- "Break the chains and feel the Force. Use to fight, to gain power and victory."
- ―Severon Vercingetorix
Severon Nicholas Vercingetorix, formerly Severon Bolshev, was a long time member of House Gladius in Clan Tarentum. Born on Alderaan 10 years before it was destroyed by the Death Star, Severon has lived a hard life. Since joining the Brotherhood, he has fought in the Ninth Great Jedi War and has participated in numerous quests within his clan. He was the last Aedile of House Gladius. He served as the second Aedile of House Reinthaler, and was the First Commander of the Battleteam Black Phoenix. He was a Jedi Consular in the service of House Odan-Urr, before meeting his demise at the hands of Cethgus Kuga while on a covert mission for the House.
Severon's Early Years
- "My past is not of consequence. Noble birth does not always mean nobility. Life tears apart even the wealthiest of beings; turning them into some of the most feared things in the galaxy."
- ―Severon Vercingetorix
Severon has had a troubled life. From birth to now he has had many hardships and problems. His footsteps have ever been haunted by the Dark Side and its power. Finally he gave in and joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
Birth of a Dark Jedi
The night was black as pitch the day Severon was born on Alderaan. His mother was the wealthy lady Vessina Bolshev and his father had served as a member of Princess Leia's staff and was killed on the Tantive IV.
Severon was the second child of the Lady Bolshev, his older brother, Semptos, was five at the time of his birth. Severon and Semptos would be very different growing up as Severon was small in stature while his brother was large and broad shouldered, very muscular.
A Childhood on Alderaan
Severon's childhood was... troubled. He was always dark mooded and snapped at people who contradicted him. He only grew more upset as time went on and he was forced to live in the shadow of his brother, Semptos.
Semptos left a legacy in his studies. He was the best at it all, math, science, galactic studies, even in any sports event. Severon, was only better than him at Galactic History.
While Semptos excelled, Severon failed. He made average grades but not near as good as Semptos. Plus, his mother grew to dislike her second son when his mood and work ethic wouldn't improve. She grew tired of the tedious remenstrations she had to give Severon, and finally grew tired of it. She sent him to his uncle on Nar Shaddaa at the age of 9, just before she and the rest of Alderaan were destroyed by the Death Star.
- "Perfect place to get lost in."
- ―Atton Rand; KOTOR
Severon never made it to his uncle's. The ship was intercepted and he was taken by a crew of space pirates. However, the captain took a liking to Severon, as he had been the only one to say something to the captain since the raid.
The ship's name was the Gorgon, and it was much like the beast it described. The ship was filthy, in some corridors, gore from mutinies sprayed the walls. The only room which had class was the captain's quarters, which was arranged in Nabooian style (Naboo was the captain's homeworld).
Severon served aboard the Gorgon until he was 14, 3 years after the Battle of Yavin. The empire, after the Yavin incident, was cracking down hard on those who were even the slightest bit rebellious. The Gorgon, while flying for Corellia, chanced upon an Imperial Acclamator Class frigate. When the frigate made to fire, the Gorgon's captain quickly surrendered, and the crew was taken aboard. The Gorgon was scuttled after being cleared out of any valuables and evidence.
During the capture, Severon managed to get to the escape pods and launch away. He was clear of the ship's tractor beams before they came online.
Nar Shaddaa; Rise of a Hunter
The pod crashed on Nar Shaddaa, which had been Severon's intended destination in the first place. However, instead of seeking out his uncle, Severon roamed the pubs, looking for work. He took any job, from killing to smuggling, as long as it was on Nar Shaddaa.
He bought a freighter on Nar Shaddaa, a YT-1300 named The Renegade. Although it was battered, Severon ungraded it on the inside to where it outclassed many of its fellow freighters.
Rise of the Dark Jedi
Gaining a Companion
As Severon continued to take jobs, he realized that he needed a companion, someone to help him and to accompany him on the long journeys some of his jobs put him through. During a job on Tatooine, Severon found his perfect companion, rusting in a junkshop.
It was a battered later model HK-series assassin droid from before the Clone Wars. The HK-78 model Droid proved that age couldn't conquer it. When activated, it performed as if it were fresh off the assembly line (with need for a little oiling of course).
The witty assassin droid was the perfect match for the wayward Severon, and he quickly made use of the droid's talents. He even sent HK-78 on missions while he went on others. The two were quite an effective team.
The Call
Severon was first approached about the Brotherhood in the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine. He and his partner, HK-78, had just returned from a successful hunt and were celebrating when Severon was approached by a stranger dressed in all black. The man never mentioned his name but told Severon that he had much potential in the Force. Severon, not quick to accept anything, regarded the man as a fool, until the man impressed him with small feats accomplished with the Force's aid.
Severon did not accept invitation there though. He continued to hunt for three years after the incident before he was approached again where he finally accepted. Next thing he knew, he was on a shuttle to the Karana Campus of the Shadow Academy, in training to become a fledgling Obelisk.
Life in the Brotherhood
The Early Years
There was not much to Severon's training at the Shadow Academy. He passed his Test of Lore with flying colors, was promoted to Apprentice, and found himself on yet another shuttle, this one to Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae.
Here, the new apprentice worked on his studies and was promoted to Novice for his efforts. Yet, Severon seemed disillusioned with his House's leadership and, after only a week of being a Novice, he left the Brotherhood and went rogue.
Rejoining the Brotherhood
After about a year, Severon returned to the Brotherhood and was put into House Gladius of Clan Tarentum. The Quaestor of the House at the time, was Telona Murrage. Despite the Novice's unruly past, she welcomed him into Gladius with open arms. His studies improved in Gladius and in about a year, he was a Protector and coming into his own.
However, he went rogue again soon after that, feeling that he needed to leave for a while.
