
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Real World Perspective.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
This article is part of the series:
Master at Arms
Procedures & Policies
Master at Arms
MAA Policies
XP Policy
Current Staff
MAA Howlader
P:MAA Mune Cinteroph
M:MAA Halcyon Taldrya

Rank is one of the primary hierarchies within the Brotherhood, and a member’s rank is one of the main determiners of what dossier features, character abilities, possessions, and custom artwork they have available. Because increases in rank provide so many benefits, a promotion is a key event in each member’s career. The Brotherhood has 17 ranks: 16 normal ranks divided among four classes and a special rank reserved for current and former Grand Masters.

The Master at Arms (MAA) oversees the promotion process. Per the XP Policy, promotions up to Equite 4 are governed by the total amount of experience points a member has accumulated since joining the club.

Rank is a permanent trait held by the member and should not be confused with positions, jobs held by a member for a period of time, or ranks in societies or trophies, which are specific to certain activities. Alternate characters may have a lower rank than the member’s dossier for purposes of character sheet features.

Loss of rank is rare, but the Justicar may demote members for violations of the Covenant.

Classes and Ranks

Members in the Novitiate (NV) ranks are brand new to the club. New dossiers are created at the rank of Novitiate 1 and members receive their first promotion upon completing the Trial of Identity and confirming their email address. Nearly any activity, including joining the club Discord server, will immediately elevate the member to Novitiate 3, at which point they begin to accumulate XP. At Novitiate 2, members are assigned to a clan. Novitiates have full access to the Brotherhood site, Discord server, and competitions, but limited ability to engage with the character sheet and possessions systems. In many respects, Novitiate 4 is a member’s first “real” promotion, as it must be recommended by a positioned leader and approved by the MAA.

Members in the Journeyman (JM) ranks are beginning to find their feet in the club. Active members will quickly work their way through several promotions and early medals. Journeymen start to gain access to more customization options, including Lightsaber Forms, Warbanners, and a plethora of pre-made dossier art. Journeyman 4, originally known as Dark Jedi Knight, is traditionally a major milestone in a member’s career. “Knighting” marks the transition from a new member learning the ropes to an established, long-term contributor to life in the Brotherhood. JM4s are prompted to craft their first weapon and to take the Trial of Acquisition for their first starship.

Equites (EQ) make up the bulk of active, established members. Although especially active members may reach Equite 1 within a few months of joining, most members will spend years in the EQ ranks. At Equite 2, members can request a custom Lightsaber or Weapon from the Herald staff. On the possessions side, members gain access to versatile robes and an increasing number of lightsaber models, and most items become affordable with sustained effort. Equite characters are substantially more powerful, and members can purchase their third and fourth character slots at EQ1 and EQ3.

Elders (EL) are the established leaders of the club, whether they hold a formal position or not. Most Elders have been in the club for many years; although it’s possible to reach Elder ranks without holding leadership or staff positions, almost all Elders have. Members are not automatically eligible for Elder promotions at a predefined XP value, although lifetime XP continues to serve as a rough guideline. Consuls and Council members recommend promotion to the MAA. Promotions to EL3 and EL4 are especially rare and must come directly from the club’s most senior leaders.

Grand Master (GM) is a rank given to members upon confirmation to the position of the same name. It is the only rank automatically awarded based on position in the modern Brotherhood.

Promotion process

Promotion to Novitiate 1, NV 2, NV3, and Grand Master are automated by the site. All other promotions are submitted to the MAA office by a positioned leader. For ranks up to and including EQ4, the XP Policy provides a specific amount of total lifetime XP that qualifies a member for promotion. As soon as a member is eligible, the site notifies their chain of command. Although it’s a foregone conclusion that the member will be promoted, their leaders are responsible for ensuring that their activity and worthiness are publicly noted in the promotion recommendations.

Promotions above EQ4 require justification rather than a set XP total. The MAA uses their best judgment to keep promotions consistent with each other in the interest of fairness.

Probation and other judicial penalties may impact a member’s eligibility for promotion.

The following table outlines the promotion requirements for each rank and what level of seniority is required to promote a member to that rank.

Ranks and Elevation
Rank XP Threshold Promoted by
NV1 Automated Automated
NV2 Automated Automated
NV3 1 Automated
NV4 200 BTL, AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
JM1 500 BTL, AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
JM2 850 BTL, AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
JM3 1450 BTL, AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
JM4 2500 BTL, AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
EQ1 5000 AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
EQ2 10000 AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
EQ3 20000 AED, QUA, PCON, CON, Council
EQ4 40000 CON, Council
EL1 N/A CON, Council
EL2 N/A Council
EL3 N/A Deputy Grand Master, Justicar, Grand Master
EL4 N/A Grand Master
GM Automated Automated

The Perks of Rank

Titles and Honorifics

Elders may request a Legacy title for display on their dossier. Additionally, each promotion grants access to one or more honorifics.

