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A Class is a set level of status within the club. The four classes from highest to lowest are:
See Also: Ranks
Classes of the Dark Jedi
Grand Masters: The Lords of Darkness
The Grand Masters, comprise no more than a handful of individuals. Four of which are seen with any frequency. The Roll of Grand Masters is exceedingly short for a very simple reason: most Jedi are simply not capable of attaining this plateau. Of the Grand Masters of the Brotherhood, at least two were driven to total madness and self-destruction.
They are unarguably the most powerful beings known in the universe. Their power only grows the longer they live. The First Grand Master of the modern Brotherhood, Lord Kane Vader, is presumably the most powerful Dark Jedi in existence, though his infrequent appearance leaves only speculation. The might of his Apprentice, Lord Jedgar O. Paladin is unrivaled.
If the Ascendant Dark Lord does not succumb to madness, they wield total control over a Brotherhood of ambitious, power-craving beings. In addition to their unwavering powers of the Force, they wield significant political clout, outside of absolute authority. One of the most potent weapons they wield is the envy of the Elders. Most Elders of the Dark Side crave their power, and are close enough in influence to be among the advisers and confidants of the Dark Lords. Most Equites and Journeymen will avoid the Grand Masters, being overwhelmed by their sheer presence of evil within the Force.
Elders of the Dark Side
Perhaps the most dangerous of adversaries within the Brotherhood, are the Elders. These Dark Jedi have reached the highest level of power available to most Jedi. They wield significant influence in terms of political, financial, and, mystical resources. A strong network of allies, sycophants, Apprentices, Clan affiliations provide the basis for this influence. They are privy to secrets that would shatter the minds of most Equites, and often care nothing for the Journeymen Class.
Almost universally, the Elders have overcome the shortfalls of their Orders. While a Krath Adept is still most familiar with the precepts of the Krath Order, they will have an understanding of the other two Orders that no Pontifex would even consider. In order to make the leap to Elder status, the Jedi must demonstrate the strength of will to overcome this particular block. Many powerful and influential Jedi have lingered in the Equite class for years, simply because they were incapable of abandoning the prejudices of their Order.
The position the Elders command is often the most mystically based. These Jedi spent their careers earning political clout within the hierarchy of the Brotherhood. At the point of their Ascendancy, they crave mystical knowledge above all. Most of the capable researchers are found among the Elders, who have the resources to devote their time to exploration. Even the newest Elder is bound to have access to more arcane knowledge, and an even greater devotion to the attainment of the Final Order.
Equites of the Three Orders
The Equites, or Equals, is the class that comprises the middle ranks of the Brotherhood. At the point of ascension to the Equite Class, each Dark Jedi is formally accepted into their Order: Sith, Krath, or Obelisk. Though the ranks carry different appellations, specific to the philosophy and duties of the order, a Krath Priest is equal to the Obelisk Templar and Sith Warrior.
Of course, the reality is often quite different. While the Elders are often quite secure in their position, the Equites are the most tenuous. This class is riddled with intrigue, as the Orders compete amongst themselves through the Equite Class. Jedi of this Class often hold high positions within the Clans and Orders. Competition for position and honor is fierce. The pressure of these positions, to satisfy the Elders above them on the Dark Council, and keep the Journeymen in check, has caused more than one to an early end.
Individually, there is also turmoil. The Equites are more powerful than the class below them, but in a position to realize that the Elders are keeping secrets from them. If their position does not cause conflict, a desire for mystical advancement often will. Some will become attachés to Dark Councilors, in the hopes of gaining knowledge. Others will seek out deadly knowledge themselves. Those who succeed in the service of the Dark Council are often highly regarded. The second, are often destroyed before they become a threat to the Brotherhood.
Overall, the Equites are the most dedicated of the three classes. Their future depends on the success of the political structures of the Brotherhood, especially within the Clans and Orders.
Journeymen of the Brotherhood
These are the most inexperienced within the Brotherhood. The vast majority of the Brotherhood’s members are comprised of this Class. Ignorance defines their position, though they actively seek teachers and usually advance quickly with the proper attitude. What they lack in mystical or political influence, they make up for in devotion. The Equites rely on them to bolster the Houses and Clans, fighting the wars as they, and the Elders play their games with the hierarchy.
There is a unspoken separation within the Journeymen Class, simply because most Jedi are placed their for a significant portion of their careers. The Apprentices, Novices, and Acolytes are the lowest portion of the Class. They often have little more than the most basic of mystical knowledge, and are often in serious mortal peril. An Elder who might pause before slaying a Knight, will not usually hesitate to kill an offending Apprentice. They often have such low influence, that they are treated as expendable resources by many of their superiors.
Protectors, Guardians, Jedi Hunters and Dark Jedi Knights often occupy position of relatively higher prominence. Many are the Sergeants and Tetrarchs of or even Aediles within their Houses. They treat their subordinates with much of the same contempt, if not more than the Equites or Elders.
These situations make the Journeyman class one of the most hostile of the Brotherhood. Though not as politically motivated as the Equites, or paranoid as the Elders, they will act with a surprising degree of malice when motivated. They lack the practiced control of the higher classes, and will even attempt to channel power beyond their grasp through sheer emotion. Natural selection will take care of those who cannot play the political game of the Dark Jedi. Patience is often its own reward, considering the risks of haste.