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The Shadow Academy is the primary training facility for new members of the Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi. At the Shadow Academy, new Apprentices will be trained by more powerful Dark Jedi in the ways of the Force as they begin their journey toward the Dark Side.
In 27 ABY, the Shadow Academy was abandoned as the Yuuzhan Vong and the clans engaged in brutal combat around Antei. Headmaster Anshar Kahn Tarentae chose not to destroy the institution, but he did completely shut the structure down. The Shadow Academy has now moved to a mobile base of operations.
Joining the Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi and enrolling in the Shadow Academy are an inseparable pair of actions. All new members are assigned to one of the three Order oriented campuses. Upon completion of the Test of Lore, one gains elevation to Apprentice and is automatically assigned to a Clan. After graduation from the Shadow Academy, a larger selection of courses become available to the new member of the Dark Brotherhood, some of which are related to a specific order or skill. Courses are divided into campuses and are found on the main Shadow Academy page.
Shadow Academy Command Structure
The Shadow Academy is the largest of all Dark Council offices in terms of staff size. This section will identify the positions that exist in the Shadow Academy in order to provide you a better understanding of what each position does. A graphical representation of the chain of command follows these descriptions.
The Headmaster (HM) is in charge of the Shadow Academy. He or she oversees the day to day operations, manages resources, represents the interests of all new members, and, perhaps most importantly, he or she is a resource for all members, but especially newer members. The Headmaster is almost always of the Elder ranks, though in the past, high ranking Equites have also held the position. The Headmaster has final say over all Shadow Academy decisions, including the selection and removal of staff members, and judicial matters within the Shadow Academy. The Headmaster is present on Lyspair at almost all times.
The Shadow Academy Chain of Command
The Praetor to the Headmaster (P:HM) is second in command of the Shadow Academy. He or she assists the Headmaster in his duties and serves as an important advisor. He or she has sweeping administrative powers, second only to the Headmaster, and he runs the Shadow Academy during the Headmaster's absence. Each individual praetor may also take on specific duties that best suit his or her personal skills. The praetor to the Headmaster is present on Lyspair a large portion of the time, but if he or she proves they may competently do so, they can hold other, lower level positions.
The Magistrate to the Headmaster (M:HM) is a position given to someone who provides a specialized service to the Shadow Academy for an extended period of time. Magistrates are hired on an as needed basis and they serve only for the length required to accomplish their job. At that time, the Magistrate is released of his or her duties, or they may negotiate a new job. At times, a Special Magistrate may be appointed. A Special Magistrate helps cover the duties the Headmaster and the praetor. Special Magistrates are rare, but unlike regular Magistrates, there is no set task for Special Magistrates.
Eclectic Pedagogues (EP) are the course instructors and graders at the Shadow Academy. Do not be fooled by their position on the chain of command, for their job is very important. Eclectic Pedagogues are expected to offer their course a certain number of times per year. Their time within the confines of the Shadow Academy is largely based on the demand for their course.
Currently the Shadow Academy resides here
Layout and Campuses
The Shadow Academy is located on the moon known as Lyspair. Lyspair orbits Antei, home of the Dark Hall and the Dark Council. The Shadow Academy sits atop steep cliffs overlooking one of Lyspair's oceans.
The Shadow Academy is laid out as a square, with four towers rising from each corner. Once only having three corners, the Shadow Academy has been rebuilt after its destruction in the 5th Great Jedi War. Each corner of the overall structure represents one of the four areas of study offered at the Shadow Academy. Between the towers are wide corridors, filled with study rooms, training areas, the mess hall, the library, and other important facilities. Within the walls of the Shadow Academy, there stands a pyramid, rising to almost the same height as the towers. Between the walls and the pyramid lies a courtyard, with imported trees and other plants being carefully maintained. The courtyard is open to all members.
