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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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{{Sith charinfo
|image= [[Image:Anubisv2.0.jpg|250px]]
|name= Anubis Annedu
|order= Mercenary
|homeworld= Dantooine
|image= [[Image:Zxyl_Infobox.png|250px]]
|birth= 2 ABY
|firstname= Zxyl
|death= N/A
|lastname= Bes'uliik
|species= [[Valheru]]
|homeworld= - [[starwars:Dathomir|Dathomir]]
  |gender= Male
- [[starwars:Mandalore|Manda'yaim]] (Ancestral, Adoptive)
|hair= White
  - Nau'ur (Adoptive)
|eyes= Red Slitted Pupils
|birth= {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|12}}
|height= 5FT 9IN
|placeofbirth= Unknown
|weight= 90kg
*Lower Left Leg
*Left Forearm
|species=- Genetically-Altered [[starwars:Dathomirian|Dathomirian]]<br />
*Right Arm
- [[starwars:Mandalorian|Mandalorian]] (Adoptive)
|gender= Male
*[[Nikkon Annedu|Nikkon Annedu (Father)]]
*[[Muz|Muz Keibatsu Sadow (Ally)]]
|eyes=Heterochromatic: <br />
*[[Shadow Taldrya| Shadow Taldrya (Friend)]]
- Left: Mint/Pale Grey<br />
*[[Hel-Pa Sklib| Hel-Pa Sklib (Friend, Quaestor)]]
- Right: Royal Purple/Sapphire Blue
*[[Tsingtao Ming|Tsingtao Min (Friend)]]
|height= 1.89 m / 6'2"
*[[Kara Incendia Zor-El|Kara Incendia (Friend)]]
|weight= 103.5 kg / 228 lbs
*[[Davin Olar|Davin Olar (Force Bond)]]
|cyber=- Spine<br />
*[[Ashura Isradia|Ashura Isradia (Former master)]]
- Left Forearm
*[[Quejo Drakai Xyler|Quejo Drakai (Former master)]]
|mother= [[starwars:Nightsister|Nightsister]] Valenca Kotjra †
|father= - Unknown Zabrak Geneticist Male <br />
*[[Mejas Doto|Mejas Doto(Enemy)]]
- Krast Bes'uliik † (Adoptive)
*[[Sashar Kodiak Erinos| Sashar Arconae (Enemy)]]
|siblings= Izrina Kotjra
*[[Ashia|Ashia Kagan Keibatsu (Enemy)]]
|saber= Red
|form= Shii-Cho
* Resh Ve (Life Debt)
*Hand-to-hand primary: Tu'rek
* Aisha Solon (Girlfriend)
*Hand-to-hand secondary: Teras Kasi
* DT-9452 (Slave)
|profession= Dark Jedi, Mechanic
* [[Rian Taldrya]]
* Erinyes
[[Tetrarch|Tetrarch of Hex]]
*[[Clan Taldryan| Taldryan]]
*[[House Ektrosis| Ektrosis]]
*[[Nikkon Annedu]]
|ship= *[[Striker 1]]
*[[Lizard's Hold]]
|dossier= [http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=9056 9056!]
{{quote|Why won’t you just buzz off, before somebody gets hurt? |Anubis Annedu}}

