Odanite Expeditionary Force Academy

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New Order era.
The OEF Academy
General information

Or’ena Mountains ATVAT-5565 (Kiast System)

Physical specifications

New Order era

Possession Item:


[ Source ]

All militaries have to have an academic center (or two) of some sort. In this case the Odanite Expeditionary Forces (OEF) Academy serves the two branches of the OEF, the Army and Navy. The Sentinel Network also has covert and overt recruiters on site to recommend personnel for transfer to the SeNet.


Immediately after the Battle of Florrum, the OEF was still relying on the remnants of the KUDF and new joins from within the Clan with ad hoc training. After the attempted assault on the ATVAT-5565 (Kiast System) and a rogue Guildmaster, the OEF desired a more consistent, secure and heavily vetted training process. To ensure security, the Executor of JTF Satele Shan was tapped to design this Academy, taking on the role of Commandant. The Academy was also delayed due to the civil unrest following the incapacitation of the Vatali Empress and subsequent attack on Meridian Station by the OEF and Brotherhood Forces.


This academy consists of both ground and space division. The former is nestled in the foothills of the Or’ena Mountains, far enough away from the Jedi Praxeum to ensure privacy and free air space, and repurposes the former Kiast Academy. The latter is based on the Pharos station's Orbital Annex, located in the Pharos Cloud asteroid field. Focusing on the ground division first, the site was abandoned several years ago and the Empress has seen fit to hand this site over to Clan Odan-Urr.

The site consists of five buildings:

Of the original buildings, only one remains. This is a one story central building, which serves as the administrative offices of the OEF Academy. Personnel records, academic plans, registration forms, and the like are housed here along with the Office of the Commandant of the Academy.

The first of the new buildings is the dormitories, due east of the academy offices. A 6-story pourcrete block building which provides spartan quarters for the students and future soldiers of the OEF. The top four floors comprise the enlisted quarters, while the bottom two are officer candidate quarters and military instructor quarters respectively.

The second new building (due west from the academy offices) contain the classrooms and teachers’ offices. The building is four stories tall and contain a mix of general lecture halls, testing rooms, laboratories, and offices

The third building is an indoor track and field with a retractable roof, located due north of the administrative offices. This serves as the primary physical fitness center for the Academy. In the non-track areas are weight rooms, recovery bacta rooms, exercise machine rooms and in the sub-basement contains the offices of the SeNet Attache.

The fourth building (five story) due south of the admin building is the general service building. This houses the mechanical shops, the commissary, security office, cafeteria, med center, motor pool, and communications center.

The fifth building is a three-story spaceport with its own command and control center, maintenance shops, hangers, classrooms, offices, and instructors’ quarters with a full squadron of T-65 X-Wing fighters to train future pilots.

There is an orbital path that has been reserved for the OEF Academy’s own annex on Pharos Station for non-planetary training.

Space Training Facility

For cadets who choose to become naval officers after their first year they relocate to Pharos Station's Orbital Annex. The Annex contains zero-g simulators, ship-of-the-line simulators, landing decks for fighters and airlocks for ships, classrooms, exercise space, dormitories, and staff offices.

Personnel who train here are educated in naval tactics, strategy, shipboard operations, learning how to use the defenses of the Kiast system to their advantage and once ready engaging in practice warfare outside the protection of the Kiast Nebula. This includes naval tactics through asteroid fields, the study of nebula, and advanced navigation techniques to be able to maneuver through the system safely. This includes education in both small and large craft with students able to specialize as they develop their skills more towards one or the other.

Officer Training

The Academy is a four year academic institution authorized and accredited by the Vatali Empire and the Shadow Academy to issue (OOC: what are the in universe B.S. degrees?). The general categories of programs available include: engineering, medical (pre-doctor, nurse, administrative medical), languages, financial, computer sciences, galactic cultures, galactic history, sciences, policy and government. Along with the academic courses, discipline, leadership, decision making, ethics, and values are instilled into the Cadets through classroom instruction and practical hands on trainings dedicated to these subjects. The ultimate goal being to create a well rounded officer. When the Cadet first joins they will select either Army or Navy, but cannot officially specialize until they reach their third year.

Those entering the Army will be able to enter one of the following branches: Infantry, Special Operations, Military Police, Transportation, Logistics, Artillery, Medical (doctors/nurses/admin), General Administration (legal, accounting, etc.), and Intelligence

Those entering the Navy will be able be able to enter one of the following divisions: Fleet Operations (Shipboard Security (Master-at-Arms), Flight Control (Ship & starfighter control), Special Operations, Engineering and Repair), Planetside Operations (Quartermaster, General Administration), Medical (doctors/nurses/admin), Starfighter Corps (Pilots/Admin), Marine Corps (Assault Team), and Intelligence.

