Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 23:37, 10 February 2012 by Lambow (talk | contribs) (→‎Wookiee Berserkers(placeholder name): - Added link to their unit page.)
Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force
Unit Information

34 ABY - present


House Odan-Urr

  • Army
  • Navy

Guerrilla Force


An eye still gazes toward peace


White & Blue

[ Source ]

The Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force has its roots in the Tythonian Space Militia which after the invasion of New Tython by the Dark Jedi was reorganized to include ground forces populated by volunteers from many diverse settlements across the planet, including humans, Mon Calamari and Harakoans. Though the equipment of the KUDF is typically outdated and heavily used, it is maintained by the most top rate mechanics on the planet and many of the disadvantages these old weapons bring to the Jedi military is mitigated by the usage of guerrilla tactics and a study of asymmetrical warfare.

Tythonian Space Militia

Cardan-Class Space Station I - Sanctuary

  • Station Administrator:

Liberty's Shield Squadron

Hope Never Dies Squadron

Call of Freedom Squadron

  • Militia Captain: Revak Kur
  • Equipment: 12x BTL-A4 Y-Wings

Unnamed Militia Squadron

  • Militia Captain: Jonuss Rai
  • Equipment: 12x RZ-1 A-Wings

Tythonian Underground

Jedi Mobile Command Post

  • Militia Leader: Quejo Drakai Xyler
  • Personnel:
  • Equipment:
    • 1 All-Terran Armored Transport "Cuddles"
    • 1 Theta-class AT-AT Barge
    • 1 Baudo-Class Star Yacht
    • 10 74z Speederbikes
  • Role: Mobile Command and Heavy Support

Aerial Assault and Transport(placeholder name)

  • Militia Captain:
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Human
    • Tythonian Mon Calamari
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 20 LAAT/i Gunships
    • 8 Armored Interface Craft 4s
    • 2 Gallofree Medium Transports
  • Role: Fast Action Drop and Dustoff

Harakoan Hosts

  • High Warchief: Whenua
  • Total Personnel:
    • 2,645 Infantry
    • 661 Scouts

Kazharu Host

  • Jedi Warchief: Korroth
  • Chief: Pashu Grory
  • Personnel: 250 Warriors
  • Role:

Zawi Host

  • Jedi Warchief: Ji
  • Chief: il-Zaw the Black
  • Personnel: 600 Warriors, 150 Scouts
  • Role: Jungle and Swamp Fighters

Gioki Host

  • Jedi Warchief: Drodik
  • Chief: Turico Timaka
  • Personnel:
  • Role:

Colonial Militias

The Chosen

  • Militia Captain:
  • Species:
    • Wookiee
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 150 Wookiee Berserkers
  • Role: Shock Troops

Tanduran and Dac Unified Commandos

  • Militia Captain:Alexander DelGotto
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Human
    • Tythonian Mon Calamari
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 495 Rangers
    • 41 Heavy Troops
  • Role: Guerrilla Fighters

Scouts(placeholder name)

  • Militia Captain:
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Human
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 661 Scouts
    • 30 74-Z Speederbikes
  • Role: Reconnaissance and Surveillance

Melewati Bushfighters

  • Militia Captain: Morotheri
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Human
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 40 Snipers
  • Role: Guerrilla Fighters, Marskmen

Legion of Steel

  • Militia Captain:
  • Species:
    • Droid
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 32 BX-series Droid Commandos
    • 32 Droidekas
  • Role: Guerrilla Fighters, Heavy Support

Tākuta Tama-nui-te-rā

  • Militia Captain:
  • Species:
    • Harakoan
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 41 Witch Doctors and Shamans
  • Role: Field Doctors, Herbalists

The Ratchets Maintenance Department

  • Militia Captain: Kaira Rohana
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Mon Calamari
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 41 Engineers
  • Role: Mechanical Support, AAA

Armor(placeholder name)

Assault Column(placeholder name)

  • Militia Captain:
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Human
    • Tythonian Mon Calamari
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 60 AAT Armored Assault Tanks
    • 10 74z Speederbikes
  • Role: Assault

Bombarda Artillery Column

  • Militia Captain: Sa Ool
  • Species:
    • Tythonian Human
    • Tythonian Mon Calamari
  • Personnel / Equipment:
    • 10 Mobile Artillery Pieces
    • 10 74z Speederbikes
  • Role: Coordinated Fire Support