he felt his heart steel over with grief and remorse, knowing that to accomplish his promise, he would need to pass that cottage again.
The Ferrum Cartilumnar.
He approached the cottage at a reluctant pace, his hand squeezing the hilt of the old Hermit's lightsaber. It had been over 7 years since he'd been here, and barely anything had changed. The bodies of the enemy had disappeared, either by their back up or by the various large carnivores which lived in the forests. The cottage was slightly overgrown with weeds and vines but still habitable. On a moment's thought, Brodo decided to have a look inside.
The cottage was small by Brodo's standards, as his head was barely an inch from the roof, and he had to stoop each time he came near an illumination fitting. There was a small simple bed, a fire pit and various items of furniture. The one piece of interest, to Brodo anyways, as a floor to ceiling bookcase made of a strangely grey wood, and was full of datacards and infochits. As Brodo approached it, the hairs on the back of his head rose, and an air of apprehension set in. He took the nearest datacard and began to read.
Most of it was planetary and cultural information about thousands of planets and star systems, which seemed to be controlled by a governing body called the Republic. This 'Republic' interested Brodo, which spurred on his reading. He spent most of the day reading, and after setting a fire and cooking a small mammel for dinner, he resumed. He found stories of great battles in the past, and the duels between dark and light Jedi.
One infocard, however, caught Brodo's attention. It described a plant called the Ferrum Cartilumnar, the Broken Iron Tree. It stood tens of meters tall, and it's wood had a very special property. It was basically a nearly indestructible metal which, when melted and forged, would crack like the grain and bark of a tree. Upon reading this, something clicked in Brodo's mind. The bookcase was built with this Ironwood! Brodo searched for more references to this wood and locations. But it was to no avail.
The following morning, Brodo got ready to go home. He had decided to make this cottage his lodge away from home, to allow him to search further into the forests. He searched the forests for year, and then another. He found no material suitable for his needs. Upon returning to the cottage, Brodo looked to the sunset, the star of his planet dipping away. Then in the distance, a man strode towards him. He was bent over slightly, and walking with a cane.
Ironwood Spear
"Hello young one" the man said. Brodo's eyes widened, as the man in front of him was dead. The Hermit! The Hermit smiled, and explained how he was there, as the Force allowed him to return to those who he trusted and had a connection with. After the initial shock wore off, Brodo asked the Hermit about the Ferrum Cartilumnar. The Hermit seemed surprised but just smiled, and pointed to the tree which grew behind the cottage, "There it is, young one. Have you not looked there? Use my lightsaber, and cut away the bark, then cut a piece of the wood away. This will be your weapon. A spear of great power and size. Use it wisely". The Hermit then faded slowly, leaving Brodo with more questions than answers.
He did, however, follow the Hermit's instructions. The wood was pliable and strong at the same time, allowing Brodo to carve it into a straight and streamline haft for a spear. Upon returning home, he crafted a spear head from a small amount of very tough metal that the Shaevalian use to build their largest battleships.
At least he had a weapon of strength and worth. He called his Ironwood Spear by the name he had found in the infocards: Ferrum Peregrinus, the Iron Crusader.
Quinlan Vos born
File:Brodo-Vos.JPGBrodo and Quinlan
- "The gift of the few is a weapon to the many"
- ―Unknown
Older now, with a neatly kept beard and long hair, Brodo was now a powerful tall man. His exploration and training with his spear had honed his muscles to near the fine edge of perfection. He was also well read, having had access to the many files and literature left behind by the old hermit. He knew he would someday follow his father into the Nul Armed Forces (NAF). But a chance meeting changed this certainty for him, as he realized how precarious his future was.
Whilst on a particularly dangerous jaunt through the jungles of Jun’kir’lu, he was set upon by a lightsaber-wielding man. Thinking that this was the remnant of the attack party who killed the old hermit, Brodo drew his lightsaber, and ignited, ready to fend off the attack. But the appearance of the lightsaber had startled the man, who shut off his, and looked Brodo up and down.
This man turned out to be Quinlan Vos, a fact which Brodo learnt soon after forcing himself to extinguish his lightsaber.
Quinlan Vos was a Jedi, same as the Old Hermit. He used a similar colour lightsaber, but what seemed to be a very different style. The pair became fast friends, discussing every topic their minds touched on. After some maneuvering, Brodo managed to move Quinlan reluctantly to the subject of lightsabers. The Jedi explained lightsaber combat and concept to Brodo in as much detail as he felt that he was allowed to. Brodo listened with fascination, and even managed to get Quinlan to take him through some of the practices.
Though the pair had been dreading the day, Quinlan had to return to the Jedi temple on some distant planet called Coruscant. Reluctantly, Brodo handed over the Old Hermit’s lightsaber so it could be returned to the temple. In return, Quinlan left Brodo with a lingering remark.
“You know you’re Force sensitive?”
This, of course, sent Brodo’s mind reeling. To quell his torrent of questions, Quinlan gave him a datapad of lower order Jedi techniques. Quinlan left soon after, though Brodo was pretty sure they would meet again.
With his mind still full of questions and starved of answers, Brodo made his way home. He decided that he would talk to his father about this. During his life, his father had always been a single strong point in a sea of confusion. But upon his return home, Brodo learned of a family on the other side of the planet, which had recently been nearly wiped out and its remnants banished for their connection to some occult thing called the Force.
With much reluctance, Brodo was almost forced into hiding his gift, as he saw it. He would be joining the NAF the next year, and had to be as careful as possible.
- 46 BBY - Military Academy
- "The Army will make a man out of you. It's up to you if you make it out alive or dead."
