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The Orian Incursion, also known as the Summer Invasion, was a conflict between Clan Naga Sadow and the allied Houses Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis in 36 ABY. The two houses sought to bring their combined forces to bear against Naga Sadow's holdings with the goal of showing the Dark Council that the two houses could stand with the Clans of the Brotherhood.
Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis devised an invasion plan to simultaneously attack both Sepros and Aeotheran. The landings on Aeotheran were secondary to the primary attack on Sepros, with the latter meant to seize the Temple of Sorrow. Initially the assault proceeded well, but the conflict degenerated into a three way battle following the betrayal of Plagueis by the forces of Scholae Palatinae. Neither of the two houses were able to secure their objectives while also fighting one another, and the formerly allied houses were driven out of the Orian system by a renewed attacks by Naga Sadowan forces.
The Horizons plague was a disease created by Lysu Thren, a Je'daii follower of the Bogan. One of the few Bogan disciples to survive the Force Wars on Tython, Thren was sentenced to exile on the moon Bogan to ponder the Ashla. Escaping from Tython and eventually the system, Thren eventually settled on Drongar. There he would work to create a plague that would destroy Force users completely.
The plague itself was an extremely virulent example of Bogan magics, predating even the most ancient Sith Alchemy by thousands of years. Specifically targeting wielders of the Force, the plague initially greatly increased Force ability before stripping it from its victims and leaving them to die. Thren was never able to deploy his weapon against the Jedi, dying before he saw the chance to use it. Throughout the millennia, it would remain unknown to the rest of the galaxy at large save for a chance encounter by explorers from the Sith Empire. It would eventually be re-discovered by Archibald Zoraan and used by the former Grand Master against the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.