[[Anubis Annedu]] is currently a [[Jedi Hunter]] residing in [[House Ektrosis]] of [[Clan Taldryan]] serving as the [[Tetrarch]] of [[Hex]]. The Hunter has a father, [[Nikkon Annedu]] roaming somewhere around the outer rim.  The Annedu’s physical description includes three cybernetic limbs, red eyes with slitted pupils, white hair, and medium build.  He is a full-blooded [[Valheru]] strong in the Force, and is one of the last remaining ones, much like [[Ylith|Ylith Atema]] The Valheru, according to what is know of them at this time, are a lost and broken race, as not many of them remain and they are scattered throughout the large galaxy and their home [[Shi]] unreachable by normal means.
* [[Idris Adenn]]
==Character History==
* Appius Wight
=== Early Years ===
* Soccora Erinos
* WhoeverEvant'sMandoIs
''Birth – 15 ABY’’
|enemies=- [[The Children of Mortis]]
* [[The Collective]]
Anubis Annedu was born a young, healthy baby Valheru on the planet of Dantooine. He lived there with his father Nikkon Annedu, as well as with his mother, Brisha Annedu. The infant looked like any other Valheru at birth, with white hair and reptilian eyes. Unlike some of the last remaining members of his race, the infant had a high enough midichlorian count to be Force Sensitive. They instantly thought of having him trained in the ways of the Jedi, much like Nikkon had done, but quickly decided not to separate themselves from their boy.
* [[starwars:​​First_Order|The First Order]]
After several months, the baby began to walk. His parents had still been debating on what to do with Anubis, and decided that Nikkon was to train him. It would be a hard life, having a master who was your father. Nether the less, it was for the best in their son. Soon after making the decision, they had already started his training as a Jedi Padawan, learner of the Force.
|weapons=* Rang'kad
Nearly four years and five months had passed, and soon the young Valheru had already been inducted to the Force, as well as some lightsaber and combat training. They trained the youngling day after day, working at their best to perfect and hone his skills. No matter what got in his way, Anubis always seemed to try to get through it.
* Duraanir
* Mandalorian Vambrace
Two years later, and he had begun his piloting training. It was a hard process, having to learn the controls of the cockpit and how to use them effectively. More importantly, it was harder to maintain Force and combat studies at the same time as the piloting studies. The Padawan was determined to not let his parents down however, and did his best to complete his training.
* *Naast*
|fightingstyle= [[CS_Guide:_Martial_Arts_Forms#Mandalorian_Core|Mandalorian Core]]
Another three years had gone by, and soon Anubis was a great warrior for his age. He could do most things that seemed impossible in such a young boy, yet he did it with perfection. Soon after turning ten, he was given the honour of constructing his own lightsaber, which he had been quite impatient to do, even for a Padawan.
|profession=* [[starwars:Bounty_hunter|Bounty Hunter]]
* Naur'alor
The young Valheru concentrated only on the construction of his ally, the time to construct it taking days upon days. As everything was set, he was given a orange lightsaber crystal which Nikkon had kept stored for safe keeping, and the blade was soon activated. It was elegant, with the hilt fitting the exact design that Anubis had pictured in his head.
* Master Mechanic/Technician
|position= [[Regent|Regent of the Brotherhood]]
Not too soon after his tenth birthday, had Brisha and Nikkon decided to make arrangements for their son to go on a mission at the age of fifteen, alone. Until that time, his father and master would continue to teach him almost everything he knew, for he kept the origin of the Annedu bloodline a secret, even from his wife. Both Nikkon and Anubis were descendants of Torikon Anika, a great Force Sensitive Valheru warlord, though only the father knew it.
|era=- [[Rise of the Brotherhood era]]
- [[Exodus era]]
Torikon Anika had been said to be one of the greatest warlords the Valheru race had ever seen. He had been able to use the Force without any hesitation. When the armies of the Old Republic had struck at Shi, he stood and defended his people. Before the Republic had defeated the Valheru people however, his wife and child had escaped the planet, and past the armies of the invaders. They left the unknown regions afterwards, fearing their lives.
- [[New Order era]]
|affiliation=* Clan Bes'uliik of Mandalore
Soon Torikon would join them, after giving up hope. He had just barely escaped with his life and fifty of his men, and searched for his kin. He had found them on the outer rim planet of Tatooine. After recovering his family, he had moved them to the deep core world of Eclipse, where he and his men had begun a small settlement.
* [[The Council]]
* [[starwars:Mandalorian|Mandalorians]]
A large temple was built to recognize their hero, but they soon feared him as he had discovered the Dark Side. He conquered them and held them under his control, but his child had become a grown man and had been able to escape. Torikon built a holocron before his death, and was buried inside his temple with his only allies his Valheru Blade of Power, Exotath, and his black plated Valheru amour.
* [[Taldryan]]
Anubis was almost a teenager now, and was given responsibilities around the house that only a strong one could perform, though all male Valheru had immense strength capabilities. Soon after becoming twelve, Nikkon brought the Jedi training he was performing on his son, up to the next level so that he could prepare him for his solo mission at the age of fifth teen.
=== Teenage Years ===
|dossier= [[dossier:9056|#9056]] - [[charactersheet:9056|Character Sheet]]
==== Dantooine ====
''15 ABY – 17 ABY''
Now the real training had begun. Anubis found himself unable to successfully complete the training given to him from his father, as for most of the tasks he didn’t have the right capabilities. Still, the Valheru tried their best to keep up the Padawan’s studies, for two years later he would have to leave home on his first solo mission.
[[Image:Ajunta_Pall.jpg|thumb|150px|left| Torikon Anika, Anubis Annedu’s ascendant wearing old robes.]]
The training continued, no matter the weather. Neither rain nor wind would keep him from his goal, as his determination always triumphed. The time for the Padawan to leave was approaching rapidly, and Nikkon knew he was behind on his training. Something was wrong, and he was determined to find out what.
One night, he walked into his son’s room to find himself sitting down with a young lady. Of course, Nikkon didn’t say anything, but left quietly. When he told Brisha what he had seen, she worried a little bit. They had no clue who this girl was, or what she was doing with their son in their house. The next day when they were certain that she had left, they approached him about it.
The young Valheru just shrugged when questioned, and asked his father if they could continue their training, and he accepted with a little hesitation. After several more weeks of training, Anubis was deemed worthy of going on the mission alone. Before he had said anything else, he introduced the woman that he had been seeing.
She was elegant, nearly perfect in every way. The only thing she didn’t have was the ability to command the Force. Still, the Padawan loved her, and she loved him back. Sarr was her name, which perfectly matched her beauty. Sarr had asked to see if she could accompany Anubis on his trip, but he refused. It was meant for him and him only.
It was time to leave. Nikkon ordered a fighter for his son, rather then using the old one they had stored here. When it arrived, it looked sleek and sharp. It was a black Eta2 Actis-class Interceptor, like the ones that Jedi pilots had used in the Clone Wars. After packing the things he could for his journey, his father approached him with a credit stick.
He handed it to his son, and told him to use it when he pleased. As the Padawan checked the balance on the stick, he was astonished to see a two hundred thousand balance. With a hug to his father, he also took the mission specifics, and was on his way. His first stop was on Tatooine, where there had been mysterious robberies happening all of the city of Anchorhead. His mission was to find out who was stealing, and to make sure that it stopped. Soon enough, Anubis was in Hyperspace
''17 ABY – 20 ABY''
Anubis set down his craft, and explored the area of the hanger bay around him. He closed the canopy to the Eta 2, and continued about with his business. When he tried to exit the hanger, he was stopped by a guard asking for the landing permit. The Valheru was forced to use his Jedi powers on the guard, and have him let the Padawan pass.
The Jedi explored through most of Anchorhead, yet found little information. He tried the cantina, and again found little evidence. As he was walking back to his starfighter however, he saw something happening in the alley. There was a scuffle between three men, two of them fighting together. This had to be what his father was talking about.
The young man approached slowly, revealing his face. He stepped in between the three men, holding them back with telekinesis. He demanded to know what was going on here, but the man that was being jumped was shot by one of the crooks.
The Padawan stared in amazement, as he had never seen anybody die. Before he himself could be shot, he drew his lightsaber and activated the orange blade. Once again, he demanded to know what was going on here. Still, nobody answered him. They tried shooting themselves, but the Annedu had quickly taken away their pistols.
Finally, they had decided to answer him. The crooks told him of their operations, and also that they were part of a large theft ring. Anubis was intrigued by this information, and wished to hear more. By the time he had heard enough, they had exposed everything that he wanted to hear, except for where to find the leader.
They revealed that he lived off on the other side of Anchorhead, past the hanger bay. After retrieving all of the information he had wanted, he left them there taking the weapons with him. The Annedu moved swiftly now, running as fast as he could towards the enemy. He met up with the door of the base a few minutes later, and knew it would obviously be locked.
After cutting the door open with his lightsaber, the Valheru continued inside. There he met up with several men, defeating them all with his lightsaber and the Force. He continued through the building, fighting his way through to his objective. When he had reached the office of the man, the secretary told him that the ring leader had already escaped, to another part of Anchorhead.
Anubis sighed, and returned to his fighter to get some rest. Soon after waking up, he was alert that five men had surrounded his vessel. In a single swift movement, the Padawan blew the canopy off of the fighter and jumped into the air lightsaber activated. He was able to defend himself against four of them, but was taken down by a large stun blast to the back.
As he woke up, he gazed around the room to find himself locked in a glass chamber, and strapped to a steel table with had been inverted. He asked where he was, yet nobody told him. He broke three of two of the braces keeping him attached to the table, yet was stunned. He wouldn’t let that stop him however, and he broke free of his braces.
He used the Force to protect himself, and disabled the man that had stunned him. He made his way out of the box, lightsaber nowhere to be found. The Annedu called it to his hands and continued on, eventually locating the leader of the theft ring. Then Anubis tried to strike him down with his lightsaber, but his orange blade was met with another.
A hooded figure had appeared from what seemed like from nowhere, and had saved the life of the one that the Valheru had set out to stop a month ago. The two lightsaber wielders had engaged in combat, the hooded sentinent using Shii-Cho while the Padawan used Makashi.
It had seemed as if the cloaked man had little training in the art of lightsaber combat, as his offence was sloppy. They were soon at a balcony, going at it like there was no tomorrow. The balcony was four stories above the ground, and the Jedi was closest to the edge. He kept parrying all of the blows that came upon him.
In a great attempt to end the assassin’s life, Anubis switched from the Makashi style to the Shii-Cho style and thrust his blade through the abdomen of the assailant. While preserving his life for a while longer, Anubis was able to find out that he was a Sith Acolyte, sent to protect the theft ring leader. Disgusted and tired, the Padawan locked the leader up, and reported him to the authorities after returning back to his fighter.
He returned to his fighter to find it stripped of everything. Clothes, food, equipment, it was all gone.  The Valheru was forced to stay on the street that night, lying in the sands of Tatooine. He knew he had the money to get what he wanted, but decided to tae a different approach. He was going to get a job or two, to rent one of the houses and save up enough money to buy a new starfighter.