- ―Nul'Korvem'a
Live Fire Training Exercise
For a Shaevalian of Brodo's heritage and skills, coming of age only meant one thing: Joining the Army. Namely the Nul Armed Forces, the standing army of the Nul family. He followed in the footsteps of over twelve generations of the Nul family in the army.
In the initial recruit stages, Brodo excelled in all manner of physical activities, owing the success to his forays into the jungles of the planet. One major problem that Brodo had was having to take orders. He had always been brought up to listen to his superiors, but more recently he had been very free-thinking and out of society. Over time, however, he changed his mind set, almost reluctantly.
During his tenure at the military academy, he came to admire the tenacity and rough charisma exhibited by the drill sergeants. He believed that if a drill sergeant was put in charge of a battalion, wars would be won in a matter of days, for fear of push ups.
- 42 BBY - Hereditary Promotion
- "He's too young, far too young. But I am far too old to stand in his way."
- ―Nul'Korvem'a
Korvem, Brodo's father, was aging, and years of campaigning in the nearby sectors had taken their strain on the man. After a length debate between himself and the other Grand Generals, Korvem decided to retire from military service. As was the custom in Shaevalian society, the son is promoted to follow his father. It is expected that the blood would be enough to make an excellent general. Brodo was promoted from a low level rank to Grand General of the 2nd Grand Battalion.
Inexperience and lack of trust in his leadership abilities did not stem his enthusiasm. He immediately set about planning an offensive, one his father had on the drawing board, but hadn't managed to get to. The Ter'Lak'a Rift was a wide expanse of space, mostly unpopulated and barren. It did, however, have an abundance of Tibanna Gas,in the form of numerous gas giants orbiting the majority of the stars in the region. This Tibanna Gas would help power blasters and would assist in many forms of construction. The problem is a rebellion in the Ifrica region.
The Ifrica Region, an area of space taken in recent wars conducted by the Shaevalian Military, rose up against their conquerors in a vicious uprising that in the first days killed over thirty Shaevalian military and administrative personnel. As the region was designated a Nul protectorate, Brodo was sent with his Grand Battalion to quell the rebellion. Landfall was simple and uneventful, with his troops taking key locations on the main planets in the region. Riots and gangs rampaged through the streets at random, but no direct contact to the Shaevalians was made, other than the deaths in the first days.
However, this did not last. Twenty-four days into the rebellion, a leader appeared from the midsts of the chaos. Ventario Kalliam, a local marshal, was an outspoken proponant against the Shaevalian occupation. He had fought in the battles which had led up the occupation, and had been in prison for much of the time between the wars and the rebellion. He preached the extermination of the Shaevalian "bourgeoisie" and the liberation of the war heroes from the Shaevalian prison camps.
He ordered several surgical strikes on 2nd Grand locations, including an ammunition dump. Several Shaevalians were killed in the strikes, including several wounded. In reply, Brodo ordered an entire company of special forces commandos be sent into the cities, taking out anyone sporting the dagger and star logo of the Rebellion. Their secondary objective was to find out any information about the leaders, and their location. This tactic, however, backfired.
The main population centre on Ifrica
The riots and mobs increased in number and intensity as the commandos assassinated hundreds of civilians who hadn't been involved in any of the rebellious behavior. Facing an all out war with the main planet's population, Brodo ordered his Battalion to bunker down and prepare for new orders. With the riots ravaging the planets, their economy and civil structure collapsed quickly, soon followed by social disintigation.
Seven months into the rebellion, Brodo implemented Operation Fallen Hawk. The operation was simple: a systematic census and cleansing of the planet's population, including large scale bombardment of suspected rebellion headquarters. The intent of the Operation was fear and control, and with the use of high-yield proton bombs, it succeeded. The population slowly returned to their old ways. But, as one would expect, the rebellion leader, Kalliam, did not give up.
Instead, in a last ditch attempt, he hurled all of his supporters, some 7000 men and women, into a strike on Brodo's Headquarters. Fanatic rebels ran through the hallways, having overcome the outer defences by sheer weight of number. Brodo lead his personal guard in a counter-assault, often resorting to hand-to-hand combat to defeat the fanatics. After what seemed like hours of fighting, the two leaders of the different factions came face to face. Their weapons depleted of charge, they attacked each other with fist and weapon butts. Brodo's Shaevalian size and strength overcame the rebel's rhetoric and trickery. He beat the man to death and hung his bloodied body over the archway of the main market of the planet, as an example to those who would follow his ideas.
While Brodo has often been critised by his peers for his reckless endangerment of civilians and his grotesque display of the leader's body, the region has fallen into place quickly, and almost no rebellious problems have been reported since. Brodo's victory is examined as a prime example of the use of fear and control at the Shaevalian War Academy.
The Shaevalian Fleet
- Expansion Invasion of the Ter'Lak'A Rift
After a brief two month respite, Brodo unveiled his plan to the ruling generals and the royal council of the Shaevalians. The invasion of the Ter’Lak’A Rift would take place in three stages. The first would be a simple reconnaissance into the area, making sure that the Shaevalian maps were correct. This recon mission would be under the guise of a mapping and exploration team, intent on knowledge not invasion. Once the target area has been fully surveyed, which could take a month at most, the second phase of the plan could be initiated.
The second phase was the systematically envelop the region, capturing or conquering the planets and systems making up the ‘rim’ of the area. This ‘noose’ would capture entire populations and economies in the area inside, allowing the Shaevalians to invade with most of the populous and infrastructure still standing. This would greatly increase immediate benefits of the invasion, where a normal occupation would require months, or maybe even years, of time to rebuild destroyed settlements or economies.
