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Date: 37 ABY
Location: Ancient Sith Space
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
One Sith Order
[ Source ]
The forces of Taldryan have pushed the conquest of Ancient Sith Space harder than most would have imagined. Unexpected triumphs came as surely as surprisingly difficult battles as the Elders, Equites, and Journeymen fought One Sith forces, outwitted opposing houses and clans, and even mastered internal struggles on Krayiss II, Rhelg, and Ch'Hodos. This ongoing conflict has seen individual and group victories, such as Shadow Taldrya or Shaz'air Taldrya - and Taldryan's conquest of Krayiss II, to its incredibly close loss to Arcona on Rhelg.
The Beginning
An Image of one of the Mastermind's of the attacks against Taldryan, Darth Sinagar
The build up to the conflict, like many battles involving denizens of the Dark Side, was fought mostly in shadows. The One Sith had been probing the Dark Brotherhood for years. They had gone so far as to infiltrate their own members into the Dark Brotherhood's ranks, and when the opportunity presented itself, even murdering its members on far distant planets, away from the Grand Master's reach.
No matter what the plan was, it seemed as though the One Sith had taken the Dark Brotherhood completely unawares when they picked their moment to strike. The Brotherhood, still reeling from the debilitating Horizons Plague that had swept through its ranks was weakened, and the One Sith chose that as their moment to strike. Simultaneous attacks against every Clan and House, against all levels of the Dark Council were launched, and the Brotherhood reeled in surprise.
The One Sith though, had massively miscalculated. Even with the forces of the Brotherhood being taken completely by surprise at their terrorist attacks, the attacks themselves were only marginally effective. Notable members and warriors were wounded. Scores of Apprentices and Journeymen were slaughtered, but the Dark Brotherhood and her followers is made of sterner stuff than the enemy would give them credit for. The attempt at sweeping the head from the shoulders of the Brotherhood, at being able to devour warring parties piecemeal was utterly, and completely foiled.
Darth Pravus, and the new Shadowhand Raken would prove more than a match for the agents and assassins that had infiltrated the Dark Temple on Antei. It is unknown whether the One Sith agents even got within eyesight of the Grand Master, Muz Ashen, however one might suspect that if they were defeated by the underlings, they would have stood no chance against the Dark Lord of the Brotherhood himself.
Buried under Black Sand (Chronicles of Krayiss II)
This image of Krayiss II was provided by Talon Drear (12918) for this article.
After a series of terrorist attacks, which were meant to cripple the Dark Brotherhood, the Dark Council gathered the various Houses of the Dark Brotherhood, and mobilized itself for war. Not internal strife, as was so often the case, but instead for the glory, and conquest against an enemy who had dared attack us. This rogue sect of Dark Jedi, under the command of a shadowy figure claiming the title Darth, had ensconced itself within the ancient Sith Empire, and claimed for itself the birthright of the true followers of the Dark Side, the Dark Brotherhood.
Taldryan, long since thought past her prime, was called upon, along with Clan Arcona, and the damnable Jedi of House Odan-Urr, to jointly attack one of the outermost planets in the Stygian Caldera, a planet known as Krayiss II. Initial scouting reports were vague and scrambled at best, but it was thought that many powerful One Sith practitioners had based themselves on the planet, in order to reach out across space and strike at Antei. Home to an ancient Sith Library-Temple, and untold secrets, the warriors of the Brotherhood were instructed to strike swiftly, and without mercy, seeking out the destruction of those who would oppose, and so audaciously attack us.
An image of the Library-Temple of Krayiss II
Foremost targets of the Brotherhood’s forces were identified as Darth Sinagar[1], another pretender to the august title, and his apprentice Tor Siva[2]. Sinagar, who had been instrumental in the attacks against the Dark Brotherhood was to be reserved as a target of special honour, as it was expected that he would be camped out in the library temple. It was the Dark Brotherhood’s Combat Master, Shadow Taldrya, who would eventually bring both of these pretenders to their knees, dispensing with the revenge that the entire Dark Brotherhood seethed for.