The Annedu started looking for one immediately, and had found two of them no more then a three days later. He of course took both jobs, becoming a mechanic. The pay was good sometimes, and bad at others.  Through the worst of it, the Valheru kept up his work.  
'''Zxyl Bes'uliik''' is a non Force-sensitive Mandalorian currently serving as [[Regent|Regent of the Brotherhood]].

After over two years had passed, and Anubis had more then enough credits to get home. He waited a while longer, before searching for a new ship. Through an extreme string of luck, he was able to buy a TIE Hunter, a variant of the famous TIE Fighter. With his new fighter, Anubis had set out for home and he was eager to see both of his parents.
= Biography =
== Pre-Brotherhood History ==
Birth, younger years. Mother leaves early on, father is captured by a bounty hunter and never seen again.  
== The Syndicate (35 ABY - 38 ABY) ==
=== Bounty Hunting ===
Includes several contracts: assassinating a politician, retrieving an escaped slave, killing a rogue Hutt, serving as muscle for a Corellian street gang, and hunting a fellow bounty hunter. Meets Idris Adenn, fellow Mandalorian.

==== Dantooine ====
== Clan Taldryan (38 ABY - 40 ABY) ==
''20 ABY – 22 ABY''
=== Brotherhood Indoctrination ===
Joins Clan Taldryan, still bounty hunting. Befriends the Consul at the time, Rian Taldrya.

The Padawan returned home, and found his father sitting outside wearing dark black robes. Nikkon had tears in his eyes when he had seen his son, and ran to him. The Valheru had given up the ways of the Jedi after his wife had been brutally murdered. He also thought that his son had died in the sands of Tatooine.  
=== Proconsul & Praetor to the Regent ===
Ascends to Proconsul shortly after beginning to serve as Praetor to the Regent of the Brotherhood. Constructs Valyr. Fellow Mandalorians Appius Wight and Ankira move to Taldryan. Zxyl immediately disapproves of Appius and labels him dar'manda.

They sat together, and discussed what had happened to Brisha. It was a sad story, and they had both decided it was best if they didn’t talk about it. Next came a difficult discussion. Anubis had asked why his father had turned to the Dark Side, and his question was answered. After the death of Brisha, Nikkon had tried to revive her with Sith Alchemy.  
=== Son of Taldryan ===
Named a Son of Taldryan during a private ceremony and adds "Taldrya" to his name, helps lead the Clan during the events of GJW: XIV.

Another question came. The Padawan wanted to know why Nikon knew alchemy in the first place, and his fathers answer pained him. They were descendants of Torikon Anika, a great Valheru warlord. The alchemic knowledge had been passed down generation after generation, and now it was Anubis’ time to learn.
=== Sister Discovered ===
Zxyl discovers he has a half-sister from his mother who is a trained Nightsister, finds out he is Dathomirian. Their mother died many years ago.

He tried to refuse, but Nikkon ultimately forced him to submit. The training as a Sith had started, and would carry on for the next few years. He started first with a few forms of Sith lightsaber combat, as well as a few Force abilities and understanding the ways of the Sith.
== The Council (40 ABY - Present) ==

The training continued for two years, before Nikkon had put his son to the ultimate test. He was to kill his father. In a furious rage, Anubis tried to do just that. The two Valheru had engaged in lightsaber combat, even resorting to Force techniques to aid them. In the end, the younger Sith had been disabled by his father after receiving a vicious stab to the shoulder.  
=== The Master of Credits ===
Named Regent of the Brotherhood by Darth Nehelam following the disappearance of Anubis Taldrya into the Unknown Regions. Takes over management of Arx Capital Exchange's assets, taking a direct role in running the corporation through a corporate proxy.

