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'''''Anubis''' redirects here.  For other uses, see [[Anubis (disambiguation)]]''
{{Sith charinfo
|image= [[Image:Anubis1.jpg|250px]]
|order= Mercenary
|name= Anubis Wrath
|image= [[Image:Zxyl_Infobox.png|250px]]
|homeworld= Dantooine
|firstname= Zxyl
|birth= 5 ABY
|lastname= Bes'uliik
|death= -
|species= [[Valheru]]
* [[starwars:Dathomir|Dathomir]]
|gender= Male
* [[starwars:Mandalore|Manda'yaim]] (Ancestral, Adoptive)
|hair= Brown
* Nau'ur (Adoptive)
|eyes= Red, Slitted Pupils
|birth= {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|12}}
|height= 5FT 9IN
|placeofbirth= Unknown
|weight= 90kg
*Lower Left Leg
*Right Arm
* Genetically-Altered [[starwars:Dathomirian|Dathomirian]]
*[[Tsingtao Ming|Tsingtao]]
* [[starwars:Mandalorian|Mandalorian]] (Adoptive)
*[[Kara Zor El|Kara]]
|gender= Male
*[[Davin Olar|Davin]]
*[[Ashura Isradia|Ashura]]
|eyes=Heterochromatic: <br />
- Left: Mint/Pale Grey<br />
|saber= Blue (Training Saber)
- Right: Royal Purple/Sapphire Blue
|form= Banlath
|height= 1.89 m / 6'2"
|weight= 103.5 kg / 228 lbs
*Hand-to-hand primary: Tu'rek
|cyber=- Spine<br />
*Hand-to-hand secondary: Teras Kasi
- Left Forearm
|profession= Dark Jedi, Mechanic, Rollmaster
|mother= [[starwars:Nightsister|Nightsister]] Valenca Kotjra †
|father= - Unknown Zabrak Geneticist Male <br />
- Krast Bes'uliik † (Adoptive)
|siblings= Izrina Kotjra
|era= Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era
*[[Clan Naga Sadow|CNS]]
*[[House Marka Ragnos|HMR]]
* Resh Ve (Life Debt)
|ship=[[Striker 1]]
* Aisha Solon (Girlfriend)
|dossier= [http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=9056 9056!]
* DT-9452 (Slave)
* [[Rian Taldrya]]
{{quote|Why bother, your gonna die either way.|Anubis Wrath}}
* [[Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama|Erinyes]]