The Ninth Jedi War
Severon rejoined Gladius on the eave of the 9th Great Jedi War. Severon immediately prepared for battle with the rest of the Gladians, and joined his house aboard the B/R Cocytus for the journey through The Shroud.
The flight was long and, for the most part, uneventful. Severon received his first taste of combat on the surface of the planet Antei. He was assigned to guard the Anti-Aircraft Batteries. While there, he did not see much action but did help defeat an older model Tank Droid.
The next assignment for the Protector was to help in the assault. He joined fellow many other Tarentae for the assignment and was wounded in the leg by shrapnel during the incident. This caused a limp that Severon still has today.
For his efforts in the war, Severon received a Bronze Nova.
Severon received his first saber, a green armory saber, just before the GJW. He carried this and used it in the GJW.
The Master
After the Jedi War, Severon prepared to return back to the Sword's Sheath with his fellow Gladians. However, as he stood in his tent packing, he was approached by a Cestian named Vai Azexel. Severon had met the Dark Jedi Knight during the war, but had not said much to him.
Vai had been approached by Severon's house leadership and had been asked to become Severon's master. When he was asked, Severon readily accepted the mentorship of the Cestian and the training began immediately.
The Rollmaster Years
After the Jedi War, Severon began to work more closely with his House Summit, helping to reform the House after the GJW.
Closely after being promoted to Jedi Hunter, Severon was approached by the new Quaestor, Scion Altera, with a proposition that he become Rollmaster of Gladius. Severon accepted readily and took hold of his first leadership position in the Brotherhood.
During his tenure as Rollmaster, Severon was promoted to the illustrious rank of Dark Jedi Knight. It was then that he built his first lightsaber, with a blade as red as a laigrek's eye.
The Sister He Never Knew
After becoming a Dark Jedi Knight, Severon took to traveling around the Yridia System. His mood was constantly changing, from satisfied to incredibly annoyed with everything. Then, while roaming the surface of Yridia IX, Severon stumbled onto a person he never even dreamed existed.
Severon entered into a pub and was knocked back by the Force potential eminating from one of the patrons. She sat at the bar, a hood over her head. Curious, Severon approached the bar and ordered a drink. He then inspected the girl. Dark hair adorned her head, and her eyes were deep and piercing.
After receiving the drink, Severon initiated a conversation with the girl, and learned her name to be Syrna Valkiss, of his line of Bolshev. Taken aback, Severon went on to learn that she was born on his exact birthday, in the exact place he was, to exactly the same mother. However, his father had not wanted a girl, and the Bolshev's gave baby Syrna over to an orphanage, while Severon went on to be his brother Sempto's shadow.
Though Severon did not learn much of her immediate past, he took a liking to his long lost sister, and invited her to join the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, where he believed her raw talent could be cultivated.
The Aedile Years
Severon was a very diligent Rollmaster, sending many reports and painstakingly improving the performance of Gladius. He helped members to know what they needed to do in order to rise in rank.
The former Aedile of Gladius, Archpriest Apollo, had decided to retire, and the current Quaestor, Scion Altera, was left with the task of appointing a new Aedile. Seeing the Severon had, if only for a few months, done remarkably in his position, Scion appointed him to the position of Aedile, bringing a member of Tridens, Raiju Kang, to replace him as Rollmaster.
RoS; Spoils of War
The appointment was just in time for the Grandmaster's call for vendetta which led to the brutal Rite of Supremacy; the Spoils of War. As Aedile, it was Severon's appointed duty to assist Scion in getting the House into fighting shape.
This was accomplished, though with quite a bit of work. Gladius was still suffering from the Ninth Great Jedi War and badly needed refit and repair still. Severon and Scion worked together and brought the House back up to command status though not in time to save Tarentum from getting fifth place.
New Changes
The Abolishment of House Gladius
An order from the Consul came to Scion and Severon declaring that Gladius was to be abolished and the Sword's Sheath was to be used for other purposes. Two new Houses were to be formed, House Reinthaler and House Kaerner.
Severon and Scion were to be separated. Severon was called by the new Quaestor of Reinthaler, Saitou Tarentae to become the Commander of the new battleteam Black Phoenix. Scion went to Kaerner to become it's Quaestor.
Black Phoenix & More Changes
When he joined Reinthaler, Severon was appointed leader of one of the new House's two battleteams. Severon dubbed his new team Black Phoenix, for it seemed to fit with the Clan's rebirth since the Phoenix itself is reborn from ashes. Severon took on the duties of Sith Commander diligently, and took Sato Tarentae as his right hand man.
Severon did not serve as Commander for very long. Reinthaler's Aedile, Raimi Mistwalker stepped down due to constraints on his very life. Severon was appointed as Reinthaler's second Aedile and served faithfully under Saitou Tarentae. During his tenure, Severon began to experience the change that would wreck the clan. Mercenary's came to Reinthaler's hidden base, only to be easily captured by Severon with the help of the two battleteams, Zurhidon and Black Phoenix.
This moment began the spiral which would knock Severon from his position as Aedile and place him in the new Battleteam created from the ashes of Black Phoenix by Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae entitled the Rite of Sin. With the Clans reforming into Houses, Severon stands by Tarentum still and by its Quaestor, the former Consul Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae.
As Tarentum faced one of its most bloody trajedies, Severon began to change in himself. All of the death of the forces of Tarentum, were getting to him. His main concern, was that none of the Dark Jedi of the House seemed to give them much recognition, they just continued on as if the deaths never happened.
During the heat of the battle, Severon's old friend and accomplice Octavian Moorhand was shot and killed. Severon himself was wounded in the battle, but was able to recover. During the recovery, however, Severon moved away from the Dark Side of the Force. He was then recruited by Ji into House Odan-Urr.
DJB Facts
Positions Held