Once the second phase had been completed, the third and final phase could be accomplished. This phase would call for the Shaevalian forces to invade deep into the core of the area, striking at the large tibanna gas fields. This strike would be carried out from eight different directions, leaving invasion forces at targets of opportunity. Once the central region is secure, the eight fleets can ‘turn around’, and take the areas they’d missed. While these areas would have had more time to prepare for the invasion, and the Shaevalian fleets would be damaged and haggard from all the fighting it would have to endure over the years, Brodo had hoped that their superior fire power and numbers would win through.
It took the council and generals only a day of deliberation before approving the proposal. Brodo wasted no time in calling up the troops, four Grand Battalions, and eight full battle fleets. While tiny compared to most fleets from the Clone Wars and on, it was still a strong force, especially in a region lacking in military presence.
The first phase, code named Red Shift for the red neon of their new sensor packs, commenced the very next day with ten heavily modified frigates were sent out, calling for free passage to survey the area and update maps held by the benevolent race of the Shaevalians. In just under a month, the entire area was mapped and cataloged, with the main targets of opportunity laid out, and the lanes of attack being determined.
The second phase, code named Spider’s Web, began soon after the completion of Red Shift. This would take the better part of a year, as the region was sizable, but with such a valuable bounty of tibanna gas, it was also hotly contested. Very few of the planets or systems capitulated immediately, and more than a few had to be subdued by overwhelming force. Brodo had his forces split into two groups, one to head along the eastern edge of the region, led by one of his subordinate, Colonel Gram, while the other group would along the western edge, led by Brodo himself.
Dolberon Cluster
One particular system, known as the Dolberon Cluster, was a binary star system, with a pair of blue dwarf stars caught in each other’s gravity. With system boasted three large gas giants, virtually brimming with tibanna gas and other minerals, as well as a inhabitable temperate planet. It had been selected as one of the ‘hubs’ Brodo’s forces would use to turn inwards towards the core. However, the unusual system wreaked havoc with the fleet’s sensors, making detection of incoming attacks almost impossible.
It was here that one of Brodo’s main rivals in the region would make his stand. Izzkpat was an insectoid Pirate, leading a sizable fleet of mostly patched together vessels. Though his fleet was undermanned and in need of proper repair, his reputation was legendary in the region for his ruthlessness and his viciousness of tactics. Izzkpat had been a large figure in regional politics, often using his wealth and reputation to influence populations to elect rulers who he had chosen.
The Dolberon Cluster, because of its unusual topography and influence of shipboard sensors, was an ideal place for a pirate’s hideout, especially one large enough to keep and maintain all of Izzkpat’s ships. While Brodo hadn’t expected the system’s effect on his fleet, he had expected Izzkpat to show his face, and try and stop Brodo’s advance. It was well know that the pirate thought of this area as his little playground and he didn’t want any other bullies coming in and taking over.
Immediately upon dropping out of hyperspace within the gravitational shadow of the outer most gas giant, Brodo’s fleet was set upon by thirteen corvette size ships, two frigate size ships and one cruiser, which had a transponder naming it Izzkpat’s Pride. After quelling the sudden panic on his bridge with a single call, Brodo rallied his fleet and set it into a pair of lines, a classic fleet to fleet tactic. It had one flaw, which was if the lead ship was disabled or destroyed, it would block the path of those that followed it.
Brodo knew that Izzkpat would know this, which is why he did it. With his ships following a line, he put his ship at the front of the fire line. The fire line unleashed a huge salvo into the pirate ranks, firing over and over. Izzkpat ordered his fleet to focus their attention on the front vessel, to foil the huge broadside that Brodo had created.
As the pirate fleet zoned in on Brodo’s flagship, the rest of his plan unfolded. With the attention of the pirates devoted to a single ship, the rest of the fire line slowed, and curled, creating a crossfire effect. This maneuver was completed by the entrance of the second fire line, firing ‘down’ on the pirate fleet now trapped in the pocket. Brodo’s flagship turned to meet the barrage, all guns blazing. The Izzkpat’s Pride and three corvettes survived the first onslaught, and quickly made an escape.
With his first conclusive space victory, Brodo took the rest of the assigned rim with ease, rumors and stories of his tactics and daring spreading quickly before his fleet. Over 80% of the systems that his fleet visited after that battle capitulated to him or even welcomed him with open arms. The fleets met at the northern most point of the rim. He allowed his forces a week’s rest, to get them ready for the drive into the core. But due to problems along the eastern rim, he had to postpone the strike for an extra two weeks.
The Ter'Lak'A Rift and important features of region
The third phase, code named Fly, for the fly caught in a Spider’s Web, took some time to begin, and even more time to be completed. With the delays with the eastern edge of the rift, Brodo became anxious and often annoyed with his subordinate Colonel Garm. When the eastern edge was finally secured, Brodo had the entire force begin the third phase immediately, not allowing the eastern forces any time to rest.
The western force made huge headway in the first week, reaching the two thirds mark easily. The eastern force did much worse and took that week to make an eighth of the way into the core. The phase itself had four targets in the core, the four main tibanna producing planets: Tiblo, Gaddi, Largosia and Gran-Fa. All of these planets are massive gas giants, easily the same size of the planet Yavin.
These four planets were controlled by three different groups, with Tiblo and Gaddi both controlled by one group. The first group, the one in control of Tiblo and Gaddi was known as the Consortium, and was the main economic power of the three groups. It was financially strong, but inferior in terms of regional power and influence. While the leaders made huge profits selling the tibanna gas to the surrounding sectors, it was in constant danger of folding.
The second group was far more technologically and militarily advanced, and was called the Gorn Conglomerate. This group originated in a sector in the galactic north of the Rift, from the Gorn civilization. While advanced technologically, the Gorn were barely above savage, and would be the main opposition for the invasion. This group controlled Largosia.
The last group was likened to a farmer’s collective. A group of small corporations clambered together and set up claims for those who wished to collect tibanna gas. While the group did not have a name, their representative corporation was called the Lan-Tera Syndicate. Small and barely influential, the group would capitulate in the face of the Shaevalian fleet. This group controlled Gran-Fa.
