Featured article/History (2022)
January 2022 - Voidbreaker

Battle Team Voidbreaker is a special diplomatic unit under the control of House Qel Droma and used to handle sensitive diplomatic missions for Clan Arcona. To this end, it is staffed with skilled diplomats, negotiators, and manipulators to make sure that Arcona’s interests are protected. By deploying Battle Team Voidbreaker, Arcona has often avoided conflict entirely while still accomplishing their strategic goals.
Unofficially, and behind that viel, the members of the Battle Team - known as Voidbreakers - are a highly elite special forces group tasked with the bulk of Arcona’s covert and field operations. Alongside the more public negotiator front, Voidbreakers are a menagerie of mercenaries, spies, engineers and Force Users of various discipline. As a team, they have become the premiere unit for Clan Arcona, and have carved out their own niche within the Arconan Armed Forces. They are always taking on new members and keep a rotating roster of friendly faces so that no one individual can hold back the rest of the team.
The unit is bound to each other and the Clan by their titular ship: the Voidbreaker II.
February 2022 - Dral Falgorth

Dral Falgorth is a former Odan-Urr OEF ground force operative, and Okami Clan member. This human male is dedicated to the Mandalorian code and virtues. Spending several years in Clan Odan-Urr until a civil war forced him to choose between his clan and Odan-Urr. After the fall of the Collectives pillar at the Meridian Dral sought out a new home to call his own, using the Odan-Urr's civil war with the Vatali Empire as a disguise for his disappearance. Dral Eventually joined Clan Vizsla and their Deathwatch Battleteam in an effort to start anew and earn a bit of a fortune while he was at it.
Dral was born into the Okami Mandalorian clan, raised as one of their own and trained in their ways, learning the Canons of Honor, and the Resol'nare. Continuing his training in Clan Odan-Urr with their OEF forces and military, honing his skills. It wasn't until a civil war broke out with in Odan-Urr that Dral grew disinterested with the pandering to the tyrannical nobility of the Vatali Empire. Unfortunately due to an ancient contract tied to the empire and clan Okami they would not part ways from them.
March 2022 - Xolarin

Xolarin is a Force Disciple and, after an extensive exile, has returned to civilization near the Yridia system system in Eden City. At the ripe age of 38, he was plucked from his rather hum-drum life of sales and freighter work into the Jedi ways. As his father had hid his Force connection, he had no idea the world he would enter one day. Even though he had an inkling that something was different about him, that there was a reason to research more into his father's past, it would surprise him to learn that his path in the Force was his ultimate destiny. Better late than never, they say. Even more surprising would be his ultimate fall towards the darkness as the search for his father took him in very strange places and directions. His power has grown over the years as he delves more into Sith rituals, artifacts, and mental prowess in the Force.
April 2022 - Teebu Nyrrire

Grand Admiral Teebu Nyrrire is an Ewok that currently serves Clan Taldryan as both Proconsul and Fleet Admiral of the Taldrya's Brotherhood Naval Fleet. He also serves the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a Lieutenant Colonel within it's ranks, and Magistrate to the Regent of the Brotherhood, Zxyl Taldrya.
Since his acceptance into Taldryan, many began to see him as a miniature version of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin in both his demeanor, attitude, and absolute definition of loyalty. This earned him both immense respect from his peers and the civilian populace who saw his kinder side, but also fear from others who saw his darker side and unforgiving attitude towards failure. This was especially amplified after his efforts saw the liberation of the Perune moon of Kasiya during Taldryan's war with the Arasaka Syndicate, and in the months after when he shot his executive officer in the head for refusing to obey a direct order because of his species. Consul Appius Wight chose Teebu as his Proconsul and appointed him as Fleet Admiral of the Taldryan Fleet despite objections from all of his advisors, including the Regent, for the events that took place within Plagueis. Zxyl himself felt that allowing the Ewok to consolidate the entire Navy under his control could be a fatal mistake for the Clan if his true motives were elsewhere.
To this day, none have come to truly understand what it is he wants or his endgame. But the one thing that none can question...is his undying loyalty to Clan Taldryan, putting it above even his own life. Zxyl Taldrya, however, is the only one who questions even this...and watches him closely.
May 2022 - None
June 2022 - None
July 2022 - None
August 2022 - None
September 2022 - None
October 2022 - None
November 2022 - None
December 2022 - None