Moons (Orian)
The Orian System possesses a number of moons, of varying significance.
Amphor Six

Amphor Six is a barren, lifeless small satellite circling the planet of Amphor in the Orian system. The rock is home to a small mining operation belonging to the Dlarit Corporation. The stone of the moon is strewn with veins of mildly radioactive material, which can also present a hazard and even inside the walls of the facility there the atmosphere is toxic making full pressure suits a necessity.
The walls of the passages are rough, and bits of stone litter the uneven floor where the mine shafts have been dug. High rock dust levels and machine exhaust pollute the air with an earthy stench. The miners that work here are jealous of their claims and have been known to attack outsiders as well as each other.

The seventh moon of Inos, known as "Rockpile" formerly designated Inos 7, was the home of a secret facility of the Organization first discovered in 30 ABY by Methyas L'eonheart, Atra Ventus, and Locke Sonjie. The facility was quickly attacked in 30 ABY, although it was not completely destroyed. With the Dark Crusade and Fading Light campaigns drawing the Clan's forces away, the base was re-built.
In the ancient past, Lord Urias Orian mined this moon among others in orbit of Inos for raw materials for his domain.
The moon is heavily rocky and mountainous. Although fresh water does exist, most is locked in the form of ice near the poles. The numerous active volcanic sites on the moon make for inhabitable zones near ancient calderas. Energy in the form of hydrothermal power is abundant if it can be tapped safely. There are few known civilized habitations besides the Facility and the ruins of ancient earthworks and open-pit mines. The moon contains industrial minerals and elements such as sulfur, chlorine, fluorine, iron, chromium, silver, gold, graphite, corundum, tungsten, tin, mercury, rare earths, and bronzium.

Also known as "Snowball" or Inos 18, this moon was the site of an inter clan ground skirmish during The Battle of Inos. During this conflict Artillery, tanks, clones, and Dark Jedi clashed repeatedly on the arctic surface of the moon over many days while their brethren dueled in space overhead. Rumors of an artifact had been planted to draw the Houses of Clan Naga Sadow into open combat, and they succeeded in late 25 ABY.
Orbiting Inos, Alema is a ball of frozen rock and icy wasteland. In 150 standard days, this moon makes a year orbit. At its diameter, Alema is 1,100 kilometers.
Since the area is now regularly patrolled by forces of Orian Authority the pirates seldom frequent the area. It is rumored that the ancient Sith Lord Urias Orian may have had a secret workshop somewhere beneath the rock and sand inside the crust.
The desert-world known as Inos Moon 27 or "Pandemonium" is an extremely cold sphere of rock and frozen gases. It possesses a 1200 standard day year and measures 2,964 kilometers at its equator. It exists on the edge of the Orian system, relatively far from the Inner Planets. Inos orbits in an almost lock-step to Orian Minor and may have been the victim of Sith stellar-body manipulation by Urias Orian. Given the size of Inos (Prime), this moon is half as large as some smaller terrestrial planets and retains its own atmosphere. It's period of orbit is long and it rotates slowly making for large variations of light from Orian Minor and warmth across the Moon.
It is somewhat warmer overall than would be expected for a moon so far out in the Inos planet system. The combined tidal stresses and other stellar and planetary effects add considerable thermal energy and significantly affect the moon's environment. As well, the abundant radionuclides in the Orian system combine to produce a plausibly hospitable planet-sized moon. Unlike most deserts this one is largely a cold desert. Inos Moon 27 is largely shielded from the worst of Inos as the gas-giants electromagnetic effects are offset by the planetoid's energetic ionic and magnetic field.
Inos 27 is a remote place. Seldom does anyone visit it. It's crust is not blessed with many exotic minerals, and the world is largely wind-blasted rock and grey dust. The winds howl constantly as the moon tries to shift heat energy from the lit side to the unlit side during the long days. The incessant wind and abundant grit and dust have scoured the rocks into weird shapes such as arches, pillars, and suspended rocks. The desert floor is packed rock known as "desert pavement" and has layers of sand and rock underneath.
There is almost no vegetation, little water except frozen crystals locked in the soil, and no known native fauna exists. There are sightings of Sith Hounds occasionally reported across the years by pirates using the moon as a staging area. There has also been one report of a small Silooth beetle. It is know that the Silooth beetles have devastated other planets.
Inos 36

Long ago (around 7,000 BBY) a ship bearing Jedi fleeing from the horrors of the Hundred Year Darkness. This became a minor Light Side site and remained undiscovered until 33 ABY. A party of Sith dispatched by Consul Locke Sonjie, and led by Macron and then Aedile Maelous Ascarend with Lexiconus and Tasha'Vel Versea, to track down metal smugglers to the site.
This moon is a rocky, dry wasteland. Although it has been extensively bombarded with asteroid strikes, it remains relatively untouched by craters due to it’s high level of natural tectonic activity. 6,412 kilometers at its equator, this moon of Inos experiences a 28 standard hour day and 370 standard day year.
Also known as Inos 42, this moon which orbits Inos once served as a burial ground for Sith Lord Urias Orian's followers. It has remained largely unexplored until early 30 ABY. A team of crack operatives was soon dispatched to find horrible things.

The underground necropolis known as the Tombs of Urias Orian is a moderate Dark Side site that exists on this cold rocky moon. Given the size of Inos, this moon is nearly as large as some smaller terrestrial planets and retains its own atmosphere. It is warmer than would be expected for a moon so far out in the Inos planet system. Inos orbits in an almost lock-step to Orian Minor and may have been the victim of Sith stellar-body manipulation by Urias Orian. The combined tidal stresses and other stellar and planetary effects add considerable thermal energy and significantly affect the moon's environment. As well, the abundant radionuclides in the Orian system combine to produce an inhospitable planet-sized moon. Inos moon 42 is largely shielded from the worst of Inos as the gas-giant electromagnetic effects are offset by the planetoid's energetic ionic and magnetic field.
This moon hangs in orbit over Inos. With a 25 standard hour day, and 400 standard day year, Inos 42's diameter measures at 12,964 kilometers. A ball of frozen rock and ice wasteland, it nonetheless has a breathable atmosphere. Formerly inhabited by the Sith, this moon notably now holds Undead abominations, monstrosities and oddly enough, wampas. No bases of operation are currently used by Clan Naga Sadow here.

Orbiting the planet of Nuvenpa as its sole moon, this unstable blazing hell is seldom visited. Temperatures soar high, and tidal force generated quakes rock the searing ground. Boiling lava covers the whole 5,900 kilometer diameter of the moon. Mukuru experiences a lunar year of 280 standard days.
Sepros Minor
Sepros Minor is one of the moons of Sepros.