All Journeymen, upon reaching their fourth rank, embark on the Trial of Acquisition. As a reward for reaching this milestone, they are granted the following choices to be added to their Possessions:
Your Very First Lightsaber
Choose one of the three color options to start.
All Journeymen, both Force Users and Non-Force Users alike, are granted a choice of one of three colors for a standard lightsaber.
All three options are the same functionable item and can be modified later, including the color of the lightsaber, which is controlled by the Aspects system of Possessions.
‘’Editor's Note: Lightsabers can be used by Non-Force users, albeit without the benefit of Lightsaber Forms’’
Ship or Credits?
Choose one of the two ships, or cash out.
All Journeymen, both Force Users and Non-Force Users alike, are granted a choice of either of the following ships (valued at 10,000 credits):
Or, you can take advantage of a one-time cash out for ‘’’10,000’’’ credits.
The choice is yours, and yours alone. Keep in mind that if you change your mind down the line, you can always sell back the ship.