Paths to Officership

Army and Navy Officers come through four different routes. The first route is “green to gold”, NCOs who earn their commission through their performance and ability. This is the second most common.

The second route is graduation via either the two or four year academy program based on which branch they will join. Officers take classes while drilling and learning their military skills.

Third route is those who already hold academic credentials and simply attend a modified form of basic training. Three weeks with enlisted and the remainder in officer training. This is the most common method of commissioning.

The fourth route is those who are commissioned or who were previously elsewhere in the galaxy. After verifying their claim, they are thoroughly vetted and tested. If they are unable to meet standards, the member is required to use method three. This was at one time the only way that personnel joined the OEF, however it is now the least common.


Navy Enlisted go through “ground school” for the first three weeks of training at the main Academy complex and then receive navy specific training for the remaining six weeks. Further specialization is possible if more school is attended. Such specializations include: Flight Control (large ship control, navigation tech, comscan tech, spacecraft traffic, etc.), Loadmaster, Shipboard Security (Master-at-Arms), Marine Corps (Assault Teams), Gunner (shipboard), Engineering (general maintenance, sub-light and hyperdrive engine maintenance), Quartermaster, Special Operations, Starfighter Corps (mechanics, gunners, flight control, etc.), Medical (medics and techs), Intelligence, and Administrative Services.

Army Enlisted go through four weeks of general combat training followed by two weeks of exposure to various branches that they may be assigned to. Special schools may be attended for further specialization. Specializations include: Infantry, Military Police, Cavalry, Artillery, Transportation, Logistics, Intelligence, Medical (medics and techs), Special Operations, Mechanics (air and ground vehicles), and Administrative Services.


All personnel are issued four uniforms regardless of branch for their initial training. A dress uniform, combat uniform, and two types of physical training uniforms. Pilots, flight crew, maintenance crew, and engineers across all branches are given flight suits.

Cadet Dress Uniforms

The first is a dress uniform, worn to academic classes, formations, and other formal functions. The uniform is a modified version of the Odanite Expeditionary Force Dress Uniform which in and of itself is a modification of the Galactic Republic’s Clone military uniform. This variant does not bear the OEF Insignia on the right shoulder. The belts do however contain the seal of the Council of Urr. The branch the cadet will enter is shown by the color of the piping on the tunic closure and collar. Forest Green for the Army and Star Command Blue for the Navy, Starfighter Corps personnel wear uniforms identical to the Navy. Cadets wear no rank beyond metallic discs on their shoulder straps to indicate what year they are. As first year cadets, all cadets are given one disk and one disk is added for each year of time at the academy starting. No medals are worn on the cadet uniform.

Enlisted Dress Uniforms

The enlisted uniforms are exactly the same as their operational counterparts with no variations. During training, future OEF enlisted wear no rank, medals, or decorations on any uniform except for the seal of the Council of Urr. At Graduation, their rank is pinned along with their OEF patch onto the dress uniform.

Operational Combat Uniforms

The second uniform, shared between the Enlisted and Officer training programs, consists of a top, bottom, gloves, watch cap, combat boots, & a helmet with various shades of grey in random patterning as camouflage. No rank or patches are displayed on this uniform, unlike its active duty counterpart. Due to the training nature of the Academy, no other uniforms are deemed necessary. After training, they will be issued two sets of each type of field/combat uniform.

Naval Cadets and Enlisted will be issued a set of navy blue colored combat uniforms for use onboard ships. Those assigned to the engineering department are permitted to wear a jumpsuit variant colored in crimson.

Starfighter Corps Uniforms

Those who are receiving training to work in, on, or around starfighters are given two sets of jumpsuits along with the standard sets of uniforms. One jumpsuit type is a solid orange, similar to those worn by the Alliance to Restore the Republic and are intended for flight operations. The second is a navy blue jumpsuit the same shade as the combat uniforms intended for use onboard the ship.

PT Uniform

The third uniform, also shared between the training programs, consists of a grey short-sleeved top, black trunk style shorts, athletic training shoes, and a highly reflective belt. The shirt has the branch name in Aurebesh across the front, and a single letter on the back taken from the first letter of the branch. There is no difference between this uniform and it’s active duty counterpart except that rank is shown on the active duty reflective belt.

The fourth uniform is a variant of the third but with a grey long sleeve turtleneck shirt, long black sweatpants, athletic training shoes, two types of watch caps, gloves, and a highly reflective belt.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Knights of AllusisTemplar JensaaraiProving Ground

Clan Summit: High Councilor Gui SolCouncilor of War: Wulfram ArmisTBATBA • Knight Commander Yuki Suoh • Battleteam Leader TBA • Battleteam Leader Waza Sunrider

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness

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Commandant (NPC) Work in progress