Arx Ondorii
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Arx Ondorii | |
General information | |
Constructed: |
Began: 28 ABY Completed: Late 29 ABY |
Location: | |
Builder: |
Trident Construction, Clan Scholae Palatinae Engineering Corps. |
Physical specifications | |
Population: |
16,143 |
Height: |
1,850 meters (to spire) 1,600 meters(architectural top) |
Width: |
1,800 meters (at base) 450 meters (at tower) |
Usage | |
Era: | |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
Shortly into his tenure as Quaestor of House Dorimad Sol, Thran Occasus was charged with the production of a grand Castle for Grand Duke Dakari Kaeth. The stubborn Bakuran began investing in plans for the castle. Many Architectural Firms placed bids for the colossal project, including Occasus’ own subsidiary. After agreeing upon a complex structure, that was to be constructed in the frigid wastelands of Caina, Golid-Frait and Brothers earned the bid for the ticket. The original designed called for an amalgamation of many different styles of construction, which sat uneasy with the Quaestor. Eager to complete the project, The House forwent the advice of the Quaestor. Immediately, The Clan commissioned construction to begin.

As the construction crawled along at a snail’s pace, the Quaestor and overseer of the project grew short with the contractors and construction companies. The climate routinely hampered daily activities, attributing to the slow pace of construction. War and conflicts with the Clan Summit also cause the project to be disrupted, but not severely enough to stop production. After several months of construction without any results the Quaestor halted construction, enraged with the contractors. Looking back upon the designs offered in the bidding process, Occasus stumbled across one particular design which intrigued him. The design, presented by an anonymous Architect from a firm called Trident Architecture and Construction, called for the construction of a small city around the base of main tower. With this, the contract with the original firm, Golid-Frait, was terminated and the Quaestor sought a different path.
Seeking to turn a profit and give refuge to those who had lost their homes at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong, Occasus saw a sterling opportunity in this design. Refugees would be willing to come to the new metropolis in order to begin a new life, particularly to find work. On a business meeting to the corporate offices of Trident, Occasus sought to place a strict deadline on the construction of the building. Offering a construction time of less than 6 months, Trident had sold the Quaestor. However, the cost of the project exceeded the allotted budget given by the Clan. Though reluctant to do so, Thran Occasus dipped into his own coffers to fund the remainder of the project.
Construction began on the facility several days later. Within weeks, Occasus saw more progress than the prior project had delivered in nearly 6 months. The project, called “Castle Coqenbalz” (pronounced coke-n-balhhss) turned heads and sparked interest from many people within the clan. Taking an integral role in developing and expediting construction of the tower, Ric "Blade" Hunter earned the honorary title “Site Overlord”. Though his contributions were hidden, the Surface Marshal witnessed his contributions and sought to reward him. After nearly 4 months, the project was completed. Overly content with the responsible parties, Occasus offered nearly half a dozen other projects to the group. With the tower complete, The Surface Marshal began structuring the economic base of the city. Shortly thereafter, the facility was opened and, as predicted, many refugees came seeking work. Within weeks of opening, the complex was flourishing, much to the joy of the investors.
Given the name Arx Ondorii, the Tower stands majestically over Caina. Designed as a monument to the triumphs of the House and a reminder to invading forces, Arx Ondorii is the pride and joy of House Dorimad Sol and Quaestor Thran Occasus.


Nestled in the comfortable temperate regions of Caina, Arx Ondorii sits on the north shores of the equatorial seas. Placed by the sea, one can see the monolithic behemoth from miles away. The surrounding terrain is rough, untouched by settlers. The structure itself is remote, far from other cities or towns as it is intended to be entirely self-sufficient. Entrancing beachheads and luscious forests surround the complex, making it a piece of paradise on a planet ravaged by the Vong. Island Archipelagos to the south and west give shelter from strong tides and violent storms. Tall mountain ranges to the North envelop the complex, protecting it from the violent snowstorms typical to the Cainan tundra. These natural geographical features make the spot perfect for a city and also offer good protection from both the forces of nature and that of other people. Summer temperatures range from 70 to 90 degrees F, whereas winter temperatures stay in the 50 to 80 degrees F range. The warm waters off the coast keep the sanctuary comfortable year round, granting cool winds in the summer and warm breezes in the winter. The location was hand picked by the construction company to ensure a comfortable lifestyle year round.
Economy and Society
Arx Ondorii was designed to be self-sufficient. Food and energy are produced within the facility, as well as every main staple of life, minimizing dependence on foreign imports to near-negligible levels. The basic principles governing the facility ensure that every person who inhabits the building contributes to the betterment of the complex as a whole. Every person is to take a profession in any one of thousands of jobs and is paid in shares relative to the contributions they put forth. This promotes inhabitants to continue giving into their community.
With the bulk of essential goods produced within the walls of the complex, money continuously cycles from the wealthy to the basic workers. The basic premise is that all contributing members are supported by their community, which they in turn support via contributions of labor. Sometimes inaccurately labeled as Weak Socialism, the system encourages personal success and advancement within the classes while being monitored by the government. While the production of necessities benefits the complex, it does not produce the sheer volume of capital desired by the model. While there is little physical trade in goods that the complex can engage in, a detailed trade system has been installed. Trading between suppliers and buyers, the complex’s Trading Floors became a middle man in tedious intergalactic trades. For completing the trades, a small commission is earned. On a daily basis, thousands and thousands of trades are made, accumulating personal income for many inhabitants of the complex. Where personal income is not gathered by all inhabitants, the “Trickle down” theory comes into play. That is, those with large sums of money will spend more of it increasing the income of those who produce or sell other products within the complex.
Galactic trade produces the bulk of the income for the complex, but another large income source is the entertainment industry. Ranging form gambling, to cantinas, to adult venues, inhabitants of Arx Ondorii spend large sums of money on entertainment. This facet of the complexes economy remains steady even in times of economic distress.
Governed by the House Leadership, Arx Ondorii maintains policies of personal freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to liberty. Inhabitants of the complex are endeared to the ruling class, who so generously provided an opportunity to rebuild after the destruction caused by the Yuuzhan|Vong invasion. Inhabitants love their city, and are willing to give back in any means necessary. This factor gave rise to the standing Arx Ondorii Militia, inhabitants of the complex willing to fight in time of need.
Within the complex, class systems are divided into the Working Class, The Trading Class, the Militiamen, and the Ruling Class. Transitions between the classes are possible, giving people the desire to work harder to get to the top of the class system. Members of the working class provide the basic necessities to the rest of the complex. They are the farmers, service workers, and low level employees. The Trading class provide the bulk of the income, they work on the trading floors or own establishments within the complex. Militiamen are given particular respect among the inhabitants of the complex, as part-time warriors they function primarily as police and work as emergency workers. Militiamen are granted arms only in times of emergency Finally, the Ruling class is comprised of the members of House Dorimad Sol. Considered the protectors and kings of Arx Ondorii, the ruling class is given full reign over the other classes. Functioning primarily as role models for the lower classes, the ruling class is the only class that cannot be attained by simple means. Ruled by Quaestor and Aedile, the ruling class maintains order within the complex.
Arx Ondorii is considered a hedonistic paradise. With pleasure and success around every corner, the people of Arx Ondorii seem to have a simpler grasp on life. Comprised mostly of refugees, the pleasure that one receives when living in the complex often drowns the pain of the past.
Space Port: The Space port is the primary point of arrivals and departures in Arx Ondorii. Capable of managing an Acclimator Assault Ship, the Space port sees large amounts of traffic.

Central Malls: The Central malls could be called the “downtown” of Arx Ondorii. Boasting large amounts of the vendors and entertainment venues, the Central Malls are the bustling heart of the complex.
Wing Corridors: The wing corridors contain all the essential parts of running the society. Farms, energy mills, industry, and hundreds of other outlets fill these parts. As the industrial arms of the building, the working classes live and operate in these parts. Some of the more fun bars exist in the wings.
Trading Floors: In order to keep large amounts of capital flowing into the complex, the trading floors inhabit the higher levels of the wings. Businessmen and their mistresses frequent these places. Those that are not privy to the business world are advised to stay away.
Bars : All work and no play make a Dark Jedi dull. In response to this, there are many different bars located in various parts of the city. Some options include a calamari bar and even a champagne bar. Regardless of any kind of specialties that each bar has, they are all fully stocked with the latest and greatest in alcohol, especially cognac, the Quaestor’s personal drink of choice.
Entertainment floors: Spread throughout the building, Entertainment floors hold every amenity one could dream of. Spas, Cafes, Gentlemen’s Clubs, Gambling dens, and anything the heart may desire, are common place on these floors. Entertainment floors are open to everyone with the money to spend. It should be noted that several of the floors appeal to those of the upper classes, full of sophisticated frivolities.
Garden and Labs: Even House Dorimad Sol’s own Robin Hawk, the Sith with a green thumb, has nice place that seems suited to her and anyone else sharing her love of plants and other such nature-related things. Located within the city walls, there is a garden full of various plants, with a few rare and exotic plants thrown into the mix as well. Through a door to a moderately-sized building located within the Gardens, there is a lab where Robin has been known to spend much of her spare time, creating wide ranges of things from chemicals obtained from the plants; the most insidious of all would have to be her assorted poisons that she has created. Of course, others are free to use this facility as well.
In 30ABY, Robin held a competition giving the garden a name. She asked members to provide her with various names and she would chose the best. Korvyn won with his suggestion, Cluaran Leana, which Hawk chose immediately.
Tech Lab/R&D: Despite having the Wing Corridors and the various outlets that fill those sections, located closer to the Training Grounds and Housing Complex, members of Dorimad Sol have access to a highly sophisticated lab and research and development wing within the lab itself. Also located in this building are the Forges, for those of the House that have the knowledge, and materials, to construct any number of things, ranging from simple training weapons to the latest in armor, blasters (pistols and rifles alike), technology for starships, and even lightsabers, if permitted to construct such a weapon, of course. This building is also where the Test Center is located, where the new weapons, armors, and other devices that are developed there are tested, calibrated and honed to perfection.
Training Grounds: Every member of House Dorimad Sol, regardless of rank, will need to train at some point. When the members feel the urge to train and further hone and perfect their skills, the Training Grounds are usually where they can be found. Consisting of numerous, generously-sized areas, and each one has a specific setting to it. In one there could be a desert setting, while in another there may be a mountain setting, even water-side settings, forests (dense and thinly-populated, depending on which area), craters, frozen tundra, and even wide open fields are all available. If one would prefer more of a simulated environment that allows you to travel vast distances yet in reality stay confined to a much smaller room in comparison, then you’ll find that in the Training Grounds as well, located in the handful of Sim Rooms that were constructed.

HDS Housing Complex: This is where the members of Dorimad Sol spend their time resting or just getting away from the rest of the city for a bit. Located within Arx Ondorii, the Housing Complex holds a vast amount of living spaces, almost all of them are penthouse apartments and each apartment holds a nice, large area that is more than enough room for one person to live in. The rooms of the Quaestor and Aedile take up 2 apartments, with a stairway leading up to the second apartment. Additionally, the RollMaster and BattleTeam Leaders also have larger rooms, but not as large as those of the Quaestor and Aedile.
Offices of the House: Located on the highest floors of the tower, the offices of the House give fabulous views of the Cainan Terrain. Admittance is given to those on official business only. The area seems eerily quiet for the majority of the day.