No victory is without daunting challenges to overcome however, and as it was, accessing the Library-Temple of Krayiss II was nigh impossible, and it wasn't until the combined powers of three Grand Masters, Ashen, Pravus and Cotelin, would the Jedi and Sith spirits guarding the temple be vanquished, and her secrets made plain for the Brotherhood.
Despite heavy fortifications erected at an outpost, named for another ancient Sith Lord, the Dark Brotherhood’s forces, led by Taldryan[3] would overwhelm any and all opposition, though some warriors[4] of other Clans and Houses would earn renown with their deeds of heroism[5] and martial prowess, it was Taldryan resurgent, followed by the guidance of the returned Jac Cotelin[6], who would secure the ultimate victory on Krayiss II, and earn the Dark Council’s honors.
Over Icy Planes (Chronicles of Rhelg)
A view of the invasion of Rhelg, as recorded by ACO Catmatui 13523
Maxyn Vonnisia
Soon after the fighting had died down on Krayiss II, with Taldryan once again rising to defeat Clan Arcona, orders were issued from the Dark Council, that Taldryan would once again issue forth and attack the One Sith world of Rhelg. Little was known of this world, beyond the fact that it had once been home to the ancient Sith Lord Ludo Kressh, and still upon it sat the ruins of his long dead, but perhaps no longer abandoned fortress.
As is the way of the Sith, the Dark Council's sinister machinations ensured that even though this was supposedly to be a battle of united Brotherhood forces, the forces of Taldryan, Arcona, Scholae Palatinae would all be tasked to conquer the planet. Tensions would flare, and Clan loyalties would once again rise to the surface. First and foremost on the Dark Council's requirements, was the capturing, and garrisoning of Ludo Kressh's fortress, and to secure any relics that were left there.
Tasked with the "glory" of this mission, was a group of warriors that could rarely be compared with in the Dark Brotherhood. Under the command of Grand Master Jac Cotelin, the team consisting of Halcyon Rokir, Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Shadow Taldrya, and Benevolent Taldrya Whiner was issued orders[7] to pair with members of the Grand Master's vaunted Nephilim, and secure the fortress for Lord Ashen.
Secondary on the Dark Council's objectives was the location, and possible detainment of the One Sith agent Maxyn Vonnisia. A Kiffar former mercenary, the orders concerning this highly dangerous woman were quite simple, detain for questioning if possible, if not, she was not to leave the planet alive. Despite the heavy burden that was laid upon the various strike teams that set forth to capture this foe, once again it was Taldryan who came out on top, bringing the woman in[8], and surely allowing the Brotherhood to gain many One Sith secrets, and perhaps plan for the next stage in the battle.
Sadly, while the members of Taldryan were most instrumental in the capture of the Brotherhood's most important objectives, the heavy price that the soldiers of Arcona paid in combat[9], and the work that they did in scouting[10] and securing invaluable intelligence[11] required that the Dark Council name Arcona as the victors, in what was a truly close battle.
Stories from the Front Lines
Notes from the Aedile's Frontline Journal
Taldryan Emblem
If there was ever room for rumor, it would be now. But what I say is true: A Dark Lord has risen from the grave. Even being in the higher echelons of the Equites, I find new strengths in the power of the Dark Side each day. This place, this "Brotherhood," constantly begs for larger and darker forces to compete against.
Yet the power that the Iron Throne possesses roars with great fury. Taldryan faces new enemies on a regular basis. Cast under the will of Grand Master Muz, do we fight for our own or for the ego of a Dark Sorcerer? It becomes to difficult to tell these days. Even now on the edge of this sand stricken waste land of Krayiss II, I can only spare a moment to enter this short log. Perks of being the Aedile, I suppose...
The line in the sand is constantly brushed aside, with a new, bolder stroke cast into the ground ahead of us. My mind and mettle struggle alongside Quaestor Rian. He has learned much in his tenure. He is strong in the face of opposition, and knows how to muster his Brothers and Sisters of the Mighty House Taldryan. Our numbers are fewer this time, but our strength is much grander now. This battle on Krayiss II is coming towards the end, I can feel it... Arcona and Scholae Palatinae won't last this battle.
Taldryan will rise victorious. Mark my words.