The northern most and southern most planets were hit first by the Shaevalian fleet. The eastern force, tasked with the capture of these planets, Gran-Fa and Largosia, hit them both simultaneously. Gran-Fa capitulated and accepted the occupation force. The fleet there headed north towards Gaddi. It would be joined there within a week by the first elements of the western force, and would be taken by the following week.
At Largosia, the fleet commanded by Brodo , met a large force conducted by the Gorn Conglomerate’s main military arm. The Gorn fleet set up a simple protective shield around the large space stations orbiting the planet. After repeated attempts at diplomacy, the Gorn fled, but only after destroying the stations. Their destruction and the debris that fell into the planet’s orbit would disrupt the construction of a replacement station for almost six months.
Tiblo, attacked by a fleet commanded by Colonel Garm, would take more than two weeks to make any head way against the defences. Brodo, frustrated with his subordinate and furious at how his failure was diminishing his victory, sent all of his remaining forces to Tiblo. The defences of Tiblo would be crushed in days.
Upon his return home, Brodo was ‘knighted’ by the royal prince, and was inducted into the Hall of Heroes, a tribute wall listing the names of all of the great heroes of Shaevalian history.
- 39 BBY - A Secret Revealed
- "By order of the Grand Generals of the Shaevalian Military, you are sentenced to death. Prepare."
- ―Random Royal Legionnaire
A year after his victory in the Ter’Lak’A Rift, Brodo made a journey to his father’s home in the mountains surrounding the capital, Shaevalis City, as he had not seen his father in nearly ten years. He was greeted warmly by the now elderly man, and was asked to recant all of his stories of battle. Korvem, being a Grand General, had seen his fair share of battle, and enjoyed the tales his son wove for him.
As they talked, Brodo felt a connection with his father he had never felt with anyone else before, and so, it seemed, his father did as well. Korvem studied his son for a long few moments before asking if Brodo had ever met the old hermit living in the forests, in a hut beside an iron coloured tree. Upon the affirmative reply, Korvem smiled and embraced his son, before showing him the reason for the connection they both felt by levitating a small pear. Astounded, Brodo asked his father to teach him everything he knew.
Korvem taught Brodo all he had learned from the old man, and Brodo had a few things to teach his elderly father. While on a trip into the city to buy food, the pair was stopped by a group of Royal Legionaries. The Legionnaires, dressed in full military regalia, recited the charges that were to be laid upon the pair. Highest on the list was sedition and the unlawful use of the Force. Korvem shouted to his son to flee, which he did immediately. Only a moment passed before Brodo realized that his father hadn’t followed him, and he turned to see his father being cut down by the legionaries.
His entire world crashed down as he fled from the scene. On his route, he was made to kill seven Legionnaires, as he made his way to his living quarters, just outside the city. Commandeering an armed freighter and packing as much of his possessions as he could manage, along with his spear and the lightsaber he had acquired, he made his escape. Though the fleet moved to intercept him, his supporters made that interception slow and laborious enough for him to escape unharmed.
Vos Clan insignia.
- 35 BBY - Homecoming of sorts
- "Keep the hearth warm. You can never anticipate the next knock on the door "
- ―Kiffar saying
Brodo had picked the very first planet on the list of possible destinations during his frantic escape from his home world. He was surprised to find that this destination was the planet Kiffu, the home world of his mother, Illysia. He didn’t know if it was his father’s doing, or if the Force had had something to do with it. Now that he was an exile from his home planet, he would have to find another on which to live, and due to his heritage and blood, the best place to start would probably be Kiffu.
He took the long voyage to look up information about his mother, from the notes and data gathered from various sources by his father. He learned about the clan she was a part of, which coincidentally was the same as his friend from so long ago. Upon arrival in the Kiffu System, he immediately contacted Clan Vos. He was given landing coordinates, and asked to set down on the aft platform of the facility.
Upon landing, he was quickly surrounded by Kiffar Guardians, an elite unit of Kiffar soldiers, dedicated to the protection of the Kiffu/Kiffex system. They ordered him to exit his craft unarmed and with his hands up. He complied with their wishes, calmly leaving his vessel and standing before him. His Vos insignia on his shoulder plate, and his Kiffar tattoos stood as examples of his heritage. A Vos representative arrived and brought him before the matriarch of the Vos Clan, Tinté Vos. She presented herself as the sheyf of the dual planets and the Clan Vos.
She questioned his parentage and his bloodline, and why he bore the emblem and markings of her Clan. He explained his lineage, leaving out as much as possible about his Shaevalian side. The matriarch seemed dubious but accepted him as a blood member of her clan.
Over the next while, he tried to intergrate himself into Vos life, training in the mornings with the clan Guardians, spending much of the afternoon studying the galaxy he had known nothing about until leaving his home planet. The shadow of his 'transgressions' on his homeworld kept his mind unfocused and worried, emotions which bled into the Force. This was until he found the data file detailing his mother's life and her career in the Kiffar Guardians. He was incredibly interested in this, and in the Kiffar Guardians, who he had considered as a career choice.
His decision was made for him when a general called Zac'ryah Vos saw him training alone in a courtyard in the Vos complex. The man was so impressed with how Brodo handed his weapon and his exemplary discipline, he had Brodo 'picked up' by Guardians and inducted into the Guardians. He didnt resist much, relishing the chance to be in battle again. He trained almost constantly, even training many of the older Guardians in his methods and tactics of war.