Anubis Wrath is currently a [[Jedi Hunter]] residing in [[House Marka Ragnos]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. He has a master, like many do, during the trials of knighthood. The Hunter's master is [[Ashura Isradia]]. He has a large dislike for the [[Sith Battlemaster|Battlemaster]]'s other apprentice, [[Tash Dreytila Yamayura|Tash]]. His physical description includes two cybernetic limbs, red eyes with slitted pupils, a medium build, and custom made robes for combat. He is a full-blooded [[Valheru]]. The Valheru, according to what is know of them at this time, are a lost and broken race, as not many of them remain.
* [[Idris Adenn]]
== Characteristics, Personality ==
* [[Appius Wight]]
Anubis Wrath is a member of the Valheru race, and stands  5 feet and 9 inches tall, and a powerhouse in terms of strength. He has inherited his fathers eyes, as well as his strength and endurance. The Hunter losses his breath quickly in normal atmospheres, and is also affected by cold weather.He is a loving and caring man, but is also protective of his friends. He will not let any harm to come to them if possible, even his master. His ruby red eyes are able to see far distances.
* [[Socorra Erinos]]
* WhoeverEvant'sMandoIs
== Relatives ==
Anubis has two living relatives, currently on Dantooine. They are his Uncle Scor and Aunt Jade, who raised him until the age of three. Other known relatives are his parents, who are currently deceased. Ajunta Pall was Wrath's ancestor, who's Alchemy legacy still lives through his descendant.
* [[The Children of Mortis]]
* [[The Collective]]
Besides from his living relatives, the Valheru is only related to a select few through race and the Force. One of these people is [[Draken-Korin_%27Ylith%27_Elari%C3%ABl_Atema| Ylith Atema]], a fellow Valheru. The two first met while onboard the [[VSD Covenant]], flagship of Clan Naga Sadow during the Orian Invasion. Wrath is related to his friend [[Davin Olar]] through a small Force bond, and to his master as a friend.
* [[starwars:​​First_Order|The First Order]]
== Character History ==
=== Early Years ===
|weapons=* Rang'kad
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dantooine| Dantooine] ====
* Duraanir
* Mandalorian Vambrace
''Birth - 8 ABY''
* ''Naast''
|fightingstyle= [[CS_Guide:_Martial_Arts_Forms#Mandalorian_Core|Mandalorian Core]]
Anubis Korian was born a Valheru upon Dantooine, and raised by his Uncle Scor and Aunt Jade. The boys parents were killed duringa Kath Hound attack, so Scor and Jade raised him. He took his first steps at the age of six months, and had already started speaking around seven months. Becuase of his families strong connection to the Force, his uncle and aunt could instantly detect the Force around him. They played many holo-vids for him, showing the beginning teachings of the Jedi. The videos mostly shown the two year old about the founding of the Force, and that was it.
|profession=* [[starwars:Bounty_hunter|Bounty Hunter]]
* Naur'alor
Through secretcy, his uncle showed the Valheru many techniques of Alchemy, and some being Sith. He would store holo-vids in the boys room, and play them as his Aunt was in town. Anubis was given many items from his uncle, some being dangerous.[[Image:Ajunta_Pall.jpg|thumb|150px|left| Ajunta Pall, ancient Sith Lord and ancestor to Anubis Wrath]]At two years and nine months of age, Scor and Jade contacted Luke Skywalker about possibly having Anubis trained at the the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. Skywalker requested that one of his fellow Jedi Masters, Yalik Moroder, to see the boy, and was given access. He evaluated the child, and came to the decision to have Korian trained at the academy, feeling the boys strong connection to the Force.
* Master Mechanic/Technician
|position= [[Regent|Regent of the Brotherhood]]
The master departed, but not before leaving instructions to the family. Anubis was to be picked up by a transport at three years of age, and transported to the academy. When the date arrived, the Valheru was sent off to the academy with two duffel bags, containing holo-disks of Alchemy, and memories of his parents and family.
* [[Rise of the Brotherhood era]]
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yavin_4| Yavin IV] ====
* [[Exodus era]]
* [[New Order era]]
''8 ABY – 18 ABY''
|affiliation=* Clan Bes'uliik of Mandalore
* [[The Council]]
Anubis was transported to Yavin, and was given quarters with two other Padawan learners. The six got along well for three year olds, and didn't seem to mind each other. As a few years passed on, Anubis begun his training as a Padawan learner, and was also learning about Alchemy in secret, when he had the room to himself.Aside from normal learning, nothing special happened. Anubis was a participant in a few arguments, but it never got physical. The Valheru earned the right to his training saber, and was given one. He would practice constantly, and had his master help him with his force training.
* [[starwars:Mandalorian|Mandalorians]]
* [[Taldryan]]
=== Teenage Years ===
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yavin_4| Yavin IV] ====
''18 ABY -  22 ABY''
|dossier= [[dossier:9056|#9056]] - [[charactersheet:9056|Character Sheet]]