An Excerpt from Draco's Personal Diary
Today we trudged over the ice plains of Rhelg in search for Ludo Kressh's fortress. We have marched for many hours without rest or respite, through icy terrains, through ambushes by the rouges of Black Sun. And yet we prevailed. There were only five of us: Rian, Bubbles, Sena, me and one another I forgot. We fought with the fierceness of Kryat Dragons, led by Rian. Yes we fought fiercely and broke every ambush, which was both the result of frustration from a long march, hatred for such pirate scum, and yes...thirst for power and treasure.
My frost-bitten hands what now write are nothing compared to the chill in my heart and soul. Today many things I formerly believed were proven wrong. Ludo Kressh's fortress is nothing like we ever saw. At least I never did. It was ancient. The deeper we went, the more I could sense that ancient power increasing. I could feel disturbances in the force similar to waves on an ocean. It was empowering, calling itself to us all, to embrace its dark powers. It made us aggressive: I remember Sena almost on a warpath with the others. I think the dormant powers of the Temple made us so. I felt strangely confident, as if I could decide the fate of worlds with this kind of power, like nothing could stand between me and it...
We battled with Force Spirits when we delved deeper into the temple. Can you believe it? Force Spirits! If anyone told me of existence of force spirits outside of Sith legends I'd have beaned them. But once again, the Force proved me wrong. There are Force Spirits out there. One nearly killed one of our comrades, but we rescued him and destroyed the spirits. However we had no time to jump forward for treasures because Rian ordered us to leave the Temple before the temperature dropped more. We didn't gain anything materially, buy we sure gained a lot of knowledge.
I secretly hoped Sena's annoying bird Corvus would get eaten by a Force Spirit, but alas! One can't have everything.
An Excerpt from Keirdagh's Personal Journal
Still, I fight. [T]he endless string of seemingly pointless conflicts, have sapped nearly all the will and desire out of me to issue forth with my full vigour for the battle of Ch'hodos. Still though, when Taldryan calls, I have an almost automatic need to respond. My heart, my will, my faith may no longer be in the position that I so often have found it, in full defense of Taldryan’s might and prestige, but today, I will fight. The battle for Ch’hodos looms, and while I have been told we are free of having to once again cross swords with the likes of Arcona, today we instead are faced with a battle against Plagueis, Tarentum, and my old enemy of Naga Sadow.
The Plagueians have been a revelation to me in this most recent conflict. I thought the challenge for supremacy in the Brotherhood would remain as it has been for ages, between Arcona and Taldryan, but there is now a third pretender for Taldryan’s throne. Ah well, heavy lies the crown.
An Excerpt from Nyssa's Personal Journal
Everything changes, and yet nothing is new. As I write this we are en route to Ch'hodos, the third planet in our endeavours. Our new recruits are holding themselves well so far, they have great inspiration to look to - with the likes of the OFH to set them the example, there was never really any doubt that they would do well. But still they have held firmer than I had expected, finally the tide turns. I think the other houses have had some what of a surprise - they had long-since decided that Taldryan was dead, that she would never again attain the lofty heights she once graced, but they are realising now they were wrong. We may still have a long fight in front of us to regain that position of superiority but the fight, at last, is well underway. What they failed to realise was the dedication and the loyalty that Taldryan inspires. All it takes is for her to sound her battlecry and the troops will rally. All it takes is time.
Competition Details
The official competition site can be found [1] or [2]
- ↑ Krayiss II: Ancient Stones, won by Dark Jedi Master Shadow Taldrya.
- ↑ Krayiss II: Target: Tor Siva, won by Dark Jedi Master Shadow Taldrya.
- ↑ Krayiss II: Reconnaisance, won by Team Buffalo: Jac Cotelin, Shadow Taldrya, Chaosrain Taldrya, Rian Aslar.
- ↑ Krayiss II: The Battle for Krayiss II, won by Cethgus of Arcona.
- ↑ Krayiss II: The Hunt, won by Morotheri of Odan-Urr.
- ↑ Jac won the SA event
- ↑ Taldryan Team Old & Busted Won RO
- ↑ Shad Won This, But he's fictionally in the RO, so Tal gets Credit
- ↑ Walter won Gaming
- ↑ Soccoro won Graphics
- ↑ Soccora Won SA