The son was at his father’s mercy, yet wasn’t killed. Nikkon had deemed his son a truth Sith at this point, and told him that he was leaving the boy to do as he wished, and maybe even pursuit more training on Ryloth. After hearing that his father was leaving, the young Annedu was a little disappointed. Before he did leave however, Nikkon had given his son the ignition codes to the Lizard’s Hold.  
Reunited with Idris Adenn, who had ascended to become [[Voice of the Brotherhood]].

=== Adult Years ===
=== Return to Manda'yaim ===
==== Dantooine ====
Uses the Regent Yacht to travel to the ancestral home of Clan Bes'uliik that is still in ruins, retrieves trinkets relating to his clan, including the Spear and Axe of Clan Bes'uliik.
‘‘22 ABY’‘

After spending an immense amount of time on the land that his family had owned for generations, Anubis finally decided to sell it. He packed up his belongings into the Lizard’s Hold after disassembling his TIE Hunter, and left the land he had grown up on. The total sale price was seventy thousand credits, and those numbers had pleased the Valheru.
=== New Alliances ===
Settles into his role as Regent, negotiates access to a unique market that brings a wide variety of rare and exotic [[starwars:Kyber crystal|Kyber crystals]] into Brotherhood space, resulting in the opening of the Eos Exotic Kyber Bazaar. An outreach to the far flung clan of Odan-Urr produces a cordial relationship with a fellow master technician there, a [[starwars:Kiffar|Kiffar]] named [[Gui Sol]].

Soon after packing up all of his gear, the former Jedi left the planet he had grown up on, and set out for the open space. The first spot on his agenda was Coruscant, so that he could make a few business transactions. No sooner had the Sith arrived around the center of the New Republic, staring down the from the marvellous view from above.
=== Orth Prison Break ===
Tal RP to the moon of [[Orth]] and the derelict Star Destroyer/prison there. Mostly about the arena fight. Zxyl promises to reforge Appius' armor if he wears his helmet again/more, and forms a real alliance with the now-Consul of Taldryan. They retrieve their equipment, locate the warden, and swear to get Dasha back. Zxyl reforges Appius' armor aboard the Zuguruk.

==== Coruscant ====
=== Discovery of the Children ===
‘‘22 ABY – 23 ABY’‘
Shadows Coalescing Prologue, Zxyl takes a mission to Nar Shaddaa to uncover more about them. Reforges Idris Adenn's armor upon his return.

The Annedu flew across the planet, and arrived at his meeting with a few members of the military operations late, though they weren’t surprised. They had known the Valheru for years and years, growing u on Dantooine together. They rejoiced, and discussed important matters.  
=== Elysia Investigation ===
Tal RP to the frozen moon of Elysia to recover Dasha and explore an ancient temple there, deep underground. Gets to know fellow Mandalorian Tracinya Entar, with the two bonding over Mandalorian ideals and lust for combat.

While doing his job as a mechanic, Anubis had learned much about computer systems as well. He had developed an advanced targeting system, which was voice controlled and had the ability to go anywhere as long as there was a comlink.  
= Knowledge, Abilities & Traits =
== Knowledge ==
Describe technical and cultural knowledge, languages known, etc.

The price for the design was a flat out four hundred thousand credits, but the military refused, as the amount requested was too high, even for an advanced targeting system. One hundred was their max, and the Sith grudgingly agreed to the terms. Soon enough, he was a hundred thousand credits richer. The next meeting was just as important, discussing designs for weapons and armours.

With all of the money he had accumulated over the years, he had enough to buy out a few small arms companies and their designs. He brought them together, and formed Annedu Arms. The company was the brainchild of the Annedu, and soon came out with more advanced designs. They made thousands upon thousands of credits, but that had almost come to an end.
== Abilities ==
Describe abilities, resolve, unique fighting style, etc

Anubis’ right hand man, Knox, had tried to usurp him as chief executive officer of Annedu Arms. He nearly succeeded, placing a hit on his boss. When the assassin had tried to take his mark, he failed. Nobody in the company was aware that their overall boss had once been a Jedi, or now a Sith. Before he was able to tell anybody, the assassin was murdered.
== How to Write ==
=== Demeanor ===
=== The Creed & Way of the Mandalore ===
=== Respect ===
=== Combat ===

The Sith kept his powers a secret, and held onto Annedu Arms. Though a very rich company, it was tiny compared to the Mega Corporation of Kuat Drive Yards. Still, the small arms company kept on supplying armours and weapons to those who bought them, without any questions asked. All Anubis wanted was the power, like most Sith did.
= Trivia =
* Named a [[Son of Taldryan]] on May 4th, 2020
* Third Regent of the Brotherhood

A year later, the Valheru still had control over the company. He’d spent thousands of credits on his own armour, and created a ghost account to siphon off small amounts of money each week, accumulating ten thousand credits a month. He was worried that somebody would try to take his money and power from him again, so the ghost account seemed like a good idea as it couldn’t be detected.
== Positions ==