The Bounty Hunter sent to hire Brodo
- 32 BBY - A Secret Project
- "Im being paid HOW MUCH? "
- ―Brodo
After a trio of short-lived years, Brodo's past, and the rest of the galaxy, caught up with him. Having heard of the legend of a formidible warrior and tactical genius from an unknown region in Wildspace, a bounty hunter came looking for Brodo on Kiffu. The bounty hunter said he had a proposal for him, and was admited into the Vos facility if he were to leave his armour and weaponry on his vessel. Brodo agreed to meet with the bounty hunter, who only gave his name as Fett, as if it were a name Brodo should have known.
The meeting went smoothly, the small talk gave way into the point of the meeting, the proposal. For giving over years of his time and life to the bounty hunter's employers, he would be handsomely rewarded. Brodo laughed, and suggested that the man's parentage had a major flaw in it's intelligence genes. Fett did not take this jab lightly. He rose to his feet and immediately set upon Brodo with his hands.
Brodo's much larger size was a factor... to his disadvantage. Fett quickly subdued him and kept him in near constant pain. The one solid hit Brodo got in was a heavy right that connected with Fett's jaw, sending him reeling across the room into a pillar. Fett rose and smiled, nodding. He said that Brodo had passed his test, having been one of the few who could land a strike on him. Brodo accepted the man's offer, more for the respect he felt for the man than the money he'd been offered.
Because he was well known in wildspace as a ferocious warrior and leader, he was offered an opportunity to train, and perhaps lead, a group of elite troopers. Though reluctant, he accepts. Travels to Kamino, meets Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, finds a sort of kindred spirit. Meets his 2 year old clones for the first time.
- "It's okay, Sarge. We're ready for live fire/live explosive training. Please, we want to do our best "
- ―RC-1888 "Cho"
All of Harta Squad killed in a training accident, an explosion of high-yield explosives. Brodo crushed, but still leads his men through their training, teaching them better medical procedures, and survival.
File:BrentErianna.jpgBrent and Erianna kiss
- 29 BBY - A Snow Angel's Caress
- "In thy face I see honor, truth and loyalty."
- ―Unknown
Meets Rayne for the first time
Clone War
- 22 BBY - "Begun the Clone War has"
File:QuinVos-choice.jpgThe War Begins.
The Clone Wars was, in Brodo's eyes, inevitable, but nowhere near a desire.
Defense of Kamino - Led the defence of one of the advanced learning centres with entire brigade of Special Forces commandoes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Muunilist - Commanded a lance of AT-TEs before being caught out by Durge's lancer droids
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Brodo under interrogation.
Brentaal IV - Assisted in the attack, captured and interrogated, rescued by Zeta Squad
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Iktotch - Assaulted the facility with commando team, assisted Mace Windu and Saesee Tiin in destroying B3 Ultra Battle Droid. Injured.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Duros - Recovering from injuries, caught in quick attack, barely made it out.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Boz Pity - Kept in reserve all the time.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Brodo making his escape.
Kashyyyk - Followed Quinlan Vos to Kashyyyk, fought at City of Kachirho, escaped death by slipping back to Star Destroyer above.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
- "Your fealty is to the Emperor, not some archaic form of government. Get that into your head or you will lose it."
- ―Imperial Moff Falon Karrinos, addressing Brodo
Boz Pity was Brodo's last battle before being officially inducted into the new Imperial Army.
Colonel Brent Tainer.
- 15 BBY - In the Emperor's Name...
- "Trooper, if I see you lay a hand on an innocent civilian again, I will execute you myself."
- ―Brodo
As he had been absorbed into the Imperial Army, his commanding officers decided he would be best suited for training, as he had been all those years before. Brodo hadn't felt that this would be a moral problem at all. He believed that the Empire would be just about the same as the Republic, if not better. He believed that their anti-alien policy was pretty fair, and didn't think that it would effect him, as he just looked like a much larger human.
However, at this point in time, he'd decided to change his name to conform more with the standard naming systems in the Galaxy. He had already taken his mother's name, but to put himself even further from his past, and any possible troubles that could come up from his Force sensitivity and abilities, he changed his first name to Brent. He was commissioned as Colonel Brent Tainer, of the Imperial Army, in 15 BBY.
Stationed at the Imperial Army training centre on Carida, he was put in command of one of the training legions. This legion, known as the Devil's Own, was very very green when Brent got a hold of them. He employed all his training experience and knowledge to teach them all he knew about combat. He also tried to instill them with a sense of honour and pride, as most of these men were not volunteers.
Over the course of a year, he kept them training hard, pushing them through each section of the training scheme as quickly as he could. He wanted these men to know that they could be expected to fight for days and months without any real relaxation, or even sleep. They hated him for it, but he knew that it would make them much stronger.
By the end of the training course, the entire Legion gained full honours, and an unprecedented 17 Legions of Merit, awarded for excelling in all fields of training and combat skills. Brent was so proud of his men, and knew that they would do their job properly and well. He requested a transfer to the Army's command structure so that he could command these men on the field, and his request was approved.
The Devil's Own Legion.
- 9 BBY - Dissent and Deceit
- "Did you see that alien drop? It was like a bag of spuds!"
- ―A soon to be dead Stormtrooper
The Devil's Own made a name for itself for being able to overturn overwhelming odds and defeat their enemies outright. With their commander, Brent, they hopped from hot spot to hot spot, clearing each swiftly, almost clinicly. Brent was very proud of his men. The problem, he found, were the replacements. These men, not trained by Brent, and obviously brainwashed by propaganda from COMPNOR, and their training sergeants, seemed to want to make it their goal to spread said propaganda through the ranks of his legion.
More than once he had to discipline his own men for acts that they had been egged on to do by replacements. Eventually he had had enough, and began punishing the replacements for their actions. This, unfortunately, sparked the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau. They sent an officer to investigate Brent, which was the last thing he'd wanted to happen. He knew there had been a dissident group in his legion, but hadn't tried to rout them out, believing that this kind of thinking was natural in soldiers who hadn't volunteered, and who had families and wives back home.