File:SAmap.jpgLayout of the Shadow Academy
This pyramid houses Eclectic Pedagogue offices, as well as the offices of the Headmaster (whose personal quarters are also in the building) and his personal assistants: the praetor and any magistrates currently assigned to the Shadow Academy.
The Shadow Academy has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. Though previous incarnations had the building in a triangular shape, under Headmaster Spears Tarentae, the Academy became a square. The Shadow Academy sits atop high cliffs overlooking the smaller of two oceans on the moon Lyspair.
At each corner of the structure stands a tower, each one representing one of the four campuses. Each tower is connected with the other through long hallways. The four campuses are as follows:
Khar Shian
The Khar Shian school houses general studies of the Brotherhood. These studies are not geared towards the Force, but rather they instruct members on the basics of holonet usage, protection against computer security breaches, leadership skills, and a few other specialized fields.
The Deneba school houses courses related to Lore and Philosophy. Courses on writing, history (both galactic and personal oriented), and special force skills are found here. This school is almost entirely dominated by members of the Krath order. Members of the Krath order will find these courses appealing because the knowledge it provides can help one manipulate events from the shadows. To promote the character of the campus and the order, the Krath Core exam is placed in this school.
The Onderon school houses courses related to tactics and flight. Starship identification, piloting, and the basics of galactic astronomy are all taught in this school. This school is almost entirely dominated by members of the Sith Order, who will find the courses appealing because they introduce the basics of the primary tools of the Sith trade. The Sith are bent on conquest and domination, but sheer physical force alone is not enough. To promote the character of the campus and the order, the Sith Core exam is placed in this school.
The Karana school houses courses related to melee and ground combat. Introductions to lightsabers, lightsaber training, and the basics of ground combat are provided. This school is almost entirely dominated by members of the Obelisk order, who will find that the courses provide them with the basic skills to utilize the Force in combat. Obelisk are notorious for their preference for their use of the Force to increase their fighting skills. To promote the character of the campus and the order, the Obelisk Core exam is placed in this school.
Between the towers, in the hallways, the Shadow Academy possesses a library, training rooms, temporary quarters, and even a dining hall. Members may roam these halls freely; however, there is restricted access to the hanger and the vehicle pool, both of which are actually located below ground. The hanger sits beneath the Onderon campus and is inserted directly into the cliffs. The vehicle pool is below the Karana campus, with a long ramp leading to the surface.
In the middle of the sqaure is a courtyard, which is open to the membership as well. Well tended trees and shrubs are carefully maintained. The most dominating feature of the Academy, however, is the pyramid that stands in the middle of the entire structure. Located within the pyramid are offices for the eclectic pedagogues and other staff members. General members are restricted from entering the highest levels of the pyramid unless they have special permission. The Headmaster's office and personal quarters are at the top of the pyramid.
Shadow Academy Defenses
It is an unfortunate fact that the Shadow Academy is not a guaranteed safe location. Despite its location within the Dark Shroud and orbiting Antei, the Shadow Academy has been destroyed twice in the past, both times during Great Jedi Wars. During the Sixth Great Jedi War, the Shadow Academy was spared from direct fighting, though it did come close to becoming a battleground again. With the construction of the new Academy, Headmaster Anshar Kahn Tarentae ordered that the facility be protected both in space and on the ground.
All of the defenses at the Shadow Academy serve a dual purpose. Not only do they defend the Shadow Academy, but they serve as training tools for those members unfamiliar with such systems. All students at the Shadow Academy are expected to participate in its defense in the event of an attack. There are two layers of defenses: ground/atmospheric and space.
We will begin with defensive features in and around the Shadow Academy first. Ground shielding protects the Academy from both aerial and orbital bombardment. The shields are quite strong and can be activated very quickly. The precise location and exact number of the shield generators is unknown to the general membership; however, the shield can continue to operate at 100% capacity even after 50% of the generators have been destroyed.
Atop the wall and along the outside of the towers, numerous torpedo launchers (fully stocked) and automated laser cannons are designed to protect from air assault. Eight additionally manually operated anti-aircraft batteries may be activated if needed.