After some more time had passed, the Valheru had gotten somewhat curious as to his heritage. He set a leave of absence from the company, and left to travel to where his ancestor’s tomb lied. Eclipse. Anubis was determined to learn about his people, and maybe find some information on his family, too.
{{Succession box
He packed enough food to last him an entire month, as it would be a while before he would find the temple. It was most likely hidden in some forests, and he would need an aerial view of things as well. He therefore took the Lizard’s Hold.
|before= [[Halcyon Taldrya]]
|title=[[Praetor]] to the [[Regent]] of the [[Dark Brotherhood]]
[[Image:Anubis_cloaked.png|thumb|150px|right| Anubis Annedu wearing his heavy cloak during a sandstorm.]]
|years=38 ABY - 39 ABY
==== Eclipse ====
|after= [[Thran Occasus|Thran Occasus Palpatine]]
‘‘23 ABY’‘
When the Valheru had arrived at Eclipse, he began his search for the temple of his ancestor. He had a map, yet refused to use it. After two weeks of searching, he had found what he was looking for, the temple of Torikon Anika. It was made of sleek black stone, and was hidden deep in a jungle.
Cautiously, Anubis entered. As he travelled through, he found ten bodies all with different treasures. Most of which he didn’t touch, but the few that he did had caught his eye, like a black plated gauntlet, black neck less, and a black ring.
As he continued to walk throughout the tomb, he came to the resting place of his ancestor, and the sarcophagus which held the remains of the man that lied in the center of the room. To the right side of the room, lied a small rack which had on it, black plated Valheru armour that had belonged to the ancient warlord Torikon Anika. Removing it piece by piece, the black plated armour and dark red robes were soon worn by the Sith.
Looking over to the left side of the room, lied a holocron on a shelf just big enough to hold it. The former Padawan grabbed it softly with Telekinesis, and brought it towards himself. There was one final thing left, the Valheru Blade of Power.
The Annedu walked over to the sarcophagus, and opened it. Inside the stone, lied a skeleton holding the sword that the living man had sought. Reaching in to grab it, he removed it from his ancestor’s grasp. As he touched the finely wrapped handle, he instantly felt the presence of the Dark Side inside the weapon.
Before leaving the temple, he used the Force to seal off the temple entrances so that only he could enter. It left a trail in the Force, but the Valheru wasn’t too worried about that as all he cared about at the moment was learning the history of his race, which he hoped that the holocron he had found contained.
Returning to his ship, Anubis was there for another two weeks analyzing the holocron and the things that he took. All of them seemed to have the Dark Side surrounding them like an invisible field of the Force. After the two weeks had finished up, he was low on provisions and needed to return home to Coruscant.
==== Coruscant ====
‘’23 ABY- 25 ABY’’
Anubis returned to Annedu Arms to find the company he had left, totally different. He walked into the chief executive officer’s office to find the man he had left in charge sitting in the Valheru’s chair, and looking like he owned the place.
Knox had indeed taken over the company, steering it more so to a starfighter manufacturer. The Annedu disagreed with the idea, ordering the man that was supposed to be serving him to surrender the company immediately or some bad things would start to happen.
The self rachis new CEO called the man’ s bluff. The Sith pulled a datapad from his work armour, and pressed a single button. Suddenly the entire building’s electricity had just shut off. After seeing this little demonstration, Knox and jumped at his boss for the datapad.
Without notice, a lightsaber hilt had popped out of the Annedu’s sleeve and into his hands. It was soon activated, and it sliced through Knox’s back killing him. It wasn’t even a fight. Quickly, the Valheru disposed of the body through the garbage chute after cutting of the man’s hands, feet, and head.
Alerting the company of his return, he started to rebuild what had been changed. In a year or so, he had done just that. Annedu Arms was back to it’s original status as a weapons and armours company, and profits had started to rise once more. One day after working twelve hours the Sith decided it was time for a drink and attended the local cantina.
While there, he met two cloaked patrons, and could sense their presence in the Force. He had approached them with extreme caution, and removed the cloaks from their heads. Syncronized, they turned around and two lightsabers had activated with both having red blades.
Anubis knew instantly who they were. Sith.  It wasn’t long before he had started questioning them. They refused to talk though, and the Valheru was forced to draw his lightsaber and ignite the orange blade. Soon, they had engaged in combat.
Just like the Sith he had fought on Tatooine all those years ago, these two men were sluggish in their attacks. It was easy for the former Jedi to hold his own, utilising the Makashi form when fighting lightsaber users.
After three minutes of fighting, the Valheru had begun to lose his breath. The oxygen levels in the cantina were somewhat lacking, and the Annedu was affected because of it.
Tired of all of the fighting, Anubis quickly finished them off, stabbing one through the chest and removing another one’s right arm.  With one man dead and the other disabled, he began to question him. At first, his questions were unanswered. It wasn’t until Anubis had begun to cut through the man’s leg slowly with his lightsaber, did he cooperate.
He was from a Dark Side organization the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, that was lead by the Grandmaster or Dark Lord of the Sith. They specialized in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force, and gave extensive training. To join, you had to take a shuttle from Coruscant to the Antei system, and find your way to the Shadow Academy located on Lyspair. 
After the man had revealed all of the information he could, The Valheru killed him and gave the barkeep ten thousand credits to pay for all of the stools and chairs they had broken in their little duel. The Annedu did as the Sith from the bar had said, and set out for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood a year later.
== DJB History ==
=== Joining the Brotherhood ===
Upon joining the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Anubis was brought before the Grandmaster. Before he was to be accepted into the organization, he had to give all of his resources up. The only resource he had was Annedu Arms, and he had given it up without hesitation, knowing that there was a ghost account located in every Annedu Arms network that was siphoning money off for him. After meeting Darth Sarin very briefly, he was transported to Clan Taldryan, and began his time there.
=== Clan Taldryan ===
Anubis was first assigned to House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan, and enjoyed his time on Taruma. He learned the layout of the Ektrosis Temple within two days, and had already met some of the members. He enjoyed his stay there, and then the Vong attacked. Taldryan was called to the Antei system by Muz Ashen Keibatsu Sadow, the Deputy Grandmaster, and then the war began. Anubis brought nothing with him to war, as everything from armour to weapons was supplied.
===== Eighth Great Jedi War=====
The first major conflict that the Annedu was apart of, would change his life forever. He started off on the Dark Prophet, working as an engineer to make sure that everything was running correctly. Suddenly, the ship had come under heavy fire and Voxyn along with the Vong had boarded the destroyer.
The Valheru’s first instinct was to defend himself, but an explosion changed that for him. He had been repairing a power conduit, when one of the Vong had entered the hallway and had taken a swipe at him. They hit the failsafe the Annedu had installed, and the conduit exploded. The Yuuzhan Vong was close enough that it was killed, but Anubis wasn’t far enough.
A large piece of shrapnel had blasted towards him, and amputated most of his right arm. The Sith had used his robes to stop the bleeding as much as he could, but the damage was done. He retreated to the main hanger bay, to find medics and other loading aboard fighters and small carriers to abandon ship.
The Dark Prophet was lost, and they needed to get off before it exploded. The hull integrity of the vessel had already been breached, but they still had a chance. He had quickly found his friend Alanna Taldrya, who was also preparing to abandon the ship. She had healed his wound to stop it from bleeding, and they had went their separate ways from there.
With only one arm, Anubis was in no shape to pilot a craft. He took one of the carriers to what he thought would be safety. As soon as they had left the hanger, hundreds of coralskippers had swarmed the fleeing Taldryanites. With some direction from the Annedu, they had made it out before being obliterated.
In an effort to safe their lives, The Valheru took power from the unused hyperdrive and gave it to the engines with some quick rewiring. Soon enough, they were aboard the Katarn and at safety for now. Like many of the others that had made it from the Dark Prophet, they were rushed to med-bay.  There, Anubis had received a new right arm, which he modified to his standards afterwards.
The war was not over yet. After four more days, it had appeared that they were into the Shroud and back out again, this time at Antei. They had engaged Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Tarentum, seeking to destroy their enemies. All three of them fought strongly and soon enough the Yuuzhan Vong had tracked them back to the throne world.
No sooner had Darth Sarin arrived with a new fleet of ships, lead by the Autarch in the lead. After deliberation and more fighting, both Clan Taldryan and Clan Naga Sadow declared peace with each other for a while, and left the battle field.  Soon after hearing about what went on at Antei, Lord Sarin had instated the Barrata Option, where the Clan’s would remain in their home system.
==== Aftermath of The War ====
Anubis returned to the Kr’Tal system, only this time with the forces of House Archanis. He took up a position as a member of Crimson Vanguard there, serving by the Sith Commander Daar Kareth all along the way. Without notice though, he had begun to see some changes in the people of Taldryan.
These changes, the Valheru didn’t like. Seeing that Clan Naga Sadow still had a small alliance with his clan, he left for there. The trip to the Orian system had been tough, as he needed to avoid the Yuuzhan Vong at all costs if the wanted to live.
=== Clan Naga Sadow ===
After leaving Clan Taldryan, the Annedu had ventured around the Orian System looking for the Covenant, the only remaining Sadowite ship. He had successfully located it, and soon joined their ranks. He was accepted into the clan a watched member, being assigned to House Ludo Kressh, and Horus Black-Heart as his master.
This nice stay was soon turned bad, as Anubis began to have doubts about the training he was receiving from the Aedile. In secret, he applied for a different master. He was given renowned Quaestor Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, wife to Anubis’ old mentor Muz. There, he received better training.
He expected no less then what his father had given him, becoming a promising student. When the Covenant had entered the Orian system however, all member of the clan had discovered that their home had been taken from them by the True Brotherhood.
==== Invasion or Orian ====
The invasion was nothing less then intense. At first, Anubis had served on the Covenant repairing systems, but then he had been sent of to the mining colony to meet with his friend Tsingtao Ming in hopes of reparing the systems and reactors. It was a success, and the two decided to go to Sepros, where the Sadow Palace was.
There, they sat a while before the Annedu had a suspicion. Members of the True Brotherhood could be staged here on Serpos, and the members of Clan Naga Sadow wouldn’t even know it. Deciding to check it out himself, Anubis set out across the rocky terrain.
After a day or so of walking, he had come up on an enemy camp. He remained as stealthy as possible, but was discovered by one of the guards. Running for his life, the Valheru called for help from Ming.  The call was answered, when Tsingtao came down on Anubis’ My-til starfighter and retrieved them. They remained on Sepros, until the Sadowite had been contacted by men stationed to take Tarthos.
They were in need of assistance, and Anubis would answer that call. He left Sepros, and ventured to Tarthos where he picked up friends Shaung Long and Nero Pennant, both students of the Krath master Trevarus Caericck.
There, he and his friends led the assault, and the Battle of Tarthos began. The three commanded from the air, until the My-til craft had been shot and damaged. They went down on a hard landing, but all in all survived the crash.
There they tried to command from the ground, until Shaung’s own fighter arrived at the scene. He handed his lightsaber to the Annedu, and the Valheru and the Miraluka began to fight through the ranks of the True Brotherhood.
In a serious mistake, Nero had swung his own lightsaber blade two sharply, and in the way of Anubis’ lower left leg. The blade amputated it, and Pennant was forced to return his comrade to safety. Lying on a medical capsule, Anubis scavenged it for parts to build a temporary cybernetic leg, which indeed worked.
Afterwards, he returned to the field. He had encountered two Dark Jedi with Nero at his own side, and the four engaged in combat. In the end, the Sadowites had succeeded and soon Trevarus Caerick had taken control of the Dark Fusion, flagship of the True Brotherhood. The invasion was over, and members of the True Brotherhood joined the ranks of Clan Naga Sadow.
The leaders of the True Brotherhood however, escaped. That was of no concern to Anubis however, as all he cared about was getting to rest easy for a bit. He did, but it soon cost him. He had struck out at his master, Ashia Kagan, and left Clan Naga Sadow willingly for it.
==== The Return ====
=== Clan Arcona ===
=== Clan Taldryan ===
== Personal Weapons ==
{{quote|You will never touch any of my blades, until they slice through your body.|Anubis Annedu Wrath}}
=== Sorrow ===
Sorrow was one of Anubis Annedu Wrath's favourite melee weapons, mostly because of it's razor sharp look and the fact that it was easily portable. The dagger fell into the Valheru's hands by murder actually. The Annedu had been on a mission for his master, [[Quejo Drakai Xyler]], to locate and destroy the leader of a pirate cell. It wasn't easily, but after around a month he had a locked location on the target. Taking with him half of the Qel-Droman fleet, the Valheru sought out and did his best to destroy the target. He finished the leader off himself, slitting his throat with his own dagger, which the Annedu later took for himself, naming it Sorrow. As Anubis sent off Sharpnel to his brother, he also packed Sorrow in with the package, as an even greater gift.
