Lightsabers are weapons available to Force using members, whether or not they are aligned to the dark side or the light.
- "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age."
- ―Obi-Wan Kenobi
The lightsaber is a weapon used by Force Users. Lightsabers consist of a blade of plasma that is powered by a kyber crystal and emitted from hilts of various styles and shapes. The beam is held by a containment field that allows the blade to maintain its shape and size. It is a weapon that required skill and training, and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force.
For detailed information on the various Lightsaber Forms used to wield a lightsaber, please refer to the Lightsaber Forms article.
A Knight's Tale
Regardless of their Path or Order, all Force-sensitive members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood go through a journey of trials to earn the coveted rank of Knight. Along with earning their first saber, once Knighted a member is offered the full benefit of studying and perfecting the various forms and styles of Lightsaber combat known.
Knights of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood are able to adhere to the following lightsaber Forms: Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Djem So, Niman, Jar'Kai, Juyo, Shien, Sokan, and Vapaad.
Types of Lightsabers
Different options for lightsabers unlock at different ranks.
Training Lightsabers -- Initiate
Often called “glowbats”, Training Lightsabers emit a pale colored beam of light that is held by a similar containment field used on standard lightsabers. Unlike a standard lightsaber, however, Training Sabers are only able to stun and bruise when making contact with solid matter and lack the potency of an actual lightsaber. As the name suggests, these lightsabers were training tools that allow a Jedi to understand the principles of wielding a weightless weapon without the risk of maiming themselves or their sparring partners. They could not deflect blasters or resist a standard lightsaber and would not break a standard weapon like a vibroblade.
Armory Lightsaber -- Journeyman 1 to Journeyman 4
The armory lightsaber is a generic metallic cylinder with a limited range of colors. While dull in appearance, the blade itself matches the same potency as a standard lightsaber.
Lightsaber -- Knighthood
The standard lightsaber for a Knight of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood can come in a variety of single-hilt styles. They have the ability to deflect blaster bolts, sear through any material (with the exception of rare resistant materials like mandalorian iron or sith swords) and cauterizes wounds dealt to an organic being. Contrary to popular belief the cauterization effect is *not* instant, and blood can indeed be spilled in the dramatic moments it takes for the wound to seal over.
All lightsabers posses the ability to deflect blaster bolts. For Soresu, Shien, and Sokan users specifically, lightsabers can also be used to be aim and redirect blaster bolts into specific targets.
True to what has been established in Star Wars duels, a lightsaber has the ability to “ground” Force Lightning. For the purposes of realistic combat, a character should have their lightsaber at the ready and facing the opponent head-on. While not taxing, it is an action that would require the character to be focused on the incoming attack, making it less believable in a situation where the Lightning is thrown by surprise. Powers like Precognition can come in handy with this, but are not required.
- All Force-User members gain access to a selection of standard lightsabers upon reaching Knighthood.
- Further selection of pre-styled Lightsabers become available as you move through the ranks of the Brotherhood.
- Custom Lightsabers can be commissioned through the Herald Staff at the rank of Equite 2.
Dual Lightsabers
Some Jedi choose to wield two lightsabers simultaneously. It should be noted that when it comes to lightsaber combat, two is not strictly better than one. The inability to grip a hilt with both hands removes a great deal of the power a user is able to put into each strike. The Jedi typically will block or parry with the blade in their non-dominant hand, and perform offensive strikes with their dominant. These principles can vary between the different forms.
- Members can begin to use standard Dual Lightsabers upon reaching the rank of Equite 1.
- Further selection of pre-styled Dual Lightsabers become available at the rank of Equite 2 and Equite 3.
- Custom Dual Lightsabers can be commissioned through the Herald Staff at the rank of Equite 4.
Double-Bladed Lightsabers (Saberstaff) -- EQ 2
The saberstaff is a lightsaber with a beam emitter at both ends. Originally developed by the Sith in the Old Republic, double-bladed lightsaber combat was eventually learned by the Jedi as well. A double-blade lightsaber can be constructed by simply attaching two lightsabers together by the ends, and therefore, typically a saberstaff hilt is significantly longer than a traditional lightsaber. Both beams generally can be activated independently, and when both are active, the user’s motions and fighting bears a significant resemblance to combat with a traditional quarterstaff. The long, sweeping motions necessitated by having a blade on both ends limits the Forms that a Jedi can employ when wielding a saberstaff. As the saberstaff was significantly less common, many opponents are caught off guard when facing against one.
- Members can being using standard Double-Bladed Lightsabers at the rank of Equite 2.
- Further selection of pre-styled Double-Bladed Lightsaber’s become available at Equite 3.
- Custom Double-Bladed Lightsabers can be commissioned through the Herald Staff at the rank of Equite 4.
Dual-phase Lightsaber

The dual-phase lightsaber is an extremely rare variant that incorporates an adjustable blade of two distinct lengths, often of different colors. It is usual for the second length to be longer, if not double, the length of the ordinary blade, though there is nothing preventing the user from aligning the crystals in order for the second blade to be of appreciably shorter length.
The use of a dual-phase lightsaber should not be taken lightly and they typically require intensive training to be used efficiently. Like many of the more common lightsaber variants such as the double bladed variety a dual-phase lightsaber can be more a danger to the adherent than his opponent if he is inexperienced in its use. This is especially true for extended blades where the additional length can make the weapon ungainly and awkward to wield properly during combat. In the past many who have built dual-phase lightsabers have come to reconsider their usefulness and taken to using the extended blade more for purposes outside combat than during a duel.
The weapons are rare primarily due to the rarity of the focusing crystals required in their construction. The variable phase emitter means the crystals must be able to handle much greater power outputs and be constructed with a level of precision far greater than even that needed for an ordinary lightsaber.
- Custom Dual-phase lightsabers can be commissioned through the Herald Staff at the rank of Elder 1.
UV Lightsabers
Ultraviolet lightsabers, or "UV" lightsabers, are a type of lightsaber blade that produce as ghostly onyx blade shrouded by a dark violet glow. While mostly cosmetic, these lightsabers tend to blend in better with the night, making them favorable for operations where stealth is an ally.
- Custom UV Lightsabers can be commissioned through the Herald Staff at the rank of Elder 2.
Lightsaber Availability
Lightsabers, both standard issue and custom, are available in many different varieties with different options for both hilt and blade. The following table outlines which options are available at each rank.
Lightsaber Availability | ||
Rank | Selector Options | Custom Options |
NV1 | Training Saber | -- |
JM1 | Armory Single Saber | -- |
JM4 | Single lightsaber | -- |
EQ1 | Armory Dual Sabers | -- |
EQ2 |
Custom Single lightsaber
Optional: At this rank and all ranks thereafter you Caution: Many selector images are of poorer quality. |
EQ3 |
Alchemically treated crystals |
EQ4 | -- |
EL1 | -- |
EL2 | -- | UV lightsaber |
Here's an example of some of the metals available to members during the crafting of their lightsabers: