House Dinaari
House Dinaari is one of two active units operating under the banner of Clan Taldryan. It is often referred to as the most powerful House in the Dark Brotherhood due to its large number of Elders and high participation in Vendettas. Dinaari is different than most Houses in the Brotherhood due its current policy of not running active Battle Teams. Instead it utilizes a type of leadership Intern program where prospective leaders are trained and returned to the line ranks. Notable members of Dinaari have included Grand Master Jac Cotelin, Dark Jedi Master Kir Katarn, Dark Side Adept Duga Taldrya Arkarso, and many others. It is currently led by Prelates Vladet Xavier (QUA) and Tarax Eosphoros Kor (AED). There is no current Intern.
Distant Past
During the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance the Galaxy was in turmoil. Lawlessness ruled as the two groups vied for dominance allowing gangsters and assassins to evolve. Unbeknown to most, societies were formed amongst the bounty hunters and assassins who were in high demand during the war. The strongest of these assassins secretly formed an elite group and became known as Dark Fire. Led by a mysterious man named Dinaari; Dark Fire was soon revered throughout the Galaxy for quickly killing anyone whom they believed deserved it. Dinaari was one of the only leaders that took contracts for the honor alone; he never accepted money from his employers. His deadly followers were all of like minds which made them almost legends to their own kind.
After the destruction of the Empire and the renewed justice imposed by the New Republic many of these societies withered and died becoming mere myth and legend. The followers of Dinaari found fewer and fewer opportunities to practice their art, and left for the Outer Rim in search of new challenges. While traveling far out on the Rim they stumbled upon the ancient Sith planet of Korriban, now inhabited only by strange beasts and vicious storms. While exploring some of the ancient Sith burial chambers, something strange changed the very essence of the Dark Fire members. No one was ever sure how or why, but after they left Korriban, Dinaari and his followers were no longer mere assassins or warriors; they had become receptive to the powers of the Dark Side.
Still not completely understanding their new connection to the Force, Dark Fire went in search of others who could help them harness their powers. Their search finally led them to the planet of Eos and the Dark Brotherhood. The Brotherhood was not very receptive to newcomers brandishing weapons on the door of the Dark Hall, the Grand Master sent members of his Royal Guard to wipe out the intruding Dark Fire members. The battle raged on the steps of the Dark Hall with both groups losing members - however, Dark Fire held its own against the guardsmen. Intrigued by the trespassers, the Grand Master recalled his Guardsmen and summoned the remaining members of Dark Fire into his presence. In front of hundreds in the Dark Hall, the members of Dark Fire laid the bloody body of their leader Dinaari in front of the Grand Master and his Council. The council welcomed Dark Fire into the Brotherhood, and the Dark Fire members vowed they would learn to master their abilities and skills for the honor of the Dark Side. Dinaari's second in command, whose name has been lost to history, stepped forward and accepted the Grand Master's proposal on one condition.
"We will not forget our past as we step into the future. Therefore, we will become known as House Dinaari in tribute to our fallen leader because we hold our loyalty to our own." The Council accepted the terms and merged Dinaari with House Ektrosis and Archanis, knowing that Dinaari would fit in well with the members of the great Clan Taldryan.
Recent Past
Since that day Dinaari has been a great asset to Clan Taldryan helping it achieve victory after victory in its many wars and battles. The members of House Dinaari still follow the will of Dinaari to this very day, priding loyalty and honor above all else while remaining the elite group they once were.
As with all of Clan Taldryan, House Dinaari was an ardent supporter of the Brotherhood's decision to sever ties with the Emperor's Hammer. While this was a time of upheaval for many houses, Dinaari remained a stable force, losing no members to the war that divided both organizations and cost many their positions and awards. The leadership of Dinaari, however, was destined for change.
Each new leader brought more prestige to Dinaari and increased the Houses power and wealth. While the rest of the Brotherhood's Obelisk houses dwindled, Dinaari continued to gain strength, overshooting its past glory and becoming undisputed First House of the Obelisk. Having completed the duties they set out to accomplish, most Quaestors returned to Dinaari as regular members allowing for new blood to pass through its veins, while others were summoned to higher positions within the Brotherhood.
The future is bright for House Dinaari as the Clans sit on the brink of a Great War. But who knows what the future will hold? Perhaps it does not matter. As long as Dinaari retains its pride in skill and honor, greatness will always remain.
Head Quarters
The Dinaari Headquarters is located inside the Hle Ithca mountains along the Culprus range. The entrance to the headquarters faces west, out along the Muragat plateau and into the lush Muragat forest. North and South of the base, the treacherous mountains of Culprus continue on for several hundred kilometers. To the East, Hle Ithca drops down steeply into the Karana valley far below. The western face of the mountain has an impressive castle-like fortress built directly into it and is surrounded by a 20ft wall which encases the Dinaari Gardens, and Visitor Landing pads. The Eastern face of the mountain has two large Hangar bay doors which usually remain open, but in times of attack these 10 ft thick durasteel doors can be sealed to prevent any hope of entry. One of these hangars is level with the Plateau, and acts as the main entry for clan members (as opposed to the visitor pads on the plateau used for visitors and trade) and another is lower on the mountain and acts as a private hanger for the Aedile and Quaestor of Dinaari. The Mountain itself encases a massive underground facility consisting of six floors. These Floors are designated as such:
Level Three (Mountain peak): The Peak of the mountain contains a number of meeting rooms and guest quarters that provide a splendid view of the Valley and Plateau below. Having the guests housed on the top floor provides extra security and leaves a buffer distance between the Clan members and any potentially dangerous visitors.
Level Two (Lower Peak): The Lower section of the peak contains Dinaari’s massive Archives and Libraries as well as separate reading and meditation rooms for those who desire privacy with their books.
Main Level (Even with Plateau): The Main Level holds a number of things; first off, the Eastern side is dedicated to Hangar space used by members of the House only. The Great Hall can also be found on this level and is commonly used when the Summit wishes to address the House. Beside the Great Hall the large and elegant dining halls are open to anyone who wishes to eat in company, but house members above the rank of Acolyte can opt to have servants bring their meals to them in their rooms. Lastly, the Main floor holds three turbo lifts. The left most lift requires only guest level security clearance and will bring you two any of the upper levels. The center lift requires a house members retinal scan and security card and will bring you too the house quarters. The final lift is high security and can only be used by the current and past Aediles and Quaestors of Dinaari and the Dominus Sicarius. This final lift will bring you to the Summit offices in Sub-level Two.
Sub-level One: This floor houses all members of the clan and the services essential to them. Several training rooms, a secure library, weapon storage, Meditation rooms, small meeting rooms, and lounges.
Sub-level Two: This floor contains the Summit offices and personal quarters, as well as a personal hanger for the summit. This floor also holds a sealed meeting and map room used for wartime strategies and private meetings. Finally this floor contains an additional turbo lift that can only be used by the current Qua and Aed, which takes them to Sub-level Three.
Sub-level Three: The contents of the lowest floor are unknown. Only Previous Aediles and Quaestors know, and are sworn to secrecy.
Record of Accomplishments

- Obelisk Rite of Supremacy "Feel the Force" - First Place: Dinaari
- Obelisk Rite of Supremacy "Bloodrites" - First Place: Dinaari
- Obelisk Rite of Supremacy "The Conquest of Coratua" - First Place: Taldryan
- House Feud: Dinaari vs. Kirleta - Dinaari Victory
- House Feud: Dinaari vs. Kirleta - Dinaari Victory
- CTF League: Season One - Dinaari Victory (Team NUDE)
House Dinaari currently operates no "active" Battle Teams as of 29 ABY. While the House recognizes the Old Folks' Home as an active unit, the Battle Team, currently led by Primarch Benevolent Taldrya Whiner, is more of an elite status or position within the House and Clan rather than an actual combat unit led by an aspiring new member of the House. There are three other Battle Teams within House Dinaari that are currently inactive. Dark Fire Brigade was the last active Battle Team in operation before it was closed in 28 ABY. Both Dark Avatar Circle and Dark Infantry have been closed for much longer with no plans to re-open them in the near future.
The Battle Team system in Taldryan, like many other Houses throughout the Brotherhood, was normally used to introduce aspiring young leaders to the burden of leadership by having them lead a small unit. Several months after Vladet Xavier and Tarax Eosphoros Kor took over the House leadership, they decided to create a new program to replace the obsolete Battle Team system. The House Dinaari Internship Program was created to still provide new members with valuable leadership experience, but at the same time reduced the bureaucracy involved in operating one or more Battle Teams. Further, the Internship program accepts applicants from all Journeymen members of the Clan, not just Dinaari itself. The program undergoes frequent modification and improvement as the leaders of the Clan continue to perfect this new style of leadership training.
Dinaari Internship Program (currently suspended)
Required Elements
- Must hold the minimum rank of Acolyte and maximum rank of Dark Jedi Knight;
- Must display active communication in both e-mail AND Internet Relay Chat (IRC);
- Must demonstrate at least some familiarity with the DJB structure; AND
- No prior (significant) leadership in the DJB or similar clubs - don't bother applying if you're a Grand Lord General in the whatever.
Duties of the Dinaari Intern
- Offer advice/suggestions/feedback to the House Dinaari Summit
- Assist newer members when required
- Run one (1) House-level competition and see it through from start to finish
- Prepare and release one (1) end of month report via DJB Administration
- Track activity of Dinaari membership (Excel spreadsheet works wonders)
- Maintain your own consistent activity (gaming, ACC, competitions, etc)
Dinaari Code
From the flames of battle, we take our strength.
From the scattered ashes, victory is found.
From the falling droplets, wounds will be healed.
From the barren earth, unity is known.
Through trial and experience my power grows.
To feed off the Force is to make myself known.
I am a warrior of the House Dinaari.
In it's darkness I will thrive.
When the Quaestor of Dinaari calls an assembly on Altur all members of Dinaari kneel down and chant the first part of the Code together. Afterwards, each member recites the last part on his or her own in front of the entire Hall. This ceremony is mainly used to welcome new members into Dinaari as it will be their first time ever reciting the Code. It is also used before important announcements that will affect the entire House.
The code was composed by Quaestor Shadow Taldrya during his second attempt at leading Dinaari. Most of the code brings to light Taldryan's Clan Specific Powers - Elements - which adds a more personal feeling for Taldryan members.
Dominus Sicarius
During the time of the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance evil festered throughout the galaxy. Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters, paid assassins rose in power forming guilds and leagues based on skills and loyalty. Many of these guilds banded together to form a powerful organization known as the Black Death. The Black Death were not widely known to many people but they carried out many important contracts for both the Alliance and the Empire.
Members of the Black Death that proved their skills and honor above that of most men were called before the High Council and awarded a special title: Dominus Sicarius, or Master Assassin. This privileged title was only given to a rare few before the outcome of the Battle of Endor brought down the wrath of the New Republic Order on organized mercenaries. Until this day the title and what it stood had been lost to space and time.
In honor of House Dinaari's noble ancestors, Prelate Benevolent and Primarch Shadow decided to re-institute the awarding of the title, Dominus Sicarius to select individuals that earned the right to be the head of their personal guard. Bestowed upon members with the title is a personal weapon, a silver-plated Bryar Pistol with the Dinaari Claw etched into the side. A sign of power and loyalty to all within Taldryan, these weapons are most prized by the warriors of the House and prove deadly against their enemies.
On the first of every month the Quaestor and Aedile of Dinaari will select from amongst their ranks a person to carry the title of Master Assassin and award them the silver-plated Bryar pistol.
The Bryar pistol has long been House Dinaari's trademark dueling pistol. Though the weapon itself is inferior to the hundreds of weapons that are sold legally and illegally throughout the galaxy, the skill of a Dinaarian makes the weapon near to invincible, even against such weapons as rocket launchers and concussion rifles.
From the time of their induction as Apprentices into the house, members are trained in the art of the bryar pistol. Even after they've reached the rank of Knight and obtained their lightsaber, their training continues. It is more of a personal goal to perfect one's skill with the weapon. It shows that even the smallest weapon can hold tremendous power depending on how it's used. This is the core of Dinaarian philosophy and is felt by each member in turn.
Current Members
- Duga Taldrya Arkarso
- Fire-Knight
- Kraval Novir
- Jaysen
- Syn Kaek
- Corax "Baron" Zarjin
- Jerse Remid
Rite of the Firmament
Background Information
The Rite of the Firmament was rewarded to House Dinaari for winning the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy "Bloodrites". This Rite was first used by the Warriors of the Circled Dagger at the Siege of Monmora. High Master Jeraha, and his warriors of the Star Chamber, faced an onslaught of Jedi Masters the likes of which had not been encountered since the Battle of Deneba during the Great Sith War. Greatly outnumbered, Jeraha called upon the Darkness, and the allegiance of his circle of warriors. Ferran had vested in each the particular cunning of his own war-skills, and through this bond, Jeraha created the Rite, uniting the power of each participant so that all could tap deeper levels of the Dark Side through their mutual bonds of fraternity.
Krath scholars discovered the curious rite during excavations on Antei. When even the Oracle, Trevarus Caerick, was unable to decipher the requirements of the Ritual, the process was dictated to the Obelisk High Commander, who realized what it was. The Order of the Obelisk maintained enough of the traditions of the path of the Assassin, that he felt the cold resolve of Master Jeraha. High Commander Shaithis bestowed the secrets of this Art upon the Obelisk of House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan as a reward for their bravery.
The Rite
And far beyond the vale of night
The vastness of time separated
the light from the darkness
And the Ancient One spoke
With a voice like thunder
A sound to shatter mountains
"Let there be a firmament
erected between the house of day
and the house of night
So that the passing of each
Shall never mingle with the wards
of dawn and twilight."
Having spoken thus,
They were separated thus
And the Ancient One was pleased
- From the Kerijanh Fragments of the Song of Son'Jiatt
By reciting the following oath in perfect unison, all the assembled Jedi of the Obelisk Order will have a level of power equivalent to the highest ranking Obelisk in the group for the duration of their immediate conflict.
"Perficere Ferro Anima constatum invictum."
This ritual creates a singular consciousness within the Obelisk affected. Their personalities become fused into a communal mind, they have no free will. Instead, they are perfectly focused on the immediate danger until its conclusion, at which point the ritual immediately ceases effect.
External Links
Taldryan Republic | |||||
About The Clan | |||||
History of Taldryan | Taldryan Prospectus | Sons & Daughters of Taldryan | Taldryan's Vault | ||
Republic Leadership | |||||
Clan | Supreme Chancellor: Ood Bnar • Vice-Chancellor: TBA | ||||
Magistrates of the Supreme Chancellor | First Magistrate: Meleu Karthdo • Second Magistrate: Morax Darkblade | ||||
Military Forces | |||||
Main | Taldryan Military • Taldryan Defense Force | ||||
Naval Forces | Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet | ||||
Armed Forces | Taldryan Republic Armed Forces | ||||
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood. |