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Kazmir "Tyre" Natas, is a Force-sensitive Echani male who serves Taldryan as an Obelisk Templar. Born on Thyrsus in 15 ABY - in anything but ideal situations - to a Thyrsian father and Echani mother, parents he has never met, or known. The young boy was left for dead on the streets until he was found, and raised as heir to a local Thyrsian nobleman. His life on Thyrsus was unremarkable, and he was quickly drawn to exploring the galaxy in search of an understanding for his abnormal powers. Finding his way to the Brotherhood where he was taken in by Taldryan, Kazmir quickly rose to become a trusted and highly decorated Taldryanite and that despite lacking years of formal training in the Jedi way.
Liu Van Dae was a Jedi who desired to purge all disciples of the dark side. First brought up within the New Jedi Order under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker, he grew to idolize the fallen Omancor Crask, who had challenged the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in 30 ABY and died doing so. Liu was most noted for both altering his ship's hyperdrive and using the Force to manipulate time travel, a rare but possible phenomenon in the galaxy. Traveling from 50 ABY back to 33 ABY in order to execute Muz Ashen and subsequently end the rise of the Brotherhood, he was later killed in 35 ABY by Taigikori Aybara during the Invasion of New Tython.
Void Squadron is a battleteam attached to House Qel-Droma serving Clan Arcona. Founded in 35 ABY , the squadron was created in order to address perceived shortcomings on the part of Arcona’s starfighter units exposed during the Dark Brotherhood's invasion of New Tython. The unit is stationed aboard Arcona’s Cardan-class battlestation, Dusk Station, and usually operates from the Nebula-class star destroyer Invicta during combined fleet operations.
Next time we don't have a real article to feature - Taraxissosexy.jpg
If you don't vote on things, this is the next thing to appear. Do not let this happen