He contacted the man he believed to be their leader, and explained his situation to him. Lucky for Brent, this man had a contact with the new resistance group known to the Imperials as the Rebel Alliance. While he didn't want to desert from the Empire, he believed that their uncompromising rhetoric was incredibly overzealous, and frequently deadly to those who didn't approve of it. A week before the ISB was set to arrive, Brent took a shuttle to Fondor, where he subdued the pilot, and escaped to a hidden Rebel base. Once in the system, he immediately started transmitting that he was defecting. Seemingly, the rebels hadn't heard this, and fired on him in their Headhunter fighters. With the pilot incapacitated, Brent took the controls, his frantic movements turning the shuttle almost into a nimble one-seater fighter. Finally, his calls were answered, and he was allowed to land.
The Rebel Alliance
- "What of the cause? What of the countless dead of Alderaan?
What of them?."
- ―Delta Team Leader arguing with Brodo
Joins Rebels, fights in various places, but decides that the Empire is better, and seeks to damage the Rebels somehow
File:Strike Cruiser.jpgStrike Cruiser Valiant.
- "Imperial Fleet, your Emperor is dead. Your leaders are defeated. Lay down your arms and you will be treated fairly"
- ―Admiral Akbar
2nd Death Star blows up, Brent escapes on Strike Cruiser
- "Pirates plunder for money. We plunder for justice."
- ―Mav Yarin
Joins small band of Imperials who are raiding various Rebel outposts with two aging Strike Cruisers.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Mav Yarin, the pirate
- "You would contest me? You are nothing but a failed Imperial!
I have not failed. I have only been delayed."
- ―Brodo contests Mav Yarin's leadership of the Strike Fleet
Becomes leader of the band, and leads them towards the Minos Cluster, capturing several capital ships on the way.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tincidunt, est ac interdum molestie, augue tellus ullamcorper ligula, tincidunt iaculis lorem erat a ligula. Nunc mollis felis ornare est. Phasellus ullamcorper lorem vel enim. Vivamus pellentesque est lobortis nulla. Nunc lectus neque, interdum at, tincidunt nec, malesuada non, elit. Vestibulum facilisis dictum diam. Vestibulum sem risus, tempus et, malesuada dignissim, feugiat mollis, erat. Aenean felis lacus, sagittis a, vulputate in, accumsan non, erat. Aliquam diam ante, tristique in, eleifend vitae, molestie accumsan, mi. Sed vel diam scelerisque nisl varius ornare. Morbi aliquet, nulla fermentum sagittis interdum, ligula neque placerat dolor, non blandit nisi velit id tortor. Nulla facilisi.
Emperor's Hammer
Emperor's Hammer
- 12 ABY - A New Grand Admiral
- "Those damn red eyes are so intense..."
- ―Brent on Grand Admiral Ronin
A new Grand Admiral, Ronin, hears of this band of Imperials who have been playing havoc with the Rebel supply lines, and whose fleet had grown to ten small capital ships. He decides to invite the band into the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. This offer is accepted by Brodo, on the condition that his men be accorded the same respect, honours, and benefits as befits what they have done in the past few years.
- "Before him stood the Legion, and the Legion cried as one "For The Hammer, For the Fist"."
- ―The Decarat Chronicles
Brodo joins the Emperor's Hammer officially, after making sure his men and equipment are sorted out properly. He opts to go to join the Hammer's Fist, the stormtrooper legion attached to the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. Name changed to Decarat.
- 17 ABY - Elite of the Elite
- "The Nightstalkers needs a strong leadership. I have Balefire. I want you."
- ―Field Marshal Dante talking to Decarat
Decarat is very influential in the creation of the First Special Operations Group (1SOG) of the Hammer's Fist, and becomes the first platoon leader of its primary commando platoon, the Nightstalkers. He is promoted several times, and ends at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
- 25 ABY - Another Departure
Brodo as a EHDB Sith
- "Let those who stand before me know... I'm getting out of here, dont expect to stop me"
- ―Decarat to Detention Troopers who had come to take him into custody
HIs training in the Force in the Dark Brotherhood had led him to believe that the Emperor's Hammer had not maintained its bargain to his men. He decided that his tenure in the Emperor's Hammer should come to an end. So a small group of his loyal officers, a couple Dark Jedi and Brodo, fled into the vastness of space. They finally find their way to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, where his men are treated well as befitting war veterans. Brodo joins the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Joining CP.
- 26 ABY - Change of Scenery
- "The Royal Clan is far more successful at what they do than ten Plagueis Clans."
- ―Eton Jade
Leaving CP for CSP
- "I challenge you to an honourable duel, heretic Jeedai
I doubt you have the honour to not hide behind a line of troops, Dur Knah"
- ―Dur Knah and Brent Ligur Victae trade taunts
Vong invasion
Brodo battling a fellow Dark Jedi
- "We go back to our homes, back to our planet. Destroy the vermin before us. Remove them from existance!"
- ―Proconsul Lucien during the Reclaimation campaign
File:Brodo-tech.jpgBrodo, Present Day
- 28 ABY - New Resposiblities
- "Time has come for you to lead the House, Brent. See that you do so with pride"
- ―Rasilvenaira StormRaven
Taking over the House and the Legions. Changing of various areas.
- 29 ABY - To protect memories
- "To fight beside those I abandoned? I have no qualms. Just make sure they stay out of my way"
- ―Brent on working with Clan Plagueis during the Uneasy Alliance
Coming to assist CP and fighting ARC, big change.
- "Long walk to cleanse, to heal, or just to wander."
- ―Brodo's message to the House upon the discovery of his disappearance.
