Rayne is around 130 years old, but still has the youthful looks of someone in their mid-twenties. Icy white hair cascades just past her lower back, a rarity amongst her species. It is normally kept in a simple ponytail or braid, to keep it out of the way in combat. Intensely bright, vivid aqua eyes are stunning to look at. They almost have a glowing effect. She is able to see in the UV spectrum, but there is a drawback. She is sensitive to bright lights and intense direct sunlight, as the UV rays bombard her senses. In certain instances, such as a desert or ice planet, she commonly dons protective goggles or darkened contact lenses. Her skin is liken to the shade of a pale sunset, saffron mixed with gold and shimmering in the light. It also reflects her mood, as with some Firrerreons, changing from a warm golden color to a cold, bright silver color when angered. Being a spy, she changes her appearance cosmetically whenever necessary. As such, she has become an expert at disguises, and has, at times, been called upon to appear as another humanoid species. In line with what is common amongst Firrerreons, she was born with a set of fang, extending from where a human's canine teeth would be. They are roughly barely longer than a standard canine from a human, but are prominent enough to be noticed. She stands tall and is muscular but not noticeably. She is beautiful and nicely well-endowed with a graceful, lithe figure.
She stays in excellent condition and keeps her body ready for immediate combat. She has impressive reflexes and is always training to maintain her agility. She opts not to wear clothing overly revealing, but does not mind showing off her body. Her garb is mostly a combination of black and red to show her Sith affiliation. Rayne has a strong will and is quite clearheaded.
Rayne in combat gear
Because of her Firrerreon heritage, she was raised never to give out her name. Firrerreos believed that one could 'own' another's name, and therefore would almost never give out their name to another, unless it was their mate or close friend. Speaking another's name was considered a form of power over that individual. Rayne is protective of her name, even among those she befriends. She choose to use the name 'Rayne' as a pseudonym as a way so she could identify herself to others without giving out her true name.
Rayne is a quiet one, speaking only when necessary or when she has something relevant to say. She knows better than to get into a fight with someone more powerful than herself. She thinks before speaking, and it has done her well. Rayne is confident in herself, and has a powerful will. Understanding she has things yet to be learned, Rayne is cautious to not become over-confident or arrogant. She'll say a few witty remarks from time to time.
When she's around those she trusts, she'll become softer in her words. Occasionally, showing a smile. When she's with her husband, she's affectionate, but always keeping it professional between the two when they're outside their quarters.
Rayne has one feline cat which lives with her and her husband in their quarters.
Personal Weapons
Rayne currently has a small assortment of armament. Trained in both blasters and melee weapons of different kinds, she favors the melee and now the lightsaber, using a blaster only when essential.
Her father's sword is a specialized weapon he had ordered to be made. A staff sword. The hilt of each sword serves as the scabbard for the other that can then be locked together to form a staff. She will choose this weapon when a lightsaber will be of little use.
On her person, she carries her lightsaber. Otherwise, she takes whichever she deems necessary.
"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control."
―Rayne Victae to her husband
In real life, Rayne and Archangel is the quintessential 'nerd story' since we met here in the DB. We've been together since April 2007 and got married in June 2010.