For ground defense, the Shadow Academy's first defense is its location. With steep cliffs on two sides, ground assault options are limited. Only specialized machinery would be capable of scaling the cliffs. For the two sides of the academy facing away from the cliffs, a kill field has been established. Completely flat and clear, numerous weapons ranging from E-web blasters to Golan Arms gun turrets are prepared to fire upon any attackers. The entire system can be operated remotely or by actually placing someone at the controls. Manually operated manual laser turrets can be quickly placed along the tops of the outer walls, adding another line of defense.
Despite reconstruction, the Shadow Academy has also been infused with the Force energies of those who have trained at it, giving the Academy an added resistance to many attacks.
The Shadow Academy also possesses ground and atmospheric craft that, while used for training, are also capable of being used in combat. Twelve armed T-16 Skyhoppers and twelve T-47 airspeeders can provide air cover, and they are far better suited for the atmosphere than any space fighter. They are located in the main Shadow Academy hanger. Twelve 74-Z speeder bikes are also stored in the vehicle pool. Six Seraph landspeeders (modified for Lyspair's climate) and six TX-130T fighter tanks round out the hovercraft at the Shadow Academy.
The Shadow Academy possesses several non-hovercraft ground vehicles, which serve the dual purposes of training and defense. A fully restored and operational AT-TE is the largest ground vehicle. It is accompanied by four AT-PT and twelve AT-RT vehicles.
Because of past events, the Shadow Academy possesses a small fleet of combat capable starcraft. The Shadow Academy fleet is technically part of the overall Antei Defense Fleet, but their main priority is protection of the Shadow Academy. The following starships make up the Shadow Academy defense fleet, but usually also serve as training platforms:
Capital ships
File:FRGB2.jpgThe Mnemosyne
Each of the three capital ships in the group serve slightly different purposes, though training remains an important part of their mission. Most training is done aboard one of the two corvettes, though at times the Nebulon B-2 also hosts training sessions. For more information, see the Shadow Academy Order of Battle.
Non-capital defense ships
These two sister ships are modified for military duty, though they still possess a reasonable cargo space as well. They serve as patrol vessels and promising members, deemed worthy of extra training at the Headmaster's discretion, may be given short assignments on the ships.
A variety of fighter craft add to the training and defense options at the Shadow Academy. Though many of the fighters may seem a bit outdated, they all have been upgraded where possible and most (Y-wings, Z-95s, and R-41s) were chosen because they are also excellent training craft: if one can pilot these craft, they can quickly adjust to other craft. No craft is armed until it is prepared for a mission. The TIE Interceptor squadrons and the Vulture droid fighters are not for student use.
- 12 Y-wings (Rho squadron)
- 12 Z-95 Headhunters (Zeta squadron)
- 12 R-41 Starchasers (Sigma squadron)
- 24 shielded TIE Interceptors (Omega and Gamma squadrons)
- 24 Vulture droids (Mu and Nu squadrons; not capable of being flown by members)
The Shadow Academy also maintains a fleet of shuttle craft for transporting new members, supplies, and other important activities. These ships are as follows:
- 3 Corellian Star Shuttles Sheeta, Nausicaa, and Sophie
- 12 Kappa class shuttles, designated Windstar 1-6 and Aerostar 1-6.
- 18 Lambda class shuttles, designated Envoy 1-6, Lyceum 1-6, and Philosopher 1-6. Envoy 1-6 are generally reserved for official envoy use, with 1 shuttle per clan
We thank you for your time and we hope that this information has provided you with an insight into the Shadow Academy. Remember, this information is for your knowledge and your use.
The Headmaster would also like to thank those that have helped collect and organize this information. Special thanks go to Master Nathaniel, Master Spears Tarentae, Master Aristan Dantes, Kromtal Stormfyld, Dranik, Windos, and Fire-Knight.
note: this article is undergoing revision, so expect more changes to come