Anubis continued his training, learning more and more as the years went by. His master was killed during a freak accident while traveling through the forest, and was restricted another one by Yalik. The only reason that the master restricted one, was because of the loss that the Padawan was feeling. Korian was disgusted, and trained harder on his own. By the age of fifteen, Anubis had earned his lightsaber, and had been on three successful missions for the Jedi Order. His old roommates used to go on trips around the galaxy with him, having a great time.
Moroder confronted the Valheru on one of these trips, where Anubis was forced to kill a man in self protection. The master questioned his actions, and whether or not he did it out of instinct, or if he attempted to work it out. The answer was simple and insulting. Anubis sniped at the master, and told him it was none of his business. Taken aback from such insult, Yalik left the room, and didn't speak to the Knight for another few days. After the two resumed talking, the master suggested Korian taking a vacation to Dantooine, where he was born and raised to the age of three.
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dantooine| Dantooine] ====
''22 ABY''
The Valheru visited his birth world, and saw his Uncle Scor and Aunt Jade once more. They talked about the Jedi as a whole, and he discussed his Alchemy training to his uncle in private. Scor was highly impressed with the progress that his nephew had made with Alchemy, that he gave Anubis his father's lightsaber.The lightsaber had been in the families possession for hundreds of years. It was the greatest lightsaber that a family member had crafted, and it featured a radiant orange blade. The hilt was crafted to perfection, it's users fond of Makashi and Shii-Cho.Korian placed the saber on his belt in an oak case, sealing it shut for the trip back to Yavin IV. Anubis clipped the remaining saber to his belt. He remained on Tatooine for a few more nights, before heading back to Yavin once more.
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taris| Taris] ====
''22 ABY''
On the trip back to the academy, Anubis made a stop at Taris, where he went to buy much needed supplies. As he exited the freighter assigned to carry him to the Yavin system, he was stopped by the owner of the landing pad. The pad owner demanded that the freighter be removed from his property, or at least pay him compensation for landing where he did. Grudgingly agreeing to the pad masters terms, Korian handed the man a hundred credits. The Jedi Knight set out for the market, accompanied by a fellow Knight, Orzan Knox. Knox was one of the first Padawan's to meet Anubis back on Yavin, and the two had been friends for years.
[[Image:Anubis-Jedisaber.gif|thumb|120px|right| Anubis' Jedi Lightsaber, given to him by his Uncle]]
The Knights entered the market, concealing their sabers. The men were swarmed with merchants, wanting them to buy their inventory. Only choosing from a select few, Orzan and Anubis were just able to buy their supplies, and soon made their way back to the ship.Not sensing anything, the two were attacked by a large group of thugs. Korian and Orzan each drew their sabers, the radiant orange and yellow blades cutting through the air. The men talked, and rain began to pour. The lightsabers singed through the air, and blaster fire erupted from the gang's blasters.
With a sigh, the Knight's defended themselves, disarming the gang members with little injuries. Cutting the weapons to ensure that they could never be used again, the two left the other men, returning to their freighter. The Valheru and his human companion were exhausted from the walking and battling they did, and decided to head back to the academy as soon as possible.
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yavin_4| Yavin IV] ====
''22 ABY''
Anubis and Orzan returned to the Jedi Academy, and decided to part ways for a while. Korian had heard been hearing rumours about some of the student's leaving for Korriban and experiencing something totally different then the life of a Jedi Knight. Interested in what this life was like, the Valheru packed his bags once more, and borrowed the launch codes for the Academy's transportation freighter. Without warning, Korian left a note just inside his room about his destination, and that he would return.The freighter took to the air the moment that the engines were fully primed, and jumped into normal space, before making the jolting jump to light speed.
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Korriban| Korriban] ====
''22 ABY – 25 ABY''
With his travelling behind him, Anubis settled down on Korriban, using the nearby wild life for food. The planet was dead with the Dark Side, and little food remained. The animal's had begun to starve, and the muscle decreased from their bodies.The Valheru race had a large endurance factor, and so Korian was able to keep himself in shape, even with the scarce food. As the year went along, Anubis had ventured into the many ruins, cutting himself an entrance if need be with his lightsaber. One of these many ruins was the tomb of his ancestor, Ajunta Pall. Pall had been one of the first Sith Lords shortly after the One Hundred Year Darkness, and conquered everything he could. The tomb was filled with bones, many decayed.

