Zagro Fenn

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Zagro Fenn
Biographical Information

Raxus Prime

Date of Birth:


Physical Description





170 cm


70 kg




Light Blue

Personal Information




Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):



Sith Dagger

Chronology & Political Information



Battleteam Sergeant


Clan Scholae Palatinae

Known masters:

Koryn Thraagus

Known apprentices:

Ulfsark Drake Starfire



[ Source ]

"The Sith and Jedi are so limited in their ambitions. True power and knowledge of the past flows through me, the Force is my weapon. "
―Zagro Fenn

Zagro Fenn is a male Umbaran member of Clan Scholae Palatinae who is a skilled sorcerer and scholar. Orphaned by the age of twelve he became a skilled treasure hunter scouring the wastelands of Raxus Prime before learning of his heritage and seeking vengeance for his family off-world. The young Umbaran quickly made a name for himself specializing in finding and trading Sith artifacts and ancient Force-sensitive relics throughout the Mid-Rim.

While looting priceless items from the Tomb of Marka Ragnos on Korriban, the events of the Tenth Great Jedi War overtook Fenn. Detained by forces loyal to the Dark Council, the Umbaran was taken to Antei and interrogated. Released to the custody of the Shadow Academy, Zagro quickly scoured all available texts and manuscripts his rank would allow. Rapidly rising through the ranks of the Shadow Academy, Fenn began acquiring a personal collection of holocrons and delving into the mysteries of the Force.

As a Professor of History in the Shadow Academy, Fenn was approached by agents of the Inquisitorius and offered admittance to the order. The Umbaran accepted, seeking further knowledge and power within the Force. As part of his Inquisitorius cover, Fenn joined Clan Scholae Palatinae and begrudgingly learned to master both the lightsaber and Sith Dagger along with specializing in Force lightning attacks and taking on the mantle of sorcerer. He is currently a Savant with Clan Scholae Palatinae and a Grand Inquisitor in the Inquisitorius seeking the final secrets of the Shadow Academy.

Character History

Early Tragedy and Finding Purpose

Zagro Fenn was born under the ominous and bleak spires of the industrial wasteland of Raxus Prime. The once booming and prosperous metropolis world was far past its prime millennia ago, and the recent resurgence of the world due to the exploits of Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems had given way to near lawlessness under lax control by the nascent Tion Hegemony and the Imperial overlords.

In 6 ABY Fenn was born to Commander Calus Fenn and a local female named Talindra Djo. The senior Fenn had come to Raxus Prime nearly a lifetime prior as a young soldier of the Umbarana militia forces that had gallantly defended Umbara from the Galactic Republic and her clone armies. Thankful for the assistance the CIS provided to Umbara, the normally xenophobic and highly stratified society allowed several forces to depart for the greater war. The ruling caste, the Rootai, specified that if victory was achieved the families of those soldiers embarked would be elevated to amongst their ranks. Failure was to be relegation to the lowest castes of the Umbaran society.

By the time of Zagro’s birth, Calus had gained command of the nascent and growing community of ex-patriot Umbarans who could never return to their beloved home. Clandestine communications had been established from within the backwater of the Tion Hegemony to the Mid-Rim world of Umbara, but the people on Raxus Prime were a broken and exploited people. Fenn’s mother left for parts unknown and a brighter future in 12 ABY. This abandonment of the loving and caring woman, so different from the manipulative and sardonic Umbarans to which Zagro grew around was a devastating blow. He had once been teased and shunned for acting more like a human than his own kind, Fenn learned to hate his people and pity them while also scorning the human frailty of his mother.

Calus Fenn, by 16 ABY, had all but neglected his son with the dual misery of holding together the factious Umbarans on Raxus Prime and the personal tragedy of losing his one and only love. It was in this year that the senior Fenn decided to gamble his people on a return to Umbara. Allying his few remaining aged veterans and the cream of the next generation of soldiers with local pirates and Black Sun operatives, Calus prepared for war.

Zagro’s solitary and neglected upbringing had a deep impact on the inquisitive and naturally outgoing Umbaran. Without an outlet for his budding social needs or companionship, he turned to reading and study of all the trash heaps of history that is Raxus Prime. During this period, the men under Calus Fenn and local criminal elements boarded transports and readied makeshift warships and prepared to raid Umbara itself. Zagro did not wish his father goodbye, and no words passed between the two men. Only a sad looked crossed both their brows. In later years Fenn would understand his father lost the ability to care for anyone once his mother left and the deep feeling of powerless to protect his son forced the commander’s hand to risk all to return to Umbara and make his mark.

Word finally came two years later in 18 ABY, the mission had been a spectacular defeat. The pirates and Umbaran veterans had been betrayed by Black Sun and turned over to the Rootai ruling council. Recordings of the executions and heads were transported back to Raxus Prime as a grim reminder of the social stigma and intransience of the Rootai for the descendants of her most gallant and patriotic sons and daughters.