=== Shrapnel ===
Named because of it's razor sharp blade, Shrapnel is probably the Annedu's second favourite close range combat weapon, the first being Sorrow (see above). Shrapnel was constructed by Anubis during his first month in Arcona, to practically replace Sorrow, but the Hunter couldn't bring himself to do it. He instead kept both weapons, as a sign that if you get to close, your going to have to start running. The blade is custom forged, while the hilt was removed from a sword that the Valheru already possessed. It is rarely used, and is instead kept in a protective case on display in the Tetrarch's quarters.
After moving home to Taldryan, Anubis had a long debate on his hands. Wrath had made a desicion, and packed the sword inside it's special travelling case, and sent it off to his brother Talos aboard one of the transports the Ektrosis temple contained. He later sent a message to his brother, explaining to him the sheer excellence of the weapon. The Arconan took the weapon with great pleasure, and gave his word that it would be treated appropriatly. As a special gift, the Tetrarch had also packed in the dagger Sorrow.
=== Umethar ===
Umethar was one of Anubis' last weapons given to him. It was a gift from his wife Lenna Annedu-Sconn, as a honeymoon present. He's held onto it since, carrying it into battle or training sessions wherever he is, or going. It almost never leaves his side, and is stored in a special Plasteel pouch designed to hold the blade without being destroyed or wreaked.
After the death of his wife, Lenna, Anubis became very very close to his weapon, actually using it more then his lightsaber. It was the only thing that he had left of his former wife, seeing how he had abandoned almost all of his things besides his weapons, with Arcona. The weapon is polished every day, and Wrath has vowed never to let it leave him.
=== Jarr-Kai Medallion (Hex Medallion) ===
Although a medallion or an amulet as some might call it, The Jarr-Kai Medallion or Hex Medallion is an alchemical power to be reckoned with. Instead of using modern day alchemy with machines, this medallion harnesses the Dark Side of the Force to create ancient alchemy, which can be used for almost anything if properly used.
The Jarr-Kai Medallion allows for anything to be created, except for life. There is also the 'equivilent exchange' drawback. This drawback is described that to create one thing, you must sacrafice another. An example would be sacrificing stone to make durasteel. When using the alchemical powers, a red lightning surrounds the arm or limb that the medallion is on. Anybody besides the user who touches this lightning, can experience both memory loss and brain damage.
=== Affliction ===
Affliction was one weapon that Anubis had forged himself. He had sketched it out on a drawing program he had designed while sitting aboard a transport, and had the blades forged inside the Ektrosis temple, located on [[Taruma]] after taking a crooked branch and carving out the slender wooden hilt. The whole process of building the weapon to perfection took well over a week, after carving in designs to the shaft, and adding a slight paint job to the end blades. Once he had finished the job of making it, he set out to name it. After looking it over carefully, he named it Affliction. The new weapon now serves beside Umethar, as a primary weapon in Wrath's arsenal. Used more then his lightsaber, it is a great asset.
== Cybernetic Limbs ==
{{quote|My god, you're going to be more man then machine.|Angelo Dante, friend.}}
Anubis has three cybernetic limbs, each from the three clans he has served in. His right arm, from [[Clan Taldryan]]. His lower left leg, from [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. His left forearm, from [[Clan Arcona]].  Although he doesn’t plan on losing another limb or needing another cybernetic replacement for anything anytime soon, anything is possible in the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood| Brotherhood of Dark Jedi]]
===Right Arm (Taldryan)===
Lost during the first stages of the [[Eighth Great Jedi War]] against the Vong, Anubis was aboard the [[VSD Dark Prophet| Dark Prophet]] when it came under heavy fire from enemy warships, as well as when it was boarded. Making it off just in time, Wrath retreated to the [[VEN Katarn|Katarn]], and had the arm replaced with a cybernetic limb instead, which the Valheru extensively modified.
===Lower Left Leg(Naga Sadow)===
In an attempt to fight off the [[True Brotherhood]] during the [[Invasion of Orian]], Anubis, accompanied by friends [[Syrus Korodin]] and [[Nero Pennant]], Led the battlefront in the Battle of Tarthos. Nero, still new to the lightsaber given to him by his master [[Shan Long| Trevarus]], made a terrible mistake that cost Wrath his lower left leg. Being carried over to the nearest medical post, the Valheru was able to construct a temporary cybernetic limb, until he could make one properly outside of the battle field, aboard the [[VSD Covenant| Covenant]], one of the last remaining ships of the Clan Naga Sadow fleet that served at the Battle of Antei.
===Left Forearm (Arcona)===
It’s not really known how the Hunter lost this part of his arm, but it was suspected he lost it during a mission for his former clan, [[Clan Arcona]]. After the return from the mission, Wrath never spoke of what happened; only telling the leaders that had sent him on the task, that it was completed successfully.
==== Armour ====
====Black Plated Valheru Armour====
== Dark Jedi Brotherhood Trivia ==
{{quote|Trivia time!|Anubis Annedu Wrath}}
*Has had three previous masters, well, more then that. Around 5.
#Horus Black-Heart
#Ashia Kagan
#[[Ashura Isradia]]
#[[Quejo Drakai Xyler]]
*Has been a part of three different clans, two of them twice.
#Clan Taldryan x2 (Current)
#Clan Naga Sadow x2
#Clan Arcona
*Brother and formal rival to Talos Annedu
*Tetrarch of [[Hex]]
*First earned title of ICTE All-star January 12th, 2008. He earned:'
#A Crescent with Ruby Star
#36 Clusters of Fire.
{{start box}}
{{succession box
  | title = Assistant Envoy of [[House Ludo Kressh]]
  | years = 27 ABY
  | before = NONE
  | after = [[Davin Olar]]
{{succession box
{{Succession box
  | title = [[Envoy]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]  
|before= [[Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama|Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama]]
  | years = 28 ABY
|title=[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
  | before = Unknown
|years=38 ABY
  | after = None, KSoE Disbanded
|after= ''Appius Wight''
{{succession box
{{Succession box
  | title = [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]  
|before= [[Thane Skotos]]
  | years = 28 ABY
|title=[[Regent]] of the [[Dark Brotherhood]]
  | before = Unknown
|years=39 ABY - ''Present''
  | after = Unknown
|after= Incumbent
{{succession box
  | title = Battle Team Leader of [[Hex]]
  | years = 28 ABY - Present
[[Category:Council members]]
  | before = [[Vardar]]
[[Category:Sons of Taldryan]]
  | after = None
[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Clan Taldryan]]
[[Category:Fallen Jedi]]