It wasn't long before the teenager found his way to the Sith's sarcophagus, and opened to see the final remains of the great man. He left the tomb, and something had begun to come over him. He later returned to the tomb, and meditated, concentrating his energy on harvesting the Dark Side. Anubis' hate came to life, hate of the men responsible for the death of his first master upon the sands of Tatooine. The Jedi Knight strayed from the light, and turned down the path of the Dark Side. He ventured through ever ruin he possibly could, and learned about the Sith, and more importantly their teachings. Korian discovered a holocron, containing the teachings that he longed for. The Valheru studied it, learning more and more about the things that he had been forbidden once upon a time, back at the Jedi Academy. Honing his skills for another year, he had became twenty years of age. On the day of his birthday two decades ago, Anubis gave himself a new name. Anubis Wrath. Packing his items, he left for Tatooine, to find the men that had murdered his master.
'''Zxyl Bes'uliik''' is a non Force-sensitive Mandalorian who served as [[Regent|Regent of the Brotherhood]].

=== Twenties ===
= Biography =
==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tatooine| Tatooine] ====
== Pre-Brotherhood History ==
''25 ABY''
Birth, younger years. Mother leaves early on, father is captured by a bounty hunter and never seen again.
== The Syndicate (35 ABY - 38 ABY) ==
=== Bounty Hunting ===
Includes several contracts: assassinating a politician, retrieving an escaped slave, killing a rogue Hutt, serving as muscle for a Corellian street gang, and hunting a fellow bounty hunter. Meets Idris Adenn, fellow Mandalorian.

The former Jedi searched high and low for the murderers, and was pointed towards Anchorhead. The Valheru returned to his freighter and flew across the Dune Sea, Landing in one of the hanger bay's in the city. The search continued firmly, until he entered the local cantina. Sitting in the corner, were the five responsible. None of them noticed the lightsaber, until the blade was ignited and infront of the first man's face. All three men stood up, wondering what was going on, and who was the Jedi. Wrath explained to them his reasoning behind the visit, and the five sorry men laughed. Holding out three fingers, the Valheru forced them into the chair, using the Force to empower the movement.  
== Clan Taldryan (38 ABY - 40 ABY) ==
=== Brotherhood Indoctrination ===
Joins Clan Taldryan, still bounty hunting. Befriends the Consul at the time, Rian Taldrya.

Alarmed, the thugs reached for their blasters, firing the second that the trigger was grasped. Blaster bolts started to rain down on Anubis, but he jumped backward to avoid them, also deflecting them with his Lightsaber. The defected bolts returned to their blasters, frying the internal components. With no weapons, the three were unarmed. [[Image:Jedi-Anubis.jpg|thumb|200px|left| Anubis Wrath 26 ABY]] Part of the Jedi way was not to kill prisoners, but Wrath took no heed to that. He cut each man viscously, separating their bodies in half. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, the Valheru payed the Bartender for his troubles. Anubis left, and returned to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV.
=== Proconsul & Praetor to the Regent ===
Ascends to Proconsul shortly after beginning to serve as Praetor to the Regent of the Brotherhood. Constructs Valyr. Fellow Mandalorians Appius Wight and Ankira move to Taldryan. Zxyl immediately disapproves of Appius and labels him dar'manda.

==== [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yavin_4| Yavin IV] ====
=== Son of Taldryan ===
''25 ABY – 26 ABY''
Named a Son of Taldryan during a private ceremony and adds "Taldrya" to his name, helps lead the Clan during the events of GJW: XIV.

As he landed the craft that he had borrowed those years ago, he was welcomed by Yalik. The two had a discussion on the where about's of him, and Moroder left uneasy at the end. The Jedi Master had a suspicion about Wrath, and wished to investigate. He checked the flight records of the freighter, and discovered that his Jedi Knight had been to Korriban, the Sith World. Disturbed by this information, Yalik confronted the Valheru about it. Anubis' eyes never met the Masters, and he could tell the answer by the Knight's face. He had strayed from the path of light, and was on his way down a darker path.
=== Sister Discovered ===
Zxyl discovers he has a half-sister from his mother who is a trained Nightsister, finds out he is Dathomirian. Their mother died many years ago.