Brodo returns home, is scorned, but wins over the people by bringing economic prosperity to the area.
- 30 ABY - Take the long way home
- "Home, Hearth, Family."
- ―Nul family motto
Brodo returns to the DJB, seeing it preparing for battle.
- 31 ABY - Take back what is ours
- "Into the Shroud, my brethen, take back our skies"
- ―Grand Master Sarin
GJW 9. Commanding legions, landfall, duel with Alaris, mission with Jac.
Throughout the years, Brodo has had to change his name on several occasions either to assume a new identity, or to hide his current one. Here is a quick list of the ones he used and where/what for:
- Nul'Brodo'a - Birth Name
- Brodo Tainer - Upon joining the Republic Army with his Commandos, he decided to take his mother's last name rather than his birth name, both to hide his heritage, and so as not to give the Administration any more headaches than it already had.
- Brent Tainer - Understanding the Xenophobia that the Imperials seemed to have, he changed his name to Brent Tainer to belie his roots even further, even though his race were very similar to humans.
- Decarat Tainer - After going AWOL from the Imperial Army, he found that using his old name probably wasn't a good idea. Changing his name to Decarat Tainer allowed him to join the Rebel Alliance without any problems.
- Brent Tainer - Again, he found himself in the service of Imperials, this time the Emperor's Hammer. He decided that his old name would probably be best to use, so show off almost, to the Grand Admiral of the EHSF.
- Eton Jade - He took this name both because of his joining the Jade family, as well as an alias to use for escape. The Emperor's Hammer didn't suit him anymore, and disappearing for a man of his status would be difficult. So he assumed the name and mannerisms of Eton Jade, and slipped away.
- Brent Ligur Victae - Shrugging off his fear of the Emperor's Hammer also meant he had to change his name. He rather liked the name Brent, and the Ligur came from the tattoo of a Liger on his chest. Ligur means "of the Liger". Victae, which means "victorious", was his family name, with his new wife Erianna.
Naming Scheme
The Shaevalian have a specific way of naming their kin. This way is explained below.
(Family Name) ' (Core Name) ' (Gender letter)
- Family Name: The name of the family, in Brodo's case, is Nul.
- Core Name: The name that the person is called by, in Brodo's case, it is Brodo
- Gender: The letter the denotes the gender of the person. Male: a. Female: i.
- Nul'Brodo'a - Family name Nul, Core Name Brodo, Gender Male
- Jakliu'Harta'i - Family name Jakliu, Core Name Harta, Gender Female
Family Tree
Unknown--+--Unknown Unknown--+--Unknown Unknown--+--Unknown Unknown--+--Unknown
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Unknown Nul---------+---------Unknonw Kalrk Unknown Vos---------+---------Unknown Tainer
| |
| |
| |
Nul'Kovem'a-------------------+-------------------Illysia Tainer-Vos
Nul'Brodo'a-------+-------Erianna Victae
Training Squads
Republic Commandos.
Tek - RC-9811 - Sergeant - Died of his wounds, attacked on Boz Pity. Survived long enough to call in orbital bombardment
Kad - RC-9812 - Sniper - Killed on Boz Pity by Droid'ikas
Holl - RC-9854 - Technician - Killed on Boz Pity by Droid'ikas
Mul - RC-9855 - Medic - Killed on Boz Pity by Droid'ikas
Aleph Squad was the first squad that Brodo trained. Training accidents before he got there meant that this team was actually two halves of two other squads. This formed two factions within the squad, Tek and Kad on one side, and Holl and Mul on the other. Alot of work was required even to get them to fight together. This is when Brodo took command of them. The first time he met the squad, Kad had Holl up against a wall, and was only being held back by Mul. Tek had come to meet Brodo as the sergeant of the squad. Brodo's large hand gripped and squeezed Kad, and pulled him away from his squadmate. Kad tried to take a swing at Brodo, but only recieved a kick half way across the room. This act alone formed Brodo's dominance over the squad. Aleph was always the rogue squad in Brodo's training platoon, always trying to push the boundaries, and do the best they could. The natural rivalry between the two factions in the squad has pushed them to overdo each other's feats, trying to beat each other in every way posisible.
During the Battle of Boz Pity, Aleph Squad was sent on a raid on a high level Trade Federation outpost, consisting mainly of a trio of battleships on the ground. Their target was a high level CIS official by the name of Gun Nemoifa, a Nemiodian known for his prowess in ship-to-ship tactics. The Republic wanted to remove him from the space battle above the planet. After successfully completing their mission in well under the alloted time, Aleph was making its way out of the complex when it was set upon by a trio of Droid'ikas. Unable to get through the shielding, Aleph retreated quickly. Tek, deciding that their position was untenable, ordered his squad to disperse and cause mayhem. Holl and Kad were killed within a few minutes, after tearing apart a droid storage area. Mul managed to get into the core of the ship, setting all his explosives and thermol detonators. Tek's last act as squad leader was to call down an orbital strike to take out the trio of capital ships. Brodo took their loss hard.
Nuro - RC-1780
Racell - RC-1781
Sec - RC-1782
Paji - RC-1783
Zeta history
Cho - RC-1888 – Sergeant – Killed in training accident, blamed for deaths of team
Ro - RC-1889 – Medic – Lost a leg in training accident, became training sergeant for clone troopers
Ade - RC-1890 – Sniper – Killed in training accident
Bale - RC-1891 – Technician – Killed in training accident
Harta Squad just before accident
Harta Squad was the third batch of clone boys Brodo was given to train, and consequently he didn’t have as much time as he would’ve wanted to teach them. He had two full clone teams to deal with without the added work of Harta. This of course had a negative effect on their self-esteem and personalities. It made them always strive for greatness, surpassing many of their age group in intelligence, aptitude and learning speed. This was all a means to an end, as they only wanted to make their training sergeant, Brodo, proud of them. Their drive for greatness morphed into a form of arrogance that bordered on lunacy.
