Dark Brotherhood Infrastructure
Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood
Rights of the Brethren
Warbanners are the standards, or flags, that identify an individual Dark Jedi on the field of battle. The design, color, stripes, and charge of the Warbanner help to identify individuals, while medallions identify those of leadership positions in the various clans.
Warbanners are created and updated by the office of the Herald. Under no circumstances is a member to design and submit a warbanner to the Herald's staff, as they are the ones who are in charge to design and uphold the quality of the warbanners.
- 1 Warbanner Example
- 2 Warbanner: Guardian - Jedi Hunter
- 3 Warbanner: Dark Jedi Knight - Krath Priest, Sith Warrior, Obelisk Templar
- 4 Warbanner: Archpriest, Battlemaster, Prelate - Epis, Battlelord, Exarch
- 5 Warbanner: Pontifex, Warlord, and Primarch
- 6 Warbanner: Elders (DA, DJM, DP) and Grand Masters
- 7 Order Warbanners
- 8 Medallions and Tassets
- 9 Warbanner Options
- 10 Trivia
Warbanner Example
Warbanner: Guardian - Jedi Hunter
GRD/JH WarbannerFile:GRDwbAED.jpgWarbanner for Aedile or higher
At the rank of Guardian/Jedi Hunter, a Dark Jedi may request one of three colors: red, blue, or purple. They will have only one option for a banner support and if they have received the leadership position of Aedile or higher, they may request a medallion on their banner of the same color. There are no choices for stripes and a default shape for these warbanners.
Warbanner: Dark Jedi Knight - Krath Priest, Sith Warrior, Obelisk Templar
File:DJKwb.jpgWarbanner with Batwing shape and Chevron striping
Warbanner for Aedile or higher with Inner Curve shape and Bend striping
At the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, a Dark Jedi may request one of six colors: red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, or green. They will have a choice of either white or copper banner support and the same choices for a medallion, if one has reached the leadership position of Aedile or higher. They will also be eligible for the Order tasset. They will also have the option of different stripes to be used as backgrounds for their warbanner: Bend, Chevron, Chief, Fess, Pale, and Sneak. They will also have different choices for warbanner shapes: Batwing, Cloud, Crescent, Inner Curve, and Ridged Crescent.
Warbanner: Archpriest, Battlemaster, Prelate - Epis, Battlelord, Exarch
Warbanner with Leafling shape and Saltire stripingFile:EQ2wbAED.jpgWarbanner for Aedile or higher with Thorn shape and Cross striping
At the rank of Equite level Two and Three, a Dark Jedi may request one of nine colors: red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, green, teal, tan, or brown. They will have a choice of either white, copper, or silver banner support and the same choices for a medallion, if one has reached the leadership position of Aedile or higher. They will also have the option of different stripes to be used as backgrounds for their warbanner: Bend, Chevron Up, Chief, Fess, Pale, Sneak, Bend Sinister, Chevron Down, Cross, Exodus, Pile, or Saltire. Also, one may request the stripes to be either light or dark. They will also have different choices for warbanner shapes: Batwing, Cloud, Crescent, Inner Curve, Ridged Crescent, Beetle Wing, Leafling, Midslash, Thorn, or Ziggurath.
Warbanner: Pontifex, Warlord, and Primarch
File:EQ4wb.jpgWarbanner with Ziggurath shape and Pile striping
Warbanner for Aedile or higher with Beetle Wing shape and Exodus striping
At the rank of Equite level Four, a Dark Jedi may request one of twelve colors: red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, green, teal, tan, brown, white, gray, or black. They will have a choice of either white, copper, silver, or gold banner support and the same choices for a medallion, if one has reached the leadership position of Aedile or higher. They will also have the option of different stripes to be used as backgrounds for their warbanner or may request a custom stripe to be created. Also, one may request the stripes to be either light or dark. They will also have different choices for warbanner shapes: Batwing, Cloud, Crescent, Inner Curve, Ridged Crescent, Beetle Wing, Leafling, Midslash, Thorn, or Ziggurath.
Warbanner: Elders (DA, DJM, DP) and Grand Masters
Warbanner with Custom shapes and stripesFile:ElderwbAED.jpgWarbanner for Aedile or higher with Custom shapes and stripes
At the rank of Elder or Grand Master, a Dark Jedi may request one of twelve colors: red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, green, teal, tan, brown, white, gray, or black. They will have a choice of either white, copper, silver, gold, or black banner support and the same choices for a medallion, if one has reached the leadership position of Aedile or higher. They will also have the option of custom stripes to be used as backgrounds for their warbanner. They will also have the opportunity to request custom shapes for their warbanner.
Order Warbanners
These warbanners have been designed as a representation to each Order. The Sith warbanner has been fashioned out of scrapped hulls from unfortunate Republic forces capital ships. The Krath warbanner has been fashioned from stones brought from mines in Byss, cloths imported from Hapes, and parchment created from the trees of Kashyyyk. The Obelisk warbanner has been fashioned together using stone slabs from the streets of Mygeeto, as well as crude yet effective weapons fashioned by the Noghri and possible ancient Sith design. These warbanners are created specifically for members who are Equite 2 or higher in rank.
Medallions and Tassets
File:WBwGMRGtasset.JPGWarbanner with GMRG TassetFile:WBwACCtasset.JPGWarbanner with ACC Tasset
Warbanner medallions are given to members who have served as an Aedile or higher. The only exemption to this is if one has served as a Praetor for a minimum of 6 months. The warbanner medallion is used to identify the unit or family that a member belongs to or the Brotherhood office that a Dark Councilor represents. The tassets are miniature medallions that are placed to the side of the main medallion. To qualify for these, you must reach the rank of ACC:I for the Antei Combat Center Society, GMRG:I for First Echelon: 1 in the Royal Guard, and SA:I for Shadow Academy Society to qualify for these ornaments. Finally, there is one Order medallion for the rank of DJK and above. The SA and Order tassets require a second rail to help maintain. If only the SA or only the Order tasset is requested, it will be placed in the middle over the warbanner medallion. These are selectable in the Warbanner Request Form.
Warbanner Options
The Warbanner of a Guardian (the lowest rank in the brotherhood that is able to request a warbanner) will be much less ornate than those of higher ranks. As one progresses through the ranks, more elaborate styles become available. Also, position in the Brotherhood does not exempt one from receiving more ornate options. For example, one can receive both the SA, ACC and GMRG tassets as long as they are qualified to carry them, regardless of rank. Warbanners are specifically designed to be based off of rank and not position.
See also: Grant of Arms and Kaine Mandaala.