Moroder made a proposition with Wrath. The Valheru was to have the last three years of his mind erased, and have it replaced by a different situation. He would not remember anything of the teachings of the Sith from the last three years. If Anubis resisted, he would be exiled. Yalik never knew about his Alchemy, and so it would be unable to be erased. Sighing, Anubis agreed to the deal. The procedure was to take place an hour from the current time, in the Jedi Council chambers. Unknown to Luke, the Valheru had a Holocron hidden, the Holocron of Ajunta Pall. Stepping out of his room with his lightsaber on his belt, the former Knight was taken to the council chambers. All of the members of the council told Anubis of the recovering memory, and they formed a large circle and began the procedure.
== The Council (40 ABY - Present) ==

Two days later, Anubis awoke in his bed, the sun shining brightly in his eyes. He had no memory of the teachings he had learned while on Korriban, and so he lived as a Jedi Knight once more. The council summoned him, to test him and see if the procedure had been done correctly.Satisfied when they had recognized the lack of the memories, they let Anubis resume his daily activities. He himself had become a master of his own padawan, and had started the training of the young mind. He had his father's lightsaber hidden away, and wielded one with a blue blade in it's place.
=== The Master of Credits ===
Named Regent of the Brotherhood by Darth Nehelam following the disappearance of Anubis Taldrya into the Unknown Regions. Takes over management of Arx Capital Exchange's assets, taking a direct role in running the corporation through a corporate proxy.

Rummaging through his possessions one day, he came across a holocron. He accessed it, and was utterly amazed at what he saw. He saw Ajunta Pall, a Sith Lord of ancient times. Wrath grabbed at his head and clenched his teeth as memories started to return to him. Anubis remembered everything. His training as a Sith, the Holocron, everything. He looked about, and shivered, taking in everything that had happened. It wasn't long before he decided that he must leave for good. Wrath went into the bathroom, knife in hand. He sliced his hair, shortening it. Concentrating, he meditated and transformed his eyes from green, to red using alchemy. The Valheru altered the tattoo on his left arm, transforming it into something much simpler. He had become a Sith once more, and left Yavin quickly, leaving behind everything he had worked so hard to achieve over the last seventeen years. He stole the freighter, leaving Yavin IV for good.
Reunited with Idris Adenn, who had ascended to become [[Voice of the Brotherhood]].

==== Unknown ====
=== Return to Manda'yaim ===
''26 ABY – 27 ABY''
Uses the Regent Yacht to travel to the ancestral home of Clan Bes'uliik that is still in ruins, retrieves trinkets relating to his clan, including the Spear and Axe of Clan Bes'uliik.

Wrath traveled through space, landing on many planets, and flying off to space again. On one of these many planets, he discovered a star map, containing coordinates to the [[Antei system]], once rumored to be a great planet, strong in the Dark Side. Seeking the planet, Anubis traveled far and wide for it, coming across a traveler also searching for the lost system. They banded together, and discovered the old place. They were given transportation to [[Lyspair]], the circling moon.
=== New Alliances ===
Settles into his role as Regent, negotiates access to a unique market that brings a wide variety of rare and exotic [[starwars:Kyber crystal|Kyber crystals]] into Brotherhood space, resulting in the opening of the Eos Exotic Kyber Bazaar. An outreach to the far flung clan of Odan-Urr produces a cordial relationship with a fellow master technician there, a [[starwars:Kiffar|Kiffar]] named [[Gui Sol]].