Honorifics by Rank
Rank Honorifics
NV1 Initiate, Aide
NV2 Apprentice, Advisor
NV3 Cadet, Novice, Recruit, Assemblyman
NV4 Proselyte, Trainee, Auditor, Private, Petty Officer
JM1 Neophyte, Runner, Commissar, Corporal, Warrant Officer
JM2 Acolyte, Courier, Caliph, Sergeant, Ensign
JM3 Hunter, Padawan, Yeoman, Legate, Sergeant Major, Junior Lieutenant
JM4 Knight, Professional, Minister, Lieutenant, Fleet Lieutenant
EQ1 Warrior, Mystic, Peacekeeper, Privateer, Emir, Captain, Lieutenant Commander, Priest, Scout, Templar, Duelist
EQ2 Battlemaster, Savant, Ranger, Raider, Duke, Major, Fleet Commander, Archpriest, Prelate
EQ3 Battlelord, Seer, Vanguard, Corsair, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Colonel, Fleet Captain, Shadow, Epis, Chronicler
EQ4 Warlord, Augur, Warden, Reaver, Governor, Colonel, Commodore, Watchmen, Blade Master, Pontifex, Primarch, Cleric
EL1 Adept, Eminent, Ambassador, Brigadier General, Rear Admiral
EL2 Master, Moff, Vice General, Vice Admiral
EL3 Prophet, Legend, Vizier, General, Admiral
EL4 Ascendant, Myth, Grand Moff, Grand General, Grand Admiral
GM Grand Master

Possessions and Credits

Beginning at NV4, every promotion comes with a hefty one-time credit payment and a weekly salary, per the table below. Although most possessions are not restricted by rank, NV and JM promotions grant an array of free items

Ranks, Credits, and Possessions
Rank Promotion
Granted Items Purchasable Items
NV1 0 0 N/A N/A
NV2 0 0 Novitiate Brotherhood Robes; Armory lightsaber, DL-44, E-11, vibroblade, vibrodagger, and vibrosword N/A
NV3 0 0 N/A N/A
NV4 250 50 N/A N/A
JM1 900 55 Standard Blade Emitter Matrix,
Captain's DL-44 Gas Conversion Enabler (X-Citer)
Journeyman Brotherhood Robes
JM2 2,000 60 Basic Lightsaber Focusing Lens Assembly,
Captain's DL-44 Trigger Assembly
JM3 10,000 65 Knight Lightsaber Casing,
Captain's DL-44 Blaster Pistol Chassis
JM4 15,000 70 Interchangeable Power Cell Knight's Lightsaber, Armory Lightsaber; Tier I Focusing Crystals
EQ1 20,000 75 Interchangeable Power Cell Equite Brotherhood Robes; Lightsaber; Adegan, Christophsis, Dragite Gem, Krayt Dragon Pearl, Nishalorite Stone, Solari, Tainted Nightsister, and Varpeline focusing crystals
EQ2 25,000 80 N/A Double-bladed, Forcesaber, dagger, gauntlet, pike, tonfa, shield, and shoto lightsaber variants
EQ3 30,000 85 N/A Barab Ingot, Pontite, Sorian, and Zophis focusing crystals
EQ4 40,000 90 N/A Conversion Hilt Lightsaber, Lightwhip
EL1 50,000 95 N/A Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes; Elder Lightsaber, Quantum Saber; Tier III Focusing Crystals
EL2 65,000 100 N/A N/A
EL3 80,000 105 N/A N/A
EL4 100,000 110 N/A N/A
GM 100,000 110 N/A N/A

Character Sheet Features

The Character Sheet system is tied very closely to rank, with a character’s rank determining the amount of skill points, Force power points, and feats the character has access to, the maximum score in their skills and powers, and which feats are selectable. Rank also determines how many active characters a member can have at once. The member’s main character is always the same rank as the member themselves, but additional characters may have a lower rank.

[Several big tables of Voice stuff]

Custom artwork

Members earn the right to custom artwork for their dossiers beginning at JM2. In addition to the Warbanner system, members can request custom lightsabers or other weapons at EQ2 and custom robes at EL1. Most promotions between JM2 and EL1 unlock additional customization options for custom art, as well as a variety of premade art from the dossier selectors.



Ranks were one of the earliest features of the Brotherhood, assuming their modern form well before the Exodus. When the Krath and Obelisk orders formed, their members received different titles from Sith dossiers at each rank. In 2010, these were joined by the Sentinel, Guardian, and Consular orders, each with their own rank names. All six orders were replaced by the five modern orders in 2015, again with five sets of unique rank names. By this time it was increasingly common for members to refer to ranks non-denominationally, e.g. as “EQ3” instead of “Battlelord” or “Vanguard,” a situation the Brotherhood formalized in 2023. The former rank names are now available to all members of that rank or higher as Honorifics.

The basic structure of 16 ranks went unchanged for decades until Grand Master Evant Taelyan created the rank of EL4 to recognize James Entar.

For most of the club’s history, eligibility for promotion was determined on a case-by-case basis by the MAA or the GM. Eventually, the MAA and Headmaster introduced checklists of activities for each of the NV and JM ranks, with the intent of adding more structure to the process and ensuring new members experienced the breadth of what the club had to offer. Most ranks required a certain amount of time in rank before a member could be promoted, and it was simply not possible to reach the upper EQ ranks without several years of consistent activity. Additionally, upper EQ ranks required several months of positioned leadership. These requirements were a dramatic shift from the club’s earliest years, when Council positions granted automatic promotion to Elder. The club’s promotion system was given a dramatic overhaul with the adoption of XP in 2023.