Only a few months old, and looking as if their mid-teens, Harta Squad was excelling in all fields. Cho, their sergeant, had been asked to assist younger clone groups, as well as normal clone trooper units. However, their arrogance and drive to please Brodo led them to beg him to allow them into Live Fire exersies several months early. Brodo consented after much deliberation, but he would regret this decision.
The first Live Fire exercise was blasting and assaulting a locked ship style doorway. This is a procedure which would be completed hundreds of times during the Clone Wars, as well as afterward. The procedure called for a shaped plastic explosive to be placed on the outside of the door, followed by the detonation of that explosive. Then two squad members clear the room with a pair of thermal detonators, before the entire team collapses into the room, clearing any final resistance.
The plan was followed well by Harta, up until the thermal detonators were to be used. The mission briefing stated that the devices be set at a 2 second interval, and to be followed 5 seconds later. However, these numbers were mixed up by the Sergeant, Cho, and was not caught by anyone. During the exercise, the detonators were thrown into the test chamber with a 5 second interval, and they entered 2 seconds later, just in time to catch the full blast of the two thermal detonators. Cho, Bale and Ade were killed instantly. Ro lost a leg, but went on to train clone troopers. He never saw action again.
Lemin - RC-3249
Ilhel - RC-809
Hras - RC-6512
Graw - RC-5012
Kamda history
During his time in the Corporate Division, along with other Subgroups of the Emperor's Hammer, and now in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Brodo has started, and run several companies, and corporations to give him a stable and ample income.
- Lumina Corporation (LUC) - Advertising and Public Relations
- Archangel Cookie Corporation (ACC) - Delightful cookies and other treats
- Wildspace ArmsCorps (WAC) - Small arms, fighter parts, weapon emplacements
- Prime Ironworks (PIW) - Heavy vehicles, walkers, tanks, construction droids.
- Victae Shipyards (VCS) - Small capital ships, fighters, shuttles, luxury yachts
Identifying Marks
Carefully applied yellow-black tattoos adorn his right arm in a tribal design, with a large five-pointed star as the focal point. A huge tattoo adorns his chest, in the shape of a giant cat of orange and black. On his back, a pair of feathered wings has been tattooed.
Physical Description
Broad shouldered, and muscular, his frame is that of a born fighter. With his massive size (big even on his race's standards) and powerful build, he was trained in ground combat, which shows itself in his great upper body strength. His dark hair is always in dreadlocks, which are left to hang, framing his face like the mane of a giant cat. His eyes are a steely white, and his skin seems to have a constant bronze tan.
Planet of Origin
Shaevalis Prime
Current Residence
Caliburnus Headquarters, Ptolomea, Cocytus System
Erianna "Rayne" Victae - Wife
DH-122 Sniper Rifle
Personal Weapons
- Ironwood Spear
- DH-112 Sniper rifle
- Combat knives (x2)
- E-11 blaster rifle
- Storm Commando armour
- Clone Commando gauntlets
Clothing Description
- Pilot: Dark grey Flightsuit, with navy blue piping.
- Formal: Black flowing cloak with hood, dark grey armour and pants, combat gloves and brown boots. A thick utility belt, without tools, but with lightsaber, Vos shoulder emblem.
- Combat: Dark grey training shirt, arms removed. Black-Grey armour, with a grey tunic, along with combat vest. Dark brown combat boots. Thick utilty belt with various tools and weapons, as well as lightsaber. Clone Commando gauntlets, along with vibroblade, painted matte black.
Languages Known
- Basic, Shaevalian, Zabrak, Twi'lek, several Wildspace languages
- Basic Ground Warfare: Shaevailian War Academy (SWA)
- Hand-to-Hand/Weaponry training: SWA
- Tactical/Strategic Training: SWA
- Basic flying training: Imperial Weapons And Training School (IWATS)
- Stormtrooper Basics, Advanced, Officer: Hammer's Fist Training College (HFTC)
- Stormtrooper Commando: HFTC
- Various environmental, and occupational trainings: HFTC, IWTC
One domesticated feline - white, female kitten called Snow
DJB Special Awards
DJB positions held
- Flight Leader, Satal Victus Battleteam, Clan Plagueis.
- Flight Leader, Souls of Darkness Battleteam, Clan Scholae Palatinae.
- Magistrate of the Herald (Shikyo).
- Sith Commander, Souls of Darkness Battleteam, Clan Scholae Palatinae
- Aedile, House Caliburnus, Clan Scholae Palatinae
- Quaestor, House Caliburnus, Clan Scholae Palatinae
- Commander of the Expeditionary Force (48,000 man strong force in the CSP Legions)
- Surface Marshal of the Forces of House Caliburnus
DJB Work
- Souls of Darkness battleteam Roleplaying revamp (now removed)
- Banners for all the Clan Scholae Palatinae Legions and Regiments.
- Table of Equipment and Organization for the same.
- Provided names for: ISD-IIs Warspite and Indomitable, and Regiments Bastion, Vendetta, and Eclipse and Legions Imperator, Sequentis, Judicator, Equinox, Luna and Umbra.
- Barracks and Armour/Vehicle Depot sections of House Caliburnus Facilities Document.
- Brodo is married to Erianna "Rayne" Victae (and is engaged to her in real life <3 Rayne :) wuv and snuggles! My girl :) )
- My very first IRC nickname was Archnagel. No, I didnt spell it wrong... there's a bot called Archangel in another Undernet channel, so I couldnt use it. :/
- Brodo was voted in as Mr EH for 2005
- And was expelled 10 days later!