== DB History ==
=== Orth Prison Break ===
=== Clan Taldryan ===
Tal RP to the moon of [[Orth]] and the derelict Star Destroyer/prison there. Mostly about the arena fight. Zxyl promises to reforge Appius' armor if he wears his helmet again/more, and forms a real alliance with the now-Consul of Taldryan. They retrieve their equipment, locate the warden, and swear to get Dasha back. Zxyl reforges Appius' armor aboard the Zuguruk.
Anubis Wrath has been in two [[clan]]s, one of them being [[Clan Taldryan]]. The Valheru was placed in this clan upon joining the Brotherhood, and remained there for a time. He bonded with five different members of the clan, and had a good time. He was placed in [[House Ektrosis]], or Ekky as they called it. Wrath's first [[Quaestor]] was [[Hel-Pa Sklib]], refered to Sklib. Sklib and the [[House Summit|summit]] helped him through the ranks to [[Novice]], before he transfered over to [[House Archanis|Archanis]]. Archanis was great, and he made newer friends. One of these friends was very annoying, but he just blocked it out. [[Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya|Crix]] was the reigning Quaestor, and the two had little trouble getting along. Anubis was still present as a member of Clan Taldryan when the War against the Vong had started.

=== [[Eighth Great Jedi War]] ===
=== Discovery of the Children ===
The Eighth Great Jedi War was a fierce battle between the DJB and the Vong. It ravaged Antei, Lyspair, and the surrounding systems. The Vong struck from nowhere, attacking the Clan fleets aggressively. It wasn't long before the Brotherhood Clan's retreated their fleets to Antei, hoping to remain safe. The Vong would have none of it, and forced the fleets into the shroud. Anubis fought with Taldryan, making sure that they would remain strong. The ''[[VSD Dark Prophet|Dark Prophet]]'', one of the larger vessels of Taldryan, was one of the first vessels to go down, many of it's crew were killed. The Valheru lost his right arm while fighting Vong aboard the ''Prophet'', and barely made it off the ship alive. Retreating to the ''[[VEN Katarn|Katarn]]'', Anubis helped the ship recover slowly. Until the final battle at Antei, Wrath was a strong supporter of Taldryan. He had doubts when the [[Braata Option]] came into play, and the clans retreated to their home systems. After the war had come to a stand still and the clans had returned home, the Valheru left Clan Taldryan, and moved on to Clan Naga Sadow.
Shadows Coalescing Prologue, Zxyl takes a mission to Nar Shaddaa to uncover more about them. Reforges Idris Adenn's armor upon his return.

=== Clan Naga Sadow ===
=== Elysia Investigation ===
[[Image:Cns-logo.jpg|thumb|75px|left]] Anubis joined [[Clan Naga Sadow]] shortly after the 8th Great Jedi War, becoming a member of House Ludo Kressh, referred to as HLK. He joined the [[Master-Student Program]], referred to as the MSP, and was given [[AED]] Horus Black-Heart as his master. Horus taught Wrath to hone his combat skills, and enlighten him on defense strategies. The AED would not remain his master for long though, as he requested a different master. The request was approved, and he was given QUA [[Ashia Kagan Keibatsu]]. Ashia helped him through the trials, and watched Anubis prove himself during the Invasion of Orian.
Tal RP to the frozen moon of Elysia to recover Dasha and explore an ancient temple there, deep underground. Gets to know fellow Mandalorian Tracinya Entar, with the two bonding over Mandalorian ideals and lust for combat.

The True Brotherhood had invaded the [[Orian system]], home to CNS. Sadowites retaliated, forcing the TB off of most of the planets. Wrath fought on the front lines in the Battle of Tarthos, along side his friends, a Zabrak named [[Syrus Korodin|Shuang Long]], and a Miraluka named [[Nero Pennant]]. The three led Naga Sadow forces to victory, while [[Shan Long]] boarded the ''Dark Fusion'', flagship of the TB. Anubis lost his lower left leg when Nero accidentally cut it off. The Valeru made a temperary one after it was removed from his body. Shan managed to take control of the ''[[Dark Fusion]]'', and had it renamed ''[[VSDII Orian Legacy|Orian Legacy]]''.
= Knowledge, Abilities & Traits =
== Knowledge ==
Describe technical and cultural knowledge, languages known, etc.