The loss of both parents drastically altered the budding Umbaran. With all hope for the future stolen for the remaining women, elderly, and children of the Umbaran diaspora on Raxus Prime, Zagro became extroverted to a degree. He talked to the original Umbarans who came with the expedition and learned their secrets and as much of the past as possible. He also learned to be highly manipulative and cunning as well. Publicly he acted as a caring and ponderous youth who fostered a sense of community. Secretly, he sent younger children and his peers on dangerous scavenger hunts and pick pocketing missions to gather more intelligence and data on a myriad of subjects that Zagro could find.

Late in 18 ABY a culminating point was reached. With all love and feelings of betrayal and loss all but shunted inside, Fenn garnered what would be his defining drive for the future. Scouring Count Dooku’s former headquarters a small cache of documents were discovered, as well as a holocron belonging to a long dead Sith adherent from Korriban. None of Fenn’s band of urchins could activate the device, yet when Zagro held it the holocron activated, calling to him while scaring the Umbaran children away.

Selto Gant, the holocron’s creator, had programed a highly suggestive protocol into the histories and arcane secrets held within. Now, Zagro had the confidant and friend he never had before. Gant told Fenn about the multiple rise and falls of the Sith Empire, the mysteries of the Sith, information on lost technology, and above all else grooming Zagro for exploration and a thirst for power.

The potent mixture of the final loss of all familial ties, a crumbling community on a long dead and poisonous world forgotten by all, Zagro found a purpose. Selto Gand inculcated an urge for retribution for the Umbarans thrust to the galaxy by the Rootai and left to wallow. Outright military intervention and a coup had already failed and cost the life of his father. No, Fenn had his own path that would take decades to put into fruition.

At age 12, Fenn knew he must learn as much information as he could, and turn that information to ultimate power in order to return to Umbara not as the head of a host, but as a singular driving force of change. He would find a way to make such a mark on the galaxy or attain such singular power that he could engage the Rootai and enact the change his father had died for. And to do it, he would have to find all the holocrons and ancient treasure and lure on Raxus Prime, the Tion Hegemony, and within the Mid-Rim.

Treasure Hunter

Trials at the Shadow Academy

Acceptance to the Inquisitorius and Placement in CSP

Zagro’s work within the Shadow Academy and his contacts made as a Professor alerted him to further discrepancies and irregularities within certain members of Clan Scholae Palatinae. He kept note of these contacts and the nefarious activities he was alerted to. Not knowing whom to trust, the Umbaran kept his silence while pursuing further intelligence and knowledge within the halls of the Shadow Academy and the avenues and palaces of Antei where the power politics between the Dark Council and the various Consuls were waged.

In time, Fenn’s path crossed that of Lucyeth of Scholae Palatinae. A Grand Inquisitor in his own right, Lucyeth was aware of the corruption that had pervaded the Cocytus System and informed the Umbaran that the Emperor Xen’Mordin himself was looking for discrete aid to tackle such forces arrayed against his dominion. Zagro was initiated into the Inquisitorius and taught the secrets of the order that would aid him in the coming clandestine war waging across the Cocytus System.

Many missions were arranged for the Umbaran to train him in the black arts, yet Zagro refused to specialize in the use of the lightsaber, instead focusing primarily on the offensive power of the Force itself and mastering daggers and bladed weapons that would not give away his presence. This skill would prove instrumental in the coming assassination missions that, along with an extensive body of work, would see Fenn enter the highest echelon of the Inquisitorius. Fenn departed Antei for the cold landscape of Caina.

To the east of Daemon, the treacherous and crafty Twi’Lek operative called Snake waited in the shadows to strike. The male Legion of Liberation member was a known expert in the use of daggers and bladed weapons. This was a uniquely well paired mission for Savant Fenn as it allowed him to truly test his mettle as a trained dagger wielder himself. As a true test of abilities, Fenn decided to use only the Force and his dagger to take down this threat to both Clan Scholae Palatinae but also the stability under which the Dark Council wished to exert.

The approach to Daemon took a long time, as such a cautious adversary as Snake had placed considerable traps, decoys, and other early warning devices to protect his presence. The painstaking process was left to Zagro of walking from the outskirts of Daemon to the location specified by classified information stolen from the Excidium based Battleteam Tacitus Athanasius. He was at a race against time not only with the remaining Legion of Liberation operatives but also with the Palatinaens who were eager to execute such a highly valued operative within their own system.

Finally, when the Umbaran reached the outpost and silently snuck inside by climbing through a broken exhaust vent, he caused a diversion by cutting the power by slicing the wires of the two emergency generators that fed the tiny compound. Fenn used his nascent ability to conceal himself in the basement of the outpost, utilizing blackness to shield his presence from the eyes of the Twi’Lek. When Snake finally took the bait and explored the basement to try to fix the generators he was ambushed.

When Snake crouched down, utilizing an emergency lighting strip to check on the generator terminals Fenn struck. Blinding light ran forth from the Umbaran’s hands, his own training counteracting his natural revulsion to explosive bursts of light. Stunned, Snake fell backwards and lashed out with a few defensive blows with his poisoned daggers. Fenn would hope to not need to enter into close combat with such a skilled fighter.

His own eyes far superior in the darkness that enveloped the basement of the outpost, Fenn lanced Force lightning from both hands, pinning down the Twi’Lek who riled in pain, the agony evident on his bulbous face. Fenn took unusual pleasure in seeing the torturous agony inflicted upon the downed adversary.

