Blades of Chaos

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 02:11, 18 November 2009 by Idris Adenn (talk | contribs) (Small update on leadership)

Template:Organization infobox

Blades of Chaos is one of the Battle teams serving House Dorimad Sol. They are stationed in the newly constructed Arx Ondorii.


The Beginning

Since the times of Tulak Hord, the legions of the Sith have exemplified those who give their lives in dedication to the Dark Side. Under Darth Tyrannus, the Dark Acolytes were used as a personal arm of the Dark Lord. Asajj Ventress, Sora Bulq, and many others were considered to be the apprentices of Darth Tyrannus and thus were trusted with the most critical of tasks. In the same manner, the Emperor’s Hand were the direct agents of the Emperor. Likewise the Blades of Chaos were created by Thran Occasus to serve the house as have all battle teams in the past.

The Battle team has served with distinction in many battles. Capturing many awards and medals. Their accomplishments as both a team and individually are nothing short of amazing. Together with the Banshee Brigade the Blades of Chaos have given House Dorimad Sol a formidable fighting force capable of repelling anything that stands in their way.


It was during the end of Thran Occasus service as Quaestor that Blades of Chaos lived it's name out internally. The betrayal of the former battle team leader and Dark Paladin Cethgus Incendia Left the battle team in a state of both shock and upheaval. Robin Hawk stepped up greatly and held the team together through this time. Eventually she was called upon to replace Korvyn Elvendar as rollmaster of the house. It fell upon Nihil Zayne to lead the team after this, with the team solidly behind him things once again started looking up for the Blades of Chaos.




Each Provost is given the right to wear the sacred Pauldron of Dorimad Sol, a brilliantly crafted and exquisitely adorned piece of armor. Though its practical uses are limited, the Pauldron shows exactly what it is meant to: the pride of Dorimad Sol. The Pauldron is constructed from a rare alloy found only on Caina and the leathered hide from the Rancors on the planet Dathomir.

Night Bringer

Night Bringer

Each Provost is also honored with a sword. This weapon, like the Pauldron, is a sacred thing for each member. It is crafted with the utmost care, time and pride by some of smiths of House Dorimad Sol. The sword is made from the finest metal available and has the words 'House Dorimad Sol' etched into the blade. While this added feature provides no advantages in battle, it gives this fine weapon a priceless value for the owners.

Clan Scholae Palatinae
Units Clan: Scholae PalatinaeHouses: Caliburnus, Acclivis Draco
Leadership Clan Summit:

Caliburnus Summit:

Acclivis Draco Summit:


Scholae Palatinae Military

Major Subordinate Elements: • Imperial Scholae Intelligence

Dominon Caperion System

Planets: IsergessVenenumSeraphAlbicosusMyryakurBalaerion

Moons: XejtrokLy'palionRagnathUlressKorgollo Major and Minor

Miscellaneous Clan Scholae Palatinae HistoryLegacy of PalpatineClan Scholae Palatinae Events
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