=== [[Clan Arcona]] ===
== Current Arsenal ==

=== Shock Whip ===
== Abilities ==
Used as a primary combat weapon, the shock whip can be lethal, if the operator chooses so, by activating the electricity stored in the whips power cell. The cell can continue to shock for three minutes, before needing to recharge. The whip then becomes a metal coil, without the power of electricity.
Describe abilities, resolve, unique fighting style, etc

=== Flex Blade x2 ===
== How to Write ==
Used as a secondary combat weapon, the Flex Blades are unique. They have smooth curves, and make for great plunging and stabbing weapon. With a blade almost like a vibro-sword, they can be deadly weapons if used properly.
=== Demeanor ===
=== The Creed & Way of the Mandalore ===
=== Respect ===
=== Combat ===

=== Echani Knife ===
= Trivia =
Used by the Echani and special operations forces around the galaxy, these knives are partially used with the Echani fighting style.
* Named a [[Son of Taldryan]] on May 4th, 2020
* Third Regent of the Brotherhood

=== Cybernetic Arm Mounted Com-Link & Data Pad ===
== Positions ==
Used to control his TIE Hunter, and hack into military networks controlling their vessels, The data-pad and com-link are essential to the Hunter's survival 70% of the time. They have helped him out of many jams, and are a nice thing to have around when in trouble.

== Trivia ==
*Has had three previous masters,
{{Succession box
|before= [[Halcyon Taldrya]]
**Horus Black-Heart
|title=[[Praetor]] to the [[Regent]] of the [[Dark Brotherhood]]
**Ashia Kagan
|years=38 ABY - 39 ABY
**[[Ashura Isradia]]
|after= [[Thran Occasus|Thran Occasus Palpatine]]
*Currently the apprentice of [[House Qel Droma]] Quaestor Quejo Drakai Xyler
*Has been a part of three different clans,
**Clan Taldryan
**Clan Naga Sadow x2
**Clan Arcona
*Created banners for,
**House Archanis of Taldryan
**Rho 'Dynamite' d'Tana, for his RM report
*First earned title of ICTE Allstar January 12th, 2008
**Earned A Crescent with Ruby Star, and 36 Clusters of Fire.
{{start box}}
{{succession box
  | title = Assistant Envoy of [[House Ludo Kressh]]  
  | years = 27 ABY
  | before = NONE
  | after = NONE
{{succession box
{{Succession box
  | title = [[Envoy]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]  
|before= [[Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama|Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama]]
  | years = 28 ABY - PRESENT
|title=[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
  | before = TO BE UPDATED
|years=38 ABY
  | after = NONE
|after= [[Appius Wight]]
{{succession box
{{Succession box
  | title = [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]  
|before= [[Thane Skotos]]
  | years = 28 ABY - PRESENT
|title=[[Regent]] of the [[Dark Brotherhood]]
  | before = TO BE UPDATED
|years=39 ABY - 42 ABY
  | after = NONE
|after= [[Thran Occasus]]

[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Odan-Urr members]]
[[Category:Clan Arcona]]

Latest revision as of 17:07, 25 November 2024

Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Under Construction
This page seems to be Under Construction. Watch out for large groups of Rebel fighters.
After construction is complete, please place a note on the article's talk page and remove this message.
Zxyl Bes'uliik
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

12 ABY (age 31)

Place of Birth:


Physical Description



1.89 m / 6'2"


103.5 kg / 228 lbs


- Left: Mint/Pale Grey
- Right: Royal Purple/Sapphire Blue


- Spine
- Left Forearm

Personal Information

Nightsister Valenca Kotjra †


- Unknown Zabrak Geneticist Male
- Krast Bes'uliik † (Adoptive)


Izrina Kotjra




  • Rang'kad
  • Duraanir
  • Mandalorian Vambrace
  • Naast
Fighting Style(s):

Mandalorian Core

Chronology & Political Information

Regent of the Brotherhood


#9056 - Character Sheet

[ Source ]

Zxyl Bes'uliik is a non Force-sensitive Mandalorian who served as Regent of the Brotherhood.