Latest revision as of 15:44, 29 July 2024

Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Zxyl Bes'uliik
Biographical Information

- Dathomir - Manda'yaim (Ancestral, Adoptive)

- Nau'ur (Adoptive)
Date of Birth:

12 ABY (age 30)

Place of Birth:


Physical Description

- Genetically-Altered Dathomirian
- Mandalorian (Adoptive)




1.89 m / 6'2"


103.5 kg / 228 lbs


- Left: Mint/Pale Grey
- Right: Royal Purple/Sapphire Blue


- Spine
- Left Forearm

Personal Information

Nightsister Valenca Kotjra †


- Unknown Zabrak Geneticist Male
- Krast Bes'uliik † (Adoptive)


Izrina Kotjra



  • Resh Ve (Life Debt)
  • Aisha Solon (Girlfriend)
  • DT-9452 (Slave)
  • Rian Taldrya
  • Erinyes


  • Idris Adenn
  • Appius Wight
  • Soccora Erinos
  • WhoeverEvant'sMandoIs

- The Children of Mortis

  • Rang'kad
  • Duraanir
  • Mandalorian Vambrace
  • *Naast*
Fighting Style(s):

Mandalorian Core

Chronology & Political Information

Regent of the Brotherhood


- Rise of the Brotherhood era - Exodus era - New Order era

  • Clan Bes'uliik of Mandalore
* The Council
* Mandalorians
* Taldryan

#9056 - Character Sheet

[ Source ]

Zxyl Bes'uliik is a non Force-sensitive Mandalorian currently serving as Regent of the Brotherhood.


Pre-Brotherhood History

Birth, younger years. Mother leaves early on, father is captured by a bounty hunter and never seen again.

The Syndicate (35 ABY - 38 ABY)

Bounty Hunting

Includes several contracts: assassinating a politician, retrieving an escaped slave, killing a rogue Hutt, serving as muscle for a Corellian street gang, and hunting a fellow bounty hunter. Meets Idris Adenn, fellow Mandalorian.

Clan Taldryan (38 ABY - 40 ABY)

Brotherhood Indoctrination

Joins Clan Taldryan, still bounty hunting. Befriends the Consul at the time, Rian Taldrya.

Proconsul & Praetor to the Regent

Ascends to Proconsul shortly after beginning to serve as Praetor to the Regent of the Brotherhood. Constructs Valyr. Fellow Mandalorians Appius Wight and Ankira move to Taldryan. Zxyl immediately disapproves of Appius and labels him dar'manda.

Son of Taldryan

Named a Son of Taldryan during a private ceremony and adds "Taldrya" to his name, helps lead the Clan during the events of GJW: XIV.

Sister Discovered

Zxyl discovers he has a half-sister from his mother who is a trained Nightsister, finds out he is Dathomirian. Their mother died many years ago.

The Council (40 ABY - Present)

The Master of Credits

Named Regent of the Brotherhood by Darth Nehelam following the disappearance of Anubis Taldrya into the Unknown Regions. Takes over management of Arx Capital Exchange's assets, taking a direct role in running the corporation through a corporate proxy.

Reunited with Idris Adenn, who had ascended to become Voice of the Brotherhood.

Return to Manda'yaim

Uses the Regent Yacht to travel to the ancestral home of Clan Bes'uliik that is still in ruins, retrieves trinkets relating to his clan, including the Spear and Axe of Clan Bes'uliik.

New Alliances

Settles into his role as Regent, negotiates access to a unique market that brings a wide variety of rare and exotic Kyber crystals into Brotherhood space, resulting in the opening of the Eos Exotic Kyber Bazaar. An outreach to the far flung clan of Odan-Urr produces a cordial relationship with a fellow master technician there, a Kiffar named Gui Sol.

Orth Prison Break

Tal RP to the moon of Orth and the derelict Star Destroyer/prison there. Mostly about the arena fight. Zxyl promises to reforge Appius' armor if he wears his helmet again/more, and forms a real alliance with the now-Consul of Taldryan. They retrieve their equipment, locate the warden, and swear to get Dasha back. Zxyl reforges Appius' armor aboard the Zuguruk.

Discovery of the Children

Shadows Coalescing Prologue, Zxyl takes a mission to Nar Shaddaa to uncover more about them. Reforges Idris Adenn's armor upon his return.

Elysia Investigation

Tal RP to the frozen moon of Elysia to recover Dasha and explore an ancient temple there, deep underground. Gets to know fellow Mandalorian Tracinya Entar, with the two bonding over Mandalorian ideals and lust for combat.

Knowledge, Abilities & Traits


Describe technical and cultural knowledge, languages known, etc.


Describe abilities, resolve, unique fighting style, etc

How to Write


The Creed & Way of the Mandalore





Positions Held
Before Position After
Halcyon Taldrya Praetor to the Regent of the Dark Brotherhood
38 ABY - 39 ABY
Thran Occasus Palpatine
Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama Proconsul of Clan Taldryan
38 ABY
Appius Wight
Thane Skotos Regent of the Dark Brotherhood
39 ABY - Present