Fenn did not cut down the Twi’Lek in short order, instead focusing on using manipulation to gain critical information on the Legion of Liberation and other top level operatives that were waiting the order to strike at the heart of Clan Scholae Palatinae. Fenn kept his distance all the while, knowing that Snake’s mastery of poison extended beyond the length of his blades. Fenn proposed turning Snake to becoming an operative working on the behalf of forces within the Cocytus Sytem to assuage his fears and free his tongue. In the end, it was only the snap freeing of the Inquisitorius stiletto hidden in Fenn’s palm that sliced into the Twi’Lek’s throat that ended the mission.

To the north of Daemon another abandoned Legion of Liberation outpost stood as the hide out of the most deadly Mandalorian of the Mid-Rim, the operative known as Scorpion. Intelligence reports provided Fenn with the knowledge that he would be facing not only a highly skilled Mandalorian warrior, but also two ID9 droids that curtailed any sense of secrecy and surprise the Umbaran could muster. Fenn knew this would be a deadly fight, unlike anything he had faced before.

Knowing surprise was off the table, and his limited martial skills arrayed against a Mandalorian would account for little, Fenn optioned to use risk and unpredictability to his advantage. Instead of slowly and carefully sneaking up on the outpost, Zagro optioned to crash a light freighter into the compound and await the Mandalorian and his droids scurrying out for safety.

Waiting in the distance, Fenn watched as the freighter’s autopilot system angled sharply and the thrusters ached against the forces of gravity to pummel the outpost and the nearby landing zone. Fenn waited and watched, utilizing his keen sense of perception to notice the first sign of movement in the rubble.

The first movement was one of the ID9 droids, surveying the carnage and looking for threat pictures. Fenn noticed the second droid move out from the rubble in the opposite direction. Using forked Force lightning, Zagro lanced out before the droids could separate. The Force lightning caused the ID9 droids to spiral out of control and smash into the debris field. Without her droids, Scorpion was forced to either hide and wait for more adversaries to emerge or to come out blasters at the ready. The Mandalorian, true to form, chose the latter form of combat.

Scorpion was on Zagro far too rapidly for the Umbaran to react accordingly. The speed of the female Mandalorian was uncanny. The first few blaster shots were probing shots, testing Fenn. The Umbaran easily blocked the shots with his Sith Dagger, and kept the Mandalorian at bay with Force lightning. Knowing his ability for blindness and darkness would be useless against the fully armored Mandalorian, and his ability to guile also nearly without use, Fenn thought rapidly on his feet.

The Mandalorian charged forward, the diminutive Umbaran presenting an easy target, and Fenn braced himself. Blocking blaster bolt after blaster bolt, Fenn read Scorpion’s mind, knowing how the killing blow would be delivered. Fenn stood his ground, and prepared for the vibroblade through the chin. Meters away and closing fast, Scorpion activated a vibroblade hidden within her mailed fist and took aim. Fenn dropped his dagger, flickered his yellow saber on in an instant and thrust forward at the exact second Scorpion lunged in for the kill.

The lightsaber slash did not kill the Mandalorian, but it did damage her chest plate and momentarily incapacitate her. Fenn wasted no time. In seconds he was straddling the still deadly Mandalorian, grabbing her helmet and jerking it upward with one hand, and jabbing his stiletto into her jugular. Fenn kept his body weight on the dying Mandalorian, not trusting his foe to truly be dead. Scanning with the Force, moments later, he knew she was gone. Fenn carried the body back with him, honored with such a skilled kill on his hands.

These missions, and many other classified projects, gained Fenn high regard within the Inquisitorius and attained the rank of Grand Inquisitor. In order to continue his career and search for access to more information and ancient artifacts, Fenn begrudgingly accepted an offer to join Clan Scholae Palatinae. He would continue the clandestine work of the Inquisitorius and further his Force training and martial prowess.

Initial Assignments Within Clan Scholae Palatinae

Once Fenn arrived on Judecca, he quickly found a willing master in Koryn Thraagus. With access to the library complex within the Imperial Winter Palace, Fenn's knowledge of the past and arcane arts grew. Finally, reluctantly, Fenn decided to take up study in the Shien form of lightsaber combat. The Umbaran continued to prefer utilizing the Force offensively and defensively and considered himself a true sorcerer. However, he gained a new appreciation for the ancient art and grace of lightsaber work. In time, he became a true master of the art while still preferring his Sith Dagger to dispatch foes at close range. Finally, after much debate and self appraisal, Fenn deigned to take apprentices of his own and teach them what he knew of the Force and the arcane arts. He took on both Drake Starfire and Ulfsark.

Flushed with a new sense of belonging and greater devotion to the organization, Zagro accepted the mantle of Aedile and assisted Kell Dante for a time in establishing House Imperium. Feeling that he was neglecting his studies and research, Fenn resigned his position some time later once a new generation of highly skilled Dark and Gray Jedi took over the mantle of leadership. Fenn was coaxed out of semi-retirement by Delak Krennel to serve as sergeant of battleteam Shadow Guard.