Dark Brotherhood Infrastructure
Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood
Rights of the Brethren
Lightsabers are the weapon of a Jedi, Light, Dark, or otherwise.
How They Work
File:Lightsabers Imagery.jpgBlue lightsabers are generally associated with the Jedi Knights, and their red counterparts are generally associated with practitioners of the Dark Side, such as the SithBy using special crystals and a complex hilt, A beam of cutting light (much like a laser) is generated in the shape of a sword. Lightsaber blades can cut through almost anything, excluding other lightsabers, Cortosis (which shuts down a lightsaber), Phrik Alloy (which resists lightsabers), and Mandalorian Iron (which resists lightsabers).
Obtaining A Lightsaber
In the Dark Brotherhood, members first gains access to a training lightsaber when they join, but they are not permitted to have a Lightsaber displayed on his or her Dossier until they have reached the rank of Protector. At that time they are permitted the use of Armory Lightsabers, provided they meet certain criteria. These lightsabers are not as powerful as the regular ones, but are a valuable training tool.
When they are knighted, they are allowed to fabricate their lightsaber using a special, web-based tool which allows them to pick through many different hilts, colors, and blade colors.
Furthermore, members that reach EQ3 are able to wield a Double bladed lightsaber, though this Double bladed lightsaber can not be customized until the member reaches the ranks of the Elders.
Fighting with lightsabers is a test of skill. Many millennia have passed in generation of very specialized and effective forms of, including methods on how to fight with Dual Lightsabers and the Double bladed lightsaber.
Even more rare than those who have the training to use two lightsabers at once, or use the double-sided lightsaber, are those few who have been awarded the Golden Lightsaber.
Custom Lightsabers
At the Equite 2 rank, a member is permitted to fabricate their own lightsabers from raw parts. This is commonly called a Custom Lightsaber, in that they are generally very unique to the user, and hand crafted.
The Herald is the Dark Council member who is responsible for creating and uploading custom lightsaber images.
Custom Saber Requests
I want...
Can I have it?
a custom lightsaber
Once you have reached Equite 2, you may request a custom lightsaber!
Equite 2
a shoto saber
You may have a shoto - a short lightsaber - once you have reached Equite 2.
Equite 2
two lightsabers
Once you have reached Equite 4, you may request a pair of dual hilt sabers. These sabers may be twins in design or two separate chassis.
Equite 4
an alchemically treated crystal
Once you have reached Equite 4, you may request a single lightsaber that has an unstable yet alchemically treated crystal inside. Right now, this feature is purely story-based and won't affect the look of your saber.
Equite 4
a saberstaff
You may have a saberstaff once you have reached Dark Side Adept / Force Adept.
Dark Side Adept / Force Adept
a dual-phase lightsaber
Once you have reached the rank of Dark Jedi Master / Jedi Master you may select a dual-phase lightsaber as your custom saber. A dual-phase saber will not alter the look of your saber, but it has ACC implications.
Dark Jedi Master / Jedi Master
a UV lightsaber
Only if you are a Dark Jedi Master / Jedi Master or higher. A UV lightsaber has a black core and a purple glow. Note: These lightsabers are extremely rare and must be earned (by becoming DJM) or awarded. Others who carry these sabers have been given to them in the past and have been grandfathered to allow these members to continue possession.
Dark Jedi Master / Jedi Master
a sword or a gun
No. A custom lightsaber request it for lightsabers. Feel free to find/commission a sword and place it on your wiki page, though!
a lightwhip, lightsickle, lightknitting-needle
Once you are a Dark Jedi Master / Jedi Master you may attempt to convince the current Grand Master that you should have one.
ummm...a sith sword
No. However, if you attain Shadow Academy Society rank XII you can select one of these from the selector.
Here's an example of some of the metals available to members during the crafting of their lightsabers:
File:Metal Pattern.jpgExamples of metals used in lightsabers