Pre-Brotherhood History

Birth, younger years. Mother leaves early on, father is captured by a bounty hunter and never seen again.

The Syndicate (35 ABY - 38 ABY)

Bounty Hunting

Includes several contracts: assassinating a politician, retrieving an escaped slave, killing a rogue Hutt, serving as muscle for a Corellian street gang, and hunting a fellow bounty hunter. Meets Idris Adenn, fellow Mandalorian.

Clan Taldryan (38 ABY - 40 ABY)

Brotherhood Indoctrination

Joins Clan Taldryan, still bounty hunting. Befriends the Consul at the time, Rian Taldrya.

Proconsul & Praetor to the Regent

Ascends to Proconsul shortly after beginning to serve as Praetor to the Regent of the Brotherhood. Constructs Valyr. Fellow Mandalorians Appius Wight and Ankira move to Taldryan. Zxyl immediately disapproves of Appius and labels him dar'manda.

Son of Taldryan

Named a Son of Taldryan during a private ceremony and adds "Taldrya" to his name, helps lead the Clan during the events of GJW: XIV.

Sister Discovered

Zxyl discovers he has a half-sister from his mother who is a trained Nightsister, finds out he is Dathomirian. Their mother died many years ago.

The Council (40 ABY - Present)

The Master of Credits

Named Regent of the Brotherhood by Darth Nehelam following the disappearance of Anubis Taldrya into the Unknown Regions. Takes over management of Arx Capital Exchange's assets, taking a direct role in running the corporation through a corporate proxy.

Reunited with Idris Adenn, who had ascended to become Voice of the Brotherhood.

Return to Manda'yaim

Uses the Regent Yacht to travel to the ancestral home of Clan Bes'uliik that is still in ruins, retrieves trinkets relating to his clan, including the Spear and Axe of Clan Bes'uliik.

New Alliances

Settles into his role as Regent, negotiates access to a unique market that brings a wide variety of rare and exotic Kyber crystals into Brotherhood space, resulting in the opening of the Eos Exotic Kyber Bazaar. An outreach to the far flung clan of Odan-Urr produces a cordial relationship with a fellow master technician there, a Kiffar named Gui Sol.

Orth Prison Break

Tal RP to the moon of Orth and the derelict Star Destroyer/prison there. Mostly about the arena fight. Zxyl promises to reforge Appius' armor if he wears his helmet again/more, and forms a real alliance with the now-Consul of Taldryan. They retrieve their equipment, locate the warden, and swear to get Dasha back. Zxyl reforges Appius' armor aboard the Zuguruk.

Discovery of the Children

Shadows Coalescing Prologue, Zxyl takes a mission to Nar Shaddaa to uncover more about them. Reforges Idris Adenn's armor upon his return.

Elysia Investigation

Tal RP to the frozen moon of Elysia to recover Dasha and explore an ancient temple there, deep underground. Gets to know fellow Mandalorian Tracinya Entar, with the two bonding over Mandalorian ideals and lust for combat.

Knowledge, Abilities & Traits


Describe technical and cultural knowledge, languages known, etc.


Describe abilities, resolve, unique fighting style, etc

How to Write


The Creed & Way of the Mandalore





Positions Held
Before Position After
Halcyon Taldrya Praetor to the Regent of the Dark Brotherhood
38 ABY - 39 ABY
Thran Occasus Palpatine
Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama Proconsul of Clan Taldryan
38 ABY
Appius Wight
Thane Skotos Regent of the Dark Brotherhood
39 ABY - 42 ABY
Thran Occasus